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OF Hymenocardia acida Tul (PHYLLANTACEAE)

Suleiman Danladi, Nafisah Bisallah Lawal, Aisha Muhammad Alhassan
Corresponding Author:, Tel: +2348062228858
Department of Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Bayero
University, Kano, Nigeria

ABSTRACT of health, as well as in the prevention,

diagnosis, improvement or treatment of
Hymenocardia acida (Tul) is a medicinal physical and mental illnesses (WHO,
plant used in folkloric medicine in the 2000).
treatment of various diseases. This study
aimed to review ethno-medicinal uses, The use of traditional medicines continues
biological/pharmacological activities as to expand rapidly across the world with
well as the phytochemical constituents of many people resorting to herbal products
Hymenocardia acida (Tul). The data were for the treatment of different health
searched from electronic databases such as challenges in various national healthcare
Google Scholar, Pub Med, Wiley and sectors.(Ajao et al., 2017). Almost all
Science Direct. The key word used for cultures from prehistoric times to the
searching information is Hymenocardia present day have used plants as a source of
acida. The study has shown that the plant is medicines and this includes a considerable
used in ethno-medicine for the treatment of percentage of the peoples in both developed
asthma, snake bite, small pox, pain, and developing countries (Akerele et al.,
trypanosomiasis, cough, eye infections, 1991). Before the introduction of the
pulmonary infections, diarrhea, dysentery, orthodox medicine, herbal medicine used to
diabetes, epilepsy and schizophrenia. be the commanding medical system
Additionally, the plant has been reported to available to millions of people in Africa in
contain various phytochemical constituents both rural and urban communities. In fact,
such as lupeyl docosanoate, lupine, β- it was the only source of medical care
sitosterol, friedelan-3-one, betulinic acid, available for a greater percentage of the
stigmasterol and oleic acid. Moreover, the population (Abdullahi, 2011). Medicinal
study highlighted that, the plant possessed plants are regarded as rich resources of drug
positive analgesic, antidiabetic, ingredients and still remain the basis for
anticonvulsant, anticancer, antiplasmodial, development of modern drugs. (Tor-Anyiin
antibacterial and antifungal activities. et al., 2013; Mahtab, 2016).
Therefore, Hymenocardia acida having
various medicinal properties as reported in Hymenocardia acida (Tul), family
this study can be used as herbal supplement Phyllantaceae (Tuenter et al., 2016) is a
in the treatment of various diseases. very popular plant in African traditional
medicine practices. The plant is known
Key words: Hymenocardia acida, commonly in Nigeria as Jan yaro (Hausa),
phytochemical, pharmacological Yawasatoje (Fulfulde), Ikalaga (Igbo),
ethomedicinal, activity Orupa (Yoruba), Ii-kwarto (Tiv), emela
(Etulo), Uchuo (Igede), Enanche (Idoma)
INTRODUCTION and Heart-fruit (English) (Tor-Anyiin et al.,
Traditional medicine refers to the sum total 2013). This review aimed to highlight ethno-
of the knowledge, skills and practices based medicinal uses, biological, pharmacological
on the theories, beliefs and experiences activities as well as the phytochemical
indigenous to different cultures, whether constituent of Hymenocardia acida (Tul).
explicable or not, used in the maintenance

JCBR Volume 1 issue 3 p92
METHODOLOGY to pale brown or gray after a while (Ahmad
In this study, previous scholarly works et al., 2021).
carried out on Hymenocardia acida were
reviewed. The data were searched from The generic name Hymenocardia is derived
online electronic databases such as Google from the Greek words ‘hymen’ meaning
Scholar, Pub Med, Wiley and Science ‘membrane’ and ‘kardia’ meaning ‘ heart’,
Direct using the key word “Hymenocardia which is in reference to the heart-shaped
acida”. Only papers published in English fruits that have a transparent covering
were reviewed and there is no limit on the membrane (hymen). The specific label
age of the papers or studies. acida describes the sour taste of its fruits
(Orwa et al., 2009).
DISTRIBUTION Hymenocardia acida is found mostly in
Hymenocardia acida (Tul) belongs to the savannah, scrub and open woodland in
plant family Phyllantaceae though it was association with Parinari curatellifolia,
formerly classified under the families Isoberlinia specie, Stereospermum
Euphorbiaceae and Hymenocardiaceae kunthianum, Parkia clappertoniana and
(Tuenter et al.,2016). It is a small dioecious Protea madiensis. The plant grows on
(male and female flowers occurring on sandy, loamy and clayey soils. The plant is
different trees), deciduous savannah tree or reported to be native to Angola, Cameroon,
shrub about 9 m high, it’s branches become Chad, Congo, Cote d'Ivoire, Gambia,
rusty brown when the bark peels off and the Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Mali,
bark is smooth or flaky and pinkish-brown Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal,
when they are freshly collected and changes Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zambia and
Zimbabwe (Orwa et al., 2009).

PLATE I: Picture of Hymenocardia acida in its natural habitat

JCBR Volume 1 issue 3 p92
ETHNOMEDICINAL USES roots of the plant are used either in
The leaf, stem bark, and root are commonly powdered form or infusion to treat
used as medicines. Young fruits and leafy hypotension, diabetes, sickle cell, epilepsy,
shoots of Hymenocardia acida are eaten as schizophrenia (Bum et al., 2011).
supplementary food (Burkill, 1985).
Infusion made of the leaf is taken to treat PHYTOCHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS
small pox, chest pain and oedema caused by
malnutrition. Extract obtained from leafy Based on phytochemical analysis, the stem
twigs is rubbed on sickly children to bark of Hymenocardia acida was reported
strengthen them. Furthermore, Leaf to contain carbohydrates, saponins, tannins,
preparations are used either singly or in alkaloids, flavonoids, terpenes and steroids
combination with other parts of the plant where as anthraquinones and glycosides
(root, bark or stem) in the treatment of were absent (Olotu et al., 2011; Usman et
stomach ache, trypanosomiasis, cough, eye al ., 2021). In contrast, however, Ukwe,
infections, headache, otitis, fever, (1997), Abu and Uchendu, (2010) and Abu
haemorrhoids, gall bladder problems, et al., (2011) reported the presence of
rheumatic pains, toothache, asthma and glycosides in the stem bark of
snake bites. Additionally decoction made of Hymenocardia acida. Additionally,
the leaf is used for bathing to treat tetanus, anthraquinones were reported to be present
convulsion and fatigue (Schmelzer, 2008). in both aqueous and ethanol leaf extract of
the plant (Oshomoh and Idu, 2012). Both
In some parts of west Africa, the stem bark the root and stem bark of Hymenocardia
of Hymenocardia acida is chewed with acida were reported to contain tannins,
kola to treat dysentery treat, pulmonary steroids, terpenes, saponins and alkaloids
infections, syphilitic sores, diarrhea, (Tona et al., 1998). On the other hand, the
dysentery, menstrual pains, abdominal leaves of Hymenocardia acida were
pains, painful swellings, infertility, cough, reported to contain carbohydrates, resins,
epileptic fits, colic, abscesses and tumours, balsams, flavonoids, flavonols, saponins,
migraine, skin and eye infections alkaloids, anthraquinones,
(Schmelzer, 2008). It is reportedly used for proanthocyanidines, cardiac glycosides,
bone setting and as an anti-inflammatory tannins, triterpenoids, phenols and steroidal
agent by traditional bone healers. nucleus (Sofidiya et al., 2006; Ibrahim et
Furthermore, in Northern Nigeria, the al., 2007; Sofidiya et al., 2009; Sofidiya et
preparations of leaf and stem bark or root al., 2010b; Kamba and Hassan, 2011;
bark is used for the treatment of different Obidike et al., 2011; Haruna et al., 2017;
categories of pain such as sickle cell crisis, Wada et al., 2017; Bafor et al., 2018).
menstrual pain and migraine and it is also Similarly, the presence of saponins,
used among the Idoma and Igede people in terpenes, flavonoids, steroids, tannins,
the treatment of diabetes (Tor-Anyiin et al., alkaloids, carbohydrates, protein and
2013). glycosides in Hymenocardia acida timber
were reported (Udeozo et al., 2017).
Root bark is used in treatment of malaria, Furthermore, the leaf and stem bark were
toothache, stomatitis, pyorrhea and as anti- found to contain anthraquinones,
enteralgic; it is also used in treatment of flavonoids, carbohydrates, saponins,
sterility, prevention of miscarriage and as cardiac glycosides, tannins, terpenes and
aphrodisiac. Root and stem barks of the steroids (Iyadi et al., 2003). Lastly, the root,
plant are used in combination as an emetic stem bark and leaf of Hymenocardia acida
antidote to ordeal poison (Burkill, 1985). were all reported to have alkaloids,
The root extracts of the plant have shown anthraquinones, flavonoids, carbohydrates,
insecticidal activity while the leaf, bark and saponins, sugars, tannins and terpenes.

JCBR Volume 1 issue 3 p92
However, steroids were reported to be sitosterol (III) was reported to be isolated
present in the stem bark and leaf of the plant from the roots of Hymenocardia acida
(Agbidye et al., 2020). (Shimbe et al., 2016). Also, five
triterpenoids namely friedelan-3-one(IV),
ISOLATED COMPOUNDS betulinic acid (V) and lupeol (II), β-
Several phytochemical compounds were sitosterol (III), stigmasterol(VI) together
isolated from different parts of with oleic acid(VII) and
Hymenocardia acida. Lupeyl docosanoate hymenocardine(VIII) were reported to
(I) a lupane type triterpene along with have been isolated from the stem bark of the
lupeol (II) β-sitosterol (III) were isolated plant (Pais et al .,1968; John and
from the stem bark of Hymenocardia acida Alexander, 2008; Mpiana et al., 2009).
(Mahmout et al ., 2008). In addition, β-


R= -CO-CH2- CH2- CH2-( CH2)15- CH2- CH2- CH3



ss H V VI

JCBR Volume 1 issue 3 p92
X1, C=O
X2, N


Futhermore, homoorientin (IX) and compound exists as an environmental

di(2ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) (X) were contaminant, it is recently found to be
isolated from the leaf of Hymenocardia produced by plants or microorganisms like
acida (Sofidiya et al ., 2010a). Although the bacteria or fungi (Ortiz and Sansinenea,

The root bark of Hymenocardia acida was hymenocardine with hydroxyl group,
found to contain four cyclopeptide hymenocardine N-oxide (XII),
alkaloids three of which were isolated for hymenocardine-H (XIII), and
the first time from a natural source; hymenocardine (VIII) (Tuenter et al.,2016)
hymenocardinol (XI) a derivative of

JCBR Volume 1 issue 3 p92
XI: X1 CH-OH , X2=N

XII: X1 C=O , X2=N+ -O-

12 13
10 14
24 11
O 1
9 O 16 O 2
15 3
25 8 NH
7 6 19
5 20
NH 26 HN N
31 30 18
27 O 17
29 NH 21
32 33NH
O 34
35 N
37 36 42

38 39


In addition, seven new stilbenoid hymenocardichromene F (XIX),

compounds namely hymenocardichromene hymenocardichromanic acid (XX) were
A (XIV), hymenocardichromene B (XV), reported to be isolated from the active
hymenocardichromene C (XVI), fractions of the leave extract during
hymenocardichromene D (XVII), screening for antiproliferative activity of
hymenocardichromene E (XVIII), the plant (Starks et al.,2014).

JCBR Volume 1 issue 3 p92






Ibrahim et al., 2007). In another study,
BIOLOGICAL AND anthocyanins were reported to be
PHARMACOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES responsible for the antisickling activity of
Anti-sickling activity has been reported Hymenocardia acida (Mpiana et al.,
from leaf and stem bark (Iyadi et al., 2003; 2009).

JCBR Volume 1 issue 3 p92
In a study conducted by Shimbe et al., (2016) extract of Hymenocardia acida in the treatment
Hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol extracts of of African trypanosomiasis. In a study
Hymenocardia acida root exhibited a positive conducted by (Freiburghaus et al., 1996; Hoet et
activity against Staphylococcus aureus, al., 2004) methylene chloride and petroleum
Streptococcus pyrogens, Methicillin-resistant ether extracts of Hymenocardia acida leaf and
Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, root bark, respectively were believed to have
Candida tropicalis, and Candida stellatoidea. strong in vitro antitrypanosomal activity.
The methanol extracts of the stem bark and roots However, the antitrypanosomal study carried
of Hymenocardia acida showed fungicidal out by Yusuf et al., (2012) revealed that both
effects on the fungus Candida albicans and methylene chloride and petroleum ether extracts
bactericidal properties on Staphylococcus of Hymenocardia acida leaf and root bark do
aureus and Streptococcus pyogens at a not possess strong in vitro antitripanosomal
concentration of 1.0×103 mg/mL (Agbideye et activity. Antiplasmodial activity of the plant has
al., 2020). Similarly, Starks et al., (2014) also been reported (Vonthron-Senecheau 2003;
reported moderate activity of chromene and Mahmout et al., 2008; Mwangu-Kabi et al.,
chromane stilbenoids against methicillin 2020)
resistant Staphylococcus aureus at a
concentration of 8 վg/mL. Likewise, the Additionally, ethanol extract of Hymenocardia
aqueous and methanol extract of the leaf of acida stem bark caused cessation of oestrus
Hymenocardia acida were reported to possess cycle at the diestrus phase in female albino rats
antibacterial activity (Sofidiya et al., 2009). (Abu and Uchendu 2011). Similarly, strong anti-
Moreover, ethanol stem extract of implantation and antifertility activities were
Hymenocardia acida was found to have observed when ethanol extracts of the plant stem
antibacterial and antifungal activities against bark was administered to female albino rats
some selected organisms: A. flavus (fungus) during pregnancy (Abu and Uchendu, 2010).
followed by B. subtilis (gram +ve rod bacteria), Moreover, sperm immobilization properties of
S. mutans (gram +ve), S. auricularis (gram +ve), aqueous ethanol extract of stem bark of the plant
S. aureus (gram +ve), C. albicans (fungus), S. was evaluated by Abu et al., (2011) and the
pyogenes(gram +ve) and M. gypseum (fungus) result showed that the extract has an effect on the
respectively this provides evidence for the motility of rat spermatozoa.
traditional use of the plant as chewing stick
(Oshomoh and Idu, 2012). In a similar study, Furthermore a research conducted by Ukwe
ethanol leaf extract of Hymenocardia acida was (1997) showed that the aqueous extract of
reported to have significant effect against some stem bark of Hymenocardia acida exhibited
opportunistic respiratory pathogens and antiulcer effects in laboratory animals.
moderate activity against Escherichia coli,
Proteus mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, It has been reported that the aqueous and
and Staphylococcus aureus. However, the methanol leaf extracts of Hymenocardia
extract didn’t inhibit growth of Candida acida Tul. Exerts its pharmacological
albicans and Klebsiella pnuemoniae (Obidike et activity by interaction with antioxidant
al., 2011). Also, the anti-amoebic effect of enzymes, reactive oxygen species and extra
Hymenocardia acida was reported by Tona et cellular calcium which may likely be the
al., (1998). Sar et al., (2014) reported that reason why the plant possesses various
Hymenocardia acida had a positive effect pharmacological activities (Ogbunugafor et
against allergic airway inflammation. The al., 2010). Sofidiya et al., (2009) reported
methanol leaf and stem bark exract of that methanol extracts of Hymenocardia
Hymenocardia acida was reported to have acida exhibited antioxidant activity which
significant antidiarrheal activity (Bafor et al., was attributed to its phenolic compounds.
2018; Usman et al., 2021). Abu et al., (2009) The significant antioxidant activity of this
reported the in vitro potential of aqueous ethanol plant might be the reason why the plant

JCBR Volume 1 issue 3 p92
possesses anti-cancer activity. In a study showed no mortality at a dose of 2000mg/kg
conducted by Muanza et al., (2008), the (Ezeigbo and Asuzu, 2012; usman et al., 2021).
methanol extract of the root bark exhibited In a similar study conducted by Haruna et al.,
moderate cytotoxic activity against 60 human 2017, the oral median lethal dose (LD50) of
cell lines. Cytotoxicity of extracts from the leaf Hymenocardia acida in mice was estimated to
of Hymenocardia acida has been reported by be above 5000 mg/kg body weight. This shows
Vonthron-Senecheau (2003). In addition, leaf that Hymenocardia acida is not toxic after. In
extract of Hymenocardia acida showed activity addition, the sub chronic and chronic toxicity
against NCI-H460 lung cancer cells (Starks et study of aqueous ethanol extract of
al., 2014). Hymenocardia acida stem bark indicated that
the plant is relatively safe (Abu and Uchendu,
In a research conducted by (Ezeigbo and Asuzu 2010). Moreover, the ethanol extract of root bark
2012), the methanol leaf extract of of Hymenocardia acida has been reported to be
Hymenocardia acida demonstrated significant safe and has beneficial nutritional constituents
hypoglycemic activity in alloxan diabetic rats (Olotu et al., 2017). In addition, aqueous leaf
and reduced serum lipid levels associated with extract of the plant demonstrated potentials in
diabetes mellitus. Similarly, methanol and ameliorating deleterious effects of aluminium
chloroform extracts of Hymenocardia acida chloride intoxication (Yakubu et al., 2016) and
were found to ameliorate insulin resistance in in a similar study, the ethanol leaf extract of
skeletal muscle cells (Ezeigbo et al., 2016). Hymenocardia acida has been reported to
possess mild ameliorative effect against
Saponin rich fraction of Hymenocardia acida aluminium chloride-induced toxicity (Yakubu et
exhibited significant analgesic activity (Olotu et al., 2017).
al., 2011). Furthermore, the aqueous leaf extract
of Hymenocardia acida was reported to possess CONCLUSION AND
significant anti-inflammatory and anti- RECOMMENDATION
nociceptive activity (Sofidiya et al., 2010bs).
Also, Sackeyfio (1988) reported that This review has highlighted various
Hymenocardia acida extract possessed anti- ethnomedicinal uses, phytochemical
inflammatory activity in rat. constituents and pharmacological activities
of Hymenocardia acida. Promising
Wada et al., (2017) reported that ethanol leaf pharmacological activities of this plant may
extract of Hymenocardia acida protected 50% be attributed to its various phytochemical
of mice against seizures; it increased the mean constituents. Therefore Hymenocardia
onset of seizures induced by-aminopyridine acida should be standardized and used as
and protected 33.3% of mice against herbal supplement in the treatment of
pentylenetetrazole induced convulsion. various ailments.
Similarly methanol leaf extract of the plant
demonstrated anticonvulsant activity which is CONFLICT OF INTEREST
believed to be due to the presence of bioactive The authors declare no conflict of Interest
compounds (Haruna et al., 2017)
Hymenocardia acida can also find application in
the management of hypertension as the Abdullahi, A.A. (2011). Trends and
methanol extracts of root bark of the plant was challenges of traditional medicine in
reported to possess vaso-relaxant and Africa. African Journal Of Traditional
hypotensive activity (Nsaudi et al., 2013). Complementary and Alternative Medicine,
The acute toxicity studies of methanol leaf and Abu, A., Chukwuka, U., Raphael O. (2011).
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