Case Sushi

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Case: Sushi
Yifan Shi

1. #efer to Exhibit 13-3 in your textbook. Which marketing channel shown in
Exhibit 13-3 is used for Sushi? Identify the role of each channel member
(fishermen, fish market, restaurant, and consumer)
The wholesaler channel is used in the sushi case.
Role oI each channel member: Iishermen: producer; Iish market: wholesaler;
restaurant: retailers; consumer: restaurant customers

2. Which channel member in this process is likely to have the most power?
What type of channel conflict could occur?
The wholesaler, the Iish market is likely to have the most power. Because it
sells huge amount oI Iishes that occupies most market shares in the New York
City. Most seaIood restaurants purchase raw Iood material Irom it.
The type oI conIlict may happen is the vertical conIlict, and in detail, it can
be a producer-verse-wholesaler conIlict. In this situation, the Iishermen
(producers) may choose to bypass the Iish market (wholesaler) and deal directly
with the restaurant (retailer).

3. Why is managing the supply chain considered to be an important element to
marketing success?
Supply chain management is involved in all movement and storage oI raw
materials, work-in-process inventory, and Iinished products Irom producers
through customers. It is important because that it can
maximize the strength and
eIIiciency at each level oI marketing channel. It
establishes competitive
advantage Ior the supply system--
quickly response to the change oI the sides oI
supply and demand. Through better management oI the supply chain, Iirms can
lower cost oI inventory, transportation, storage, and packaging. It can also
improve the Ilexibility, customer satisIactory, and proIitability oI a Iirm.
In terms oI this sushi case, well managed supply chain can maintain the
Ireshness oI the Iish products by shortening the transportation time and lowering
the inventory level in the warehouse, to raise the quality oI the perishable Iish
products. The goal is to maximize the revenue oI both the wholesaler and the
retailer through providing the best quality seaIood products to their customers.

4. Identify several different areas in the process where the quality of the sushi
could decline?

Misstep in processing oI killing Iish, Ior instance, iI the blood is not completely
cleaned Irom Iishes` body, will inIluence the taste oI the Iish.
The long transportation time will aIIect the Ireshness oI the Iish products.
The long inventory storage time and
deIective reIrigerating equipment during
transportation and storage will also inIluence the quality oI the Iood

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