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Cause of Origin
• Hinduism had become rigid and orthodox with complex rituals and the
dominance of Brahmanas.

• जटिल कर्मक ां ड ां और ब्र ह्मण ां के प्रभुत्व के स थ ट ां दू धर्म कठ र और

रूट़िव दी गय थ ।
• Varna system divided the society into 4 classes based on birth, where
the two higher classes enjoy several privileges.

• वणम व्यवस्थ ने सर् ज क जन्म के आध र पर 4 वगों र्ें टवभ टजत टकय ,

ज ाँ द उच्च वगम कई टवशेष टधक र ां क आनांद ले ते ैं ।
• Kshatriyas' reaction against the domination of the Brahmanas.

• ब्र ह्मण ां के वर्मस्व के खिल फ क्षटिय ां की प्रटतटिय ।

Origin of Jainism
• Jainism is a very ancient religion. As per some traditions, it is as old as
the Vedic religion.

• जै न धर्म बहुत प्र र्ीन धर्म ै । कुछ परां पर ओां के अनुस र, य वैटदक धर्म
टजतन पुर न ै।
• The Jain tradition has a succession of great teachers or Tirthankaras.

• जै न परां पर र्ें र् न टशक्षक ां य तीथं कर ां क उत्तर टधक र ै।

• There were 24 Tirthankaras the last of which was Vardhaman Mahavira.
• 24 तीथंकर थे टजनर्ें से अांटतर् वधमर् न र् वीर थे ।

• All the Tirthankaras were Kshatriyas by birth.

• The first Tirthankara is believed to be Rishabhanath or Rishabhadev.

• प ले तीथं कर क ऋषभन थ य ऋषभदे व र् न ज त ै।

• The 23rd Tirthankara was Parshvanatha who was born in Varanasi. He

may have lived in the 8th or 7th century BC.

• 23वें तीथं कर प र्श्मन थ थे टजनक जन्म व र णसी र्ें हुआ थ । व आठवीां

य स तवीां शत ब्दी ईस पूवम र्ें र ग।

Founder of Jainism – Vardhaman Mahavira (540 – 468 B.C.)

• Vardhamana Mahavira, the 24th Tirthankara, was born in 540 B.C. in a
village called Kundagrama near Vaishali.
• He belonged to the Jnatrika clan and was connected to the royal family
of Magadha.
• His father Siddharta was the head of the Jnathrika Kshatriya clan and his
mother Trishala was a sister of Chetaka, the king of Vaishali.

• 24वें तीथं कर वधमर् न र् वीर क जन्म 540 ईस पूवम र्ें हुआ थ ।

वैश ली के टनकि कुण्डग्र र् न र्क ग ाँव र्ें।

• व ज्ञ नटिक वांश के थे और र्गध के श ी पररव र से जु डे थे ।

• उनके टपत टसद्ध थम ज्ञ नटिक क्षटिय वांश के र्ुखिय थे और उनकी र् त

टिशल वैश ली के र ज र्ेतक की ब न थीां।
• His parents were Kshatriyas. Father – Siddhartha (Head of Jnatrika Clan);
Mother – Trishala (Sister of Lichchhavi chief Chetaka). (Chetaka’s
daughter married Haryanka King Bimbisara)
• He was married to Yasoda and had a daughter Anojja or Priyadarsana.

• उनक टवव यश द से हुआ थ और उनकी एक बेिी अन ज य

टप्रयदशम न थी।
• At the age of 30 years, he renounced his home and become an ascetic.

• 30 वषम की आयु र्ें, उन् न

ां े अपन घर त्य ग टदय और एक तपस्वी बन
• He practised austerity for 12 years and attained the highest spiritual
knowledge called Kaivalya (i.e conquered misery and happiness) at the
age of 42 years.

ां े १२ वषों तक तपस्य की और ४२ वषम की आयु र्ें कैवल्य (अथ म त

• उन् न
दु ि और सुि पर टवजय प्र प्त की) न र्क सवोच्च आध्य खिक ज्ञ न प्र प्त
टकय ।
• under a Sāla tree on the bank of the River Rijupalika near

• He delivered his first sermon at Pava.

• उन् न
ां े अपन प ल उपदे श प व र्ें टदय थ ।
• A symbol was associated with every Tirthankara and Mahavira’s symbol
was a lion.

• प्रत्येक तीथं कर के स थ एक प्रतीक जुड थ और र् वीर क प्रतीक टसां

• His missions took him Koshala, Magadha, Mithila, Champa etc
• He passed away at the age of 72 in 468 B.C. at the Pavapuri in Bihar.

• ४६८ ई.पू. र्ें ७२ वषम की आयु र्ें उनक टनधन गय । टब र के

प व पुरी र्ें।
Causes of the rise of Jainism
• Vedic religion had become highly ritualistic.

• वैटदक धर्म अत्यटधक कर्मक ां डी बन गय थ ।

• Jainism was taught in Pali and Prakrit thus was more accessible to the
common man as compared to Sanskrit.

• जै न धर्म प ली र्ें प़ि य ज त थ और प्र कृत सांस्कृत की तु लन र्ें आर्

आदर्ी के टलए अटधक सुलभ थ ।
• It was accessible to people of all castes.

• य सभी ज टतय ां के ल ग ां के टलए सुलभ थ ।

• Varna system had rigidified and people of the lower castes led miserable
lives. Jainism offered them an honourable place.
• About 200 years after the death of Mahavira, a great famine in the
Ganga valley prompted Chandragupta Maurya and Bhadrabahu (last
Acharya of the undivided Jain sangha) to migrate to Karnataka. Jainism
spread to Southern India after that.

• वणम व्यवस्थ कठ र गई थी और टनर्ली ज टतय ां के ल ग दयनीय

जीवन व्यतीत कर र े थे। जै न धर्म ने उन्ें एक सम्म नजनक स्थ न प्रद न
टकय ।

• र् वीर की र्ृत्यु के लगभग 200 स ल ब द, गांग घ िी र्ें एक र् न

अक ल ने र्ांद्रगुप्त र्ौयम और भद्रब हु (अटवभ टजत जै न सांघ के अांटतर्
आर् यम) क कन म िक र्ें प्रव स करने के टलए प्रेररत टकय । उसके ब द
जै न धर्म दटक्षण भ रत र्ें फैल गय ।
Royal patrons of Jainism
• South India
• Ganga dynasty
• Amoghavarsha
• Kumarapala (Chalukya dynasty)
• North India
• Bimbisara
• Ajatasatru
• Chandragupta Maurya
• Bindusara
• Harshavardhana
Teachings of Jainism
• Mahavira rejected Vedic principles.
• He did not believe in God’s existence. According to him, the universe is a
product of the natural phenomenon of cause and effect.
• He believed in Karma and transmigration of the soul. The body dies but
the soul does not.
• One will be punished or rewarded as per one’s karma.
• Advocated a life of austerity and non-violence.

• र् वीर ने वैटदक टसद्ध ां त ां क ि ररज कर टदय ।

• व ईर्श्र के अखित्व र्ें टवर्श् स न ीां करत थ । उनके अनुस र, ब्रह्म ां ड

क रण और प्रभ व की प्र कृटतक घिन क एक उत्प द ै ।

• व कर्म और आि के स्थ न ां तरगर्न र्ें टवर्श् स करते थे। शरीर र्रत ै

ले टकन आि न ीां।

• टकसी के कर्म के अनुस र दां टडत य पुरस्कृत टकय ज एग ।

• तपस्य और अट ां स के जीवन की वक लत की।

• It can be attained through three principles called Three Jewels or
Triratna i.e.
• Right Faith (Samyakdarshana)
• Right Knowledge (Samyakjnana)
• Right Action (Samyakcharita)
• Five Doctrines of Jainism
• Ahimsa: Non-injury to a living being
• Satya: Do not speak a lie
• Asteya: Do not steal
• Aparigraha: Do not acquire property
• Brahmacharya: Observe continence
Split in Jainism
• When Bhadrabahu left for South India, Sthulabahu remained in the
North with his followers.

• जब भद्रब हु दटक्षण भ रत के टलए रव न हुए, त स्थूलब हु अपने

अनुय टयय ां के स थ उत्तर र्ें र े ।
• Sthulabahu changed the code of conduct and said that white clothes
could be worn. Thus, split Jainism into two sects:
• Swetambaras: White-clad; Northerners
• Digambaras: Sky-clad (naked); Southerners
Jainism – Jain Councils
• First council
• Held at Pataliputra in the 3rd century BC.
• Presided by Sthulabahu.
• Second Council
• Held at Vallabhi in Gujarat in 512 AD.
• Presided by Devardhigani.
• 12 Angas was compiled here.
Jain Architecture
• Gumphas (Caves)
• Ellora Caves (Cave No. 30-35)- Maharashtra
• Mangi Tungi Cave- Maharashtra
• Gajapantha Cave- Maharashtra
• Udayagiri-Khandagiri Caves- Odisha
• Hathi-gumpha Cave- Odisha
• Sittanavasal Cave- Tamil Nadu
• Statues
• Gometeshwara/Bahubali Statue- Shravanabelagola, Karnataka
• Statue of Ahimsa (Rishabnatha)- Mangi-Tungi hills, Maharashtra
• Jianalaya (Temple)
• Dilwara Temple- Mount Abu, Rajasthan
• Girnar and Palitana Temple- Gujarat
• Muktagiri Temple- Maharashtra
Jainism literature
• Jainism literature: They were written in Prakrit language.
• Aachrang Sutra- Tells about meditation of Mahavir for 12 years.
• Kalpa-sutra – Biographies of Jain Tirthankaras mainly ParashnaMahavir.
• Bhagwati Sutra – It contains thousands of question and answers on
various topics from four Anuyogas, Such as soul, entities, matter,
ultimate particles and universe.

• Priyadarshna, the daughter of Mahavir was married to whom?

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