TEFL Assignment B PPP Grammar Lesson

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Assignment B - PPP Grammar Lesson Table: First Conditional

 NB: Look at the model provided and make sure you understand what MFP refer to here. See Units 2 and 7. For example, in number 4 in the
table below, we do NOT mean 'What is the function of the lesson'!!!

1. What is the target form of the first conditional Ask questions to the form First Conditional with one of the following: Target Form (Form)
(both clauses)? (F) The target form of the first conditional consists of:
- If-clause (Present Simple): If + subject + verb in base form |
- Main clause (Future Simple): subject + will + base verb |
example: if it rains, I will stay home.

2. What is the model sentence you will elicit to Have the audience share this sentence to kick off the presentation:
begin your presentation?
Then "If I complete my homework on time, then I will watch a movie.",
"If I finish my homework early, I will watch a movie."
3. What are the negative and question Model sentence in negative form: If I do not finish my homework early, I will not watch a
(interrogative) forms of your model sentence? movie.
(You might find there is more than one
possibility, but you only need to show one Form: Will + subject + not + base verb.
negative and one question, then analyse the
forms.) Model sentence in question form: If I finish my homework early, I will watch a movie?

Form: If + subject + do/does not + base verb, subject + will not + base verb "Will you not
base verb?
4. What is the function? (M) 1st Conditional is used to talk about possible future events depending on a present condition.
5. What do students need to know about the Students require sentence stress and intonation:
pronunciation, including sentence stress and

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intonation? (P) - (Pronunciation) - effort de language: Insist usually sur les principia verbs "finish" et
(Think only about how the model sentence "watch".
would normally be said.)
- Intonation: (Sing. For the if-clause and sing. or even a sub-vowel length pause for the main
6. What is the context I will use to introduce the By using context like weekend plan according to a weather condition.
form? (M)
If it's Sunny Tomorrow |
Example: "If it’s sunny tomorrow, we’ll go to the beach."

7. How will I try to elicit the first conditional from Elicit the first conditional by discussing potential plans:
the students?
Teacher: "If it rains tomorrow, what will you do?"
Student: " I will stay home if it doesn't rain."

8. How will I encourage students to analyse the Have students analyse the form by pulling apart the sentence:
form (S+V, etc.) themselves rather than just
telling them what it is? (F) - Write on the board the sentence: "If it rains, I will stay at home."
- Students will point out subject, verbs, and clauses.

9. What concept questions will I ask to check Will Ask concept questions to judge understanding:
students understand how the form is being
used/what it means? - "Ranking: Not former, current or future." (Future)
- "Yes" or "No" for "Does the action depend on something happening?
10. What timeline can I use to help students Have the students draw a time line so they can understand:

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understand sentences such as 'If it's sunny - Record point for "now" and "future"
tomorrow, we'll go to the beach.'?
- Show "If it’s sunny tomorrow, then we’ll go to the beach" happening in the present and fu-

11. How will I get students to practice the Students will repeat the sentence model focused on stress and intonation.
- Chorus & Individual Repetition
12. What controlled practice activities will the Structures that are correct in providing controlled practice activities:)
students do?
Exercises that require students to fill in the blanks with the first conditional (gap-fills).
There are a few multiple-choice questions which test the correct form of the first conditional.

13. What freer practice activities will the students Freer practice activities;
Supplementary structures - Roleplays: for students to talk their plans with their partners us-
ing the first conditional.
- Write in: Students write a paragraph about what they are going to do this weekend using the
first condition.

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