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MAE 3233

MAE 3233 Heat Transfer HW3 – Radiation Chapter 13 Page 1 of 2
Fall 2016 DUE DATE: Wed. Sep. 7, 2016 at 4:45 PM
3-1 (40 Points): Radiation View Factors 3-3 (30 Points): Radiation View Factors

Hint: Consider environment as object no. 3 and

find view factors and calculate the radiation to
environment too in the energy balance.

(Answer: F12=0.469, T1=456K)

(Answer: 𝑄̇ ≈ 0.0014W; G2= 2.76 W/m2)

2-2 (10 Points): Radiation 3-4 (25 Points): Radiation View Factors

(Answer: a: F12=1.0, F21=0.424; b: F12=0.5, F21=0.25;

c: F12=1.0, F21=0.637, F22=0.363; d: F12=0.5,
F21=0.707; e: F12=0.5, F21=0 as A2 goes to infinity; f:
F12=1.0, F23=0.375, F21=0.125, F22=0.5; g: F12=0.5,
F21=0.637; h: F12=1.0, F21=D1/D2)

3-2 (20 Points): Radiation View Factors

(Answer: 𝑄̇ 12= 12kW)

(Answer: F12=0.09, F21=0.06)

MAE 3233 Heat Transfer HW3 – Radiation Chapter 13 Page 2 of 2
Fall 2016 DUE DATE: Wed. Sep. 7, 2016 at 4:45 PM
3-5 (20 Points): Radiation 3-6 (20 Points): Radiation Exchange

(Answer: q'12=1680W/m, q'2=2520 W/m, T3=915K )

(Answer: 𝑄̇ =0.069 W, q''=930 W/m2, q''=1085 W/m2 )

KNOWN: Various geometric shapes involving two areas A1 and A2.
FIND: Shape factors, F12 and F21, for each configuration.
ASSUMPTIONS: Surfaces are diffuse.
ANALYSIS: The analysis is not to make use of tables or charts. The approach involves use of the
reciprocity relation, Eq. 13.3, and summation rule, Eq. 13.4. Recognize that reciprocity applies to two
surfaces; summation applies to an enclosure. Certain shape factors will be identified by inspection.
Note L is the length normal to page.

(a) Long duct (L):

By inspection, F12 = 1.0 <
A1 2 RL 4
By reciprocity, F21 = F12 = × 1.0 = = 0.424 <
A2 ( 3 / 4 ) ⋅ 2π RL 3π

(b) Small sphere, A1, under concentric hemisphere, A2, where A2 = 2A

Summation rule F11 + F12 + F13 = 1

But F12 = F13 by symmetry, hence F12 = 0.50 <

A1 A1
By reciprocity, F21 = F12 = × 0.5 = 0.25. <
A2 2A1

(c) Long duct (L):

By inspection, F12 = 1.0
A1 2RL 2
By reciprocity, F21 = F12 = × 1.0 = = 0.637 <
A2 π RL π

Summation rule, F22 = 1 − F21 = 1 − 0.64 = 0.363. <

(d) Long inclined plates (L):
Summation rule, F11 + F12 + F13 = 1

But F12 = F13 by symmetry, hence F12 = 0.50 <

A1 20L
By reciprocity, F21 = F12 = × 0.5 = 0.707. <
10 ( 2 )
A2 1/ 2

(e) Sphere lying on infinite plane

Summation rule, F11 + F12 + F13 = 1
But F12 = F13 by symmetry, hence F12 = 0.5 <
By reciprocity, F21 = F12 → 0 since A 2 → ∞. <

Continued …..

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PROBLEM 13.1 (Cont.)

(f) Hemisphere over a disc of diameter D/2; find also F22 and F23.
By inspection, F12 = 1.0 <
Summation rule for surface A3 is written as
F31 + F32 + F33 = 1. Hence, F32 = 1.0.

By reciprocity, F23 = F32

⎧⎡ 2 π D / 2 2 ⎤ ⎫
⎪⎢π D
F23 = ⎨ −
( ) ⎥ π D2 ⎪
/ ⎬1.0 = 0.375.
⎪⎩ ⎢⎣ 4 4 ⎥ 2 ⎪
⎦ ⎭

A1 ⎧⎪ π ⎡ D ⎤ 2 π D 2 ⎫⎪
By reciprocity, F21 = F12 = ⎨ ⎢ ⎥ / ⎬ × 1.0 = 0.125. <
A2 ⎪⎩ 4 ⎣ 2 ⎦ 2 ⎪⎭

Summation rule for A2, F21 + F22 + F23 = 1 or

F22 = 1 − F21 − F23 = 1 − 0.125 − 0.375 = 0.5. <

Note that by inspection you can deduce F22 = 0.5
(g) Long open channel (L):
Summation rule for A1
F11 + F12 + F13 = 0

but F12 = F13 by symmetry, hence F12 = 0.50. <

A1 2× L 4
By reciprocity, F21 = F12 = = × 0.50 = 0.637.
A2 ( 2π 1) / 4 × L π
COMMENTS: (1) Note that the summation rule is applied to an enclosure. To complete the
enclosure, it was necessary in several cases to define a third surface which was shown by dashed lines.

(2) Recognize that the solutions follow a systematic procedure; in many instances it is possible to
deduce a shape factor by inspection.

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United States Copyright Act without the permission of the copyright owner is unlawful.
KNOWN: Two perpendicular rectangles not having a common edge.
FIND: (a) Shape factor, F12, and (b) Compute and plot F12 as a function of Zb for 0.05 ≤ Zb ≤ 0.4 m;
compare results with the view factor obtained from the two-dimensional relation for perpendicular
plates with a common edge, Table 13.1.

ASSUMPTIONS: (1) All surfaces are diffuse, (2) Plane formed by A1 + A3 is perpendicular to plane
of A2.

ANALYSIS: (a) Introducing the hypothetical surface A3, we can write

F2( 3,1) = F23 + F21. (1)
Using Fig. 13.6, applicable to perpendicular rectangles with a common edge, find
Y 0.3 Z 0.2
F23 = 0.19 : with Y = 0.3, X = 0.5, Z = Za − Z b = 0.2, and = = 0.6, = = 0.4
X 0.5 X 0.5
Y 0.3 Z 0.4
F2( 3,1) = 0.25 : with Y = 0.3, X = 0.5, Z a = 0.4, and = = 0.6, = = 0.8
X 0.5 X 0.5
Hence from Eq. (1)
F21 = F2( 3.1) − F23 = 0.25 − 0.19 = 0.06
By reciprocity,
A2 0.5 × 0.3m 2
F12 = F21 = × 0.06 = 0.09 (2) <
A1 0.5 × 0.2 m 2
(b) Using the IHT Tool – View Factors for Perpendicular Rectangles with a Common Edge and Eqs.
(1,2) above, F12 was computed as a function of Zb. Also shown on the plot below is the view factor
F(3,1)2 for the limiting case Zb → Za.

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KNOWN: Coaxial, parallel black plates with surroundings. Lower plate (A2) maintained at
prescribed temperature T2 while electrical power is supplied to upper plate (A1).

FIND: Temperature of the upper plate T1.


ASSUMPTIONS: (1) Plates are black surfaces of uniform temperature, and (2) Backside of heater on
A1 insulated.

ANALYSIS: The net radiation heat rate leaving Ai is

( ) ( )
Pe = ∑ qij = A1 F12σ T14 − T24 + A1F13σ T14 − T34

( )
Pe = A1σ ⎡ F12 T14 − T24 + F13 T14 − Tsur
4 ⎤
( )⎥⎦ (1)
From Fig. 13.5 for coaxial disks (see Table 13.2),
R1 = r1 / L = 0.10 m / 0.20 m = 0.5 R 2 = r2 / L = 0.20 m / 0.20 m = 1.0

1 + R 22 1 + 12
S = 1+ = 1+ = 9.0
R12 ( 0.5 ) 2

1⎧ ⎡ 2 2 1/ 2 ⎫ 1 ⎧ 2 1/ 2 ⎫
⎨S − ⎢⎣S − 4 ( r2 / r1 ) ⎥⎦⎤ ⎬ = ⎨9 − ⎢⎣⎡9 − 4 ( 0.2 / 0.1) ⎥⎦⎤ ⎬ = 0.469.
F12 =
2⎩ ⎭ 2⎩ ⎭
From the summation rule for the enclosure A1, A2 and A3 where the last area represents the
surroundings with T3 = Tsur,
F12 + F13 = 1 F13 = 1 − F12 = 1 − 0.469 = 0.531.

Substituting numerical values into Eq. (1), with A1 = π D12 / 4 = 3.142 × 10−2 m 2 ,
17.5 W = 3.142 × 10−2 m 2 × 5.67 × 10−8 W / m 2 ⋅ K 4 ⎡ 0.469 T14 − 5004 K 4
⎢⎣ ( )
+ 0.531 T14 − 3004 K 4 ⎤ ) ⎥⎦

( )
9.823 × 109 = 0.469 T14 − 5004 + 0.531 T14 − 3004 ( )
find by trial-and-error that T1 = 456 K. <
COMMENTS: Note that if the upper plate were adiabatic, T1 = 427 K.

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KNOWN: Two black, plane discs, one being solid, the other ring-shaped.
FIND: Net radiative heat exchange between the two surfaces.

ASSUMPTIONS: (1) Discs are parallel and coaxial, (2) Discs are black, diffuse surfaces, (3)
Convection effects are not being considered.
ANALYSIS: From Eq. 13.14, qij = AiFij(Ji - Jj) where Ji = σ Ti4 and Jj = σ Ti4 . Therefore,

q12 = A1F12 σ T14 − T24 ( )

The view factor F12 can be determined from Fig. 13.5 after some manipulation. Define these two
hypothetical surfaces;

π Do2
A3 = , located co-planar with A2, but a solid surface

π Di2
A4 = , located co-planar with A2, representing the missing center.
From view factor relations and Fig. 13.5, it follows that
F12 = F13 − F14 = 0.62 − 0.20 = 0.42

rj 40 / 2 L 20
F14: = = 1, = = 0.5, F14 = 0.20
L 20 ri 80 / 2

rj 80 / 2 L 20
F13: = = 2, = = 0.5, F13 = 0.62.
L 20 ri 80 / 2

( )
q12 = π 0.802 / 4 m 2 × 0.42 × 5.67 × 10−8 W / m 2 ⋅ K 4 3004 − 10004 K 4 ( )
q12 = −11.87 kW. <
Assuming negligible radiation exchange with the surroundings, the negative sign implies that q1 = -
11.87 kW and q2 = +11.87 kW.

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KNOWN: Water-cooled heat flux gage exposed to radiant source, convection process and
FIND: (a) Net radiation exchange between heater and gage, (b) Net transfer of radiation to the gauge
per unit area of the gage, (c) Net heat transfer to the gage per unit area of gage, (d) Heat flux indicated
by gage described in Problem 3.98.

ASSUMPTIONS: (1) Heater and gauge are parallel, coaxial discs having blackbody behavior, (2) Ag
<< Ah, (3) Surroundings are large compared to Ah and Ag.
ANALYSIS: (a) The net radiation exchange between the heater and the gage, both with blackbody
behavior, is found from qij = AiFij(Ji - Jj) where Ji = σ Ti4 and Jj = σ Ti4 . Therefore,
( )
q h − g = A h Fhg σ Th4 − Tg4 = A g Fgh σ Th4 − Tg4 . ( )
Note the use of reciprocity, Eq. 13.3, for the view factors. From Eq. 13.8,

( ) (
Fgh = D h2 / 4L2 + D h2 = ( 0.2m ) / 4 × 0.52 m 2 + 0.22 m 2 = 0.0385.
( )
q h − g = π 0.012 m 2 / 4 × 0.0385 × 5.67 × 10−8 W / m 2 ⋅ K 4 ⎡8004 − 2904 ⎤ K 4 = 69.0 mW.
⎣ ⎦
(b) The net radiation to the gage per unit area will involve exchange with the heater and the
q′′net,rad = −q g / A g = q h − g / A g + qsur − g / Ag .
The net exchange with the surroundings is
qsur − g = Asur Fsur − g σ Tsur ( )
− Tg4 = A g Fg − sur σ Tsur
− Tg4 . ( )
⋅ K ( 300 )K
69.0 × 10 W −8
+ (1 − 0.0385 ) 5.67 × 10 <
2 4 4 4 4 2
q ′′net,rad = W/m − 290 = 934.5 W / m .
π ( 0.01m ) / 4

(c) The net heat transfer rate to the gage per unit area of
the gage follows from the surface energy balance
q′′net,in = q′′net,rad + q′′conv

q′′net,in = 934.5 W / m 2 + 15W / m 2 ⋅ K ( 300 − 290 ) K

q′′net,in = 1085 W / m 2 . <

(d) The heat flux gage described in Problem 3.98 would experience a net heat flux to the surface of
2 2
1085 W/m . The irradiation to the gage from the heater is Gg = qh→g/Ag = Fgh σ Th4 = 894 W/m .
Since the gage responds to net heat flux, there would be a systematic error in sensing irradiation from
the heater.

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United States Copyright Act without the permission of the copyright owner is unlawful.
KNOWN: Long, inclined black surfaces maintained at prescribed temperatures.
FIND: (a) Net radiation exchange between the two surfaces per unit length, (b) Net radiation transfer
to surface A2 with black, insulated surface positioned as shown below; determine temperature of this

ASSUMPTIONS: (1) Surfaces behave as blackbodies, (2) Surfaces are very long in direction normal
to page.
ANALYSIS: (a) The net radiation exchange between two black surfaces is qij = AiFij(Ji - Jj) where Ji =
σ Ti4 and Jj = σ Ti4 . Therefore,

q12 = A1F12σ T14 − T24 ( )

Noting that A1 = width×length ( A ) and that from symmetry, F12 = 0.5, find

′ = 12 = 0.1 m × 0.5 × 5.67 × 10−8 W / m 2 ⋅ K 4 10004 − 8004 K 4 = 1680 W / m. ) <
(b) With the insulated, black surface A3 positioned as
shown above, a three-surface enclosure is formed. From
an energy balance on the node representing A2, find
−q′2 = q′32 + q1′ 2

−q 2 = A3F32 [ E b3 − E b2 ] + A1F12 [ E b1 − E b2 ] .

To find Eb3, which at present is not known, perform an energy balance on the node representing A3.
Note that A3 is adiabatic and, hence q3 = 0, q13 = q32.
A1F13 [ E b1 − E b3 ] = A3F32 [ E b3 − E b2 ]

Since F13 = F23 = 0.5 and A1 = A3, it follows that

E b3 = (1/ 2 ) [ E b1 + E b2 ]
and −q′2 = ( A3 / A ) F32 [( E b1 + E b2 ) / 2 − E b2 ] + q12

−q′2 = 0.1 m × 0.5 × 5.67 × 10−8 W / m 2 ⋅ K 4 ⎡ 10004 + 8004 / 2 − 8004 ⎤ K 4
⎢⎣ ) ⎥⎦
+1680 W / m = 2517 W / m <
Noting that Eb3 = σ T34 = (1/2) [Eb1 +Eb2], it follows that

( ) ( )
1/ 4 1/ 4
T3 = ⎡ T14 + T24 / 2 ⎤ = ⎡ 10004 + 8004 / 2 ⎤ K = 916 K. <
⎢⎣ ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ ⎥⎦

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