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2024, Vol. 5, No. 2, 664 – 680

Research Article

Work Training, Workplace Relationships, Workload and Job Performance

Marvin Ian E. Niere (Mecon), Lalaine O. Narsico, Peter G. Narsico*

College of Management, Business, and Accountancy, Cebu Institute of Technology- Univer-

sity, Cebu City, 6000, Philippines

Article history: ABSTRACT

Submission February 2024
Revised February 2024 This study explores the optimization of job performance by examin-
Accepted February 2024 ing the interplay of work training, workplace relationships, and work-
load within the dynamic setting of a call center. The overarching goal
*Corresponding author: is to gain a holistic understanding of how these three elements collec-
E-mail: tively contribute to fostering a positive impact on workforce produc- tivity. Utilizing a descriptive survey method, the research employed a
questionnaire to systematically collect data on the perceived positive
effects associated with work training, workplace relationships, and
workload on job performance. Following data collection, thorough
analysis and interpretation were conducted to derive meaningful in-
sights. To assess the significance of differences between the factors
influencing job performance, a one-way ANOVA was applied. The
study aimed to shed light on several key aspects, including the dynam-
ics of the work environment concerning the identified factors affect-
ing job performance, the levels of agreement among respondents re-
garding these factors, significant differences in responses, and impli-
cations for improvements. In conclusion, the study highlights that
work training, workplace relationships, and workload positively in-
fluence job performance, as evidenced by responses from call center
agents. However, it is noteworthy that all three factors were rated one
level below the highest possible classification, underscoring the need
for targeted interventions. Significant differences in ratings were
identified among work training, workplace relationships, and work-
load. All three factors were considered for intervention, with a partic-
ular emphasis on workload, which received the lowest rating. This
prioritization sets the groundwork for strategic improvements to el-
evate overall job performance in the call center environment.

Keywords: Capacity zone, Job performance, Workload, Workplace re-

lationships, Work training

How to cite:
Niere (Mecon), M. I. E., Narsico, L. O., & Narsico, P. G. (2024). Work Training, Workplace Relationships, Workload and
Job Performance. International Journal of Multidisciplinary: Applied Business and Education Research. 5(2), 664 – 680.
doi: 10.11594/ijmaber.05.02.26
Niere et al., 2024 / Work Training, Workplace Relationships, Workload and Job Performance

Introduction on employee morale and organizational

This study focuses on optimizing an em- productivity (Obinwanne & Kpaji, 2022).
ployee's job performance, a multifaceted con- This study specifically investigates the im-
cept encompassing behaviors, routines, and pact of work training, workplace relationships,
processes associated with the tasks assigned by and workload on the job performance of cus-
the organization (Melhem et al., 2023). It rep- tomer service and technical support call center
resents an individual's contribution to the agents. According to Andri & Mandataris
achievement of organizational objectives (Akça (2023b), work training demonstrates a signifi-
& Küçükoğlu, 2022). Given its pivotal role in cant positive effect on job performance. This
overall organizational performance, regular as- finding is corroborated by research on flight
sessment of employee job performance is es- operation officers, indicating that workplace
sential. The appraisal of employee perfor- training substantially enhances job readiness
mance serves the crucial purpose of evaluating (Prayitno et al., 2023). Additionally, studies on
whether it aligns with the benchmarks estab- job training, recruitment, and employability
lished by the organization. This evaluation pro- emphasize that individuals with company-spe-
cess not only ensures adherence to organiza- cific training have a heightened likelihood of se-
tional standards but also identifies opportuni- curing employment within the same company
ties for enhancing company operations (Luiz & (Aljumah, 2023), affirming the influential role
Beuren, 2024). The significance of job perfor- of training in job performance. Workplace rela-
mance is underscored by the principle that re- tionships constitute another pivotal factor ex-
sponsibilities should be entrusted only to indi- plored in this study. Research on workplace re-
viduals capable of meeting them according to lationship quality and job performance high-
specified criteria, with necessary resources lights the positive impact of employee-supervi-
provided to facilitate successful completion sor and employee-coworker relationships on
(Madukwe & Umunakwe, 2023). job performance (Gerlach, 2019). Consistent
Various organizational aspects significantly with this perspective, a study on job perfor-
impact job performance, with the workspace mance, social support, work-life conflict, and
standing out as a crucial factor. It should be de- workplace stress underscores that a support-
signed to foster employee interaction while en- ive work environment significantly mitigates
suring adequate and comfortable surroundings work-related stress, subsequently improving
(Rahmat et al., 2023). Elements such as work employee job performance (Foy et al., 2019).
layout, noise levels, ventilation, office colors, Together, these studies affirm the substantial
and work area privacy within the workspace influence of workplace relationships on job
also play pivotal roles in influencing job perfor- performance.
mance (M.M.S.Madushika & R. G. Ariyawansa, The third and final factor explored in this
2022). Work safety is another determinant study that influences job performance is em-
positively contributing to increased productive ployee workload. Research on the impact of job
time, enhanced work value, and improved task analysis, work discipline, and workload indi-
accomplishment (Mutegi et al., 2023). In align- cates that well-managed employee workloads
ment with this perspective, studies highlight contribute to enhanced employee performance
the positive correlation between occupational (Jannah & Sumartik, 2023). Similarly, Ahmad &
safety and health and the improvement of job Hariasih (2023) highlight the significant influ-
performance (Susilo & Kasmir, 2022). Addi- ence of employee workload on job perfor-
tionally, work-life balance emerges as a key fac- mance. This connection between workload and
tor influencing job performance. Research in- job performance is further supported by a
volving millennial employees indicates a direct study conducted by Maulana et al. (2023). The
link between work-life balance and workplace overarching goal of this study is to examine the
productivity (Hidayat & Aulia, 2023). Another effects of training, workplace relationships, and
study emphasizes the positive impact of com- workload on job performance, specifically
bining work-life balance with work flexibility through the lens of customer service and

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Niere et al., 2024 / Work Training, Workplace Relationships, Workload and Job Performance

technical support call center agents. By lever- training, workplace relationships, and work-
aging the insights gained from these factors, the load on their job performance was a descriptive
study aims to provide valuable insights to fur- survey. Data were collected from respondents
ther enhance the job performance of these em- through questionnaires that required them to
ployees. answer simple close-ended questions about the
positive effects of the included factors. The to-
Research Questions tal number of call center agents was 440 and
The study investigated the experiences of with the use of Slovin’s formula with a five per-
call center agents engaged in customer service cent margin of error, a sample size of 210 was
and technical support roles about the positive generated. However, the researchers managed
effects of training, workplace relationships, and to acquire the cooperation of only 183 respond-
workload on their job performance. Specifi- ents which was about 5.64 percent with
cally, the study sought to answer the following Slovin’s formula. Permission to collect data was
questions. sought. The weighted means of each item in all
1. What were the dynamics of the work envi- instruments were determined. One-way Analy-
ronment in terms of work training, work- sis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to test
place relationships, and workload in the whether there were significant differences be-
context of a business process outsourcing tween factors affecting job performance.
company with call center agents who were
engaged in customer service and technical Results and Discussions
support roles? Customer Service and Technical Support Call
2. What were the levels of agreement of call Agents’ General Tasks
center agents on the positive effects of Customer service and technical support call
training, workplace relationships, and center agents play a pivotal role in addressing
workload on their job performance? customer queries, processing orders, and re-
3. Were there significant differences between solving complaints, necessitating a profound
the responses of call center agents on their understanding of their companies' products
levels of agreement on the positive effects and services. The key to effective service provi-
of work training, workplace relationships, sion lies in possessing the requisite knowledge
and workload on their job performance? and skills, crucial components that significantly
4. Based on the findings, what were the impli- impact the quality of each transaction. Corrob-
cations of the study in terms of possible im- orating this, a study on the business perfor-
provements in line with training, work- mance of culinary entrepreneurs found a direct
place relationships, workload, and job per- relationship between knowledge and skills and
formance? business performance (Sukriani et al., 2023b).
Similarly, in a study focusing on performance in
Methods bio-risk management, a positive correlation
The method used to identify the work envi- was identified—higher knowledge and skill
ronment dynamics of factors affecting job per- levels were associated with elevated perfor-
formance in the context of a business process mance levels (Baragona & Bermudo, 2023b). In
outsourcing company with agents engaged in instances where agents encounter situations
customer service and technical support came in beyond their current knowledge and skills, the
the form of interviews with informants who presence of a supervisor or team leader be-
had first-hand experiences. The same method comes invaluable. A study on the job perfor-
was used to identify the specific factors that af- mance of frontline employees highlighted the
fect job performance and their subsequent spe- positive effects of supervisor support on em-
cific questions. These questions were validated ployees' creativity and service performance
and subjected to a dry run before their actual (Kalra et al., 2023). Expanding on this, research
use in the research. The method used in acquir- on job environments and job performance
ing data on the levels of agreement of call cen- demonstrated the positive impact of the work
ter agents on the positive effects of work environment on employees' job performance
IJMABER 666 Volume 5 | Number 2 | February | 2024
Niere et al., 2024 / Work Training, Workplace Relationships, Workload and Job Performance

(Yusnita, 2023). Additionally, a study on A wealth of studies consistently highlights

deviant workplace behavior and job perfor- the robust connection between training and
mance underscored the role of organizational productivity. In an exploration of the effects of
support in enhancing job performance (Tian & career development, job placement, and job
Guo, 2023). Dealing with irate customers training on work performance, Ichbal & Ubai-
emerges as one of the most challenging situa- dillah (2023) found a direct link between job
tions for customer service and technical sup- training and job performance. Similarly,
port call center agents. Such situations not only Wulandari et al. (2023) demonstrated that
highlight the quality of agent training but also training significantly enhances employee per-
test the strength of support from immediate su- formance. A study on the influence of assess-
pervisors and assess whether the assigned ment on training to improve productivity re-
workload is within the agents' capacity limits. vealed that targeted training borne out of as-
These variables, work training, work relation- sessment results improves the productivity of
ships, and workload, were identified in the workers (Mtotywa & Mdlalose, 2023). Another
study as factors influencing workers' job per- study focusing on training and career develop-
formance. ment, conducted by Hasan et al. (2023), under-
scored the direct impact of these variables on
Work Training and its Effects employee job performance. Aligning with this,
Numerous studies consistently demon- Sellar (2022) found that both training and ca-
strate a robust connection between training reer development positively influence em-
and job satisfaction. In an investigation into the ployee performance. Susilo & Kasmir (2022)
influence of organizational commitment and extended this perspective by revealing that job
training on employee performance, Wulandari training, when coupled with job motivation and
et al. (2023) revealed a positive and significant occupational safety, positively affects em-
relationship between training and job satisfac- ployee job performance. From a different angle,
tion. Similarly, another study highlighted that Nathiqah & Pancasasti (2022) demonstrated
employee training and competence contribute that employee job competence has a significant
not only to job satisfaction but also to organiza- and positive effect on job performance. Simi-
tional commitment (Riyanto et al., 2023). Ex- larly, a study in the beauty service industry by
ploring the mediating role of job satisfaction, a Kim et al. (2023) highlighted that competen-
study on the effects of employee training on or- cies, including skills, knowledge, and attitude,
ganizational commitment and turnover inten- positively contribute to employee job perfor-
tion found a positive mediation effect of job sat- mance. Furthermore, shedding light on the role
isfaction between employee training and or- of education, a study by Schoger (2023) re-
ganizational commitment (Astuti & Harnuansa, vealed that highly qualified workers are better
2022). Additionally, research on the effects of equipped to cope with a high level of routine in
training and motivation uncovered a significant the workplace, emphasizing the positive corre-
relationship between education, training, and lation between education and effective stress
employee performance, mediated by adequate coping mechanisms in the professional setting.
job satisfaction (Diantari, 2023). Further em- Examining training from the perspective of
phasizing this relationship, a study on the ef- its outcome, namely changed behavior, a study
fects of training and competence on employee conducted by Manoharan et al. (2022) scruti-
job satisfaction established that training, com- nized detailed patterns showcasing significant
petence, and motivation collectively contribute improvements in labor performance and
to a positive impact on job satisfaction (Ri- productivity levels among skilled employees.
madianti & Supartha, 2023). Interestingly, even The acquisition of relevant theoretical and op-
the anticipation of training was found to have a erational knowledge and skills was identified
positive effect. Şeşen & Ertan (2021) demon- as a key driver of this behavioral change. High-
strated that the perception of training not only lighting the ongoing nature of training, Koerner
influences job satisfaction but also serves as a et al. (2020) emphasized that one cannot claim
mitigating factor in reducing workplace stress. to have completed training entirely, as there
IJMABER 667 Volume 5 | Number 2 | February | 2024
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will always be areas for improvement. Despite corporate governance affects employee perfor-
a high level of perceived competence among mance (Sari et al., 2023). A study on the medi-
trainees, the study revealed that factors such as ating role of employment satisfaction on re-
a lack of techniques and inadequate focus on ward and performance highlighted the im-
principles and operational parameters contrib- portance of job satisfaction (Nadiyya & Rini,
uted to uncertainties in performance. Consider- 2023). A study by Ateeq et al. (2023b), further
ing the diverse nature of training, a study by revealed the direct connection between job sat-
Narsico et al. (2023a) explored various teach- isfaction and job performance. From a broader
ing styles and their application in a university perspective, the impact of national diversity on
setting. These teaching styles become particu- the work environment was investigated in a
larly relevant when accounting for differences study by Hauret & Williams (2020), which con-
among trainees, subject matter conditions, and cluded that national diversity does not nega-
teacher preferences. Similarly, another study tively affect job satisfaction. The collective evi-
by Narsico et al. (2023b) delved into the appli- dence supporting the idea that a positive work-
cation of various teaching styles in a technical place environment and relationships influence
school setting, further underscoring the adapt- job satisfaction underscores the importance of
ability and relevance of different teaching ap- prioritizing these aspects within organizational
proaches based on the context and audience. structures (Bella, 2023).
A substantial body of research has consist-
Positive Workplace Environment and Rela- ently highlighted the connection between a
tionships positive workplace environment and enhanced
Several studies consistently highlight the productivity. In a study by Nabilla et al. (2023),
significance of a positive workplace environ- organizational trust was identified as a key fac-
ment and relationships in fostering job satisfac- tor contributing to a positive work environ-
tion. For instance, a study on workload, super- ment, ultimately positively affecting job perfor-
visor support, and co-worker assistance con- mance. Moreover, a study by Angulo et al.
ducted by Herawati et al. (2023) revealed that (2023), revealed that favorable organizational
positive supervisory support significantly con- policies impact retention. Contrary to preced-
tributes to job satisfaction. Another aspect that ing discussions, research on the impact of devi-
affects job satisfaction is job security, a study by ant workplace behavior on job performance by
Maqableh et al. (2023), supports this assertion. Tian & Guo (2023) indicated that perceived or-
A study on job delight and organizational citi- ganizational support mitigates the negative ef-
zenship behavior revealed that teamwork co- fects of disruptive workplace behavior on job
hesion affects job delight, a concept akin to job performance. Similarly, Foy et al. (2019)
satisfaction (Judeh, 2023). Similarly, another demonstrated that social support in organiza-
study focusing on role conflict and perfor- tions reduces work stress, subsequently lead-
mance found that trust and rapport between ing to increased job performance. Niere et al.
employees and managers enhance the impact (2023) found that workplace relationships can
of job satisfaction on creativity and service per- be a source of work-related stress, emphasizing
formance (Kalra et al., 2023). Exploring the ef- the impact of the work environment on em-
fects of the work environment on job perfor- ployee well-being and productivity. Addition-
mance through the lens of job satisfaction, ally, Leger et al. (2022) revealed that supervi-
Yusnita (2023) found that a healthy work envi- sor support enables employees to have better
ronment positively influences job satisfaction. effective responses to daily stressors at work,
Aligning with this perspective, Assiddiki ultimately improving overall productivity. Ad-
(2023) emphasized that, along with a positive dressing the negative impact of stress on job
work environment, active leadership also plays performance, Ekaputri & Riyanto (2022) con-
a crucial role in promoting job satisfaction. Ac- ducted a study in an interior design company,
tive leadership is consistent with good corpo- highlighting the detrimental influence of work
rate governance. A study on the determinants stress on employee performance. Consistent
of employee performance revealed that good findings were observed in studies conducted in
IJMABER 668 Volume 5 | Number 2 | February | 2024
Niere et al., 2024 / Work Training, Workplace Relationships, Workload and Job Performance

telecommunications companies by Asmala et Workloads and Work Situations

al. (2021) and Simbolon et al. (2023), indicating When workloads are structured to allow
the adverse effects of work stress on employee employees to be productive, enabling them to
performance. Shifting focus to psychological meet workload goals with appropriate time
aspects, Putra et al. (2023) demonstrated that and resources, the overall experience becomes
adequate organizational support enhances em- positive. A study on workload, job perfor-
ployee empowerment, contributing to better mance, and job satisfaction, conducted by
job performance. Additionally, Sangadji et al. Herawati et al. (2023), highlighted that provid-
(2023) and Ufoaroh et al. (2019) found that or- ing employees with workloads that do not
ganizations prioritizing employee well-being overwhelm them leads to improved perfor-
tend to witness increased productivity, empha- mance. Another study focused on enhancing
sizing the crucial link between employee wel- employee performance found that workload
fare and organizational output. was one of the variables with a positive impact
The impact of a positive work environment on employee performance (Jannah & Sumartik,
on employee well-being is underscored by a 2023). Similarly, in a study concerning the
study indicating that such conditions reduce work activity of logistics couriers, it was ob-
depressive symptoms among employees (Baek served that workload had a positive and signif-
et al., 2023). However, the converse is also true icant effect on employees' productivity
as demonstrated by studies highlighting the (Nathiqah & Pancasasti, 2022). These findings
detrimental effects of a negative work environ- collectively emphasize the importance of man-
ment. For instance, pervasive rudeness among aging workloads effectively to enhance em-
coworkers was found to be associated with re- ployee performance and job satisfaction.
duced employee work engagement and job per- The relationship between workload and job
formance (Wang & Chen, 2020). Similarly, in- satisfaction is evident across various profes-
terpersonal conflicts within organizations sional domains. Studies conducted among ele-
were shown to lead to greater emotional ex- mentary school teachers (Cayupe et al., 2023),
haustion and subsequently contribute to poor nurses in adult inpatient units (Gil et al., 2022),
job performance (Striler et al., 2020). These and emergency department staff (Batarfi et al.,
conflicts also play a role in influencing an em- 2023) consistently show that workload factors
ployee's intention to leave the organization are linked to job satisfaction. Furthermore, the
(Jasiński & Derbis, 2022), while employee cyn- impact of job satisfaction on job performance is
icism in a negative work environment has been a recurring theme in research across different
linked to a similar intention to leave (Abugre & sectors. Findings from studies on bank employ-
Acquaah, 2022). From a broader perspective, ees (Ichbal & Ubaidillah, 2023), employees in
the work environment's impact can be per- the beauty service industry (Kim et al., 2023),
ceived differently by employees. A study re- nurse performance (Dirdjo et al., 2023), and the
vealed that a personality-environment fit in the performance of tax officials (Mac et al., 2023)
workplace minimizes workplace loneliness, all reveal a direct positive effect of job satisfac-
subsequently improving job performance (Jha, tion on employee job performance. Additional
2023). Perceived organizational support, studies by Nabilla et al. (2023), Farsole (2023),
viewed through the lenses of job autonomy, in- Kurniawan (2023), and Yusnita (2023) further
trinsic motivation, and job satisfaction, has affirm that job satisfaction plays a crucial role
been shown to positively affect job perfor- in positively influencing job performance.
mance (Tran et al., 2020). Moreover, organiza- These collective insights underscore the inter-
tions fostering a vibrant culture characterized connectedness of workload, job satisfaction,
by trust among employees and the organiza- and job performance in diverse professional
tion, coupled with a close-knit working envi- settings.
ronment between employees and managers, When workload escalates into work over-
are found to promote worker innovation and load, it leads to adverse effects, notably impact-
improve job performance (Khan et al., 2021). ing job performance and inducing job stress. A

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Niere et al., 2024 / Work Training, Workplace Relationships, Workload and Job Performance

study on knowledge management and emo- et al. (2022), who identified a direct relation-
tional exhaustion by Haq et al. (2020) revealed ship between work overload and job stress.
that when workers experience an excessive Compounding the challenges posed by work
burden of tasks, job performance tends to de- overload, studies by Ali et al. (2021) indicated
cline. Job stress is another detrimental outcome that work overload is directly related to em-
associated with work overload. In a study on ployees' intentions to leave their jobs. This fur-
job stress in employees and organizational sup- ther emphasizes the negative consequences of
port, Purnama et al. (2023) found a positive re- excessive workloads on both individual well-
lationship between work overload and work being and organizational retention.
stress. This finding was corroborated by Hakro

Levels of Agreement on the Positive Influence of Work Training, Workplace Relationships, and
Workload on Job Performance
Table 1. Levels of Agreement of Call-Center Agents on the Positive Influence of Work Training, Work-
place Relationships, and Workload on Job Performance
n =183
Factors Level of Experience Interpretation
1 Work Training 3.12 Agree
2 Workplace Relationships 3.19 Agree
3 Workload 3.03 Agree
Average 3.11 Agree
Legend: 3.26– 4.00 Strongly Agree; 2.51-3.25 Agree; 1.76 – 2.5; Disagree; and 1.00 -1.75 -Strongly

Based on the feedback from nearly two improvement. While the respondents agree
hundred call center agents, it is evident that that work training has positively affected their
work training, workplace relationships, and job performance, this variance signals an op-
workload exert a positive influence on their job portunity for management to leverage these
performance. Notably, the average ratings for findings for possible enhancements in the
all three factors are very similar, and each re- training process. To identify and address po-
ceived ratings interpreted as "agree." This indi- tential training gaps, it is essential to conduct a
cates that respondents generally agree that detailed analysis. A study on educational gaps
these factors have a positive impact on their job and training by Moerdler et al. (2023) empha-
performance. The consistent and similar aver- sizes the importance of identifying actionable
age ratings for work training, workplace rela- training gaps to improve job performance. Ad-
tionships, and workload suggest that manage- ditionally, the study suggests that acquiring the
ment assigns equal importance to all three fac- necessary knowledge and skills is crucial for
tors. This parity in ratings emphasizes the ho- trainees. Moreover, the definition of tasks and
listic approach taken by management, recog- duties is pivotal in recognizing training needs,
nizing the significance of work training, posi- as highlighted in a study on the analysis of tech-
tive workplace relationships, and a manageable nical training needs by Koto et al. (2023). The
workload in fostering and enhancing the job diversity of training needs in various contexts
performance of call center agents. is emphasized in another study by Barbaroș &
Bocoș (2023), underscoring the need for a well-
Work Training Improvement Perspectives crafted training program that can adapt to the
The respondents have rated "work train- diverse needs of trainees. Efficiency in training
ing" with an average mean of 3.12 out of a max- transfer tools is strongly correlated with the
imum rating of 4.0, indicating a generally posi- workplace application of skills and knowledge,
tive perception. However, the 0.88 difference as revealed in a study on tools and techniques
from the maximum rating suggests room for for promoting workplace training transfer by

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Niere et al., 2024 / Work Training, Workplace Relationships, Workload and Job Performance

Dixit & Sinha (2022). This aligns with the im- transformational leadership and organiza-
portance of appropriate training methods and tional citizenship behavior by Kim & Park
competency transfer highlighted in a study on (2019) showed that this leadership style em-
curriculum implementation and evaluation by powers employees to actively go above and be-
Narsico & Narsico (2023b). Recognizing the yond their job descriptions. Lastly, a study on
challenges in training implementation, Alarfaj trust and employment relationships by Brandl
& Al-Nasser (2023) stress the need for contin- (2021) pointed out that organizations fostering
uous adaptation to new trends and periodic mutual trust between employees and manage-
evaluation to ensure high-quality and compre- ment experience more frequent improvements
hensive training. These insights provide a ro- in firm profitability. These findings underscore
bust foundation for refining the work training the importance of fostering positive workplace
process for call center agents. relationships for overall organizational suc-
Workplace Relationships Improvement Per-
spectives Workload Improvement Perspectives
The respondents have rated "workplace re- The respondents have rated "workload"
lationships" with an average mean of 3.19 out with an average mean of 3.03 out of a maximum
of a maximum rating of 4.0, indicating a gener- rating of 4.0, making it the lowest rating among
ally positive perception. However, the 0.81 dif- the three factors. This suggests there is room
ference from the maximum rating suggests an for improvement, and although respondents
opportunity for improvement. While the re- generally agree that workload has positively af-
spondents agree that workplace relationships fected their job performance, the 0.97 differ-
have positively affected their job performance, ence signals an opportunity for management to
this variance signals that findings related to make improvements. To optimize employee
this variable could be leveraged for possible en- performance without overwhelming them, it is
hancements. Positive workplace relationships essential to understand the concept of the ca-
are crucial for facilitating job performance, as pacity zone. The capacity zone is the area
highlighted in a study by Vuong et al. (2022), where the human capacity to perform work
which showed that an adequate level of social meets the stress limit, as introduced in a study
support positively influences employee job on human capacity zone and workload equilib-
performance. These positive relationships of- rium by Zhao et al. (2023). Improving the ca-
ten begin with management. Ansar et al. (2023) pacity zone involves considering factors such
found a significant relationship between the as mental capacity, maximum worker effi-
leadership quality of management and the ciency, and stress limit. Enhancing employees'
work climate. Supportive leadership not only stress management skills is logical to address
contributes to a positive work climate but also stress limits. A study on mental workloads and
enhances organizational commitment. Per- stress levels by Fikri et al. (2023) found that
ceived organizational support, as discussed by such skills can lessen the impact of high mental
To & Huang (2022), plays a similar role in en- workload. Optimizing worker efficiency in-
hancing organizational commitment. Moreo- volves factors like personal commitment and
ver, the effects of a positive work environment creative self-efficacy, as shown in a study by
extend beyond organizational commitment. Sarwat & Abbas (2020). Hiring self-motivated
Grošelj et al. (2020) demonstrated that leader- individuals and creating a supportive work en-
ship, combined with psychological empower- vironment, as highlighted in a study on super-
ment, facilitates innovative work behavior. visor support and job performance by Zeb et al.
Positive interpersonal relationships, as re- (2022), can contribute to elevating the organi-
vealed in a study by Demir & Ergün (2023), en- zational capacity zone. Furthermore, relentless
hance the problem-solving capabilities of training and development, as revealed in a
workers, especially within work teams. Im- study on the impact of professional develop-
provements in workplace relationships, partic- ment on job performance by Osiesi et al.
ularly leadership, are crucial. A study on (2022), can enhance mental capacity and
IJMABER 671 Volume 5 | Number 2 | February | 2024
Niere et al., 2024 / Work Training, Workplace Relationships, Workload and Job Performance

efficiency. The use of modern technology, as problems with workload assignments. Bao et
demonstrated in a study by Deng et al. (2022), al. (2023) asserted that a workload calculator
positively affects decision-making and based on work pace and overall workload could
knowledge-sharing, contributing to improved be effective in this regard. These insights pro-
job performance. Considering all workload vide a comprehensive approach for organiza-
components, organizations could devise a tions to address and optimize workload for en-
workload calculator to facilitate and minimize hanced employee performance.

Test for Significant Differences between the Ratings of Work Training, Workplace Relation-
ships, and Workload
Table 2. Test for Significant Differences between the Ratings of Work Training, Workplace Relation-
ships, and Workload
n = 183
SS df MS F p-value
Between Groups 2.631 2 1.316 31.185 0.000
Within Groups 23.035 546 0.0422
Total 25.666 548

Since the p-value is less than the selected influence job performance based on re-
significance level of 0.05, there is a statistically sponses of call center agents.
significant difference between the means of the 2. Work training, workplace relationships,
responses of call center agents on the factors and workload were experienced by call
focused on in the study, namely work training, center agents at the same rating classifica-
workplace relationships, and workload. De- tion which is a level lower than the highest
spite the minor differences in the average possible rating, signaling the need for inter-
means of these factors, they are considered sta- vention.
tistically different based on the employed sta- 3. There are significant differences between
tistical computation. This implies that, in terms the ratings of work training, workplace re-
of priority for interventions, the factor affecting lationships, and workload.
work performance with the least mean should 4. All three factors affecting job performance
be addressed first. According to the results, were suggested for interventions for im-
workload would be the top priority, followed provements, beginning with workload with
by work training and then workplace relation- the lowest rating.
ships. This order is based on the statistical sig-
nificance of the differences in mean responses. Recommendations
In a study by Kaushik et al. (2021), it is high- After considering the conclusions, recom-
lighted that when items included in the study mendations were directed to the management
exhibit significant variations, tailored interven- of the call center focused on the study, to the
tions become necessary. This reinforces the im- management of other call centers, and to future
portance of addressing specific factors based researchers.
on their impact and statistical significance to 1. It was recommended to the call center man-
effectively enhance overall work performance agement focused on the study to initiate im-
in the call center setting. provements in all three factors that affect
job performance beginning with workload
Conclusions which had the lowest rating.
Based on the findings of the study, the fol- 2. It was recommended to the management of
lowing conclusions were deduced. other call center organizations to imple-
1. Work training, workplace relationships, ment job performance improvement initia-
and workload were found to positively tives by elevating levels of performance

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IJMABER 680 Volume 5 | Number 2 | February | 2024

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