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Texto 1 :Free time

On vacation, on the weekend or after work, you have free time

to exercise, take a hobby or go out to have fun.
If you are sporty and like water you can swim, if you like snow
you can ski, if you don't have much time you can run or cycle.
Some people prefer to stay at home to watch TV, play video
games or surf the internet. Other activities to do indoors when
it rains or it is very cold are listening to your favorite music,
reading a good book or learning to play an instrument. You can
take advantage of your free time to study.
If the weather is good, you may want to go shopping, go out
with friends for fun or spend time with the family somewhere
fun for everyone, such as an amusement park, the theater or
the movies. Making the most of your free time is important for
a happy life.

Texto 2: The clothing store

Gabriela works in a clothing store. She loves her job because
she loves fashion and enjoys recommending customers the
most suitable clothes according to their tastes and needs.
In the morning, a client asks her to help her choose formal wear
for a job interview. Gabriela recommends a white shirt and a
gray skirt, with shoes that match her purse. The sky is cloudy,
so she brings an umbrella just in case.
Later, another client asks for help in choosing the best gift for
her boyfriend. Gabriela shows her some nice ties, an elegant
watch and modern sunglasses, and she chooses a red and blue
striped tie.
A customer is going to buy clothes for his vacations at the
beach , he chooses a pair of shorts, a hat to protect himself
from the sun and a cotton shirt.
Just before closing the store, a man arrives in a hurry because
he has to go on a trip to Finland and has no warm
clothes...Gabriela suggests he take some boots, a scarf to cover
his face and a thick jacket...Gabriela loves her job.

Texto 3: Comparisons
I don't know what to wear. Now it's hot, but later it will be
colder, what should I wear? Shorts or long pants? I think the
best option is the long one because I will be outside all day.
Today I am going to buy a vehicle, but I don't know which one
to choose, I like both cars and motorcycles, however,
motorcycles are cheaper than cars, but less safe. I don't know
what to do, I want a comfortable and beautiful vehicle, the
most beautiful of all!
Then I will go to a painting course. I will get to know the works
of many old and modern painters. I will also practice both oil
and watercolor painting.
In the afternoon ,I will return home tired, but happier than in
the morning. In addition, at home I have two very friendly pets,
although not very calm. I have a very large dog and a green
bird. The bird is much smaller than the dog. They are both very
intelligent and they play a lot with each other. They are still
young, although the dog is two years older than the bird. I love
watching television with them to know what things are
happening in the world. We all sit on the couch and we are very

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