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=3EPTE PTE WL Fat 2E5E PTE BOTA 5 =0EPTE PTE 4122 S15) PRB 4. mysterious [mr'strorr2s] 11. stimulating ('strmjuletin) adj. HAH: OTBALA APA vie eh, iE Cetimulate #9 ing FEL 2. gaps (az pl a, ality ett ne, ART: on ae 12. colloquial {ks'iokwial] 3. curriculum [ka'r2kjalom] adh, F1i8es Bie, cv nA 13. aesthetic (es!Getsk: es'@etrk) 4, mysterious [m1'stror295] ag) 3s SEAN, I, FEAT Sawn ag. HAR): ROTEL: RAPA 14, sketoh [sket/] 5. criticism ['krato'srzam] ov aetm(m en, Oe nai: HE HR Ve im aH i ARS 6. formalistic [f>:'mee list] 15. mysterious [m1'stror1a5} adj. est a, REA ag Habit: AAMT 7. conventional kan'venfani} 16, cyclist rsarkist) ag FZ. Hee: nee mt Ne 17. motorist (‘motarist] 8. prel atimaneri preliminary ip u A ERATTIA. TERME 0 Hee HO: AH ach, 2, Pde ee 18. prudent (prudntl ag HEIR: IE, GHA 9, collaborative [kez beretiv) ac, tbat 49. surgeon fsedson} 10. innovator snovetm) ESCeS 1 AS Slats 20. convietion [kon'vrkfan] 2s Rs EMH WO. REREAD PTE 24. precaution [pr'k2Jon] 32. aisle [ail] nO. A: a GR, ies ve Ses sere 33. seam [sim] 22, persuasively [po'swestvli] ie adv, 2A (Es cA Miia Bette (BT SA Vi: PERE 23. in spite of ee. eH 34, burst [b>st] 1 HER, ER, BE 24. pedestrians [ps'destrions) MER, FR te Vi MER FOR: HBR nT (pedestian i $88) 25, modify [madifa) 35. temptation |templicfon] alts Ve ft we 5 vi. HE 36. fierce [firs] 26. propensity [pis'pensoti eee fi, ithe rt \ ee ey La 37.enrol [in'roul] 27. sovereignty ['sevrsnti] Vi. sbi BR nis ERIN, Hs aa ae aaa 38. gloom {glum 28, implementation |. implimen'tcifon) mts (HSIN: AU: SRA yr 29. corollary [Korolerif otal (HE Mobs (A BACH mie ad, BUA agi: 30. donor |'dono| NANA Deas REA, aj. Het): AT 40. grazing ['greziy) He veils A (gram MaLe aD 51. atti [eae] 44. immunize [umjo'navz| ach, Una, HBA V, SEEDIM; 38.,.1 Cattune fit: Ziad > ieee PTE 42. venom ['venom) 52. conservatively [kon’so\votivli] nts a ay, GRR: RAR: SiH ve AAT: Hote 53. precision [pn'sr5n] RE. (so © wll ad, FAA. mY ne Beat 54. strike {stratk| 44, smallpox |'smol'paks} no BT: ditt, aT (AA) Rte WAT AT is Bs le its Me ATs SF i 45. inoculation |: nokju'lerfn| MedT, is BOs dict ott, HR: AT Ps BR [GR] eA; HAS He 58, whirl [yor] 46. vaccine [vek'sin| in Wesey lie: BRAL; ERATE, SMTA ni wedi, “aT adj. T Ram, Hae eR: HE. IE wi We. UME: ie MIME 47, controversial |,kantra>{l] adh URE, OH 56. auditory |'2dotari] nes 48, bovine ['bov aun] ad ise, HE nazi ; ad, ON: UPON: Se Sy gpourry [ski] wikis amt 49. controversy | kant->si] Rata anes is seas ie eS ew pleny 58. enigma [i'n1am9] oan na, 7S eam MTs Sheet 59, exuberant [ig u:boront] 51. edge [eds] ad) Sei: “ECE. Fen ns 08s TI: Me (REALS A JE aR Lt 60. melody mel) Mi RAE MUAEHB A eee, tah, SRE: 61. carefree ['kerfti] ag. Fete, ASAT 62. plague [pleg] PRL GIS BL: TBR, ve Ses UR BSHns IEA 63. boyhood |'bolivd| no aE, PAeBNR SBT 64, unsympathetic |, .n,simpo'(etsk| adj, Reet: ars 65. wrought [r91] cj. Sui: CTA ea 66. masonry ['mesonri] NAL LAs ARES 67. skeleton |'skelin] nA, As BE ALUMI, 68. beam [bin] nA EAR: TB: ARES CTR RE i DUR AL a iE 69. tycoon [akin] na, Ba: Bi 70. coveted |'kwitid] ad. sit), BRDLRAY v. BL: BM Coover MAAS) + JC 71. dialect ['daia)lekt} noes iss PMN, FFE, PARE PTE a. 250 72, mountainous ['navntanas} ag, Sluts EAA. ARH 73. diverge |dar'vods} Vi Bs (BS: BR Ve IW: HE 74, scrutinize |'skrutonaiz) on, fedaaeiU He ve htt: vi ls ete 75, alleviate [o'livi'ct] Me, 76. dissipated ['disipetid] os BBD: KURT REY RBA, i Me TMi: THR dissipate Mid Jest) 77. kaleidoscope [ks'laidoskop] 1 TOME: PARTI NE 78. vessel |'ves!| fi, ks AR] BRAT, Es Gh, Be 79, ceramic [ss'raimik| i Ral: GIA aj, PRGA: RRM: RUA 80. mead [mid] ARSE, FRA 81. monumental [,manju'mentl] ad. 75: ALE PE 82. amber |xmbs| 1 BB: 83. folklore |'foklor) Def: MNEs ROPE 84, superstitions | supost 1. 3K (superstition #8880) 85. repetition ['repa'tyfon] nS: Wiis Ba 86. folktale |'fouktcil] RIS ROE 87. riddles |'rul] nai 88. proverb ['prav>b] i, ess SATION A 89, charm [{/arm] RB. BL: BE 90. omen ['omon] 1. BE: Aa 91. ritual [/rtjuol] nftate tts aL adj. oti: UTA, ALTER 92. bookcase |'bukkes] PERRY tie. 6a 93. steadfast |'stedfixst) aah. Sets AEH PTE 94, prerequisite [,pri'rckwo7st] Heat ad) aaa 95. surveyor [so'veo] MARE HR 96. formidable |'formidsbl) ad) BGM: PHAM: SARL: Lae 97. illusion [sn] n Hit, Hite: Re i. 98, appellation |.:mju'leiik| ad) ott: INEM; Sei PTE 1714. intricate | intrakot] a) Sea, tat, AY 172. crayon [krean] TARE, ACNE Ve MISE Hei, OES 173, sensory ['sensori] ad, skit AH, fesse 174, locust [lokost) CR] ee, (Ey 175. edible [edabl) i fade ft adj HL eH 176. termites [to:maits) TENE, FNL (termite SEBS 177. grasshoppers fn Ail, $251 EHL (grasshopper 182 #0 v (RAPIEPUUHE: ILSPRLIE (grasshopper ft) AES 178, dragonflies 1 [FE] WHE Caragonfly 888) 179, delicacy ['delskosi] 1 Sik (EAs ths EE: ASE BE, ‘ea: ub. 180. midge [mics] nt, aR 181. caterpillar [ketoprlo] a, ALE 7 DERE] Eke ABE 182. tequila [ta'kilo) nei ae 183. fetch [fet] nes ii Hk: Ai: Wl 184. gypsy |'dsipsi] Re hRAL A hails REAR AL Sel TEOA TE adj. a EAR, PAE: EBD vi it 185. moth |mol)) nS, est 186. thiamine |'Vaiomin| n VEE] WORE CORA B1, “FF thiamin) 487. tang [120] notes uN: AND Ve ARB: TTT vi SRT, PL Fs 188. inadvertently [inod'y stn) adv. ite, DH, 4189, macaroni |,macko'roni nits Ri, Ea 190. fragment ['fregmant] PEA Ra SREB vt GHEE vi ER RRA PTE 191. originate [2 ridso,nci] WIRE: Mees 2A ve Blas Nt 192, enormous [!!norms} ad) KH. ERA: OO RRA. Beam) 193. depict [di'prkt] Me Hs 194, impressionist [im'prefanist] URAL: ERIE 195. abusively [s/bjusivli] adv. iF: 5 Sik 196. hallmark ['holmark nite ie AED Ve Re, ESGMTUEMIEDI: (BALA. 197. brushstroke f GON, Sema 198. canvas ['kenvos] na ca). OR le tL. FIL HA 199. dab dab) nH, ity FS HEEL v. Sede HRs ABMs HEL Gale dabbed, LEGA dabbed, SALSA dabbing, =A ‘HAL dabs) 200. dispersed [di'sp>st] v. Shi (HH Cdisperse iit il) ag. ei: WEAR, RTE 201. contemporary {kon'temporeri 1 FIBA A: BIBER ACES ad) ft: FONERE, UPE—O ne 202. prospect [/praspeht| ns BOM RE ed vi BiH. HRA 203, influx ['inflsks} nM CSR: nC A 204. hyacinth ['haiosin)] nas CSE] ACAR is RE 205. choked |{/okt| V. (HE. (choke its) ag emi: AC fA) 206. flotilla |flo'ula| wey Bhs ASB 207. boho |bou'hou. "bouliou} n KIARA Be ag EAN gees. mune 208. honed ag RE: At: HEL IB Chone fib 2k Heid AFP) 209. purveyor {po'vcia| TARAS ORIN: ‘Hepa OBE HA StS wont: PIL PTE 240. embroider |:m'brodo] Mee Hebe Hd Vi BE AR 241. separatist |'seprotst] nL: BE ad) HELE 242. militancy ['militonsi-to 1 ARH SEARS 213. Hindus |,hin'du') in. BBE 244, bolted [bolt] adj. SRE HCH: BLA. AFA VSI ME MRI: HEE Chol aiid aay 245. stagnated . PPA (stagnate fit: x8) 216. rotted rages 217. venture ['vent/>| nats PAB: FAB MRE Vi AiR: BU 248. kidnap ['kidnep| VOIP is 249. pioneer [,pais!nir] 220. philosopher [fs'lasof>) ne A 221. psychologist [savkalodsist| 1 OMS, ca 222. poring Vitis BEM: TUB (pore ting Hot) 223. succinctly [s inkl] acy, GSH: 224. grownup ['groun,.p] 1, REX a. Ett 225. suspect [saspeht; (for v:)so'spekt] SBE, adj. TREY: ATH vi TRB, So Me BBE: SAE 226. seemingly ['simmli] adv. BDF: EH 227. illogical [iladsik!] ag). EBA, ASIA 228. utterance |'\is‘ons] nike weiss hist 229. prolific {pra'lfik] ad 27th a 230. span [spn] PTE nA, PB; a VeRERE: FR: DLP 231. cognitive |'kagnotry] ad. ani. Ait 232. epistemology [1,pisio'malodsi] niin 233, savage ['swv ids] ASTRAY As MRNA: RRB AREE adj SFA: TAN FERS, Ht fv ALO LSE 234, cannibal |’kxendbl] 1 RAR MERI ad) SCIISH: EAH ORR 235. anthropology |/wn\)rs\palodsi n Awe Nae 236. inevitable [in'evriabl] ad, Maat, Rae 237. rampant ['r2mpont] a) EH: ABAD, SERRA Pe 238. chronic ['krantk] ad RHE He, 239. degradation | .degro'de/on] Lf AB, RM 240. soaring |'so:r19] aj, FORD: AEA. A v. BE (Soar MILA IEA) + BE: TEM PTE 241. proficiency [prs'fifonsi| nH, REE 242. chancellor |'\/zensalo-| nH Cf. BSED» GED KE, IK CREED GD AM GDS wander 243. vice chancellor ERISA, BURRS AIRE 244, admit [ac'mt] Whi: 2 Ve AR: HERPBA BP aa 245. intercultural [,int'k ltforol) ad) ALTALIe 246. neurosurgical HEIN 247. precisely [pn'saislil adv. Fai: {thr 248. aspire [0'spatr| vi HE, hs GER 249, hormone |'hormoi} CEB] Bea AR 250. burst [b>st] 1 BRR, IR: A MOR, SER RE vi HBR. SER BE 251. trigger [ing] nels [EF] MAA: AEAL ME AUR. STs IE vi FG 252. uninhabitable |. snin'heebstobl] ad, EPCRA 253. upwelling [ p'welin] Eis BRE] FT GEA AEE LA BITRE AED v Eh Cupwell ing J 254. exploratory [ik'splorotoril adj, Robe, HEA: Et 255. escape |) skep] nit, TS ii, ART Alaa AER lt Vici: ETFs TAR COIS RIBS RARE T— RTD) RB A CRED HEHI Hh RU Me iLL, SBP, hes OE 256. diameter |da'emito] n tt 257. eruption [1'r plo] AB. OIE AAS 258. gusher |'q\/>] ORME: INIA TASHA 259. blowout [’blo'aut] 1 PBR, Bs [1B] OES, SEs a = 260. squirt [skw-t] nes BERL vt mi wath 261. spew [spju] 262. trio ['io] San: SH: 263. arduously [9 su2sli] adv. Ps 264. debut [de’bju) nM Ae IF ak wR 265. aesthetic [cs eu: es'Yeuk) ad) 32H: SRO, SORE, sara sRlamkthY 266. wildly |'waridli] ad, MFPs EPs SEMEN: AREH 267. melding Ve hers GEREE (meld MEAD + OTR WE (meld BLES AD + 3h 268. hermetic {his'mettk} nee ad ashi: STARA: ASEM: ee AY 269. cohesively [kou'hi'sivli] adv. hte MAME Abs ASH 270, jangle (ase bats LT TEAS, tepi PTE VME: SG, PPR 271. kilter [hte] nN MO, RAR 272. gaze |ge17| 273. unorthodox | sn'>rt'daks| a PIERCY: SRAM: Sat 274, timpani [‘umponil ne ate 275. gossip ['gasip] ARIE: AE: ABIL KILO A Wi FA Reva 276, flourish | fIs:r/] SUI: Bells He HES tp Vi RG, ME Hele IRBs PER TW eg, HE 277. soar [sor] ne vi i ame EL 278. contemplative [kon'templotiv] aj LO: TERA, BRAY 279. lyrics ['links} in Shia, THRE Cyric 88 280. potency ['poinsi] nels ARs MT, 281. piercing ['pirsin] nL Vv. : Boh, RE (pierce fy ing Fez) ad) BEF, MeREM, aa, THAAD 282. undeniable ['ndi'naiobl adh A5areiAI: ALOE A ee mn 283. melodically IetP3W (melodic HEHE) 8 IWORSEA, (melodic fst) 284. penetrating ['penitretiy] V. Fills HE penetrate ting West a aii: RA: ATLA 285. refrain [nifien] ne), RSL Vi, Sei, Be Bk 286. opus | oops] nfs 287. paragon ['pzragan) ARI: BALA ABZ A adj. F380 288. instrumentation |, sent tefon]} PAIR: a, ACNE 289. vocalist ['voukolist} nae AOR 280. encompassing v Bit, €218) (encompass fi ing #30) PTE ag) aah, RH, HR 291. downplay [,davn'ple] MATAR: MH EEE 292. Cairo |'kaiorau} AB ORR) 293. intake in'ick| BLAS MIR, BAT: SIAR 294. coral reefs SHLAERE: (coral reef YEE) 295. photosynthesis |. foto'sin(iosis} fn. oer 296. penetrate [’penstret] voile AA, BIR MS Hs a 297. sinking [’siykin] ni VIBE sink SRE HD) ed, Fut 88. polar |'pole| ns Hee ad, Hee AMEN TEAR 299. frigid [tindyid] ag VGH, PRA, HRI 300. geothermal | ml} a (hit) Mar sea 301. vent [vent} CABRIO) HRA: ABEL: IMAL Me PRHEARE IPA, Vi BR: GIRLIE) WBC 302, presumably [pr'umoblil adv. Ait: HEIR: OTL 303. magma |'magmo] 7 OR es A 304. crust [krast] Hes Ms tes MEH vi Sie, eh Me DARE, Ze, se 305. erupt [i'rapt] vi BR: ms IB, KE 306. abundant [o'bandont} ad) Fi: FEHEM: Be 307. worm [31] PH hate ARES ets A vt (Eley a, Rete vi RII SET 308. clam [klem) nats RRA AE Vi Hite CRATER, OMAN 309, mussel ['m4sl] nits NR: 02PTE 310. thrive [Oraiv| Vi RAR, NIE: AEA 311, novelty [‘naviti] 1 Bias ATM, BBL STRUT 312. fad |fed) nme Says, SAT ANT 313. incandescent [inkon'desnt] a, PR: OLA: RR 344, phonograph ((‘fonagraef] AHL: (1B WEB ve RAL ee FR 315. kinescope |[kins'skop] nT, LORE CHT RIS Me BHR RE 316. perspiration |,p>spo'refon] nit + OF BA 317. tribute ['tribjut} iL, (Bolg ete. iis CHAI fi) Sti, Rae, OE aL A 348. dimmed |dimd] adj. Aes RACE v. GOB es EHH Clim Ht) 319. cytochrome |’saits.krom] in. (45() em EAE 320. oxidase ['oksideis, -deiz] (ete AL 321. extracted [iks'tr-ektid] ag $0: Lit Vt HBL Coxtract dat zest seit 4h im) 322, handful hend.ful) nb, es BF 323. nucleus ['nublios] nb Bee IT 324, boon [bun] nL aA: ARE aj bts RAY 325. taxonomist [tark'sonamist} 1 EH 326. promisingly |'promisinli] adv, Hither 327. realm [relm| in. Sue, EE 328. concoct [kon'kakt} vt iit: Wei, was aE 329. resort [1011] nS PAR: ARI, EZ WORE, ithe Ms WOE Ba A 330. fanatic {fo!neetlk| 1, BEAR AR Bt ad, SEAM ty 331. stalk [siok] 1. CBO 2, He GREE. sea E04) Be His JR: aM ve GEE. Hi ELI i RT RE te PTE 332. potent ['potnt| ad) HM BETA. AR ELI 333. regimen ['redisimon] (5) SRA: AES S Hs SE 334, perfume [po'fjum] 1 tisk tk MEAT. (aioe w RUE 335. explosive |ik'splosiv: ik'splozy] nes ae ad, Hbteie ABA HE, BARRA 336. absorb [:xb'sorb; seb’ zorb, ab sorb] MORE GL: ARSE: MIME TNE 337. elite [rit] nH Bes 338. spike [spaik] MAT, iT: ATR sa Me Hibs DORITAT: FRR 339. odd [ad] ni NEA aH adj HM TE ALR ti FH 340. gemstones, N(R] RA: TATRA (gemstone HAE Tek) 344. drill [dc] i. lic SIL BL: SEs BAPE vt ffl les Sea 342. canal [ks!nal] Ses (AMEE) Ais] SEE ABU ve i. JPL 343. asteroid |'estoroud) NERVE: FERIA: ANE ad) kM 344, carbonado | karbo'nedo) nO) REBT: et, He vt ts nS, adj. SLI 346. hydrogen |'haidrodson] nthe a 347. meteorites ['mitior.ait] [ANE] Hi (meteorite fi SEMerBst) (UE 348. stellar | stclor] a, Ef; LARD, EME: — ate 349. titanic iaitenik, ti] ad) Ate DB 350. supemova |,stipo"novo) 1. De] Ra 351. scatter |'skwto] nr Shis EB, 1E vt Hh CTF. (0p ke bea et vi SPL, HOTT: i PTE 352. debris |do’bri] nw. Bea 353. interstellar |.1nto'stelo}] ad, (IR) AED 354, outbound ['avtbavnd] adj. Hid: SERINE, Pash dst 355, logarithmic [Iogo'ridmik] adj, air) 356. disposable [«i'spo/2bl] ag) YEE. es GRITS, FEED ea) 387. bureau [‘bjuro] Ti. Mk: RAB: AMA 358. monetary ['intantteri] adh Seif: at 359. elasticity | ile'stisoti] nits a: Rist 360. parameter [po'remit>] n Sk: Ri BH 361. recruit [o’krut) FR: BRS BHI Vi SER: AERA: FORE: He RTE Me ARSE BAL HE, 8, CSE 362. illustrious [1'lsstri9s] ag. 2). Ais eH 363. pose [po7| AIEEE FER: SHEIE vt i, Hers HEUER, RARER, a ite. 364, elegance |'slo eons] nA 365. accelerate [ak selo ret] Me (MBs vi Aes 38 366. preser Ipr'zav] BRE. BRE 367. proliferation [prou-lits'reifon] nS. AP: RAL 368. arches |«:(/iz| nA Carch HAE MCE) «STE 369, bridesmaid ['braxdzmed] rn. tet 370. contender [kon'tend>] nba aE 371. rectified VN, TE NW Crectiy MALE SHAE) ad cies. Rie Rata 372. tagline nobis AAC 373, buzz [baz) on 0EPTE ve Ge CA Wi Arai A ARTO: 374, proliferation [prou: reifon] nH, APR: EN 375. tenet ['ienit| 1 Rs BL 376. refrigerated {ri'indoretid] aj, Hc). yam) Pi Croigerate MLA AAAD + even 377. spurred [sp] v. Hitt: a0 spur Pita ag, ATi, Tea 378, saturated ['sx-/oretud] v. HOB, A Csaturate SEA) ad, tefort, aeimty same 379. cholesterol [ks'lestorol] ete) Aa 380. menopause ['mens'po7| FE: ane 381. symptom |'simpiom| (i) SEAR: I: 382. elk [elk 1 Ms SCREAM SRE 383. woody ['wodi] ad). ANI: SRP: Ask AbD 384, beaver |’bive) Te RE 385. encounter [:r'kaonto) AL I, vi iB, RE BL vem, i, 386. adolescent | «ds'lesnt| ne ad, Wastin 387. neurology [nv'ralod si) 1 EM: HSE 388. paradoxical {.pero'daksikl] adj, Ff: Ri: LAREN 389. coordinated {ko,ord!netnd) adj, Hoist VERE {RNAI Cooordinate Hit d:%P51) ints Sea 390. cluster |’kiasto] ns hs the Ve OEESs SRE EL VOR, IME 391. spinal ['spainl] nA adj ert: RH eh ERA, Sole 392. cord [kord] nbs ee ve FIRM 393. rhythmically [ridimikli] PTE adv, EH, 394, adaption [o'daepfon] ni: es 396. ancestor |'ensesto} nil, es HAMA, 396. eke [ik| Mob: Mis WK 397. adultery [2'dliori] nF OTT, 398. altruism [/xltrurzam] Le 399, mechanical [m’ka:mikol] ad). BUN: AEH: FVM ERM THF 400. scrutiny |'skrutoni] na A: Se, ae 401. strain [siren] nH, AR: HM Hie ML ve aU, HEAL, WBA AUR: 402. unrivalled | .n'raiv Id) ag) Feet, Feat 403. fling (11m) eH, he MIS, IGA, SAMUEL Aa ni, its MOR: ah vi Sei, Str 404. strive [strarv] vi Ser: bs 405. baseline |'beslain| no ABER EE 406. conveying [kon'veiiy] is Ae V.Bhis Es BI Coonvey ff ing Ht) 407. occupancy |'akjoponsi] nts ai AT 408. deteriorating [ditiri..eun]| Vib EG (deteriorate tf ing #224) 409. anatomy [2'naviomi] ns RIE OMS 410. foliage ['folis) HE: BIE CARD 411. waxy ['w2eksi] ag) Laka: TEAM: Cea: ZEA 412. antifreeze ['xenisfriz] 1. (Bat 413, phosphonus |'fass'25] ne 414, salvage 'selvics] naTHh: MLR: HAT, AoA vi Has i bs 415. nitrogen ['naitradson} PTE (TE 416. tension ['ienJ>n| nA, Bn IK, HE: HAE ve (EREFK: (OR 447. knot [nat] 1. CBS He HR EIR: LE EAE aT wares 418. vicious ['vif95] ag). gy, aaa, A AANA A Ais LY 419. spasm |/spe7om] ular) Se. se, PRT 420. telegenic |, .el'dserk] adh FEI HO, BE AEA 421. ology |'alodsi] ne eA 422, refugee ['refjvcsi] nN, ROE TS. ae 423. articulate [c'ukjulet} aj. 2H: CLA ARO, Fee Me IR CE). RRMA ANKAIAS RI 56R: Mea BHT ORE: EMITS: Ae eRH 424, divergent {dar'vsdyant] adj. MAHI. suet: OFA PTE 425. stroke |strok| 7 Gia MRAM) Bs Pe GT aE BD Fy RE RH BK vt CALSBSF) Mi 42th $B, ibis Fest RING TERN tT SBM Vi diR, (PRE. IER, TERN AT 426. composition |.kampo'zi/on] AER HS A AD IR AeA 427. unrivalled |10!raiv ki] adh EHH: AEH 428. radical ['redikl] nab, BORAT: Hint] Pea HR adj. sts ASA: nay 429. inspiration | :nspo'refon) TRB OO: HE: it 430, momentary ['momonteri] a, Ef AO: Dd de 431. transient ['treenfint traenfont] RRR: RACES adj Na: LY 432, disciplined |':fanalll adv. RUDI: ADF, SSH 465. modified [madafard) v. (SEAN Cmodity HLA ad. celtics rat 466. feasible ("fizobl) ag) merit: Pre: MTSE 467. persuaded V. IR, Abe (persuade Mis Aah) 468. fascinating [12 sinetsn] ag. EAI: ALAR: fe CSUR ¥. AEE: (FRE Cascinate 64 ing F230) 469. narrative [nz rot) NSB: ACs BE a HIN, I: EY 470, sacrifice ('sx krafars) NAVE: ihe ea ve HEE ws SAL vi wR: Hi 471. resourcefulness [1's2°sfalnis) 1, RABE 472. virtue [v3tfv] nie EBs Ae i 473. abandon [o'b= ndan) 1. ets TEMA vei: OF 474, flourish ['fs:f] TONES tke SR et vi MR, MME, Ala HRB, EPA Moi: 475, meridian (mo'rxd12n] PREF. FRY ARE AL ag). FF SRI: RAGA 476, longitude [andsatud) bam: see, 477. confusion {ken'fjusan] HEYA, aL ak 478. airmail (ere!) 7. Ata 479. pilot ("pailot] PTE 1 EAB: BEB BR ad, BU vB Sas BR 480. Volkswagen ["] Ante (be 500 BAZ —) 481. tenure ['tenj>) n fBitls eA MEF SP, 482. disastrous [d1'ze stros) ad) SCHR HERT: URIBE, AER 483. foray ['fore) WE, MIS SOR I: itt Wi ei Me thie 484. bewilder (br\wsid>] Me Cate, AR 485. frightened [raxtnd] vs ris (Ris ESE ctrighten ets) adj artis Stitt: EM 486. orbit (>rb1t) fh Rit WLU, 99 AH se i ve LT vi ities See AT 487. habitable (hae bitabl) ag) BUREN: EPIRA 488. solar system (ALARA 489. radii [redi,ai] nf (radius M280 490. ramshackle ("2 m,fe kl] adj WEI: AY 491, jungle (dsanall nA Ep fe adj, ARM mes 492. nestle (nes!) i RAE, PUR, RRREIUW RF vt is Sei 493. patch (pe t{] NOUR BBs RBS AMA MM TAT ve fSths ai dette 494, logging [oo] nieae RAT AP VHB. ABABA BRIA Cog (8 ing Rist) 495, mahogany (ms!hageni] nett, OR: STH 496, boundaries (bavndri) 120. FAR (boundary AVAL) oI 497. abolish {2'bali/] MEE, es Ra 498. auction [2kfen) nda ve iis at 499, concession {kan’sefenl no ikabe AFF BL) + AAs Rte 500. extraction [rk’stre kfan] Bes hes ans es 501. lethargy [ieadsi) =IRPTE i ISM: FEE MR, CHE 502. submerged [sob'madsd] adj ATA. deeb Wilke (submerge iAH) + HEIEA, 503. philosopher folasofa RK: BA 504. Tribune [‘tribju:n) n ieseHR URE) 505. correspondent [,k>re'spandant] GWG Aes a AR 506. tackle ['tee kil ne: Aes AN Ja Vi His PEAR HOER Me fi Es sts ZOE 507. bureaucracy [bjv'rakrosi) ARSE TALI, Pr 508. urbanization [,>ban'ze an] nai te; SCHL 509. subsequent (sabsikwont) ad, eK. RAE 510. welfare ('welfer] Fh A, eP its BEARS 511. minimal ('minimal] adj KA: ARNE 512. aboriginal (,e ba'ridsanl) 8 LB IER: adj Fite 513. harbour (harba) ni CEE harbor) + ERE A BIS vi ES AEG: REAP 514, surround (se'raund) n Beets ve iS: a. Fe 515. ceremony ['sera,mounil nL Bol AAT. LR: A, aL, 516. innateness [/neitnis) PUR, Reb 517. hypothesis [ha'paGasrs} 518. linguist [!:nqw:st] PE RUNEA 519. chimpanzee [,tfimp= r'zi) CHE] 520. throat (@rot) no meaes ORT, Rs MFI ADR 521. vocal cord (eet) Rs 522. dexterous [‘dckstras} ad. 275i: RM, AMEE 523. gorilla (gor) nk 524. primates [praimeiti:z] nREK PTE 28. tickling (tiklin) nA: RO (E8299 Heke A ng Ht) 526. grooming orumin) in. fet WI: Ms #64 (groom ing 3%) 527. cage [keds) 1%, BE ED LR Ve i. SI. IM oe 528. candidate (‘keencrdet, -ct) 1 TRA A. (RAN 529. homo sapien Br 530. recurrent (r'ksont] ‘aj, SUM, ALIS. A ey 531. highbrow [harbrav) 0 SARA IRAE aj. REAR EEA, SIA 532, adjacent [o'dsesnt] aj. 60. mL 533. propagate [’prapaiget] MeAIB: fis ME 534, eastbound [ist’baund] ad. HAM. mae ATHY 535. exaggerate [10'z0 dsaret] ve HET ks BH vs SH 536, mathematical [,m=299'm2 tkl] ad), BFA. MEP Ee EH 537. cognitive (kagnativ] aj. vii. Atty 538. entrepreneurialism 1 AER: ALA: Eee (entrepreneur ff) 539. outsource ['autsors] vt Sh v oh 540. agrarian [s'arerian] ad) SN: STM: IES 541.era [1919] RRP FEAR ATE 542, vicious [vxfes] ad. Bi eee Bie Wits ARE ff 543. infrastructure ['unfro'straktj>] nai, ATER, Fable 544, underperform [,andapavorm] Rb rer eh pinky MPR es IAAT Cl 545.a spoonful of ak 546. wipe out AOL Se GAS AB ta 547. propelled [prs\peld] v. He: SEG (propel mit 4 iD adj, 548. breakthrough [brek’8ru) ns eat PTE 549, bundle (‘band nis vt i Vi HCE 580. quarrel [w>ral) RA: WDA ibs HOI ov 551. hostility {ho'stzloti) Aneta 552. antenna (2 n'tena} [ean] Foes GA] Ras. [EB] awe 553. remarkable [11'markabl) ‘a, SUH: IEA: 554, banknote (’benknot] n. Ki 555. coinage ['koun:ds] nO iy Hei, RHE RIES 556. deemed (dimd]) v.95 (deem finite) 557. remedy ['remodil nN Ses RB Moihits itis Sie 558, adequate [zedrkwat] adj. Fez: MY, MEERA 559. literacy [Irtarasi) nA HC 560. launch {>nt/) 1 RAL SRA ARH, Roky PC 02PTE MRA CER ART 1 RR. a PK ‘561. primary school 574. wander (wanda) aes Vi AIR: as Rs ALC BHE, aa 562. attitude (a trud) ns Bs Ns 872. astray [o'stre] ad 280805 ARFTEINEY, Aatk 563. decade [eked] adv iRASRRN: HBS: IR ne, Pe: 573. exception [xk’sepfon] 564. denial (dr'narol) nits SL ns HM: bE 574, atomic [o'tamk) 565. mercury a, KFA, BFA: MUR (Reps ARAL Dap 875. penalize (pinolazz] Mme A Mesh, Wil: HARA) HT, 876. enrich (x02) 566. topography [te'pagrefi) eR: MAK: (REE nee STEM eae 577. alike (s'lark) 867. survey ('ssve; for v) se] acini jae nif, PS ST, A adv. LURIFF MA at; Feel Meise vi wR Li nel 878. inexorable {an'¢ksarabll 568, ridge [rxds) eae BAH: ART: TK ne: Lik, RE Ve RRRIRS HEE vi nese 579. innovation [,zna'vefon) Os Ms aI 569. rug (rs) 580. trend (trend) nt, fa a Fa vt fam) vie ns EAE ROR 570. continent [kantinant] nA. BS adj FMM. SIN 581. rapidly (re pid) adv. SAME PR 582. legislation [,lecsrslefon) na itiee E 583. exploitation |,cksplor'tefon] NFER, TPR: AM PAH: MAL 584, abuse (o'bjus) PEA RA: EG: HS BAT, FT Meat: tts 585. genuinely (1dsenjuinll) adv. FMR: RSS 586. staple ['step!] ASP Re TAs EM, ee adj SEIN, Kei AMA STEER ft ve HE. Ahis AT 587. highbrow [harbrav) 0 SAAC SURAT adh Rustad, VRE, STR TH 588. dilemma [da'lema, dar-] ils AE, IB 589. inevitably (in’evstablll adv. RAIS ZAR 590, aspect [1x spekt) n Fills FTA: EH, SES 591. integrity [in'teorotil eM EEL RSE a 592. channel [tf nl] itl, SRN, PTE Meas FESR: HEAR 593. curbing [ksb:0] nN We 594. watchdog (wat/ci>g] BTV: BORA: BRITT A 595. supposedly [so!pozuli adv. Tits PAE: BH 596. circus ['s>kas] Sats Gaia 597. transparent (t12 ns'pae rent) ah iAH: SARA JEL Sty 598. ruthless ['ru6los] adj Ait. Reza 589. routinely {rutin adv, TAH: Bek 600. dictator (dxkteta] A BEE: Oe 604. punctuality {pankeju'e far] in PespOSli: TEM; UAE 602. grasping ['ora'spin} VHLAR, Sis (grasp BLE TE) a8, IRE aj, SSE: RICE 603. primitive [primotw] BA, aj, Ru, cca, a, NY 604. pointless ('p>:ntlas) ad BLE: Sh: ARM ARIE ELEY 605. surplus ('s>plos) ngs [HE] ME: a ALL aj, Aleit, abet 606. nomadic {nau'mae dik, n>~] acy. MHA, LAs ean 607. occasionally (o'kesonoli] adv ss fat 608. bonanza {ba'nz nz9] naa: AME, ie 609. sedentary ['sednteri a) AME: RON: NA: PAY 610. experimenter [ik’sperimento] 1 See he 611.tendency ('tendansil 1. 282 612. systematic ('srsta'ma: tk] ad. eit: HERA, ARE (PRN DE fs tH, HE 613. equatorial { s} ad. Eli: BAOEH, ILO 16. Centaurus {sen'ts:r0s) DR) FASB 47. elliptical (rlsptuki) aj, HB: 18. globular (glabjal:) ag) SRRM: eVDIRIE ART: LAHERO 19. cluster ('klasto:) Bt fs Ms VER HE A Vi PME: SME 20. constellation {,kansto'le an} A(R] ARAB: HRP SEAR AM 24. virgo (va:92u] nde Meee 22. introvert (sntravst) AURA RACE VL RRMA: RONEN ATER vt (EPL, CES CANS 23. extrovert {,ckstro'vst] rn She SMA: HM See AE extraver t) 24. rejuvenation (11,d3uve'nefan] BRB AR, Eee SLA. HEL n 25. excursion [1k'sks5n] ee ee ee fo] 26. holistic [ho'listuk} adj. Seki: ately 27. stimulus ('stimjalos} is Bes ety 28. staggering |'stce gar) ag) AI. AREA 29, glamorous ['glze mors} adh BAM BATU 30. compliment (ka:mplrment] WHR: HAD, Baws 34. hacker [hee ko 1 LURE Be SERRATE A AA MRE A PTE 32. mitigation [,mzt1'ge fon) wee: A, FE 33, mitigation {,mrt’ge fon] 1 WR: BEA, FM 34. gasoline (92 salin] nat 36. radical ('rze dil) HG; OES: HOE] PAL: (Ry HE ag, skies HEAD, A 36, emancipate (r'miee nsipet} MRE Feit 37, escalating [«skaletmn) v.BOb EF Cescalate 7 ing it: Dad, ob bt 38. confederacy {kon'fedarasi] REDE WI, 39, justifiable (‘ds,stifarab!) ag) mIaR EN. FOALED. REE 40, military (mzloteri 1D: FA a, SNM: EAM: PARSE 41, Plato [pleitau) HAE Cl AaB ERD 42. neuroscience [,nuro'sarans; ,njuro'sa rans} NORA GRRE, HELE ED 43. tuned [xjund) v. HS: WE, RAR (tune Hitz: ag, ibis EAA, meen 44, akimbo [2'kmbo] adj. mF RBA adv. HRB 45. hostility {ha'strlati] nA ALT 46. botanic {bo'ta mk) aj. itt: Hat 47. zoological (,z0e'ladsikl] ad, SF, Fab 48. aquarium [skwerram] niki Feats BERT 49, fauna [fona) 1. ayaa: A] she 50. curriculum (ko'rtkjslom] nie he 51. commercialisation [ko,rn3:falai'zeifa al Nin 52, pharmaceutical [,farma'sutrkl) 0.2 adj B18CR) 53. neutron [nutran) ne) Pe 54, flares (flers) nao 55. Magnetars me, PTE 56. elliptical (rizptrk!) cai. at: om 87. caffeinated ['k2» fisneitid] aq). ‘ORM: SEA v. 2. HSUIONEE BI Ccaffeinate Mik sid. ora, 58, sensibility [,senso'brlati thas Meds Abts RA 59. medieval {,midival] ag) RCI: Abie disbetsan, rt 60. peasant [‘peznt] mR SEA 61. sympathy ['simpobi) nite Ls 62. instrument ('rnstromant) nts DR: Ra FB: Bh 63, simultaneously (sarmolte most) adv. Fanti, 64, gore (o2r1 nti: SAA: Mi MR, EULA TL 65. mutualism [‘mju:tfua,lxzam) nS] SEM, MASE: EBC 66. strains (stren) (8) BEBE strain S28) + Ahi 67. ampicillin {,e mpr'stlin) DEPRES. BUNA 68. antibi ic (,ae ntabar‘atak; zentar-] nee, sine ad, ifs si 69. bacteria ba k'turia] (ea 70. chloramphenicol {,klor2 m'fena,kol] (25) See 71. macho [‘matfo] ad) KF CC PBF IK 72. cumulus ['kjumjalos) rR) Biz HEL ELD 73. stratus [’stretes] n (Ree 74. cirrus 5110s} 1B: (a) ALE (HE) Bast 75. nimbus ('nmbas) 1 CMAIOPAERD RA shes FUR) zy ERAT TR 76. orator ('2:at=) TBA See: MRR Bt 77. satirical (so'trrkt ag. Unit; VLIW, See AR 78. transcripts [ra n,skrapt) nM; PR; ASA Ctranscript MAL Dv. $65, AIR (transcript f= ATER) PTE 79, accusation {,ce kju'zefan) nie, HR: 80. republicans [ripablikenz) SURI, SURO (republican A SERGE) 81. paleontological |,pz liontebdsikl, pe co ad, Beane 82. momentum [imo'mentam) He: (0) BM Ay Rh 83. ichthyosaurus [,ik0is'sstras) nf CRA HD 84, embedded {1m'bedid) VBA. Combed fib st Fait 4} St) a. WASRI: HLA A a 85. supemova [,sup='novel n(R) aa 86. astrophysicist .« strau'izisist) n AipeeE 87. irritating (iriteitin) cj. ai: “UA: ett ith Crtate #8 ing Fs) + aA 88. buffoon (ba'un] Hts ESA 89. herbivores ['ha:biv>:z) (ai) erm, trai, Pe Cherbivor e if) 2 HF 36> 90. cockpit kakpzt] UROL A 91. grinder (ararnda) no (WU wae: es Ts ea 92. flap {flee p] AED. HTP: AHA, (a Ve HiT: i: ARB: Bla OK: BTM: OD 93. aristocratic {2,r1sto!kr trk] aj. ee): ARMeSICE A Ay HEC 94. cavalier [ke vo'itr] nite Bes ASA wR a). fT: AREA et eat 95. Puritan (‘pjurstan) iit ag) ib 96. monarchy ['manoki] n BRE BER, Have 97. parliament (‘parlomont] nike, Ble 98, forerunner [f>r'rnz] FM BOE, 99. reminisce {,remr'ns] wt ai wv 100. integration rinto'gresan] nese ete 101. complex 'kampleks;kam'pleks] n. Searles ERA ad) ALAM: Arve) PTE 102. turbulent [tsbjalant) cj. SEALY. RAL: SERA: URS wales iD 103. cargo (kargo] 1 RD, A 104. widespread [waxdspred] a, MH, FES HI 108. ports (p2:1ts) Pg] SEC, (FIG WO (port ts 106. spices [spaisiz] 1. GORE, PEAY spice tt, 107. perfumes nk (perfume fe 8%) « (4) HAE VRE Te EERE (perfume t= 8 TeX) 108. combustion {kam'bastfen] nH As a 109. social status abettic 110. nobility [no'biloti ees aR 111. fraught {F730} a, ty, tik. Fem. 112. terrain {te'ren) SARE, Ss Bs 113. spans [sp2e nz] [88] 5: — FLW) (span SH VBRG, FRE ER Cepan MUIB= ARRAY 114, trafficking (‘tre frkin] 7. AHR eae AD vi 285) (traffic MALE) 118. prevalent (prevalant] ag, rity aka, FH 116. tsunami {tsu'nami) nem 117. crucial [krosal) ag) MEANY: BEREHE RY REMY: RIAD 118. amenable (2'minabl), a. AA HAEIY: UH. EAA #9 SeHe se fanctsarty 119. backwash (be kwof] 7 ie bis AR. aA RIE 420. amusement [a'mjuzmont) ni BUR: JRA 121. coaster |‘kosta:) PARAS PE. MEE Si 122. exhilarating {1o'z:laretrn] adh EAMG: SAFER: Seb Vv. (RID, GORE Cexhilarate MIRZA ia HA) 423. immune [i'mjvn] no BsRH R ad. Sis Ct, Sane 124. invaders [in'veidsz] 1. BIE invader RISE) + RAR 137. predators [‘predatorz] (ah) tee [5h] feats (predator tH 5E8) 138. commonplace [kaman'ples] no AAs SISAL, AERA ac ALA PTE 125. by product 126. interfere [,:ntavr) vi PU: whe: HT 127. tariff (ee raf] 1 Sede Mme Ve MER AIR 128. predilection (,predt'ekfon] RES 4129. ['valnsrabl} ad), SBC tsH SSE. ats Sete fs eae 430, apnea {° pial yA, ark) ep 431. undiagnosed [',n,daiag’nauzd) aj. (GR) ARMA MN: eR HH A 132, possession [p2'ze/an) ne: Ur, Uk: Hl HK 133. lenient (linront) ad. EK: 8k 134, delineate [dr'linzet) Me HS HS HE 136. squirrel |'skows:rol: skw>all ABR: BRE He ve 136. raccoon (re ‘kun) Beis Be nt PTE 139. harassment (ha'rz smant) sis tht 140. marijuana [.mce ro wana} nis RABE 141. microorganism [,maxkro'sra9n.1z0 mi) [i eis ltt 142. inhalation [,:nha'lefon) nA BABE 4143. Celsius ('selsras] n. AUG ad) FEM 144. rump [ramp] (BREE (SAFES EAL ag), (AGREES) N, ARSENAL 145. sandpiper ('sa ndpaipa] (8) 8 148. molt [molt] ni HeEs BR: PE ML vt Es He WBE AE 147. spore [spot] nee wi KF 148. tantalizing (tz ntolarzin] ag AM: SBSTHER: PA VBR IEA (tantalize # ing 736) PTE Wee is] 4. abundance (s'bandans} 1 568 ER 2, labor intensive product SAR 3. scarcity ['skersati) ns Be 2 on BIER 4, Diaspora (dar'esp ero] 7 SALES As SRA ASRS 8, painstaking [penztekzn] ne Bit ag) WE5ir: ahi, Avett 6. Mayfair [meifes) A EEE cues teat Riatse 7. locust (lokast] (LR) a 8, wharf (worfl Fee SEB ve Hse GS gon gem 9. hedge [heds) LR RL TH, SONGS HR RE 10. pageant {pe dsont] no Meee et: Met Rei Sema 14. syne [sink] amb. BY ve ae Vi ER 12, faltering ('p:ttorin] aj, FY, LARA, RHA V XAILB, BAVGIE Calter PNA =D 43. dignity féronstil 14, feminist [femansst] neeba fad) PHC 16. peculiarly (px'kiuljal cov AF JOSE: SPE. Arte 16. inept (inept) adj. thi: AEM 47. extrapolate [1k'stre pelet) MeSH HEI vi SMEs SIH 48, inherently {sn'harontts] adv, PV(ES: TB AEH 19. flick (fick) Meee ZARA. FeeDbd nis BOweNNET. HATH 20. co-evolutionary eater 24. underappreciated [.andars'prifieitia) ad). ASLAIFEA IRL, ARSE ED 22. wonder [wanda] nN Ais te ad a9: TRUS i WORE: ABA et Me PORE ie AL BNR 23. grazing ['orezi0] nee Het vids th (graze mUBRHE sya) 24. ruminant 'ru:minant) 1 ABD a. ee UA 25. shrub [rab] nik ARAL 26. foothold (fur hold) nds SEA 27. hogging [hogin) no Pees da VBERBAT: RSEHIR hog ting 73%). 28. fertilize [¥stolarz) Ve RE: (EC 28. manure [ma'nur) 7. es gH wt WIE Bat 30. hooves {huvz} N.S Choot MYS8 + BD v. HIBS: 247 choot HUES PTE 31. digestive (dardzestv) Be ag (cits Snare 32. rumen ['ru:men, - man} nA Cant — AD 33. courtship ('ko:tfip) RE: Ree RAM 34, ornithologist [,>:ni'8>Iodsist) 1 BE 36. plumage (plumds} nm: SRE 36. perplexing (p2'pleksin] ad). Bai. SARRARA: SA HERA 37. taunt (tont) OE LI aj. Mis iF rti:zin) 38. tussle ts!) Viale ITs BIR neh HUT 40. rear (rir) Me Pac aH vi EB: Bet dy. IE AEST eg. iit: simi. HUM is eflts AT ABA 41. iffy (xf) ag) RI: BP IAR A. TREY 42. infiltrated Vv. HD iid HED BEA Cinftrate fit ax) aj. aisha, 22 43. flora [flor2} nH Re HEE 44, fauna (ona) nays (2h) aR 45. breed [brid] PER] Ahh A, ed MeOH aR, FRAT HHT, ite Vi RS I: 48. bred (‘ha f,bred) breed fitz: Anita 47. terrace ('te195) ne: BH. AE ad, em) ste Vt (ARIEL, bs CAT et vi MRD: AI 48. cottage [katzd3] nb: Hie Cefest it) vie 48, windswept [windswept] aj, MEPRUKIN: SRAM: NY 50. biomarkers n. ebb iee Een R biomarker #223 51. proxy [praksil PTE nA: BS, CAG 52. archaeological (,«:kiatndsikal] ad, (a) SKM. (h] AREA 53. artifacts [a:rtifz kts] on, ser in, AT 4. conduct [kan'dnkt) MME IS FEW 55. conviet {kanVvrkt] nL Ve AEB AT Be 56. possession [ps'zcfon] JALAL: Wis Us RE 87. intoxicating (1n'takstketin] adpiPAah, &ABINEIY, Heat v, GEDROE: BH: fH (intoxicate ft ing wk) 88, liquor [ako] nah. IROL: EAR: ARR: BL HB vt (NE Mi 58. prohibition (,proa’brfan] 60. thriving ['8riaivin) ad) eR: ARE AAs Ee (19 v. SHE thrive Ying HE) 61. loophole [lupholl aii HH; ATL AL. 62. sacramental (,s2:kro'ment!] 7 PIE AZALI adj. EALW: EA: MEH 63. tonic [tanrk) nahi ua frabaee adj ease iby: Cena OURP HY 64. fortified (fo:tifaid) AA G5 I SRE eT I, fa Port) VAL... fortify Mite AD ea). nat 65. bootlegger (’bu't,lea3] NAINA AE 68. halt {holt} nfs Tes vt GEFs fie i ABuks estes HR SLR 67. forehead [¥>r’hed) 7. 8 He 68, prominent (‘praminont] ad) Seti, Sb Bim, Atm, SCAR 68. cheekbone [t/ikbon) nae 70. derogatory (d1'ra9etori] ah. ED 71. nomadic [nau'me dik, n2~] aj. et, ERA. eA PTE 72, ranch (re nt{] NKR: KOH Vi SEs EMILE Me BE, HOSEA, 73, obstacle [abstaki) 1 Ts ae 74, frustrated {frv'strenrd) aj. eu, ews, aH v. Hil BA Crustrate fyi desta 23a) BD 75. ancestral (a n'sestr(3)) aj. HUY: Le 76. folklore ('foklor) in. FRG, PRIM: POLI 77. Portuguese [ po:tjv' 1 BER FA, ag IHN, AEA RTA 2) 78. interior (an'tarx2) ARB: ABR adj. BH: Pat, ABA 78. beaver [‘biv} 1 RE, HE 80. conundrum {ke'nandram] nA, 81. confer {kan'fs] MAR BF vt ti PTE 82. privilege ["privalids] 91. unprecedented {an'presidentid) nee LE ag aii: Lai ve HB HS, 92, scenario {so'ne 10] 83. cohesion [ko'hisanl Rs A: BLA a ER ete 1 A 93. vessel [ves!] 84, catalyst [kc tolist] iy ls (ER) BRAS Es ERE, ETE Ris 94. exploration [.cksplarefenl RBs FES 85. panic fp nik) nS et CARE os, Sern ad, Bh: ATA Ain eae Me RH wi bah tiitii $6. permeate (pict) 86. ado [a'du) Mii, its GR naa, Set, RA Wi eis GBA FEAT 87. burst [b>st} ‘97. sphere (sfrr] nA. RA, MERE nai aR MR, SR: HE es MAR, AB HG Me: BARRA: RIE 88. collapse [ks'le ps] 98, distinctive (41’stunktv] PAB FER FC ve EIGN, (RIB: ORR: PRE vi BU: TIRE: Ba ad). AAEM, SATS 99, assemblage (a'semblids] nA Sith HEM Shes ey: ee 89. phenomenon [fr'nvminsn] fiyeeeA mR: ABE, AS AR 100. skeletal ['sketat!] 90, sustained [sssternd] a), AGED. OR ATRAO: ALAN: MRA adj, FARM: PAAR: SPARED AES (sustain ALARA) + RAE 101. indigenous [1n'didsanas) ej. ALi: Het, Pte ae 102. postcolonial {,postka'onjall ag) SiERIUN MLZ aes 103. divisive (di'vaisiv] adi. Sri: CAN RASA 104. pseudo ['sudo] 1 HEE: BRA adh FIVER. 8 105. drastically («ra stiksli] adv. fics Us 108. excavated ['cksko,vet) Vv. Helis HEH Cexcavate fi est. HL aria) 107. henceforth |,hens'r8) adv. Ss EDM 108. faunal (f>:nal) adj. yc at 108. potsherd [‘pat,fod) 0. INERT potshard) 110. artefact ('a:txfaekt] ne TES ATE. MTA 111. pebbles (pébiz] 1 RONAT: PW HPA s/ A pebble M1 SRL), AN v. AISA) fH Cpebble AS = A Ait A) 112. pond [pand] 1 Vt Vi eR 113. sporadic (spo're dsk] PTE adh, SH: FR: RENTAL 114, meticulously {me'tikjulasti) adv, fd: ASH 118. choreographed ('k>:risgracft] ad) FCI, alae bY Mi RLURIT (choreograph tit #3) 116. testament [‘testamant} (92) ARN: 4 EH 417. smoothie ['smu:bx) ORLA: BER NUE, — oT Seba 1 SER 118. drip (drap] nA ATES ARBRE: GLA DRE A, VOTRE: Bia, 2 VaO EF Feil WF 119. ingenious [in'dsinres) ad) PRON. MLM. wR, OETA 120. ploy [plot] ffl it Mi RAC EBLE EAB Vi HERES SADA, 4124. quirky [kwski) aj. PtSi: ea: eit 122. spurred [sp=<) ad) AT Slt: Tes v. Abi Bone spur fsa) 123. referral (rfl) nin SIs Dk: HAA, BBA, 3] RAN AER I ART LY vasa PTE 124, principal (‘prinsopl) ad) HEM: BAM nek: Bee: ea A, 426, juvenile [dsuvonal no tote, iin ad, HEM: SHH 126. disturbance [d1'stsbons) nF bts Sale Mas 127. assault (2'solt) 1. Beis lh ve Betis et vi itis shat 428. counselor kavnslo) niles GRARBTIT: 95 CF counsellor) 129. vietim ('vzktar} TRB AS HEIs AREER 130. parental [po'rentl) a OSPR, SOSH: rR 131. substation ('sab’stefon) ee ee 132. hotspot (hatspat] ns A 133. attitudinal (,2e t'tudsnl) adj. sty 134. dendrochronology [,dendrokra'nala dil 1, HAHA 136. dendron (dendron} nF: RIBE CF dendrite) 136. chrono ['krounsu) cj. HD, KY 437. thereby (,0 erba:] adv, Ait, FAs AMOR Hem 138. outermost [auta’most) adj, RSH, bitty 138. align (oain] ve (Rie, RAs ER vidal: RHF 140. beam [bim] BUR AR ste MES FRE Me SR ALAS Vi Mit Sense 141. aerosol ['er950!) [RHE] RE, URAL: RE HF i ag WE OE 142, wrapper rz p>) nH, [tue] eR, ek 143. geothermal ,dsio'0>mll aj, BM A: (A) HR 144, acute [o'kjut) a, Pes, (BE) EM, HEE, IN: af) 145. spike (spaik) in HAT, iBT, ATE Soe Melfi: DATE: AISepalse 4146. bedrock [bedrak] nS] Mes EN: AR

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