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Power BI

Dashboard in AN Hour

1. Install Power BI Desktop from

2. Copy the two Excel files SalesData.xlsx and Budget2017.xlsx to your local drive

Lab 1 - Sales Analysis

1. Open Power BI Desktop and select New

2. Form Get data menu select Excel workbook
3. Select SalesData.xlsx from the folder, select all sheets and then Load

4. Go the Model tab, link Date to Sales (Datekey à OrderDateKey) and ProductSubCategory to
Product(ProductSubCategory à ProductSubCategory)
5. Change format of SalesAmount column to Currency with 0 precision points

6. Add a Treemap visual and use CountryName and SalesAmount

7. Add a Line and clustered column chart and use MonthName, SalesAmount and OrderQuantity

8. On the column chart, click on … and change it to sort by MonthName in ascending order
9. Select MonthName, Sort by Column icon and use MonthNumberOfYear. The months in the
column chart are sorted in a right order now.

10. Add a slicer for CalendarYear and change its view to dropdown
11. Add a Map visual and use CountryName and StateProvinceName in location and SalesAmount in
Size. Enable drill mode to be able to get down from country to states map
12. Add a Donut chart and use ProductCategoryName and ProductSubcategoryName in legend and
SalesAmount in values. Enable drill mode to be able to get down from category to sub category

13. Add two Card visual for SalesAmount and OrderQuantity. Try to rename the columns and give
the proper names.
14. Align the visuals, add a textbox, and rename the page to Sales Analysis
Lab 2 - Budget Analysis
In this lab we are going to load budget data for 2017 calendar year and create a report page to compare
2017 budget and sales.

Data Transformation
1. From Get data menu, select Excel workbook, and select Budget2017.xlsx. This time click on
Transform Data.

2. Remove the top 1 row of SalesTerritoryBudget

3. Select Use First Row as Header

4. Select the first two columns(keep the Cty ket down), right click and select Unpivot Other
5. Rename Attribute to BudgetMonth and Value to SalesBudget
6. Change DataType of BudgetMonth to Date

7. Add a new custom column and name it BudgetDateKey

8. Convert datatype of BudgetDateKey to Whole Number.

9. Remove BudgetMonth column

10. Merge SalesTerritoryBudget to SalesTerritory to lookup SalesTerritoryKey. Ensure
SalesTerritoryCountry get 1 and SalesTerritoryRegion 2 as join order.

11. Expand table and add SalesTerritoryKey

12. Remove SalesTerritoryRegion and SalesTerritoryCountry columns

13. Close Power Query

14. Change format of SalesBudget column to currency $

15. Link SalesTerritoryBudget to Date(BudgetDateKeyàDateKey). Notice that Power BI has

recognized and created a relationship between SalesTerritoryBudget and SalesTerritory using
16. Delete the relation between SalesTerritory and Geography

17. Make relation between SalesTerritory and Sales active by double click on the relation
18. Hide key columns in SalesTerritoryBudget


1. Create a measure in SalesTerritoryBudget

Sales To Budget% = DIVIDE(SUM(Sales[SalesAmount]),SUM(SalesTerritoryBudget[SalesBudget]))

2. Set format of measure to %

3. Add a new report page and name it Budget 2017 Analysis.

4. Add a Line and clustered column chart with MonthName on axis, SalesAmount and SalesBudget
on Column value and Sales To Budget% to Line value.
5. Add CalendarYear to page filter and set it show data for only 2017

6. Form the format tab, go to Data label, set Customize series to On, select SalesBudget and set
Show to Off.
7. Copy and paste the chart visual and use
Thanks for attending to this session.

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