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To introduce key shake (v): to move from side to
vocabulary from a text side
and match jobs operate on (phr): to perform
to duties surgery on
patient (n): a person
• Refer Ss to the receiving medical treatment
Word List at from a doctor
books and give them time to the back of their surgery (n): medical treatment involving
of the words in bold. look up the meamiigs cutting the
body open
• Give Ss time Io
match the sentences to the jobs steady (adj): stable and not moving
Ss work in closed pairs pulse (n): heartbeat
• Check Ss' answers. temperature (n): how hot or cold
sth is
Suggested Answer Key medical history (phr): a record of all the medical
operate treatment sb has had
= to perform surgery specialist (n): a doctor who is very
take orders = to write knowledgeable in
down what food one area
restaurant want to eat and ask the staff inpeople in a
to make it the kitchen corridor (n): a long passage in a building
fleet (n): a team
patrol = to move
around a place and guard it hard at work (phr): working hard
fight = to combat replace (v): when one thing acts in the place ot
defuse = to deactivate another
staff (n): the people who work for an organisation
put out = to extinguish save (v): to help sb escape harm or danger
rescue = to save take an order (phr): to take a request for food in a
take (sb's) temperature = to use a thermometer to restaurant
find out what sb s body temperature is steak (n): a large flat piece of beef
Answer Key provide (v): to give sb sth they ask for
entertainment (n): activities that give people pleasure
1 surgeons 5 firefighters dessert (n): a sweet dish at the end of a meal
2 waiters 6 lifeguards sci-fi film (n): a film about fictional future events
3 police officers 7 nurses tip (n): a gift of money to thank sb for their services
4 bomb disposal experts recharge batteries (phr): to re-energise yourself
fight crime (phr): to combat illegal activities
2 To listen for gist ex-army (adj): having once been in the armed forces
pocket-sized (adj): fitting in a pocket
• Ask Ss to read the questions. Direct Ss to the pictures defuse (v): to disarm an explosive device
and ask them to guess the answers. bomb disposal expert (n): sb who is skilled at
• Play the recording. Ss listen, read and check if disarming explosive devices
their guesses were correct.
Suggested Answer Key
I think robots could do the jobs of firefighters, nurses,
waiters and police officers.

• Refer Ss to the Check these words box and explain/

elicit the meanings of the words or ask Ss to use their
dictionaries and look them up.
Suggested Answer Key
revolution (n): an important change
take over (phr v): to get control of sth
get into trouble (phr): to encounter difficulties
rescue (v): to save sb from a dangerous situation
remote-controlled (adj): controlled from a distance
by radio signals
race (v): to move very fast
human (n): a person
drag (v): to pull along the ground
the land
shore (n): where the sea meets
afloat (phr): to stay on top of water
sea on ships
navy (n): armed forces who fight at
(v): to fight your way through sth
stream of gas from sth on fire
flame (n): bright hot surgery 38(T
surgeon (n): a doctor who performs
0 '“’rv- T
To read for specific Information b) To consolidate new
(multiple matching) through antonyms

* Read out the Study Skills box. Read aloud

question 1 and ask Ss to
underline the key words
(robot see; streets). Answer Key relaxing
Ask Ss to scan the texts to find which text answers
hard at workdisgusting
’ drag push delicious *
the question (D), and underline the words that give *
amazingly unsurprisingly safe
out the answer {patrolling your neighbourhood). * risky
afloat * sinking defuse * explode
’ Pont out that the information is paraphrased. steadiest * shakiest
• Ss closed pairs do the rest of the task.
• Check Ss' answers around the class.
6 » To consolidate
vocabulary from a text

Suggested Answer Key

1 D
.. Exptam the task and
Check Ss’ answers around
the class.
2 B (Even patient'!
Answer Key
3 C (another . entertainment) technological 9 get
1 take 5
4 C ('rhe-i’ o.o/y worA' .. batteries) give 10 take
2 defuse 6
5 B i:!ect of robots .. clean ones) 7 recharge
6 A (you will be glad) 3 main
4 police 8 take
7 D (pocket-sized)
3 B ( ... country)
9 A (races . . swimmer) To consolidate information in a text
things about each
10 A (never gives up) Ask various Ss to tell the class two
robot they have read about in the text.
4 ® To consolidate information in a text Suggested Answer Key
a lifeboat
• Give Ss time to answer the questions. A Emily can swim fast and keep you afloat until
• Remind Ss not to copy from the text but to try to comes. Octavia never gives up when fighting a fire
paraphrase the information in their own words. and goes into fires that are too dangerous for humans.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. B Robotic arms can operate and the RP7 can take
temperatures and email a patient's medical history
Suggested Answer Key
to a specialist in another country.
1 Some robots will perform surgeries and robotic
C Robotic waiters show you to your table and take
nurses will take patients' pulses and temperatures
your order. Robotic chefs cook your meal and
and email their medical history to specialists.
other robots provide entertainment.
Other robots will collect dirty laundry and deliver
D Throwbot can be thrown around a corner to see
clean sheets and give food.
what is there and the Packbot and the Talon can
2 Robot police will patrol the streets and go into
defuse a bomb.
situations that are too dangerous for people. Police
will use 'throwbots' to see what is there. Other robots
To expand the topic and conduct
will defuse bombs.
further study
3 Robots can save people from drowning at sea
until the lifeboat can save them. Robots can fight Ask Ss to research on the Internet in groups of
fires that are too dangerous for human firefighters four, and find out more information about
robots in
and put them out. the future and present it to the class.
Ask various Ss to share their
research with the rest
5 a) ® To consolidate new vocabulary
through synonymous words/phrases
of the class
Suggested Answer Key
• Allow Ss sometime to do the task.
• Ss in closed pairs compare their answers.
• Elicit answers from various Ss around the class.
hZeft^ Called Roomba M

Answer Key supermarket when it runs out.

There will be robot rn
pick you up = go and get you handing out = giving "r »»*
give up = stop trying get on with = continue people in a number of inh^ 9
^place "
put out = stop sth burning
wake up = stop sleeping
head for = go to
check out = see
planes and trucks can
be controlled h™™ P''°tS aS

39(T) ^-S*eP.40(T)

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