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Fuel 84 (2005) 1839–1848


Mineralogical and engineering characteristics of dry flue gas

desulfurization products
Jerry M. Bighamb, David A. Kosta, Richard C. Stehouwera, Joel H. Beeghlyc,
Randy Fowlerb, Samuel J. Trainad, William E. Wolfee, Warren A. Dicka,*
School of Natural Resources, The Ohio State University, 1680 Madison Avenue, Wooster, OH 44691 USA
School of Natural Resources, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210, USA
Carmeuse North America, Pittsburgh, PA 15225, USA
Sierra Nevada Research Institute, University of California, Merced, CA 95344, USA
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Geodetic Science, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210, USA
Received 30 August 2004; received in revised form 16 March 2005; accepted 16 March 2005
Available online 18 April 2005

Fifty-nine coal combustion products were collected from coal-fired power plants using various dry flue gas desulfurization (FGD)
processes to remove SO2. X-ray diffraction analyses revealed duct injection and spray dryer processes created products that primarily
contained Ca(OH)2 (portlandite) and CaSO3$0.5H2O (hannebachite). Most samples from the lime injection multistage burners process
contained significant amounts of CaO (lime), CaSO4 (anhydrite), and CaCO3 (calcite). Bed ashes from the fluidized bed process were often
dominated by CaSO4 but also contained CaCO3, CaO (lime), and MgO (periclase). Cyclone ashes were similar in composition to the bed
ashes but contained more unspent sorbent and CaSO4 and less MgO. Fly ash in all samples ranged from 10 to 79 wt%. Samples usually
exhibited two distinct swelling episodes. One occurred immediately after water was applied due to hydration reactions, especially the
conversion of CaO to Ca(OH)2 and CaSO4 to CaSO4$2H2O (gypsum). The second began between 10 and 50 d later and involved formation
of the mineral ettringite (Ca6[Al (OH)6](SO4)3$26H2O). The final pH after 112 d ranged from 10.0 to 12.1. If samples are incubated under
‘closed’ (i.e. incomplete recarbonation with atmospheric CO2) and alkaline weathering conditions, gypsum and portlandite are initially
formed followed by the conversion of the gypsum to ettringite. Closed, alkaline conditions typically can occur when FGD products are placed
in confined settings such as a road embankment or buried as a discrete layer as occurs in some surface mine reclamation projects.
q 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Coal ash; Ettringite; Flue gas desulfurization products

1. Introduction utilities and other coal users to be out of compliance with the
Clean Air Act unless remedial actions are taken. Environ-
Coal continues to be the fuel of choice for power mental restrictions have thus spurred the development of
generation throughout much of the world [1]. Burning coal various flue gas scrubbing processes.
to generate energy releases SO2 from sulfur-bearing Flue gas desulfurization (FGD) technologies are often
impurities, and this SO2 has been linked to the formation classified as either wet or dry processes [2,3]. Wet FGD
of acid rain that causes accelerated soil acidification and systems tend to utilize sorbent more efficiently than dry
forest degradation. Accordingly, the U.S. Clean Air Act processes and typically can reduce SO2 emissions by more
Amendments of 1990 limit the total amount of SO2 that can than 90% [4]. Dry FGD systems, however, are more easily
be released to the atmosphere. The combustion of high- retrofitted onto existing combustion facilities. In both cases,
sulfur coal from many parts of the United States causes the removal of SO2 from flue gases results in a solid residue
that must either be disposed or utilized in a beneficial
* Corresponding author. Tel.: C1 330 263 3877; fax: C1 330 263 3658. manner.
E-mail address: dick.5@osu.edu (W.A. Dick). In 2001, the amount of FGD material produced was 25.6
0016-2361/$ - see front matter q 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
million Mg or 22.0% of the total coal combustion products
doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2005.03.018 generated [5]. Approximately 7.55 million Mg (29.5% of
1840 J.M. Bigham et al. / Fuel 84 (2005) 1839–1848

the total FGD produced in 2002) were used in various ways. Table 1
Beneficial uses included the production of wallboard, Dry FGD product samples and sample descriptionsa
flowable fill material, cement additives, and autoclaved Sample numbers Plant FGD processb
aerated concrete block [6,7]. FGD materials are also used in 4–9 American Electric Power (AEP), Duct injection
waste stabilization, roadway/runway construction, mine Beverly, OH
reclamation and as agricultural amendments. 10 FirstEnergy (Ohio Edison) Coolside spray
Successful engineering applications depend heavily on Edgewater, Lorain, OH dryer
11–22 FirstEnergy (Ohio Edison) LIMB
the mineralogical properties of FGD materials. Dry FGD
Edgewater, Lorain, OH
products are usually comprised of unreacted sorbent, coal 24–25 General Motors Corporation, AFBC
ash, and SO2 reaction products and thus have an overall Pontiac, MI
composition similar to cement, the hardening agent in 30 EPRI High Sulfur Test Center, Spray dryer
concrete. Because of the many dry FGD scrubbing Somerset, NY
33–41 Ohio State University Spray dryer
technologies available, by-products can be quite variable in
McCracken, Columbus, OH
their characteristics, and detailed information is required in 49–55 American Electric Power Tidd, PFBC
situations where destructive expansion can occur. Extensive Brilliant, OH
data on the properties of coal fly ash/bottom ash are available a
More complete description of samples is provided in Kost et al. (2005).
in the literature. Of note are papers published by Adriano et b
LIMB, lime injection multistage burners; AFBC, atmospheric fluidized
al. [8], Carlson and Adriano [9], Querol et al. [10], Hower et bed combustion (circulating unit); PFBC, pressurized fluidized bed
al. [11] and Martinez-Tarzona and Spears [12]. The combustion (bubbling unit).
American Coal Ash Association (Aurora, CO, USA) also
hosts a library and web site (http://www.acaa-usa.org) where diffractometer equipped with a PW 1216/90 wide-angle
much additional information can be obtained. In contrast, goniometer, a theta-compensating slit, and a graphite
much less data are available on the properties of FGD monochromator. Diffraction patterns were recorded from 5
products, especially dry FGD materials. to 7082q with a step interval of 0.0582q and a counting time of
Quantitative mineralogical data for dry FGD samples is 4 s per step. Instrument calibration was based on both low
particularly lacking. Several early mineralogical studies (cholesterol) and high angle (NIST SRM 640b Si powder)
were conducted on products from fluidized bed combustion diffraction standards. Quartz was ubiquitous and was used as
systems operated under atmospheric [13,14] and pressurized an internal standard to verify the accuracy of diffractometer
[15,16] conditions and on samples from a spray dryer readings from sample materials. Crystalline phase assign-
system [17]. Laperche and Bigham [18] characterized a ments were based on published literature, searches of the
mine grout prepared from FGD filter cake and fly ash. These International Centre for Diffraction Data powder diffraction
studies generally focused on only one type of FGD product file, and comparative analyses of reference mineral samples.
and did not consider the relationship to engineering uses. Thermal analyses were conducted using a Seiko
Kost et al. [19] has recently summarized the chemical SSC5020 instrument that provided simultaneous thermo-
and physical properties of 59 dry FGD product samples. Our gravimetric (TGA) and differential thermal analysis (DTA).
objectives here are to describe the mineralogical properties Samples were heated from 105 to 1125 8C at a rate of
of these same samples and to relate these properties to their 20 8C/min under a continuous flow (200 mL/min) of dry N2.
equilibrium solubility and swelling characteristics. Calibration of the temperature signal was based on the
melting points of In and Sn. Calibration of the thermal
balance used a reference weight provided by the instrument
2. Materials and methods manufacturer. Thermal events observed with heating of
samples were assigned to phase transitions based on
2.1. Mineralogical methods published literature and analyses of standard mineral
samples. A reference calcite (CaCO3) was analyzed after
Mineralogical analyses were performed on dry FGD every twenty samples to assure instrument standardization.
products from six power plants representing different types Weight losses induced by thermal decomposition of the
of scrubbing technologies (Table 1). The technologies were standard were maintained within C5% of calculated (ideal)
duct injection, lime injection multistage burner (LIMB), values.
fluidized bed combustion and spray dryer. Detailed Calcite and dolomite could not be consistently distin-
descriptions of the technologies and samples are given in guished from each other by thermal analysis. When both
Kost et al. [19]. Samples were stored dry in sealed were present in a sample, contents were measured by a
containers at room temperature until analyses were made. gasometric method using a Chittick apparatus [20]. The
A variety of analytical methods were used to obtain semi- amount of CO2 evolved from the sample after adding 20 mL
quantitative measures of mineralogical composition. X-ray of 6 M HCl (containing 0.6 g FeCl2) was measured after
diffraction (XRD) patterns were obtained from randomly 30 s for calcite and 30 min for dolomite. Gas volumes were
oriented powder mounts using Cu Ka radiation and a Philips corrected for temperature and pressure and then regression
J.M. Bigham et al. / Fuel 84 (2005) 1839–1848 1841

equations were used to calculate percent calcite and and analyzed. The solid residues were quick-frozen with
dolomite [20]. liquid N2 and freeze-dried for subsequent XRD analysis.
Ash contents were measured by mixing weighed samples Filtered solutions were analyzed for Al, B, Ba, Be, Ca,
(10–20 g) of FGD product with sodium acetate–acetic acid Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, S, Si, Sr,
buffer (pH 5.0) to form thick slurries. The slurries were and Zn using inductively coupled plasma emission spec-
treated with 30% H2O2 to convert CaSO3$0.5H2O (hanne- trometry as described in Kost et al. [19]. Solutions from
bachite) to more soluble CaSO4$2H2O (gypsum). Following days 1 and 36, and from days 56 and 70 were analyzed at 1:2
oxidation, and heating at 60 8C to decompose excess H2O2, and 1:1 sample/diluent ratios, respectively. Solutions from
the samples were quantitatively transferred to cellulose days 84 and 112 were not diluted before analysis. Aqueous
dialysis bags and submerged in sodium acetate–acetic acid concentrations of ClK, SO2K 2K
3 , and SO4 were determined
buffer (pH 5.0) for 4–6 d to remove acid-soluble materials. according to Method 429 of Standard Methods for the
The samples were then dialyzed against distilled H2O to Examination of Water and Waste Water [22] using a Dionex
remove excess salt and to dissolve residual CaSO4$2H2O. 2000i ion chromatograph equipped with an AS4A anion
Removal was considered complete when a negative test for separator column and an AG4A guard column. Solution pH
dissolved SO2K
4 was obtained with BaCl2. The samples were values were measured by glass electrode using an Orion
then quantitatively transferred to tared beakers, dried at Research Expandable Ion Analyzer EA920 while degassing
100 8C, and weighed to determine residual ash contents. the electrode head space with nitrogen gas.

2.2. Swelling tests

2.4. Equilibrium geochemical modeling
Swelling properties were dependent on the densities and
The aqueous-phase geochemical speciation for sample
moisture contents of the samples being tested. Thus, each
solutions collected at 56 and 112 d was calculated with
measurement was made on samples compacted at the
the geochemical speciation programs Soilchem [23] and
optimum moisture content and density as determined by the
MinteqA2 [24]. Molar solution composition data were
Standard Proctor Test, ASTM D-698 [21]. The Standard
input into the Soilchem model to predict the chemical
Proctor mold yields a cylindrical sample 10.2 cm in
species that occur under closed conditions (no reaction
diameter by 11.7 cm high. From this cylinder, a test
with atmospheric CO2) and with precipitation prohibited.
specimen of 6.4 cm diameter and 2.5 cm height was
The predicted equilibrium solution concentration of free
trimmed, and the specimen was allowed to swell in
cations and anions and the calculated values of ionic
accordance with Method A of ASTM Standard D-4546
strength (based on the Soilchem results) were recorded.
[21] except that the swelling pressure (pressure required to
The total solution composition data and the values of
return a sample to its original height after primary swelling
ionic strength (calculated by the Soilchem program) were
is complete) was not determined. The specimen was given
input into MinteqA2. The solution concentrations of free
free access to water and volume change was measured in the
cations and anions from Soilchem were used as the
vertical direction. These one-dimensional swelling tests
initial ‘guesses’ for the ‘free’ ion concentrations in the
were performed for up to 561 d on eight specimens (10, 14,
MinteqA2 calculations. All MinteqA2 calculations
15, 16, 18, 22, 30, and 35), and the mineralogical
were conducted with precipitation prohibited. Log
compositions of three samples were determined by XRD
saturation index values (log SI) were calculated by
analysis at several stages during the process to identify the
MinteqA2 using
cause of swelling.
log SI Z log IAP K log Ksp
2.3. Long-term equilibration studies
where IAP is the activity product of the solution
Long-term solubility studies were performed on five concentrations of ‘free’ cations and anions present in a
samples (4, 22, 35, 51, 52). Eight gram of sample and 40 g given solid, and Ksp is the solubility product for that
of distilled water (1:5 sample/water ratio) were placed in a solid. Given a general solid AaBb(s), the Ksp for each
50 mL polypropylene centrifuge tube and capped. Sufficient solid is given by
replicates of each sample were prepared to allow destructive Aa Bb ðsÞ Z aAbCðaqÞ C bBaKðaqÞ
sampling for eight events during a 4-month period. The
samples were stored in an incubator at 25 8C and were
Ksp Z ðaAbCÞðbBaKÞ
shaken and aerated weekly. Concentrations of elemental
constituents released to solution were measured in duplicate where information within each pair of parentheses
tubes at each sampling event (1, 7, 21, 36, 56, 70, 84, and denotes ion activities. The ion activity product is given
112 d). The solutions were centrifuged at 5000 rpm for 1 h, by
filtered (except for solutions used to measure conductivity,
pH, and Eh ) through 0.2 mm polycarbonate filters, IAP Z ðaAbCÞðbBaKÞ:
1842 J.M. Bigham et al. / Fuel 84 (2005) 1839–1848

Equality between the Ksp and the IAP indicates that a interpretation of other forms of data leading to mineral
solution may be at equilibrium with a given solid and quantification.
has a log SI value of 0. The XRD results showed that FGD products from the
Values of log SI for the solids ettringite and duct injection and spray dryer processes were similar and
Ca-molybdate (CaMoO4) were calculated manually using consisted primarily of Ca(OH)2 (portlandite) and
the aqueous activities of the cations and anions obtained CaSO3$0.5H2O (hannebachite). Portlandite was derived
from the geochemical computer modeling. A value of from the use of excess sorbent, and calcium sulfite was the
111.32 was used for the log Ksp of ettringite and K7.94 for primary product of sorbent reaction with SO2 in the flue gas.
the log Ksp of Ca-molybdate [25]. Both phases are indicative of low reaction temperatures
(150–200 8C). The coolside sample (10) and those duct
injection samples (6, 8, and 9) produced by recycle of FGD
product contained less sorbent and showed more evidence
3. Results and discussion
of the mineral phases (glass, quartz, mullite, hematite, and
magnetite) associated with fly ash.
3.1. Mineralogical characterization

Mineralogical analyses of the dry FGD products were Table 2

initiated with the identification of crystalline phases using Crystalline phases detected by X-ray diffractiona
XRD. For many samples, such as the LIMB samples shown FGD process Sample Major mineralsc Minor
in Fig. 1, analyses were made of the original sample and the that generated numberb mineralsc
same sample after removing the water-soluble and acid- sampleb
soluble components. Proportions of crystalline components Duct injection 4 P, H Q, F
could only be estimated from the relative peak intensities 5 P, H C, Q
6 P, H F, M, Q, U
(Table 2). X-ray amorphous phases, such as the glass
7 P Q, F
associated with fly ash, could not be readily detected in 8 P, H F, Q, U
these heterogeneous FGD samples. Nevertheless, a quali- 9 P, H F, Q, U
tative identification of all phases was essential for reliable Coolside 10 Q, P, H C, F, M, U
LIMB 11 L, C, A, P F, M, Q, U
12 R, C, A Q, F, M, U, L
13 B, P, L, A, C, G, R Q, M, F, U
14 R, A, L, C F, M, Q, U, P
15 R, A, C, L P, F, M, Q, U
16 L, Q, A, C P, F, M, U
17 R, L, A, C P, Q, F, M, U
18 A, Q, L, C P, U, F, M
19 A, C, L P, Q, F, M, U
20 L, A, Q, C F, M, U
21 L, A, C F, M, Q, P, U
22 L, A, C P, F, M, Q, U
AFBC 24 A, L, F, Q C
25 A, L, P Q, F, C
Spray dryer 33 C, P, H F, M, Q, U
34 P, H C, F, Q, U
35 P, H C, F, Q, U
37 P, H C, F, M, U
41 P, H Q, U
PFBC 49 D, A, R, C Q, F
50 C, A, R L, Q
51 D, A, R, C Q, F
52 R, A, C L, Q
53 D, A, Q F, L, U
54 D, A, P, Q, C F, L
55 A, R, C L, Q
A, Anhydrite (CaSO4); U, Mullite (Al6Si2O13); F, Hematite (Fe2O3); B,
Brucite [(Mg(OH)2]; P, Portlandite [Ca(OH)2]; M, Magnetite (Fe3O4); L,
Lime (CaO); C, Calcite (CaCO3); R, Periclase (MgO); G, Gypsum
(CaSO4$2H2O); Q, Quartz (SiO2); D, Dolomite [CaMg(CO3)2]; H,
Hannebachite (CaSO3$0.5H2O)
Fig. 1. Representative X-ray diffraction patterns for LIMB Sample 14. (A) FGD process abbreviations and sample numbers are as shown in
Original sample and (B) fly ash residue after removing water and acid Table 1.
soluble components. Listed in order of estimated abundance.
J.M. Bigham et al. / Fuel 84 (2005) 1839–1848 1843

Most of the samples (Table 2, samples 11–22) from the also contained CaCO3, CaO, and MgO (periclase). The
LIMB process contained significant amounts of CaO (lime), latter two phases were produced by calcination of dolomite
CaSO4 (anhydrite), and CaCO3 (calcite) (Fig. 1A). Sorbent in [(CaMg(CO3)2] sorbent at temperatures of 815–870 8C. The
the LIMB process was injected directly into the upper part of cyclone ashes (Table 2, samples 49, 51, 54) were similar in
the boiler at temperatures of 1100–1260 8C. The sorbent composition but contained more unspent sorbent and CaSO4
calcines at that temperature to form CaO, which then reacts and less MgO.
with SO2 and O2 in the flue gas to form CaSO4. If a dolomitic No single analytical technique was adequate for
sorbent is used, MgO (periclase) may also form by calcination. ‘quantifying’ the full range of mineral phases present in
The presence of portlandite and gypsum (CaSO4$2H2O) in the dry FGD products. To obtain a measure of quantification
some samples indicates partial rehydration of the FGD (Table 3), data from multiple procedures were used
products. The presence of CaCO3 in the same samples whenever possible to support or verify the analytical
indicates re-carbonation of Ca(OH)2 by reaction with procedure of choice. Thermal analysis was an excellent
atmospheric CO2. Similar to the Coolside sample (10) and tool for measuring those compounds that were susceptible to
the duct injection samples (6, 8 and 9) discussed above, the ash phase transitions with heating. Standard reference materials
residue component of the LIMB samples was dominated by were used to develop a basic understanding of the thermal
quartz, hematite, magnetite and mullite (Fig. 1B). reactivity of each phase, but the thermal characteristics of
By-products from the fluidized bed process (Table 2, the FGD products were never identical to standard speci-
samples 50, 52, 55) were often dominated by CaSO4 but mens. Variations in thermal behavior resulted from

Table 3
Semiquantitative mineralogy of FGD products

FGD processa Sample Weight percent

numbera Fly ash Calcite Lime CaO Portlandite Anhydrite CaSO3$0. Dolomite Periclase Total
CaCO3 Ca(OH)2 CaSO4 5 H2O CaMg(CO3)2 MgO
Duct injection 4 28 9 38 21 96
5 23 12 40 24 99
6 46 8 10 33 97
7 30 4 36 26 96
8 46 8 11 29 94
9 48 5 5 28 86
Coolside 10 71 13 5 7 96
LIMB 11 49 22 12 10 11 104
12 57 16 4 14 16b 107
13 35 15 9 21c 23d 104
14 48 10 5 3 21 16 103
15 42 14 4 2 24 18 104
16 79 7 7 2 7 102
17 38 14 10 4 18 21 105
18 71 8 6 3 13 101
19 51 10 10 5 25 101
20 67 9 8 3 15 102
21 52 14 11 5 22 104
22 30 15 28 5 25 103
AFBC 24 49 3 12 31 95
25 19 1 21 3 51 7 102
Spray dryer 33 29 33 10 29 101
34 18 18 28 31 95
35 21 17 29 31 98
37 28 15 22 28 93
41 12 15 27 44 98
PFBC 49 33 9 20 31 11 104
50 10 29 4 36 26 105
51 32 12 22 25 12 103
52 10 27 4 1 36 27 105
53 40 3 46 17 4 110
54 40 13 22 17 18 110
55 11 17 6 47 26 107
FGD process abbreviations and sample numbers are as shown in Table 1.
Includes 10% Mg(OH)2.
Includes 11% CaSO4$2H2O.
Includes 19% Mg(OH)2.
1844 J.M. Bigham et al. / Fuel 84 (2005) 1839–1848

Concentrations of CaSO3$0.5H2O (hannebachite) were

determined by weight loss associated with the evolution of
water across a temperature range of 300–370 8C (Fig. 2A).
This compound was restricted to samples from the low
temperature, high humidity FGD processes (Table 3), such
as spray dryer (samples 33–41), coolside (sample 10), and
duct injection (samples 4–9). It was present at slightly
greater levels where recycle was used.
Reference specimens of CaSO4 (anhydrite) were ther-
mally stable across the temperature range and experimental
conditions employed, but decomposition was observed in
most of the FGD products containing anhydrite. These FGD
samples may have decomposed because elemental char
carbon is often present and acts as a reducing agent.
Weight losses observed in the range of 850–1050 8C
(Fig. 2B) were in good agreement with total elemental
analysis of S. Because a limited number of anhydrite-
bearing samples did not exhibit a weight loss in this range,
the CaSO4 concentrations in Table 3 were calculated from
total S. In general, the highest quantities of CaSO4 were
associated with the PFBC bed ashes.
The concentration of either CaCO3 or [(CaMg(CO3)2],
when found in a sample alone, could readily be determined
by weight loss from CO2 evolution during thermal analysis.
Although calcination temperatures varied from 600 to
850 8C, the analysis was straightforward when only one of
the two carbonate phases was present. In materials contain-
ing both calcite and dolomite, such as sample 51, the weight
loss resulting from dolomite decomposition was not
Fig. 2. Representative thermograms of two different samples types. (A) completed prior to the onset of calcite decomposition
Duct injection Sample 4 where A, B, and C show the decomposition of (Fig. 2B). In these samples, calcite and dolomite were
hannebachite, portlandite, and calcite, respectively, and (B) PFBC cyclone measured by the gasometric Chittick technique. Variable
ash Sample 51 where A and B show the decomposition of dolomite and amounts of calcite were present in all samples, and dolomite
anhydrite, respectively. TGA, thermogravimetric analysis; and DTA,
differential thermal analysis.
was also found in the FGD samples when it was used as a
sorbent (Table 3).
Both CaO and MgO are thermally inert and could not be
differences in particle size, crystallinity, and the presence of measured by thermogravimetric analysis. The concentration
other phases. Spiked samples, selective dissolution, XRD of CaO was estimated by first allocating Ca from total
analysis, and the technical literature were used to guide chemical analysis [14] to all other Ca species in the sample
interpretations. Representative thermogravimetric/differen- and then converting the remaining Ca to CaO. Periclase
tial thermal analysis (TGA/DTA) results are shown in (MgO) was common in samples where dolomite was used as
Fig. 2. a sorbent (Table 3). If both periclase and dolomite were
A 12% stoichiometric weight loss, due to the dehydrox- present, the dolomite was measured by the Chittick
ylation of Ca(OH)2 to form CaO, was used to measure the technique and a corresponding amount of Mg was allocated
portlandite (Ca(OH) 2) content of relevant samples based on a 1:1 Mg to Ca ratio. The remaining Mg was
(Fig. 2A). This thermal event occurred across the tempera- assigned to MgO.
ture range of 375–500 8C and could be defined with little Fly ash concentrations in the FGD products varied from
interference from other thermal transitions. Most FGD 10 to 79 wt% (Table 3). No attempt was made to quantify
samples contained some portlandite, but the greatest the fly ash mineralogy, but XRD analyses of the acid-
amounts (Table 3) were in samples 33–41 (OSU spray insoluble residues showed that all contained glass, quartz
drier, 10–30 wt% portlandite) and samples 4–9 (Beverly (SiO2), hematite (Fe2O3), mullite (Al6Si2O13), and a
duct injection, 5–40 wt% portlandite). The effect of recycle magnetic phase similar to partially oxidized magnetite
in the Beverly materials (samples 6, 8, 9) was shown by (Fe3O4) (Fig. 1B). A detailed mineralogical analysis of a
reduced quantities of portlandite compared to non-recycle typical fly ash is given in Laperche and Bigham [18] and
samples (4, 5, 7). Vassilev et al. [26].
J.M. Bigham et al. / Fuel 84 (2005) 1839–1848 1845

3.2. Swelling tests

Standard Proctor tests yielded optimum moisture

contents and maximum densities ranging from 28 to 63%
and 0.79–1.30 g/cm3, respectively, for the eight FGD
samples examined (data not shown). The maximum density
was not particularly sensitive to slight variations in
moisture content near the moisture optimum. Swelling
amounts for the same eight FGD samples used to
determine optimum moistures and maximum densities
were highly variable with some samples exhibiting
virtually no measurable swelling and others experiencing
volume changes approaching 60% over the time period
monitored (Table 4). Changes in volume as a function of
time revealed two distinct swelling episodes (Fig. 3). The
first episode occurred almost immediately after water was
allowed to react with the FGD material, produced a 0.1–
14% change in volume, and was usually completed within
24 h (Fig. 3A). The second swelling episode usually began
in 10–50 d. Some samples (e.g. Sample 18, a LIMB
material) did not show the initial swelling episode, but did
show a distinct later swelling event after about 10 days
(Fig. 3B). In contrast, Sample 35C (spray dryer) exhibited
a first but not a second swelling episode (Fig. 3A). Sample
35A showed both an initial and a second swelling episode.
The swelling eventually stopped in most cases, and the
samples reached an equilibrium volume. Fig. 3. Swelling versus incubation time for replicates of two different dry
Quantitative correlations between swelling and miner- FGD samples. (A) Sample 35 is a spray dryer sample and (B) Sample 18 is a
LIMB sample.
alogy changes were not possible, but comparisons of
mineral peak intensities over time showed that the initial swelling phase was due to the continued hydration of
swelling phase was mostly likely due to the hydration of calcium sulfate (CaSO4) to gypsum (CaSO4$H2O) and the
lime (CaO) to form portlandite (Ca(OH)2), and anhydrite formation of new, more expansive minerals such as
(CaSO4) to form gypsum (Fig. 4A). Carbonation of ettringite (Ca6[Al (OH)6](SO4)3$26H2O) and thaumasite
Ca(OH)2 also occurred to form calcite (CaCO3). The second (Ca6[Si(OH)6]2(CO3)2(SO4)2$24H2O). The presence of
Table 4
ettringite was clearly observed by XRD analysis (Fig. 4B).
Summary of swelling tests results All chemical components necessary for ettringite formation
(calcium, aluminum, sulfate, high pH) are present in FGD
FGD processa Sample numbera Duration of Amount of swell
swell test (% of original
materials, and the geochemical modeling work, discussed in
(days) volume) the next section of this paper, indicates that ettringite
formation may occur under many conditions where dry
Coolside 10A 543 13.2
10B 169 11.1 FGD materials could be used (e.g. as an embankment
10Cb 64 0.12 material or road fill). In general, greater ettringite formation
LIMB 14 544 1.02 and swelling were observed in samples produced with
15 425 2.46 calcium-based sorbents that also contained anhydrite or one
16A 425 9.60
of its hydrates. FGD products produced with dolomitic
16B 404 1.31
18A 423 5.90 sorbent or that contained hannebachite had the least total
18B 184 3.20 swelling. The variability in results suggests that all dry FGD
22A 246 59.3 products should be tested and/or pretreated to allow for
22B 184 12.0 swelling to be completed before being used in applications
Spray dryer 30 423 1.97
where swelling will create problems.
35A 272 2.56
35B 82 1.60
35C 243 0.58 3.3. Long-term equilibration
FGD process abbreviations and sample numbers are as shown in Table 1.
Sample was cured (i.e. allowed to react with the water added at time of All samples exhibited initial pH values in the range of
compaction) for seven days before start of the swelling test. 11–12 (Fig. 5). With the exception of Sample 51, this pH
1846 J.M. Bigham et al. / Fuel 84 (2005) 1839–1848

Fig. 4. X-ray diffraction patterns from LIMB sample 22 (A) initially and (B)
after 275 days of swelling.

level remained unchanged at the end of 112 d of incubation.

For Sample 51, the solution pH decreased more than 1 unit
to approximately 10.0. The high pH values for all samples
indicated that little or no recarbonation of Ca(OH)2 occurred
during the equilibration period. Samples were capped and
only aerated once weekly and this could have prevented the
recarbonation reactions from proceeding at a very fast rate.
The decline in pH for Sample 51 was attributed to the
presence of dolomite and partial recarbonation of the lime in
this sample.
The concentration of dissolved Ca declined in all samples,
except for Sample 52, during the first 36 d of incubation;
remained roughly constant until day 70; and then decreased
again to a low at 112 d (Fig. 5). Sample 52 showed a rapid Fig. 5. Changes in pH, Ca, S and B concentrations when various dry FGD
increase in Ca solubility followed by a plateau at 20–70 d, samples were incubated with water for up to 112 days. Sample descriptions
with a subsequent decline to a low at 112 d. Sample 52 was a are given in Table 1.
PFBC product and had an average particle size that was much
coarser than the other materials used in the long-term Ca and S concentrations were both controlled by minerals
equilibration study. It was also possible that the pressurized containing these elements.
burner resulted in greater calcination of the particle surfaces. All samples except Sample 22 showed short-term
Both factors could lead to different dissolution rates, and may increases in solution B concentrations followed by
have contributed to the behavior of dissolved Ca for Sample decreases in solubility with increasing reaction time
52. Dissolved S concentrations for each sample followed the (Fig. 5). Solution B for Sample 22 decreased sharply
same patterns as those observed for Ca (Fig. 5) indicating that until day 21 and remained at background levels thereafter.
J.M. Bigham et al. / Fuel 84 (2005) 1839–1848 1847

Table 5
Values of log saturation indices (SI) for FGD sample suspensions after 56 and 112 days of equilibration with water

Mineral FGD process and sample numbera

Duct injection LIMB Spray dryer PFBC fly ash PFBC bed ash Sample mix
(Sample #4) (Sample #22) (Sample #35) (Sample #51) (Sample #52) (Samples #51 and #52)
56 days of incubation
Anhydrite K2.35 K0.03 K0.22 0.03 K0.05 0.04
Barite K0.53 1.11 1.46 1.36 0.82 2.31
Brucite 1.56 1.78 2.01 0.79 2.70 0.51
Calcite 1.89 1.73 1.69 1.22 1.51 1.46
Celestite K2.50 K0.20 K0.52 K0.59 K0.96 K0.59
Dolomite K1.30 K1.09 K1.42 K0.62 K0.89 K0.37
Ettringite 14.11 21.53 17.45 29.90 20.36 29.98
Gypsum K2.34 K0.02 K0.21 0.04 K0.04 0.05
Portlandite 0.81 0.49 0.97 K1.98 0.77 K2.03
Strontianite 0.70 0.51 0.34 K0.45 K0.44 K0.22
112 days of incubation
Anhydrite K2.24 0.10 K0.24 0.03 0.07 0.01
Barite 0.14 1.19 1.19 1.31 0.66 1.27
Brucite K5.41 K5.52 K5.46 K2.37 K5.49 K1.75
Calcite 1.09 1.00 1.10 0.66 0.89 0.83
Celestite K2.40 K0.06 K0.61 0.43 K0.95 K0.55
Dolomite K8.19 K8.54 K8.36 K1.54 K8.78 K1.59
Ettringite K0.83 7.03 4.24 K3.48 5.16 K1.88
Gypsum K2.23 0.11 K0.23 0.04 0.08 0.02
Portlandite K0.87 K0.81 K0.75 K5.33 K0.76 K4.34
Strontianite K0.12 K0.21 K0.32 0.01 K1.18 K0.78
FGD process abbreviations and sample numbers are as shown in Table 1.

Saturation index calculations (data not shown) indicated dry FGD products, but the geochemical modeling
that B was very undersaturated (in excess of 2 log units) suggests that in the absence of significant re-carbonation,
with respect to likely solid phases. ettringite will form as the final reaction product in most
samples. Sample 51 had a significantly lower solution pH
(final pH 10.4) that would likely inhibit ettringite
3.4. Equilibrium geochemical modeling
Table 5 contains values of log saturation indices (SI) for The geochemical modeling also suggested that the
selected solids after 56 and 112 d equilibration of each FGD solutions were near equilibrium with anhydrite (Table 5),
product with deionized water. Values of log SIO0 indicate but it is unlikely that this phase was present because all
that the sample solutions were supersaturated with respect to samples were well hydrated and anhydrite was not detected
the specified mineral, so that precipitation of this solid could by XRD. All samples were supersaturated with calcite
have occurred. Values of log SI!0 indicate undersaturation (Table 5), which was confirmed by XRD for all samples
with respect to a given solid, generally precluding its except Sample 4. There was good agreement between the SI
precipitation. At 56 d (Table 5), all samples except Sample values and the XRD analyses with respect to the presence
4 were near equilibrium with gypsum (CaSO4$2H2O), and absence of portlandite. Several minor phases (barite,
and highly supersaturated with respect to ettringite (Ca6 celestite, and strontianite) predicted by geochemical
Al2(SO4)3(OH)12$26 H2O); however, no ettringite was modeling were not detected by XRD. Because the total
detected by XRD at this sampling time. At 112 d, the SI concentrations of Ba and Sr were low relative to Ca, it is
values for gypsum showed little change while those for possible that these phases were not present in quantities
Samples 35, 4, 22, and 52 were all near equilibrium or sufficient to be identified.
supersaturated with ettringite. Ettringite was detected by The XRD and SI results for the long-term equilibration
XRD in Sample 22 at 112 d. study suggest that ‘closed’ (incomplete re-carbonation with
Both the XRD data and the SI values indicate that Ca atmospheric CO2), highly alkaline weathering conditions
weathering reactions in Sample 22 resulted in the interim will lead to interim formation of gypsum and portlandite
precipitation of gypsum as a major Ca-phase. This caused followed by the conversion of gypsum to ettringite. Such
the rapid decrease and then plateau in dissolved Ca from conditions may occur if FGD products are placed in
21 to 70 d, and possibly was responsible for the decrease confined settings such as road embankments or buried as a
in total dissolved S at 36 d as well (Fig. 5). The exact discrete layer at depth, such as occurs in some surface mine
weathering scenarios may vary somewhat in other reclamation projects.
1848 J.M. Bigham et al. / Fuel 84 (2005) 1839–1848

4. Conclusions Company (Akron, OH), and The Ohio State University

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