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arth and Environmental 12 Student Name Student School MULTIPLE CHOICE, |. Which sth mame of he continuous mountain range found in Earths ocean basing? (LO 1) ring offre be ritvally eels for 2. ats outer core and inna cre are both inferred tobe:_(LO 1 a only guia under th sme presse only soli 3. Which geological features formed ithe idaspere breaks and opens up after undergoing vpwarping? 103) ena Sane 4 The figure low shows the Hawatian sland chain and the pero Seamount chain. Bath the Enperor Seumounts aod HavaiianIlands ae part of the same chan, Why there a bend inthe shape ‘ofthe oveal chain between the EmperarSeamounts and the Hawaian lands? (LO) \ &,, 2 Tai rgd n mvt nine dan hepa, ae erase 4. Upwerping changed the shape and lostion ofthe cae, 5. The gure below shows lithosphere plate activity hrougout Earth, Which ters asecinted with ‘he region on Ea called “The Ring of Fte?™ (LO2) only plates moving toward each ther 44 near plates moving ward or away fom cach other 11. How do voleaoes at mid-ocean edge alet he tempertie of seawater? (LO2) 14 lrg local ising of th waters tempertare and large global sting ofthe ccean temperate <> dere acl asing ofthe waters temperate, bt very smal global sing ofthe ‘ees temparature Smal lca sing ofthe water's temperature, bt very large lol alsing ofthe ocean lenperstie 4s local asing ofthe water's temperature and very sal global ising ofthe ocean temperature Which pate boundary is usually associated with earthquakes tha originate a pts restr than 100 Kilometers? (L03), ‘divergent transfor (AE convergent stip 9. Which typeof fais usually associated wth stronger earthqunkes? (LOS) (AP tals hatha a lrg amount of fton present between the moving rock plates buts that havea small amount of fetion present between the moving rock plates ©, Fault tion has no ipl on earth severity. 4 aut that havea medi amount of fcdon present between the moving rock plate 10. ‘The diagram below shows he Earth's various ithospheri plates. The aos indicate the plates’ sireaion of movement AL which of thse boundaries would you expect to ind oceanic Itosphere beingereut” (LOS) 4 boven the Pacific nd North American plates 1 beeen the South American and Nazen plates 44 between the Pcitieand Eurasian pats, from transmits busied deep within Earth 44 fom transmits postinal at various points hroughowt the oceans 12. The char below shows GPS time serie data fr th GPS recording tation CASA in Califo. The at indicates tht station CASA has moved ate speed of” (LO2) 2. 43404 mmbreas, 43404 mm/yr sou, B 10904 mmiyr est, (A 43504 mmyenort 13. The cart below shows GPS time series daa fr the GPS eecording station CASA in Califia, The art Indicates thatthe elevation of station CASA during the recording pod has: (LO) wes2 up ott ‘ocirn) 05.217 no conelusins canbe made based on the data presented 4 decrensed, Below isa GPS tne series measurement chart fr a given recording station, 1H How many years data doe the time series show, (LO2) a alte over 20 years WA 2iitle over 3 yes eee 4 site over 2 years Below ia map of Eat’ lihospterc plates and heir dieton of travel 15, Which plates are colliding? (LO3) ‘the Neth American pate andthe Antaretic plate 1. the Pacifipat andthe Arian pate the Pace pte and he Caribbean plate 16. The outeemos rgd yer of Bath, constng ofthe casa part ofthe upper marl js called the: won 2 asthenoepher &._atmosphere 1 bioeper, 17._Which sth name ofthe uppermost part ofthe Ears mans? (LO 1) 1b asthensphere 4. annosphere ‘The diagram below shows a potion of Eris erst earth mid-Atlantic ids Leters A,B,C, and E represent ectionson these oor 18 Heat flow measrements were made at locations A through F. Which graph best represets the measurements? (LO3) 19, “The dingram below shows potion ofthe Ears rst near he mid-Atlameridg. Leer A,B, C,D, and E represent locations on the ea lor. The stipes the digram preset magnetic ands of |gneous rock famed inthe crane ent. The orientation of Ear magnetic field a the ime of rock fexmation shown bythe rows within each band. Along line dawn fom lation A to lestionE, the relative age ofthe oceanic crt would most ikl: (LO 3), ingress fhm A oC, ad decrease fom CtoE. decree rm A 10 E incense fom A 19, 20, What happens tobe ming temperature of underground rock athe pressure onthe ack ie secreased?” (LO3) 4 Rook i ot eapableof melting at ny temperate 1_Themeing emperstare ofthe rock ress, 4 Themeting temperature ofthe rock remains the sme 21, As mantle rock rises in the asthenosphere, what happens othe pressure onthe rok? (LO) 1 the pressure fist dereses slighty, thn increases dramatically the presue onthe vok increases 41 the pressure onthe rok remine the same 22. Asante rock ses inthe asthenospere to near the Earths surface, what happens tthe rock’ tate ofmater? (103) fa. The rock mos ely remains asl © Theroek canges from a solid oa iui. 1 The ook changes fom a gas to gud 23. _Which is typically more dense, water, slid rock or magma? (1.03) mem sold rock “b magma the densities of water, magma and soli rok are the same 4. water 24, With few exceptions, nresing he temperature of a material: (LO3) a. willinereas the weight of the mates, & willinerease dhe mass of he material 4 Will decrease the volume ofthe material 25, Arock has amas of 50 grams ad a volume of 10 cubic centimeters, What the density of the rock? (03) 3 10,iem? Spiem? bs 500 jem 50 gem! 26, The data tbl below shows the density of fur diffrent substances in the guid phase, When placed together, the liquids wl form four distinct and separate layers Il four lig were poured nto & sraduated eylinder and allowed to sete, which isthe corect order ofthe Ivers famed fs the botiom ofthe eylnde tthe top? (LOS) Tiga Density (in grams pe eubitcenimeter) 23 250 268 23 Ree WXYZ & ZY,Wx @ Zwyix 27. The data table below shows the density of various types of tock. A stent is tying to lassi an unknown rock simple. The student measures the mass and vlume of the rock, The rock bas amass of| 300 grams and a volume of 10.0 cabieceimees, Based onthe student's da, how shoul he ‘okeown rock sample be casitied? (LO3) ‘Week type | — Density Gin grams por cubic centimeter) ‘anit 209 al 290 Tinestone 28 sandstone 232 2 Himestone «sandstone basal @ graie 28, The ime core of Earth consists of solid rn-ickel. The rn-ickel meri ofthe outer core rein ‘he gu phase. Why isthe inner core materia soli, butte ute cre sarmaly in the guid phase? (os 8. The mer coe iat much lower temperature than the our core 1b. The imer coe is ata much higher temperature than the tr core Gem reps al phn he se 29. What isthe name of the proces in which the pails of 2 uid move as ares of changes in eat? wos) 4 themal comecton thermal ration ‘thermal omecton 4 thermal conduction 30, Which isthe aceped primary mechanism for sea-loor spreading? (LO 2) So the fomatin of magni striping along the se floor 41 thetremendous weight of seuNoo sediments piled up over mlions of years 31. What do mid-ocan ridges nd ot spots beneath acan pits have in common? (LO2) Nelo isassalted wih plate motions. Doth ae lcated along erstal pte boundaries. 44 Bosh have eal earthquakes at originate werent depths. 22. i ro ie a ohn orice wih aconient pte (L02) ‘Ari vally wil form in the continental plate. {. Abotspo wil form inthe acs plate The continent plate wil be subducted 33, Some rock setions fund on the ocean Noor exit zebra oe strped pattern, Whats the primary cure ofthe pte? (LO) —" 1 changes in the asthenosphere' temperature ‘changes inthe ahenorphere's presure 4 changes in Eats global tempertre 34, ‘The map below shows the major lithospheric plates on Earth, The arrows how the motion ofthe plates relative tothe slowest moving plat, the Afcan Pls. Whats happening tothe with ofthe ‘Atlantic Oosun over tne? (L02). ‘© The widh ofthe Aantic Oceans remaining he sane 44 No cncason canbe made based othe cisret dts, PF Which sth name ofthe zane where two continents have met nd some welded into asingle contnea? (02) (a sue ane enw zone sation one 44 collision zone nyas noth of nda most likely formed? (1.0.3) '. ocea-contnentalsubdition zee en-continentl divergent nes onkinental-cotinental sbditon ones 37, Ifyou used the theory of pate etnies to rade the mos likely pace forthe next earthquake oF ‘oeaneerption, you shoul pret that tis most likely tooeeur: (LO 1) 4 where one has nt happened in at east 10 ilon yeas. inthe interior of any eontinens {© whee continental ithosperc plate fs boing subucted beneath an ocean iboephric ie 38. Where are the deepest ocean tonches most ikely tbe lest? (LO 1) contnental-ocean subduction ze 1 contnantal-ocean divergent zones eeanscean subduction nes 39. Which crossection below best represents he erst plate motion tha isthe main cause of the voleanees and dep rf valley found atmid-ocea hdges? (LO 1) Sees BB contenant Hi Goran ovat Co nience > Dice at ste meson ‘Te iltration below shows plte movement around Iceland 40. which con he yomget beck ost eye ou? (202) a point ‘e poine i pias oom The digram below shows acrosseton view of Earths sre, intron, and their associated 41, Mid-ocean ridges typically form where the etn plates re: (LO 1) conversing ‘stationary. Sliding pst ach other. 42. The iagam below shows a cross-section view of Earths srfce, interior andr asoiated smovernents, What most key created th dep ocean wench along the Westcoast of South Ameria? lo) Panny oy 2. the oceanic erst sinking tthe Mid-Auntiidge '. The convection curets make the ocean bsin narrower. 4 the oecani cra oping over te conten erst ‘The diagram below shows the Earth's varios lithosphere plats. The rows indicate the plates Brecon of movement 4 ‘Which type of gologal eae would be expect lng te west cont of South Americ? (LO 1) a arift valley "& achain of volcanoes transfor faut an cean ridge ‘44, Atwhich ofthese boundaries would you expetto ind ocean lithosphere bring crest? (LO 1) 1. between the Pacific snd North American pte €bereun the Soh American and Nez pits none ofthese 45. Which the ane of he spercontnen tat exists 250 lion ears ago? (LO2) anes eo Page Nor Ameria Conanaland 46. The diagrams below show the Earths continental lithosphere oer four distinc tne pv, Which gram represents the oldest map ofthe Earth's landform? (0.2) 47. Which isthe mst key cause of Eas magnetic Fld? (LO 1) 1 stationary liquid ion deposits located deep within Earth 1 Stationary slid iron deposits octed deep within Earth Sw em of i dope ee nr 48, The raph below shows the relationship between the cling time of magma and he size of erysals produced As the cooling time increases: (LO 1) i the siz ofthe crystals increases andthe colrbacomes darker po change in crystal sz or coor orcurs size ofthe rsa ineeases, 2 the cysts become darker in colo.

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