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The impact of student internships on career readiness and skill development of G-11 student in

Malabang National High School.

An Undergraduate Thesis

Presented to the Faculty of the

Secondary Teaching Department

Malabang National High School

Malabang Lanao del Sur

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for Practical Research

Grade 11 Lavender

Jalfah M. Samroden

Marian A. Mamadra

Norhanifa M. Ayob

Almaira Mimbala

Hayani Taher

May 2024



A. Introduction

B. Theoretical Framework

C. Conceptual Framework

D. Statement of the Problem

E. Scope and Limitations

F. Significance of the Study

G. Definition of Terms


A. Related Literature

B. Related Studies

Chapter 1

The Problem and It's Background

Title:The impact of student internships on career readiness and skill development of G-11 student in
Malabang National High School


Internships play a vital role in shaping the career readiness and skill development of high school
students. The impact of student internships on the growth and preparation of Grade 11 students at
Malabang National High School is a significant area of study. By immersing themselves in real-world
work environments, students can gain valuable insights, practical experience, and hone essential skills
that are crucial for their future professional success. This study aims to explore how student
internships contribute to the overall development and readiness of Grade 11 students at Malabang
National High School, shedding light on the benefits and challenges encountered in this process.
Understanding the impact of internships on students' career trajectories can inform educators,
policymakers, and stakeholders on how to effectively integrate experiential learning opportunities
into the academic curriculum to better prepare students for the ever-evolving demands of the

Theoretical Framework:

The theoretical foundation for this study is based on several key concepts. One such concept is
Social Learning Theory by Albert Bandura, which posits that individuals learn through observation,
imitation, and modeling. In the context of student internships, this theory suggests that students
acquire new skills and knowledge by observing professionals in real work settings and emulating their
behaviors. Additionally, Career Development Theory, particularly the constructivist perspective,
emphasizes the importance of hands-on learning experiences in shaping individuals' career identities
and readiness. By engaging in internships, students can actively construct their understanding of
various professions, develop career-related skills, and make informed decisions about their future

Conceptual Framework:

The conceptual framework revolves around the key components that influence the impact of
student internships on career readiness and skill development. It considers factors such as the
duration of internships, the quality of supervision and mentoring provided, the alignment between
classroom learning and practical experiences, and the opportunities for reflection and feedback
during the internship period. Moreover, the framework accounts for the role of individual
characteristics, such as motivation, self-efficacy, and prior knowledge, in mediating the internship
experience's outcomes. By examining these elements within the context of Grade 11 students at
Malabang National High School, this study aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of how
internships contribute to students' overall readiness for future careers and the development of
essential skills.

Statement of the problem:

Despite the potential benefits of student internships, there may be challenges or issues that
hinder the effectiveness of these programs in preparing grade 11 students for their future
careers.Understanding and addressing these problems is crucial to ensure that students are receiving
the maximum benefit from their internship experiences and are adequately prepared for the
demands of the workforce.

Scope and Limitations:


- This study will focus on the impact of student internships on career readiness and skill development
specifically for Grade 11 students at Malabang National High School.

- The research will explore the students' perceptions, experiences, and outcomes related to their

- Both qualitative and quantitative data will be collected through surveys, interviews, and academic
performance records.

- The study will span a period of one academic year to assess short-term and potential long-term
effects of internships.


- The study is limited to Grade 11 students at Malabang National High School and may not be
generalizable to other schools or grade levels.

- Due to time constraints, the research may not be able to track long-term career outcomes beyond
the academic year.

- The study relies on self-reported data from students, which may introduce response bias.

- External factors such as economic conditions or availability of internship opportunities may impact
the results

Significance of the study:

The significance of the study "The impact of student internships on career readiness and skill
development of Grade 11 students in Malabang National High School" lies in several key areas:

1. Career Readiness: By conducting this study, we aim to bridge the gap between academic learning
and practical, real-world skills necessary for future careers. Understanding how student internships
contribute to career readiness can help shape more effective educational programs and policies.

2. Skill Development: Through internships, students have the opportunity to not only acquire
theoretical knowledge but also develop practical skills that are crucial in their chosen fields. This study
can shed light on the specific skills that students are able to enhance through internships.

3. Educational Improvement: The findings of this research can inform educators, policymakers, and
school administrators on the benefits of incorporating internships into the curriculum. It can also
highlight the potential areas of improvement in internship programs to better prepare students for
their future careers.

4. Empowering Students: By understanding the impact of internships on students' career readiness

and skill development, we can empower students to make more informed decisions about their
educational and career paths. This study can help students recognize the value of practical experience
in addition to classroom learning.

Overall, the significance of this study lies in its potential to enhance educational practices, improve
student outcomes, and better prepare students for successful transitions from school to the

Definition of terms:

- Student Internships: Temporary work experiences provided by companies or organizations to

students, typically for educational purposes and practical skill development.

- Career Readiness: The level of preparedness of students for entering the workforce or pursuing
further education, including relevant skills, knowledge, and attitudes.

- Skill Development: The process of acquiring or enhancing specific abilities or competencies that are
valuable for academic, professional, or personal growth.

- Grade 11 Students: Students in their penultimate year of secondary education, usually around the
age of 16-17 years old.

- Malabang National High School: A secondary educational institution located in Malabang,

Philippines, serving students from diverse backgrounds and communities.

Chapter 2


Related Literature:

Numerous studies have highlighted the significant impact of student internships on career
readiness and skill development. Research by Wickramasinghe and Perera (2018) demonstrated that
internships provide students with opportunities to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world settings,
enhancing their practical skills and readiness for future careers. Similarly, a study by Jones and Smith
(2017) found that students who participated in internships reported increased confidence, improved
communication skills, and a better understanding of workplace expectations.

Furthermore, the work of Lee et al. (2019) emphasized the role of internships in fostering critical
thinking, problem-solving abilities, and professional networking among students. This aligns with the
findings of a study by Brown and Davis (2016), which emphasized the value of internships in
developing students' adaptability, teamwork skills, and industry-specific knowledge.

Related Studies:

In a related study conducted by Garcia and Rodriguez (2020), it was observed that student
internships not only enhance technical competencies but also contribute to students' personal growth
and self-awareness. The study emphasized the importance of reflection and feedback mechanisms
during internships to maximize learning outcomes.

Moreover, a longitudinal study by Smith et al. (2018) tracked the career trajectories of students
who took part in internships during high school. The results showed that students who completed
internships had higher rates of post-secondary education enrollment and were more likely to secure
high-paying jobs in their chosen field compared to those who did not participate in internships.

Overall, these related studies underscore the positive influence of student internships on career
readiness, skill development, and overall academic and professional success among high school
students. Investigating these aspects within the context of Grade 11

students at Malabang National High School can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of
internships in preparing students for future career endeavors.

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