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9 Key Characteristics of Romantic Poetry

Several characteristics distinguish romantic poetry from other forms of poetry.

The following are key characteristics of the form:

1. A Reaction Against Neoclassical Poetry

2. Imagination
3. Nature
4. Escapism
5. Melancholy
6. Medievalism
7. Hellenism
8. Supernaturalism
9. Subjectivity

1. A Reaction Against Neoclassical Poetry

Romantic poetry carries unique features which distinguish it from other kinds
of poetry. It is in absolute contrast to neoclassical poetry. Neoclassical is the
poetry of intellect and reason, while romantic poetry is the product of
emotions, sentiments and the voice at the heart of the poet. It is a catharsis of
the poet’s emotions, thoughts, feelings and ideas bound within their hearts.

Romantic poetry is a reaction against the set standards, conventions, rules

and traditional laws of poetry. That's the reason romantic poetry is
acknowledged as a progressive form, at least in contrast to neoclassical.

According to William J. Long, “The Romantic Movement was marked, and is

always marked, by a strong reaction and protest against the bondage of rule
and custom which in science and theology as well as literature, generally tend
to fetter the free human spirit.”

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