Revista Fotocatálisis YOOO-9-10

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Photocatalysis on Ti02 Surfaces Chemical Reviews, 1995, Vol. 95, No.

3 743

aligned as shown in Figure 2.8. The electrical contact processes on wide band-gap oxide semiconductor
has formed a space charge layer. The surface of the surfaces, and is the focus of the rest of this review.
metal acquires an excess negative charge while the Figure 2.91, part D shows a common excitation
semiconductor exhibits an excess positive charge as scheme observed for adsorbates on metals. When the
a result of electron migration away from the barrier metal is irradiated, a hot electron is generated at a
region. The bands of the semiconductor bend upward level above the Fermi edge and this electron then
toward the surface, and the layer is said to be tunnels into an empty level in the adsorbate mol-
depleted. The barrier formed at the metal—semicon- ecule. Processes occurring by this type of electron
ductor interface is called the Schottky barrier. The transfer process have been reviewed recently.50
height of the barrier, <p\>, is given by The interfacial electron transfer process has been
extensively investigated14’15 and the dynamics of such
<t>m-Ex (8) processes continue to attract intensive research
effort.51-54 The rate constant for an interfacial
where Ex is the electron affinity, measured from the electron transfer is found to be greater than 5 x 1010
conduction band edge to the vacuum level of the s-i55,56 The driving force for the heterogeneous
semiconductor. The diagram in Figure 2.8 illustrates electron transfer is the energy difference between the
an ideal metal—semiconductor contact, i.e. no surface conduction band of the semiconductor and the reduc-
states exist on the semiconductor, etc. The Schottky tion potential of the acceptor redox couple, A/A-, (AE
barrier produced at the metal—semiconductor inter- Ech Ea/a-)- An excellent review of this subject

face can serve as an efficient electron trap preventing has been written by Lewis,57 and applications of these
electron-hole recombination in photocatalysis as ideas are given in section 3.6 dealing with photooxi-
discussed in section 4.2. dation processes at the liquid-solid interface of TiC>2.

2.3. Photoinduced Electron Transfer Processes 3. Photocatalysis on Ti02

on the Surface of Catalysts
3.1. The Lattice and Electronic Structure of Ti02
In an electronically excited state, a molecule or
semiconductor particle becomes highly reactive. Elec- 3.1.1. The Lattice Structure of Rutile and Anatase
tron transfer occurs between molecules at the surface
or between a surface site and an adsorbate molecule. Two different crystal structures of TiC>2, rutile and
Similar to the classification of photocatalysis, electron anatase, are commonly used in photocatalysis, with
transfer processes can also be broadly divided into anatase showing a higher photocatalytic activity.58
two general categories as shown in Figure 2.9, parts The structure of rutile and anatase can be described
I and II. The categories involve either excitation of in terms of chains of TiOe octahedra. The two crystal
the adsorbate directly by the photon or excitation of structures differ by the distortion of each octahedron
the solid by the photon followed by excitation of the and by the assembly pattern of the octahedra chains.
adsorbate. Figure 3.1 shows the unit cell structures of the rutile
For a catalyst substrate with no accessible energy and anatase crystals.59-61 Each Ti4+ ion is surrounded
levels for the adsorbate, such as SiC>2 and AI2O3, only by an octahedron of six O2- ions. The octahedron in
a 2D environment is provided for the reactant rutile is not regular, showing a slight orthorhombic
molecules, and the solid does not participate in the distortion. The octahedron in anatase is significantly
photoinduced electronic process.48 Electron transfer distorted so that its symmetry is lower than ortho-
rhombic. The Ti-Ti distances in anatase are greater
occurs directly from the adsorbed donor molecule to
the acceptor molecule as shown in Figure 2.91, part (3.79 and 3.04 A vs 3.57 and 2.96 A in rutile) whereas
A. When there are accessible energy levels in the the Ti—O distances are shorter than in rutile (1.934
substrate and there is strong electronic interaction and 1.980 A in anatase vs 1.949 and 1.980 A in
between the substrate and the adsorbate, the electron rutile).60 In the rutile structure each octahedron is
transfer may be mediated by the substrate. An in contact with 10 neighbor octahedrons (two sharing
electron is transferred from the donor into a substrate edge oxygen pairs and eight sharing comer oxygen
level and then into the acceptor orbital, as shown in atoms) while in the anatase structure each octahe-
dron is in contact with eight neighbors (four sharing
Figure 2.91, part B. This scheme operates in the
an edge and four sharing a comer). These differences
photosensitization of semiconductor particles by dye
molecules, as will be discussed in section 4.4. An in lattice structures cause different mass densities
electron is injected from the excited state dye mol- and electronic band structures between the two forms
ecule into the semiconductor particle which then of TiC>2, as indicated in Figure 3.1.
reduces another adsorbate molecule.49
3.1.2. Geometric and Electronic Structure of Ti02
In Figure 2.9II, part C, the initial excitation takes
Single-Crystal Surfaces
place in the substrate. For a semiconductor, an
electron is excited into the conduction band of the The surface structure of rutile single crystals have
semiconductor, leaving a positively charged hole at been studied with the rutile (110) surface being most
the band edge of the valence band. An electron is extensively investigated. Figure 3.2 shows the model
transferred into the empty acceptor orbital from the structures for the TiO2(110) surface. This surface is
catalyst conduction band. Simultaneously, an elec- thermodynamically most stable. Other faces will
tron is donated from the filled donor orbital to reconstruct upon heating to high temperatures to
recombine with the hole at the valence band edge. produce (110) facets.62 The structure of three types
This case is generally seen in most photocatalysis of oxygen vacancy sites are also shown in the figure.
744 Chemical Reviews, 1995, Vol. 95, No. 3 Linsebigler et al.



A. Insulator


A A"

vb^M VB

B. Semiconductor



C. Semiconductor or Insulator



Figure 2.9. (I) Catalyzed photoreaction, initial excitation of adsorbate, and (II) Sensitized photoreaction, initial excitation
of solid.
The electronic structure of the nearly perfect Ti02 The filled valence band at ~
6 eV is composed of O
surfaces is essentially identical to that of the bulk 2p orbitals (as shown in the UPS spectrum) and the
rutile TiC>2. Figure 3.3 shows the photoemission empty conduction band is composed of Ti 3d, 4s, and
spectra from vacuum-fractured (110), (100), and (001) 4p orbitals. The Ti 3d orbitals dominate the lower
faces of rutile TiC>2.63 All three faces give spectra portion of the conduction band. The weak emission
similar to that of the bulk. The intense peak at 6 ~
at ~0.8 eV below the Fermi level is associated with
eV is due to electron emission from the O 2p obitals. the defect induced-Ti 3d-derived levels. This state
The small emission peak near the Fermi level is due can be eliminated by surface oxidation.
to point defect oxygen vacancies. This feature is Few studies have been conducted on the structure
more clearly shown in Figure 3.4. Figure 3.4 shows of the anatase single crystal surfaces.60'61’65 A recent
the electronic band structure constructed from pho- photoemission study by Sanjines et al.65 has shown
toemission (UPS) and inverse photoemission (IPS) that anatase TiO2(101) and polycrystalline anatase
spectra for a slightly defective TiO2(110) surface.64 thin films exhibit similar electronic photoemission

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