Assignment 2 Text file.

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Nombre del estudiante: Adolfo Miranda Morales.

Municipio: Salamanca, Guanajuato.

Carrera: Ingeniería Industrial.

Numero de cedula del estudiante: 22012531

Materia: Idioma Extranjero lll v2.

Fecha de elaboración: jueves 11 de enero del 2024.

Parte 1:

Go to Virtual class (Lesson 1) then open the "future” submenu, and choose
the "Practice” slide: from each image you have to construct 3 sentences,
using future tense with the auxiliary will. 7 images times 3 sentencies = 21
sentencies (7 affirmative, 7 interrogative & 7 negative ones).


1. - He will dream with me.

2. - I will camp this weekend.

3. - We will get fit for this summer.

4. - It will be cloudy outside.

5. - They will stay awake till we come back.

6. - You will meditate after yoga class.

7. - She will study abroad next semester.


1. - He will not dream with me.

2. - I will not camp this weekend.

3. - We will not get fit for this summer.

4. - It won´t be cloudy outside.

5. - They won´t stay awake till we come back.

6. - You won´t meditate after yoga class.

7. - She won´t study abroad next semester.


1. - Will he dream with me?

2. - Will I camp this weekend?

3. - Will we get fir for this summer?

4. - Will it be cloudy outside?

5. - Will they stay awake till we come back?

6. - Will you mediate after yoga class?

7. - Will she study abroad next semester?

Part 2

Now go to the next lesson SCORM (Unit 1 lesson 2) and open the "going to”
submenu then choose the second "Practice” slide, as shown in the image:

Read the questions and analyze them, those questions will help you build up
a paragraph in English (made up of 150 words or more). In case you find it
hard to come up with ideas regarding quality, feel free to search for some
tips on internet, for instance "Deming Quality Principles” "Quality policy”
and similar themes; then be ready compose the answers to the questions but
using FUTURE tenses.

1.-What are we going to do to improve quality?

We are all going to commit ourselves to improve the selection of raw materials, and
to improve the final product; have better plans to improve delivery
times to customers, and be able to improve the level in the market.

2. - Who is going to be in charge of training the team?

I am going to Schedule the groups that will receive, the appropriate topics, when
this training plan will be informed of the days and hours.

3. - When are we going to have the next meeting?

Next Friday by video call, we will talk about the new projects, considering the new
“normality”, in the corporate work centers. We will have the opportunity for this
pandemic to be an opportunity to improve as a society; in the short term. I
hope so from all of you, since our reality and coexistence will be
different. The next few months will be less stressful, let is find the best of all this.
4. - What are you going to do to participate in quality improvement?

I am going to take the next course of uncertainty, for next we will

buy, the measurement equipment, and have the bases on the next calculations of
the new product.

Hello my name, is Adolfo Miranda Morales, I’m Instrument of Controls Technician

and coordinator of preventive and corrective maintenance department in
the company Cements Moctezuma, I am in charge of all the controls programs
of maintenance whole plant, this semester as a department and
responsible we have the challenge of committing ourselves to meet the 2024
OBJECTVES, to reach compliance three general objectives were proposed,
of which all of us who make up the maintenance department:
mechanical, electrical, and projects. All of us go with the idea of being able to do
our work, and reach the requested objective month by month, which is to meet the
fewest Number of failures, sable on scheduled revisions, and meet the hours
of preventive maintenance, I am responsible for my area, and integrate a
team of responsible and trained people, with a view to having the minimum of error
with compliance. We go to meet every week to review the issues that the audits
found throughout the week and solve them. I would have liked to work on an oil
platform, since I worked in a petrochemical company, now my objectives are to
finish engineering online.

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