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ISSN: 2750-8587
Volume: 02 Issue: 05 May 2022 Page No.-59-65
Published Date:- 22-05-2022


Djalilova Zarnigor Obidovna

Eps Teacher, English Language Department Bukara State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan

ABSTRACT: - The given article aims to identify the fundamental distinctions between male and
female verbalization comportment due to gender and cultural identity. This article withal analyzes
the state of the art in the study of language changes due to gender. The article analyzes the
theoretical and experimental work of Russian and peregrine scientists involved in the study of the
gender factor that influences the verbalization comportment of speakers.

KEYWORDS: Gender, sociolinguistics, gender factor, speech behavior, male and female speech.

INTRODUCTION directly cognate to language, and in linguistics

it was not given much attention, then the
Gender linguistics examines the expression of
works that have appeared recently have
gender in language, studies the
engendered an affluent substratum for
representation of men and women in the act
constructing a theoretical model of male and
of communication, determines the linguistic
female comportment, albeit many issues still
mechanisms of the functioning of gender
remain controversial and require further
cognations and contributes to understanding
the essence of the phenomena that occur in
language and society. The relevance of the study of gender issues is
associated not so much with the novelty of its
Gender differentiation is one of the
thesaurus, not with the possibility of studying
ecumenical phenomena that, one way or
a new direction in sociology, but with the
another, consider and study all the sciences
significance of the gender phenomenon for
of man. It permeates all spheres of human
the life of an individual, organization and the
cognizance and culture. If until recently it was
whole society. Gender is one of the basic
believed that gender differentiation is not
dimensions of the social structure of society,

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along with class affiliation and age. It is of male and female speech in English
included in social institutions, and therefore society.
acquires fundamentality and constancy.
In recent decades, new research areas have
Gender takes root in the mind with early
been intensively developed in linguistics,
childhood in the form of gender
based on an anthropocentric approach to the
representations and gender stereotypes.
study of linguistic phenomena. A special place
Children learn the norms, rules and values of
in such linguistic areas is occupied by gender
gender culture, in which socially determined
studies. The basic concept of gender studies is
ideas about the specificity of female and
gender, which is understood as a specific set
male, about the distribution of social roles
of cultural characteristics that determine the
between men and women, about the
social behavior of women and men, their
relationship between their social statuses
relationship with each other. The focus of
have already been created. Starting from
gender studies is on cultural and social factors
childhood and then throughout all age
that determine the attitude of society
periods, individuals reproduce gender
towards men and women, the behavior of
stereotypes and gender representations. In
individuals in connection with belonging to a
this regard, there is a need for a more
particular gender, stereotypical ideas about
detailed interpretation of the concepts of
male and female qualities - all that translates
"gender", "gender perceptions" and "gender
the issue of gender from the field of biology
into sphere of social life and culture.
The object of research in this work is gender-
The concept of "gender" entered the modern
oriented vocabulary: gender stereotypes,
linguistic paradigm much later than in other
gender-marked and metaphorical units with a
humanities, namely in the second half of the
gender component implemented in the
last century. In 1975, the work of the
language as the main functional units of the
anthropologist G. Rubin “Exchange of women:
gender linguistic picture of the world.
notes on "political economy" of gender, in
The subject of the study is a comparative which gender is seen as "a set of agreements
analysis of the functioning of gender units on governing biological gender as a subject of
the example of the male and female parts of social activity." A little later, this definition
the English-speaking society. formed the basis of many concepts.
The main objectives of the study are: The first mention of the concept of gender in
the language falls on the period of antiquity,
 Deepen and expand the concept of a
when the category of grammatical gender
gender picture of the world and a gender
was considered and analyzed. At that time,
linguistic picture of the world
according to the symbolic-semantic
 To consider in detail the concept of a hypothesis, it was believed that the
gender stereotype as a macro-component
grammatical gender arose in connection with
of the gender language picture of English- the presence of people of different genders.
speaking countries; At the same time, the meaning of activity and
 To analyze the functioning of gender strength was attributed to the names of the
stereotypes and gender-marked, masculine gender, the names of the feminine
politically correct and metaphorical units genders were endowed with the semantics of
with a gender component on the example passivity. However, it was recognized that the

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category of gender can influence the gender, and then in 1975, based on the
perception of words and concepts (for materials of this seminar, she published a
example, Russians represent the days of the book called "Male/Female Language." The
week according to the gender of the word fundamental work on feminist criticism of
denoting them). language was the study published in the same
1975 by Robin Lakoff "Language and the place
The next stage in the study of the influence of
of women in English and monographs", Louise
gender on language was the discovery by
Pusch "German is the language of men" and
travelers of the primitive languages of
Senta Tremel-Plötz "Women's language" - the
America and Africa (XII-XIII centuries), which
language of change written on data obtained
were divided into male and female versions.
on the basis of the German language. A
Most often, the female language was
special journal Women and Language has
considered as a deviation from the norm - the
been published in English since 1976, where
male language. Further studies of the gender
all the latest information on international and
factor in language were based on the belief
interdisciplinary research in the field of
that all differences between male and female
feminist language criticism is printed.
languages are predetermined by biological
Representatives of feminist linguistics see
their main goal as a critique of the patriarchal
At the beginning of the 20th century. gender consciousness in language and a language
aspects of language and communication reform aimed at eliminating the inferiority of
interested linguists with a worldwide the representation of the image of a woman
reputation in linguistics (E. Sapir, O. in language and genderist asymmetries that
Jespersen, F. Mautner), although at that time exist in language and speech. The theoretical
their works in this area had not yet developed basis for the feminist criticism of language
into an independent direction. Language was both the basic concepts of critical
began to be considered in connection with linguistics and some of the views of W.
society and the person in it; new directions in Humboldt and his followers, as well as the
linguistics appeared - sociolinguistics, famous Sapir-Whorf hypothesis or "the
pragmatics, psycholinguistics, the theory of theory of linguistic relativity", partly arising
discourse and communication. from the ideas of the great German linguist.
At the end of the 60s. 20th century Features of the speech style of men and
communicative semantics, sociolinguistics women are manifested at two levels: speech
began to develop intensively, scientists began behavior and speech. For example, men
to gradually move away from the structuralist interrupt more often, are more categorical,
view of the language, conduct research within and tend to control the subject of the
the framework of pragmatics and pay dialogue. Significantly, contrary to popular
attention to the influence on the language of belief, men talk more than women. Men's
the psychophysiological and social sentences are usually shorter than women's
characteristics of the individual (gender, age, ones. Men in general are much more likely to
level of education, etc.) [4, with. 123]. use abstract nouns, while women are much
more likely to use concrete ones (including
The history of this direction has about three
proper names). Men are more likely to use
decades. In 1970, Mary Rich Kay organized
nouns (mostly specific) and adjectives, while
the first seminar at the University of
women use more verbs. Men use more
California on problems of language and

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relative adjectives, while women use more uncertainty, presumption, uncertainty
qualitative adjectives. Men are more likely to (maybe, apparently, in my opinion); 2.) a
use perfective verbs in the active voice. tendency to use "prestigious", stylistically
Women's speech includes a large elevated forms, clichés, book vocabulary
concentration of emotionally evaluative (experienced a feeling of disgust and disgust;
vocabulary, while men's evaluative sharp conversation; silhouettes of teenagers);
vocabulary is more often stylistically neutral. 3.) the use of connotatively neutral words and
Often, women tend to intensify, first of all, a expressions, euphemisms drunk); 4.) the use
positive assessment. Men use more negative of evaluative statements (words and phrases)
evaluation, including stylistically reduced, with deictic lexemes instead of calling a
swear words and invectives; they are much person by name (this bastard; these
more likely to use slang words and bastards); 5.) great figurativeness of speech
expressions, as well as non-literary and when describing feelings, a variety of
profanity. invectives and their accentuation with
amplifying particles, adverbs and adjectives.
A. Kirillina and M. Tomskaya in their article
"Linguistic gender studies" gave the When analyzing the intonation of male
distinctive characteristics of male and female and female voices, attention is usually paid to
written speech. Male written language: 1.) such phenomena as the speech competence
use of army and prison jargon; 2.) frequent of women, avant-garde or conservatism,
use of introductory words, especially those emotionality, social status and social speech.
that have the meaning of a statement: The issue of speech (intonation) competence
obviously, undoubtedly, of course; 3.) the use was identified by comparing female and male
of a large number of abstract nouns; 4.) the readings of the text in a group of the same
use of words with the least emotional social status. Educated women have the same
indexing when conveying an emotional state intonation norm for reading as men. A
or evaluating an object or phenomenon; significant difference, however, is observed,
monotony of lexical devices when conveying in particular, for descending tones. Both men
emotions; 5.) combinations of officially and and women tend to increase the frequency of
emotionally marked vocabulary when descending tones. However, women
referring to relatives and friends; 6.) the use "outperform" men in this direction, increasing
of newspaper and journalistic clichés; 7.) the the frequency by 21.2% (against 13.4%).
use of obscene words as introductory (Love, Therefore, it is assumed that women show a
*****, found) and the monotony of obscene special sensitivity in the field of modern
words used, as well as the predominance of pronunciation trends in the use of tones,
obscene invectives and constructions becoming truly conduits of pronunciation
denoting actions and processes, as well as the innovations.
predominance of active voice and transitive
Many linguists, including V.V. Potapov
verbs; 8.) discrepancy between punctuation
emphasizes that one of the characteristic
marks and the emotional intensity of speech.
features of female speech is the use of
Women's written speech: 1.) the evaluative adjectives. A man, if he uses
presence of many introductory words, evaluative adjectives, then rather those that
definitions, circumstances, pronominal define quantitative and parametric
subjects and additions, as well as modal relationships. A woman is more likely to say
constructions expressing varying degrees of awful or pretty instead of very or so.

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Conclusion 5. Skachkova, I. I. Gendernajaproblematika v
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