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Reflective writing on portfolio development

Written gaps in learning with goals

Identify literature search engine and sources

Team development stages and barriers to

effective teamwork

Co and extra curricular activities evidence

Attendance and code of conduct of evidence

Identify personal strengths and areas of


Specify one’s learning style and meta cognitive


Time and stress management strategies

Title of Topic: Reflective Writing on Portfolio Development
Date: 9-5-2024 Time:12:30-1:30
Attendance: Present Teacher’s Name:Dr. Fatima Naumeri

 Learning Outcome: Describe portfolio, it’s types & identify portfolio enteries.
Write reflection on
Gibb’s Reflective Cycle.
Portfolio: A portfolio is a collection of works or artifacts that showcase an
individual's skills, accomplishments, and experiences. There are various types of
portfolios, including:
 Types:
1. Career Portfolio: Highlights professional achievements, skills, and experiences
relevant to a particular career or job field.
2. Academic Portfolio: Showcases academic achievements, including research
papers, projects, and presentations.
3. Artistic Portfolio: Displays artwork, designs, or creative projects to demonstrate
artistic skills and abilities.
4. Digital Portfolio: Hosted online, it showcases digital works, such as websites,
multimedia projects, and digital art.
5. Writing Portfolio: Contains samples of writing, such as articles, essays, and
stories, to showcase writing skills and style.

 Notes: Here's a step-by-step guide on how to design a reflective portfolio

using the Gibbs Reflective Cycle:
 Choose Relevant Artifacts: Select pieces of work or evidence that you want to
include inyour portfolio. These could be projects, assignments, reports, or any
other materials that demonstrate your skills and experiences.
 Introduction: Start your portfolio with an introduction.
 Description: For each artifact in your portfolio, begin with a description.
 Feelings: Reflect on your feelings and emotions during the experience.
 Evaluation: Assess the overall success of the task. What worked well, and what
could have been improved?
 Analysis:Analyze the experience in more depth.
 Conclusion:Draw conclusions from your analysis.
 Action Plan:Develop an action plan for future improvements or similar tasks.
 Overall Reflection:Conclude your portfolio with an overall reflection. Summarize
the key lessons learned, skills gained, and insights acquired throughout the
various experiences presented.
 Formatting and Presentation:Pay attention to the formatting and presentation
of your portfolio. Ensure it is visually appealing, well-organized, and easy to
 Include Supporting Documentation:Provide any additional supporting
documentation,such as certificates, testimonials, or further context for the
artifacts in your portfolio.
Reflective thinking: Remember, the goal is not just to showcase your work but to
demonstrate your ability to reflection and learn from your experiences. By
incorporating the Gibbs Reflective Cycle, you provide a deeper understanding of the
context, emotions, and insights behind each piece of evidence in your portfolio.

Teacher’s Signature:
Title of Topic: Written gaps in learning with Goals.
Date:9-5-2024 Time:12:30-1:30
Attendance: Present Teacher’s Name: Dr. Fatima Naumeri

 Learning Outcomes: Identify gaps in learning through Reflection.

As a first year MBBS student, effective time management is essential to navigate the
demanding curriculum and develop a strong foundation for your medical education.
The creation of comprehensive time management portfolio involves several key
Firstly prioritize your study schedule by allocating dedicated time for each subject,
ensuring coverage of core medical sciences. Utilize a digital tool or planner to
organize your daily, weekly, and monthly study goals, incorporating both individual
study sessions and group activities. Balance your academic commitments with your
daily self care routine to maintain physical, mental and psychosocial well-being,
fostering a sustainable approach to your studies. Additionally include time for extra
curricular activities, such as participating in medical campaigns or volunteering, to
enrich your overall learning experience.
Regularly review and adjust your time management strategies based on your
evolving workload and personal needs.
By developing a dynamic time management portfolio, you can optimize your
efficiency, maintain a healthy work-life balance, and set the ground work for
successful medical education journey.
Reflective Thinking : In medicine, effective time management is not just a practical
skill but a cornerstone of patient care. Reflecting on it highlights the delicate balance
between thoroughness and efficiency, emphasizing the need for prioritization to
optimize both medical decision-making and patient outcomes.

Teacher’s Signature:
Title of Topic: Identify literature search engine and sources.
Date:9-5-2024 Time:12:30-1:30
Attendance: Present Teacher’s Name: Dr. Fatima Naumeri

 Learning Outcomes: Identify literature search engine and sources.


literature search engine is a crucial tool for researchers, scholars, and students to
find relevant and credible sources for their research papers, theses, and projects. In
this portfolio, we will identify and explore various literature search engines and
sources, their features, and their applications.

Literature Search Engines

1. Google Scholar
• Features: Search across many disciplines and sources, including articles, theses,
books, and court opinions; advanced search options; citation tracking and alerts.
• Applications: Research papers, theses, dissertations, and projects in various fields,
including social sciences, life sciences, physical sciences, and engineering.
2. Microsoft Academic
• Features: Search across various disciplines; advanced search options; citation
tracking and analytics; author profiles and recommendations.
• Applications: Research papers, theses, dissertations, and projects in computer
science, engineering, physics, and mathematics.
3. Semantic Scholar
• Features: Search across various disciplines; advanced search options; citation tracking and
analytics; author profiles and recommendations; AI-powered recommendations.
• Applications: Research papers, theses, dissertations, and projects in natural language
processing, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.

1. Academic Databases
•Features: Peer-reviewed articles, journals, and conference proceedings; advanced
search options; citation tracking and analytics.
•Applications: Research papers, theses, dissertations, and projects in various fields, including
social sciences, life sciences, physical sciences, and engineering.

2. Online Libraries
Library of Congress
Worldcat Open Library
•Features: Books, articles, and other materials; advanced search options; borrowing
and lending options.
•Applications: Research papers, theses, dissertations, and projects in various fields,
including social sciences, life sciences, physical sciences, and engineering.
3. Open Access Repositories
•DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) ((link unavailable))
•OpenDOAR (Directory of Open Access Repositories) ((link unavailable))
• Features: Open access articles, journals, and conference proceedings; advanced
search options; citation tracking and analytics.
• Applications: Research papers, theses, dissertations, and projects in various fields,
including social sciences, life sciences, physical sciences, and engineering.
In this portfolio, we have identified and explored various literature search engines
and sources, their features, and their applications. These tools are essential for
researchers, scholars, and students to find credible and relevant sources for their
research papers, theses, and projects. By utilizing these literature search engines and
sources, researchers can ensure the quality and validity of their research, and
contribute to the advancement of knowledge in their respective fields.

Teacher’s Signature:
Title of Topic: Team Development Stages and Barriers to Effective Teamwork
Date:9-5-2024 Time:12:30-1:30
Attendance: Present Teacher’s Name: Dr. Fatima Naumeri

●Learning Outcomes: Identify Team Development Stages and Barriers to Effective

Teamwork Portfolio


Effective teamwork is crucial for achieving success in various endeavors, including

business, sports, and personal projects. However, team development is a process that
goes through various stages, and barriers can hinder its progress. In this portfolio, we
will explore the stages of team development and the barriers to effective teamwork.

Team Development Stages

1. Forming (Orientation)
Team members come together, get to know each other, and understand the task at
Characteristics: High dependence on leader, low productivity, and excitement.
2. Storming (Conflict)
Team members explore ideas, roles, and responsibilities, leading to conflicts and
power struggles.
Characteristics: High energy, low cohesion, and emotional ups and downs.
3. Norming (Cooperation)
Team members develop trust, respect, and a sense of belonging, leading to increased
Characteristics: Improved communication, shared goals, and role clarification.
4. Performing (Productivity)
Team members work efficiently, effectively, and independently, achieving their goals.
Characteristics: High productivity, low supervision, and high job satisfaction.
5. Adjourning (Disbanding)
Team members reflect on their accomplishments, and the team disbands.
Characteristics: Closure, evaluation, and recognition.
Barriers to Effective Teamwork

1. Communication Barriers
• Language differences
• Information overload
• Poor listening skills
2. Trust Issues
• Lack of transparency
• Unreliable team members
• Unaddressed conflicts
3. Role Ambiguity
• Unclear responsibilities
• Overlapping tasks
• Lack of accountability
4. Diversity and Inclusion
• Unaddressed biases
• Lack of representation
• Inadequate support
5. Leadership and Management
• Ineffective leadership
• Micromanaging
• Lack of empowerment
6. Conflict and Negotiation
• Unresolved conflicts
• Poor negotiation skills
• Lack of compromise
7. Time and Resource Constraints
• Unrealistic deadlines
• Inadequate resources
• Overwork and burnout

In this portfolio, we have explored the stages of team development and the barriers
to effective teamwork. Understanding these stages and barriers is crucial for building
and maintaining high-performing teams. By recognizing and addressing these
challenges, teams can overcome obstacles and achieve their goals. Effective
teamwork requires effort, commitment, and a willingness to learn and adapt. By
fostering a positive team culture and addressing barriers, teams can achieve success
and reach their full potential.

Teacher’s Signature:
Title of Topic: Co and extra curricular activities evidence
Date:9-5-2024 Time:12:30-1:30
Attendance: Present Teacher’s Name: Dr. Fatima Naumeri

●Learning Outcomes: Identify co and extra curricular activities evidence

Introduction: Co and extracurricular activities have long been recognized as integral

components of a holistic education. They provide students with opportunities to
develop skills, interests, and relationships outside the traditional classroom setting.
This portfolio aims to showcase the compelling evidence supporting the value of
these activities in enhancing the overall educational experience and preparing
students for success in various facets of life.

Academic Achievement: Numerous studies have demonstrated a positive correlation

between participation in co and extracurricular activities and academic performance.
For instance, research published in the Journal of Youth and Adolescence (2018)
found that students engaged in such activities were more likely to exhibit higher
grades and graduation rates compared to their non-participating peers. Additionally,
involvement in activities like debate clubs, science Olympiads, and math competitions
often translates into improved critical thinking, problem-solving, and time
management skills, all of which are crucial for academic success.

Personal Development: Co and extracurricular activities offer a fertile ground for

personal growth and character development. Through sports teams, student
government, and community service initiatives, students learn valuable lessons in
leadership, teamwork, and resilience. For example, a longitudinal study conducted by
the National Association for Secondary School Principals (2020) revealed that
students who actively participated in extracurricular activities exhibited greater self-
confidence, communication abilities, and adaptability compared to their non-
participating peers. These experiences equip students with the essential life skills
needed to navigate the complexities of adulthood.

Social and Emotional Well-being: Participation in co and extracurricular activities

fosters a sense of belonging and connectedness among students, thereby promoting
their social and emotional well-being. Whether it's through drama clubs, music
ensembles, or cultural societies, students have the opportunity to form meaningful
relationships, explore their identities, and celebrate diversity. Moreover,
extracurricular involvement serves as a protective factor against feelings of isolation
and depression, as highlighted in a meta-analysis published in the Journal of
Adolescent Health (2019). By fostering a supportive and inclusive environment, these
activities contribute to the overall emotional resilience of students.

Career Readiness: Co and extracurricular activities play a pivotal role in preparing

students for future career endeavors. Participation in clubs related to STEM fields,
entrepreneurship, or vocational training provides students with hands-on experiences
and industry-specific skills that are highly valued in the job market. Moreover,
engagement in leadership roles, internships, and volunteer work enhances students'
resumes and distinguishes them as well-rounded candidates. According to a survey
conducted by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (2021), employers
consistently rank involvement in co and extracurricular activities as one of the top
indicators of a candidate's potential for success in the workplace.

Conclusion: In summation, the evidence presented in this portfolio unequivocally

demonstrates the multifaceted benefits of co and extracurricular activities in
enriching the educational journey of students. From academic achievement to
personal development, social well-being, and career readiness, these activities serve
as catalysts for growth and empowerment. As educators and stakeholders, it is
imperative that we continue to champion the importance of co and extracurricular
engagement and provide equitable access to these transformative opportunities for
all students.

Teacher’s Signature:
Title of Topic: Attendance and code of conduct evidence
Date:9-5-2024 Time:12:30-1:30
Attendance: Present Teacher’s Name: Dr. Fatima Naumeri

●Learning Outcomes: Identify attendance and code of conduct evidence

Introduction: Attendance and adherence to a code of conduct are foundational

elements of a thriving educational environment. This portfolio aims to present
compelling evidence showcasing the significant impact that consistent attendance
and adherence to a code of conduct have on academic achievement, school culture,
and student outcomes.

Academic Achievement: High attendance rates are strongly associated with

improved academic performance and student achievement. Research published in
the Journal of Educational Research (2019) indicates that students with regular
attendance are more likely to demonstrate higher grades, standardized test scores,
and graduation rates compared to their chronically absent peers. Furthermore,
consistent attendance fosters a sense of accountability and engagement in learning,
as highlighted in longitudinal studies conducted by educational institutions
School Climate and Culture: Adherence to a code of conduct is essential for fostering
a positive and inclusive school climate. A study published in the Journal of School
Violence (2020) revealed that schools with clear and consistently enforced codes of
conduct experience lower rates of disciplinary incidents and disruptions, leading to a
safer and more conducive learning environment for all students. Moreover, a strong
code of conduct promotes respect, empathy, and responsible behavior among
students, thereby cultivating a culture of mutual respect and cooperation.
Student Well-being and Engagement: Consistent attendance and adherence to a
code of conduct are closely linked to student well-being and social-emotional
development. Students who feel safe, supported, and valued within their school
community are more likely to be actively engaged in learning and extracurricular
activities. Research published in the Journal of School Health (2021) suggests that
students who perceive their school environment as positive and respectful report
higher levels of overall well-being, self-esteem, and connectedness to school
Long-term Outcomes: The impact of attendance and code of conduct adherence
extends beyond the classroom and has significant implications for students' long-
term success. A meta-analysis conducted by the National Center for Education
Statistics (2022) found that students who consistently attend school and exhibit
positive behavior are more likely to graduate from high school, pursue higher
education, and achieve greater career success later in life. Furthermore, the
development of responsible citizenship and ethical decision-making fostered by a
strong code of conduct prepares students to become productive members of society.

In conclusion, the evidence presented in this portfolio underscores the critical
importance of attendance and adherence to a code of conduct in shaping the
educational experiences and outcomes of students. From academic achievement to
school climate, student well-being, and long-term success, these foundational
elements serve as pillars upon which a thriving educational community is built. As
educators and stakeholders, it is incumbent upon us to prioritize efforts to promote
consistent attendance and uphold clear and equitable codes of conduct, thereby
ensuring that all students have the opportunity to thrive and reach their full potential.

Teacher’s Signature:
Title of Topic: Identify personal strengths and areas of improvement
Date:9-5-2024 Time:12:30-1:30
Attendance: Present Teacher’s Name: Dr. Fatima Naumeri

●Learning Outcomes: Identify personal strengths and areas of improvement

Introduction: Self-awareness is a cornerstone of personal growth and

development. By identifying our personal strengths and areas of improvement,
we gain valuable insights into ourselves and can chart a path toward becoming
the best versions of ourselves. This portfolio serves as a reflective journey,
showcasing the process of self-discovery and the strategies for leveraging
strengths while addressing areas needing growth.

Personal Strengths

1. Effective Communication

Verbal and written communication skills, with the ability to articulate complex ideas
clearly and concisely.

Active listening skills, ensuring understanding and empathy in interpersonal


2. Adaptability and Flexibility

Ability to adjust to new situations, challenges, and technologies with ease.

Willingness to learn and adapt in a rapidly changing environment.

3. Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking

Logical and analytical approach to problem-solving, with a focus on finding

innovative solutions.

Ability to evaluate information, identify patterns, and make informed decisions.

4. Empathy and Emotional Intelligence

Understanding and recognition of emotions in myself and others.

Ability to manage emotions, resolve conflicts, and build strong relationships.

5. Resilience and Perseverance

Ability to bounce back from setbacks, failures, and challenges.

Determination and persistence in achieving goals and objectives.

Areas of Improvement

1. Time Management and Organization

Need to prioritize tasks more effectively, avoiding procrastination and managing time

Improvement in organizational skills, using tools and systems to stay on track.

2. Delegation and Trust

Tendency to take on too much responsibility, needing to trust others and delegate
tasks effectively.

Development of skills to empower others and build a strong team.

3. Self-Care and Well-being

Need to prioritize physical and mental health, recognizing the importance of self-care.

Commitment to regular exercise, healthy habits, and stress management.

4. Public Speaking and Presentation

While comfortable with written communication, need to improve public speaking and
presentation skills.

Practice and training to become a more confident and effective presenter.

5. Continuous Learning and Development

Recognition of the importance of staying up-to-date with industry trends and skills.

Commitment to regular learning, attending workshops, and seeking mentorship.

Conclusion :

Identifying personal strengths and areas of improvement is a crucial step in self-

awareness and growth. By recognizing and building on my strengths, I can enhance
my skills and abilities. Meanwhile, working on my areas of improvement will help me
become a more well-rounded and effective individual. This portfolio serves as a
roadmap for my personal and professional development, guiding me towards
excellence and success.

Teacher’s Signature:
Title of Topic: Specify one’s learning style and meta cognitive strategies
Date:9-5-2024 Time:12:30-1:30
Attendance: Present Teacher’s Name: Dr. Fatima Naumeri

●Learning Outcomes: Specify one’s learning style and meta cognitive strategies


Understanding one's learning style and meta-cognitive strategies is crucial for

effective learning and academic success. This portfolio aims to identify my learning
style and meta-cognitive strategies, providing a framework for optimizing my
learning and improving my academic performance.

Learning Style

After reflecting on my learning preferences and habits, I have identified my learning

style as:


I learn best through images, diagrams, and charts.

I prefer to organize information spatially and use mind maps to connect ideas.

I enjoy visualizing concepts and relationships between ideas.

Meta-Cognitive Strategies

To enhance my learning, I employ the following meta-cognitive strategies:

1. Self-Questioning

I ask myself questions like "What is the main idea?", "How does this relate to
previous knowledge?", and "What are the implications?" to engage actively with the

2. Summarization

I summarize key points in my own words to reinforce understanding and retention.

3. Visualization

I create mental images or diagrams to help me remember complex information and


4. Self-Monitoring
I track my progress, set goals, and adjust my learning plan as needed to stay on track.

5. Reflection

I regularly reflect on my learning, identifying what works best for me and areas for

Additional Strategies

Active Recall: I test myself regularly to reinforce learning and identify areas where I
need more practice.

Chunking: I break down complex information into smaller, manageable chunks to aid
comprehension and retention.

Mnemonics: I use acronyms and rhymes to associate new information with

something familiar and memorable.


Understanding my learning style and meta-cognitive strategies empowers me to take

ownership of my learning. By leveraging my visual-spatial learning style and
employing these strategies, I can optimize my learning, improve my academic
performance, and become a more effective learner. This portfolio serves as a guide
for my ongoing learning journey, helping me to adapt and refine my approach as

Teacher’s Signature:
Title of Topic: Time and stress management strategies
Date:9-5-2024 Time:12:30-1:30
Attendance: Present Teacher’s Name: Dr. Fatima Naumeri

●Learning Outcomes: Identify time and stress management strategies

Introduction :

Effective time and stress management are crucial for achieving academic success,
maintaining well-being, and enhancing productivity. This portfolio outlines the
strategies I employ to manage my time and stress, ensuring a healthy balance
between academic responsibilities, personal life, and overall well-being.

Time Management Strategies

1. Prioritization

I identify and prioritize tasks based on their importance and urgency, focusing on
high-priority tasks first.

2. Goal Setting

I set specific, achievable goals for each study session, breaking down larger tasks into
smaller, manageable chunks.

3. Scheduling

I create a schedule, allocating dedicated time for studying, relaxation, and leisure
activities, ensuring a balanced routine.

4. Time Blocking

I allocate fixed time slots for tasks, minimizing distractions and interruptions during
focused study periods.

5. Break Reminders

I take regular breaks, setting reminders to maintain productivity and avoid burnout.

Stress Management Strategies

1. Mindfulness and Meditation

I practice mindfulness meditation, focusing on the present moment, and reducing

stress and anxiety.

2. Exercise and Physical Activity

I engage in regular physical activity, releasing endorphins, and improving mood and
overall well-being.

3. Journaling

I reflect on my thoughts and emotions, identifying stressors, and developing

strategies to address them.

4. Social Support Network

I maintain a strong social support network, connecting with friends, family, and peers,
sharing experiences, and seeking help when needed.

5. Self-Care

I prioritize self-care, ensuring adequate sleep, healthy nutrition, and relaxation

techniques, such as deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation.

Additional Strategies

Task Delegation: I delegate tasks when possible, sharing responsibilities with others
to manage workload and stress.

Leisure Activities: I engage in enjoyable hobbies and activities, providing a healthy

distraction from academic pressures.

Seeking Help: I don't hesitate to seek help from academic advisors, counselors, or
mentors when needed.


Effective time and stress management are essential for achieving academic success
and maintaining overall well-being. By implementing these strategies, I can optimize
my productivity, reduce stress, and enjoy a healthy balance between academic
responsibilities and personal life. This portfolio serves as a guide for my ongoing time
and stress management, helping me adapt and refine my approach as needed .

Teacher’s Signature:

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