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Written essay 替换词+观点类通用表达

根据 PTE Academic Score Guide 里面 WE 的评分标准,我们仔细看下以下的两个维度:

1. Vocabulary range (词汇量): 考生的作文是否反映较大的词汇量?




2. General linguistic range (语言运用的广度): 考生的作文能否准确地表达意思?











Discuss both (these) views and (to what extent) do you agree or disagree?
Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
What is your solution?

▪ agree with sb/sth

▪ agree on/about sth
▪ go along with sth
▪ be of the same opinion about/over/of/on
▪ agree up to a point
Agree ▪ be in agreement on/with
▪ fall in with
▪ hold that
▪ be inclined to agree/think/believe etc
▪ concur with sb in sth/ concur with sth
Agree or ▪ be widely/generally/commonly held

▪ disagree with sb/sth

▪ disagree about/on/over sth
▪ take issue with sb/sth
▪ differ about/over
▪ dissent from
Disagree ▪ fall out with
▪ fall out (with somebody) over
▪ have a difference of opinion about/over/of/on sth
▪ be in conflict with
▪ irreconcilable with
▪ Contrary to popular opinion, complete sentence.
▪ have/enjoy/get/gain the advantage/s of doing/having sth
gain/derive a benefit
Advanta ▪ a big/great/massive/huge/slight/definite/distinct
ge advantage
▪ a great/major/substantial/direct benefit
▪ the advantages outweigh the disadvantages

ge and ▪ the downside
disadvan ▪ shortcomings in/of
tage ▪ disadvantages of/to
▪ drawbacks of/to (doing) sth
▪ a/an/the + negative
▪ aspect/attitude/consequences/correlation/effects/side/re
Disadva inforcement
形容词 名词
main/big/great/major/serious/severe/furth disadvantage(s)
big/main/major/real/serious/obvious/possi drawback(s)
obvious/perceived/fundamental/serious/mi shortcoming(s)

形容词 名词
ideal/optimal/acceptable/effective/satisfactory/only/p solution(s)
动词 名词
Solution look for/seek/work towards solution(s)
achieve/agree (on)/arrive at/come up problem/issue/
with/find/produce/reach/adopt/offer/provide/cope matter/questio
with/handle/tackle/attend to/deal with n(s)
Expose/highlight/identify/reveal/be aware shortcoming(s)
of/compensate for/eliminate/make up
solution to/for
Written essay 替换词
1. Happiness and productivity
How does happiness drive productivity? Support with examples or cases.
Happiness: contentment, pleasure, enthusiasm, positive mindset, stress reduction,satisfaction,
Drive: motivate, motivation, engaged
Productivity: performance, purpose, efficiency, innovation, collaboration, work, job, employees,
decision-making abilities, creativity, teams

2. Overcrowding V2
As urban population growing, city roads are busy and public areas such as parking is packed.
People feel that city space is overcrowding. What solutions can you think of for this problem?
urban population: city dwellers, metropolitan population, town residents
growing:rapid, increase
city roads: urban streets
public areas:encourage, transportation systems, investing, better infrastructure, more frequent
services, reducing ticket prices, promote alternative modes, transportation, cycling, walking,
rise-sharing services
parking: private vehicle usage, peak hours

3. Teachers' salary
There is a current trend of paying teachers for students' achievements. Some people agree that
it is an incentive for teachers to link students' achievements to teachers' salary, while others
disagree. What is your opinion?
Paying: remunerate, reward
teachers: educators, instructors, mentors
Students' achievements: academic success, scholastic accomplishments, educational progress
An incentive: a motivator, a reward system, a stimulus for performance
Link: connect, associate, correlate
Achievements: attainments, successes
Salary: wages, earnings, compensation
4. Personal finance
Teenagers should receive lessons on principles of personal finance, such as investing and debt.
To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Teenagers: adolescents, juveniles, youth, young adults
Lessons: teachings, instruction, education, tutorials, lectures
Principles: values, beliefs
Personal finance: money management, financial planning
Investing: putting money into, financing
Debt: owed money, liabilities, indebtedness

5. Restoration of buildings
More and more countries spend large amounts of money on the restoration of buildings
instead of on modern housing. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this analysis?
Support your writing with your experience or examples.
Countries:nations, states, community
Money:currency, funds, wealth, waste of resources, revenue
Restoration:renovation, repair, refurbishment
Buildings:structures, architecture , tourist attractions, historic sites
Modern housing : contemporary residences, up-to-date homes, economy, cultural landmarks,
local businesses

6. Sports facilities
Should companies provide sports facilities for employees in the workplace? Do you agree or
Companies: corporations, businesses, enterprises
Sports facilities: exercise, fitness equipment, health, work-life balance, healthier lifestyle,
productivity, group activities, communication skills
Employees: staff, workers, personnel
Workplace: office, job site, work environment, team spirit, reduce, stress levels

7. Art and culture

Art and culture can improve the quality of life, and should also be emphasized by the
government. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Art and culture: Fine arts, performing arts, humanities, well-funded museums or galleries, critical
thinking skills, emotional intelligence, history, language, confidence
Improve: Enhance, boost, elevate
The quality of life: Standard of living, well-being, happiness, relaxation
Government: nation, authority

8. Simultaneous communication by multiple media

The simultaneous communication by multiple media helps people get accurate information. To
what extent do you agree or disagree?
Simultaneous:concurrent,coincident,at the same time
Media: news, TV, computer, internet,website,video,reporters, journalists, host,audience,
Accurate:correct,exact,true,truthful,misleading/misunderstanding,fully understand;

9. Study or work
Some people argue that young people should concentrate on study or work, some people think
it is better to put energy in activities designed to broaden their experience, such as
international travel and volunteering. Support with examples or cases.
young people: student,youth,teenager
study: education, learning
work: career, promotion, job,employment,profession
international travel: global exploration, overseas, journey
volunteering: community service
experience: knowledge, skill, acceptance, adaptability, balance

10. Living in a foreign country

Many people choose to emigrate to other countries. What are the advantages and
disadvantages of living in a foreign country? Discuss with your own experience.
emigrate:move abroad, overseas, immigration
living in a foreign country: residence, better job, high wage, employment, opportunity,
new culture,customs, new environment, social norm,
language skill, personal growth, travel, finance, personality, cost of living
homesickness,language barrier,loneliness

11. Cheaper public transportation

What are the advantages of cheaper public transportation? How to achieve the aim?
cheaper: economical, inexpensive, affordable,
low cost, low fare, expense, economy, saving, maintenance expense,
public transportation: traffic congestion, vehicle, subway, metro, bus, car,
carbon emission, noise pollution, air quality, safety, infrastructure development

12. Age restrictions

Age restrictions can be seen everywhere. It is believed that people should not do things until
they reach the right age, such as marriage, and driving. Select one activity and state the
minimum age that you think. Support with your own experiences.
Age restrictions: age limits, minimum age requirements, activities
The right age: appropriate age, suitable age
Marriage: family, wife, husband, children
Driving: vehicle, car
Participate, maturity, younger, teenagers, life experiences, high school , college, workforce,
independence, guidance , knowledgeable

13. Foreign language learning(AI)

Advanced technology such as artificial intelligence can translate a foreign language easily. Do
you think learning a foreign language is still necessary? Support your point of view with your
own experience.
Advanced technology: cutting-edge technology, state-of-the-art technology, advanced innovation
Artificial intelligence: machine learning, cognitive computing, automated intelligence, machine
translation services
foreign language: second language, unfamiliar tongue, non-native dialect, multilingualism,
communication, cultural context
translate: interpretation, communication
learning: study, education
14. Over-competitive
What are the advantages and the disadvantages of being over-competitive to individuals and
over-competitive: conflict, battle, match, confrontation
pressure, ambition, personal growth, achievement, motivation, cooperation, excellence,
anxiety, depression, health problem, challenge, success, better performance,shortcut

15. High pay

Should there be a maximum wage of high-pay group? Is it good or bad?
maximum: ceiling,rank,summit,limitation
wage: profit,pay, salary, wealth, income,earning, bonus, compensation, remuneration
high-pay group: earner, well-paid, hard work, economy, standard of living, cost of living
social justice, economic stability, income inequality, motivation, job creation, business

16. The rights of privacy

Famous entertainers and sports people should give up their rights of privacy, do you agree or
Famous: celebrity, star, achievements
Entertainers: performers, artists, actors, musicians
Sports people: athletes, players, talents, competitors
Rights of privacy: confidentiality, secrecy, public eye, scrutiny, fans, media, spotlight, personal
lives, role models ,basic human rights
give up: abandon, quit

17. Working less hours

In the future, people will work less hours at their jobs. To what extent do you agree with it?
Please support your opinion with your own experience.
Job: worker, labor force, occupation, employment, profession, career,
productivity, creativity, stress, efficiency, machine, automation, technological advancement,
artificial intelligence, work-life balance, overwork, exhaustion
Work less hours: reducing working hours, shorter working weeks
18. Shorten working week
Unemployment among young people is a serious problem. Some people suggest shorter
working weeks instead of laying off employees. What do you think are the advantages and
disadvantages? Is it also applicable to adults?
Unemployment: dismissal, job loss, job, career, economy, jobless
young people: youth, citizen, individual
Laying off: stop work
Employee: worker, labour force, manpower, staff
shorter: fewer, less, shorten

19. Career and family

More and more women are raising a family with a career. Please give your suggestions on a
personal level and national level.
women: female, lady, mother
family: household, kin, relative, family member
career: profession, occupation, vocation, job, work, employment,
work-life balance, equal opportunity, gender equality, financial stability, gender pay gap,
stress, pressure,energy

20. Children's grow up in 21st century

It's harder for children to grow up in 21st century than it was in the past. Agree or disagree.
21 世纪的孩子比过去更难成长。同意还是不同意。
harder: tougher, difficulty, hardship,obstacle,pressure, challenge, struggle,
children: kid, young people, teenager,youth
grow up: adult, age, mature, personal growth
21st century: modern society, present time, contemporary
the past: previous generation, former, traditional, historic

21. The information revolution

The information revolution brought about by modern mass media has both positive and
negative consequences to individuals and society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Discuss with your own experience.
Information revolution:Communication exchange, Internet website , communication tools, smart
mass media: internet, electronic devices, mobile, computer,technology
consequences: addiction indulgence, efficiency, speed,higher cost,distraction,convenience
individuals and society: young generation,teenager,family member

22. Travel & Education

Whether travel is a necessary component in quality education?
travel: tour, tourism, Journey, route, trip, itinerary, sightseeing, cruise, tourist
train, airplane, boat, ship
education: teaching, class, school, university, experience,student,study

23. Overburden
Nowadays, more and more people believed that overburden can help complete higher quality
in achievements. For example, professional teachers, coaches believe that this applies to
students and athletes, on the individual and national level. What is your point of view? Give
examples to support it.
overburden:overload, overwhelming, exhausted,pressure
higher quality:outstanding, top, superior
achievement: success, advancement, breakthrough, accomplishment
teachers&coaches: tutor,educator, trainer, mentor
students: learner, trainee, apprentice
athletes: player, competitor,sportsmen

24. Work and personal life

第一种问法:Nowadays, it is important to maintain the right balance between one's/your job
and private, personal life, such as leisure time (with family members). How widespread do you
think this problem is? What problems it may bring?
第二种问法: It is claimed that it is increasingly difficult to keep the right balance between work
and other aspects of one's life such as leisure pursuits with family members. How important do
you think this balance is and why do some people consider it hard to achieve?
Job: work,task, mission, employment
Boss, CEO, chairman, manager, leader,employer, chief
Staff, colleague, co-worker, employee, personnel
Personal&private: own, individual
Maintain (the right balance): keep, continue, build, have
Leisure time: free time, spare time
Family members: parents, kids, children
problem: issue,difficulty, challenge

25. Deduction of late submission

Some universities deduct marks from students' works if given in late, what are your views and
what action will you recommend to take?
University: school, college, institution
Professor, teacher, tutor, headmaster, supervisor, mentor, trainer
Deduct marks: punish, lower sb’s grade
Student: pupil, kid, child, classmate, trainee, apprentice
Work: homework, school work, task, mission, assignment, paper, thesis
Late: be overdue, do not meet the deadline

26. Large shopping malls or small shops

Large shopping malls are replacing small shops. How do you think the positive effects? Discuss
with appropriate examples.
Shopping mall: shopping centre/street, supermarket, flagship store
Replace: change, the the place of, shift, beaten, defeat
Shop: store, stall
buyer, customer, price, product, location

27. Climate change

Global climate change is a concerning issue,who do you think should take main action on this
problem? Government,large company or individual?
Climate change: global warming, extreme weather, global temperature rise, increased sea levels,
deforestation, greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide
Government: authorities, local/state/federal governments,
Large company: large organizations/institutes/corporation/firm/business
Individuals: children, kids, parents, local people, natives, citizens
Action: Environmental law/legislation/regulation, policy, education, environmental-friendly
28. Study effectively
In order to study effectively, a student needs time, comfort and peace. So it is impossible for a
student to combine learning and employment at the same time, because one distracts the
other. To what extent do you think the statements are realistic? Support your opinion with
Study: learn, research, review, analyze, education
Effectively: efficiency, valid, useful,availably
Student: learner, pupil, undergraduate, apprentice
Employment: work, job, task, mission, employment
Boss, CEO, chairman, manager, leader,employer, chief
Staff, colleague, co-worker, employee, personnel
Distract: distract attention from, distraction

29. Mass media

第一种问法:Mass media have an influence on human, particularly on younger generation. It
plays a vital role on shaping the opinions of people. What do you think about it?
第二种问法:The mass media including TV,radio and newspaper influence our society and
shape our opinions and characters.What is your opinion?
Mass media: newspaper, television, radio, magazine,
Younger generation: student, learner, pupil, undergraduate, apprentice
Plays a vital role: important, significant, far-reaching, substantial
Opinion: idea, point of view, thought, impression
Shape: form, profile
Opinions: viewpoint, outlook, attitude, perspective
Characters: characteristic, personality, trait

30. Experiential learning

Some people point out that experiential learning (i.e. learning by doing it) can work well in
formal education. Nonetheless, others think a traditional form of teaching is the best. Do you
think experiential learning can work well in high schools or colleges? 与真题措辞一致

Experiential learning: practice, hands-on experience, study outside of the class/ in the
Formal education: study in the class, old-fashioned way/approach/method
Traditional form of teaching: theoretical teaching, theoretical learning, traditional school, a
conservative approach
school&college: university

31. Being a journalist

Being a journalist is one of the most difficult jobs in the present world. To what extent you
Journalist: reporter, correspondent, writer, newscaster, Journalism, editor, interview, broadcaster,
social media
Jobs:occupations, professions, careers, vocations,work,employment

32. Experience is the best teacher

Experience is the best teacher. Some people believe it is more effective than formal school
study and books, what do you think?
Experience: practice, achievement, accomplishment, skill, practical skills
Teacher: guide, guidance
Effective: better, valuable, important, precious, wonderful
Formal school study: traditional learning methods, outdated approach

33. Build more roads

Due to cities expanding, government should create better public transport networks rather
than build more roads for vehicle owning population. To what extent do you agree with this
statement? Give the reasons of your opinion.
City: urban area, town, metropolis
Government: country, nation, decision-maker, authority
Public transport: bus, shuttle bus, metro, underground
Network: system
road: way,route
Vehicle: bus, motor, car, truck

34. Medical technology

Medical technology is responsive for the increasing average life expectancy. Do you think it is a
curse or a blessing?
Medical technology: science, new/modern/current/contemporary/recent/cutting-edge
Be responsive for: is the result of, result in, contribute to
Life expectancy: life time, life span, age
curse: burden, disease, expense
blessing: wish, hope

35. Wealthy nation and poor nation

Wealthy nations should give their wealth to poorer nations or not?
Wealthy:rich, prosperous, well-to-do,
nation:country, region, society,state, government,independence
poorer:poverty, inequality, low income
economic development, donor, charity, global stability and security, moral obligation

36. The design of buildings

How do you think that the design of building has affected, either positively or negatively, on
where people live and work?
Design: decoration, color, furniture, material, layout, shape
Building: construction, facility, infrastructure, house
Affect: influence, change, control
Where people live: apartment, house, unit, a high-rise building
Work: job, task, mission, employment

37. Digital media

With the increase of digital media available online, the role of the library has become obsolete.
Universities should only procure digital materials rather than constantly updated textbooks.
Discuss both the advantages and disadvantages of this position and give your own point of

Digital: online, website, safari, Google, paperless, search, browse

Media: information, book, image, video, material, lecture notes
Library: school, institution, university
Obsolete: outdated, old, traditional, extinct, old-fashioned
Procure: buy, purchase, acquire, invest in, pay for, provide

38. Cashless society

Nowadays, there are more and more credit cards are used instead of cash. Cashless society
seems to be a reality, and how realistic this position is and what are the potential benefits or
problems? 与真题措辞一致
Credit card: charge card, e-commerce, e-transaction
Cash: money, coin, banknote
Use: pay
Society: world, nation, country
Realistic: true, useful, real, make sense

39. Studying old plays

There are both problems and benefits for high school students who study plays and works of
theatres written centuries ago. Discuss and use your own experience.
problem: issue, trouble
benefit: advantage, privilege
Student: teacher, professor
Costume, makeup, Property ,Protagonist ,supporting role, Culture, history, Enjoyment,
entertainment, recreation
study: learn, practice, course
theatre: drama, play ,scenario, stage

40. Ageing population

In some countries, the birth rate is slowing, and the problem of an ageing population, what is
the causes and effects of this issue? How to solve this problem?
countries: nation,region,
birth rate: population growth, demography, fertility,mortality,children
slowing: decreasing, decelerating, reducing
ageing population: older generation, ageing community, aging society,
old people,
causes: education, career opportunities,workforce, urbanization
effects: social welfare, public healthcare system

41. Employees in decision making process

Company's top-level authorities should get their employees in decision-making process.
第二种问法:Employers involve their workers with decision-making about products and
services. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the policy?
Company: office, building , work, task, mission, efficiency, goal, Pressure, challenge,
problem ,board of directors
Authorities: Boss, leader, manager, employer
decision making: Decision, direction, policy, rules and regulation
employee: worker, staff, work
working efficiency, sense of satisfaction, sense of accomplishment, productivity, motivation,
participation, management, career development

42. The pressing problem

The world's governments and organizations confront a multigrade of issues. What is the most
pressing problem facing the inhabitants of our planets and what is the solution? 与真题措辞
Pressing: urgent, crucial, important, significant, serious, vital, biggest
Problem: challenge, risk, difficulty, trouble,issue,
Government: country, nation, decision-maker, authority
Organization: group, association, company, firm, corporation
Inhabitant: citizen, people, individual, everybody, resident

43. Tourism
第一种问法:In developing countries, tourism has disadvantages, while the opposite can be
said as well. What is your opinion on this?
第二种问法:For a less developed country, the disadvantage of tourism is as great as the
advantage, show your opinion and give the reasons.
Developing countries: less developed countries, developing regions, less developed regions
Tourism: travelling, tourists, travelers
custom, culture, commercialization, environment, trade,economy
Disadvantages: negative, a bad thing, undermine
Advantage: virtue, positive, benefit

44. Reputation or on short term strategies

Should marketing for consumer goods companies like clothing and food focus on reputation or
on short term strategies like discount and special offers?
marketing: sale
consumer: client, customer
Companies: firm, cooperation
Focus on: pay attention to, concentrate on, establish
Reputation: high-end brands, a good fame
Short term: short period
Strategies: tips, plan

45. Children’s acts

Parents should be legally responsible for their children’s acts. What is your opinion? Support it
with personal examples.
Parents: father, dad, mother, mom
Be responsible for: take good care of, be in charge of, control, be accountable for, teach
Responsibility: duty, supervision,
Children: kids, son, daughter,
Act: wrongdoing, criminal motive, behaviour, mistake, action, performance, attitude

46. Getting married

It is argued that getting married before finishing school or getting a job is not a good choice. To
what extent do you agree or disagree.
另外一个问法:It is foolish to get married before you complete studies and get a good job.
agree or not?
Married: wife, husband, children, marriage
Complete studies: universities, college, graduates, school, education, learning
Get: obtain, achieve
job: company, firm, offer, work
foolish: stupid, fool, silly

47. Extreme sports

Extreme sports like skiing, water rafting,are dangerous and should these be banned?
另一个问法:Nowadays, more and more people engage in dangerous activities, such as sky
diving and motorcycling. Are you in favor of them? Why? Use examples to support your
Extreme sports : bungee jumping, skydiving
Dangerous : safe, safety, challenge, lose lives, protective equipment, the heart attack, Health
Banned : prohibited

48. TV
第一种问法:Nowadays TV has become an essential part of life. Medium to spread news and
awareness and for some it acts like a companion. What is your opinion about this?
第二种问法:Television has many useful functions to play in everyone's life, for some its
relaxation, for some it is companion. Discuss your viewpoint and support your answer with
examples and discussion point.
第三种问法:Is television good for lonely people or not?What is your opinion about this?
Medium: Information, news mass media, Teleplay, TV series
Functions: Influence, impact, effect, addiction, indulgence, Balance
Relaxation, entertainment, pleasure, enjoyment
companion: accompany
lonely: alone, single

49. Invention
第一种问法:The technological world nowadays changes our life, is it beneficial or not?
Describe a recent invention and explain the impact, either beneficial or detrimental, that you
feel it has had on the society.
第二种问法:Talk about the pros and cons of this era as is full of daily inventions. Any recent
invention you think proved beneficial or detrimental to society?
第三种问法:What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in an era in which new
things are constantly being invented?
invention 的替换词同下一篇 Inventions(antibiotics, airplanes and computer)
50. Inventions (antibiotics, airplanes and computer)
In the past 100 years, there are many inventions such as antibiotics, airplanes and
computer. What do you think is the most important inventions for the past 10 years? Why?
在过去的 100 年里,有许多发明,如抗生素,飞机和电脑。你认为过去 10 年最重要的发明
Inventions: innovation, creation, creativity, creative devices, novelty
Mobile phones, cars/motors/vehicles, satellite,
Planes/flight, medicine, vaccine, antiviral drugs, internet
Life expectancy, disease, instant news/information
Long-distance travel, save time, time-saving, convenient

51. Education system

Education system that assesses the student's learning by written exam is correct? Discuss your
第二种问法:Education system that assesses the student's learning by writting examinations is
a valid way. Discuss your view?
Education system: formal/traditional education, school system, high/senior school, universities,
Students’ learning: students ability, academic performance, achievement, teaching methods,
subjects, team work
Written exam: mid-term exam, final test/exam

52. Law changes human behaviour.

Some people believe law changes human behaviour. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Law: environmental law, legislation, regulation, policy, rules
Change: alter, modify, transform, re-adjust, amend
Human behavior: children/kids/teenagers/young people/youth/adults/aging population/elderly
people behaviors, actions, manners, law-abiding citizens, environmental-friendly way

53. The value of traveling is overrated.

It is often argued that the value of traveling is overrated, and that there are many brilliant
scholars who study locally. Is travel really necessary to attain a higher education?
Traveling: trip, tour, journey, long-distance travel
Overrated: overvalued, overestimated, exaggerated
Brilliant scholars: scientists, experts, expertise, professionals, specialists, masters
Higher education: public/ private/state/community universities, colleges,tertiary education
Study locally: hometown, home country, in the same place, local schools
Study: learn, get knowledge

54. Formal written assessment

Whether formal written examination can be a valid method to assess students learning. To
what extent do you agree or disagree?
另一种问法:Many education systems assess students using formal written examinations.
Those kinds of exams are a valid method. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
written examination: assignment, essay, dissertation, mid-term exam, final test
students: kids, children
learning: studying, knowledge, lessons, courses, academic achievement, fulfillment,
accomplishment, attainment

55. Studying climate change

You need to study climate change. Which aspect of climate change will you choose and why?
Use examples.
Climate change: global warming, pandemic, deforestation, depletion of ozone layer(臭氧层的
Governments, authorities, nations, countries,
International organization, multinationals, charities, companies, institutes, Red Cross
Law, legislation, regulation, policy

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