2 Renal Tubular Function

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-Na+ and Cl- efflux from thick ascending limb makes interstitium Hypotonic/osmolar - less strong than

hyperosmolar Isotonic/osmolar - equally as strong as

so water drawn out of descending limb - inside of tube more conc. > Hypertonic/osmolar - more strong than
-More Na+ and Cl- diffuse out of thin ascending limb and in thick
ascending limb which makes remaining fluid hypoosmolar Two types of nephron:
- Cortical (majority) - glomeruli in outer cortex, short loop of Henle
- Juxtamedullary - long loop of Henle

Nephron tubule lined with epithelial cells which

separates filtrate in the lumen from interstitial

Ht secretion and bicarbonate reabsorption in the proximal tubule

Renal tubular
Threshold usually 7-13 mmo1/L
Reabsorption and secretion
Fluid that leaves is isotonic ←

Columnar epithelial cells

Nephron function:
- Reabsorption of solutes e.g. glucose
- Some substances secreted into it e.g. waste
- Regulation of urine vol. ~ double body weight
Glucose and amino acid reabsorption in proximal tubule

Thin descending and ascending loop of

→ Generating conc. gradient

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