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In a world full of chaos and hatred, Dr.

Sadao Hoki Showed his compassion and

humanity by saving a white man who was a prisoner of war during World War II. This
man was a true surgeon and saved another man irrespective of the fact that they were on
opposing sides. This is Dr Sadao Hoki .

Q.As an accomplished and renowned surgeon, who is someone who has been an
inspiration to you?

A. My father was someone I’ve always looked up to. He’s someone who has always had
faith in me no matter what. I remember having a conversation with him about the
Japanese islands once. The conversation somehow led to him saying something that
stuck with me forever. He said –“ Who can limit our future? It depends on what we
make it.”

Q. What compelled you to treat an American soldier, considering he was the enemy?

A. Seeing another person in pain,injured and helpless, melted my heart. If I left him
on the coast,his death would forever weigh on my conscience. I would never be at
peace with myself, knowing that I could have saved him.

Q. Why didn't you hand him over to the police?

A. If the man were whole I could turn him over to the police without second
thought. I didn't care about him. He was my enemy and so were all Americans. I
had to think of my children and my position that I could have lost so I did
consider the option. But since he was wounded I didn't have it in me to do that to

Q. What were your thoughts when you saw all your servants leaving the residence to
rebel against you aiding the American man?
A. I would be dishonest if I stated that their departure had no impact on me.
Since I was a young boy, the cook and gardener have taken care of me, and
to me, they are like family. Even though we were not related by blood,
relationships are made over time, and we became closer as well. I was also
not surprised when everyone left; sooner or later, I had anticipated it, and
several times, I had second-guessed my decision to aid an American
citizen, our adversary. But I was aware that at the time, my responsibility
as a doctor was considerably more crucial. When the maids left, my wife
Hannah was also greatly moved, but she maintained her composure and
repressed those emotions.

Dr. Hoki is a sympathetic individual. He did not let his hatefulness sway him; instead,
he put his duty as a doctor before that of a citizen. Dr. Hoki is a wonderful example of
how individuals can still be human even when circumstances are at their worst. He was
kind throughout the entire process of helping the man and treated him like any other
patient he might have. No half-measures were taken, which demonstrates the kind of
responsible man Dr. Hoki is. Dr. Hoki and his wife treated the injured American man
and respected his life like any other human, when any other man would have left him to
suffer or turned him over to the authorities.They set aside their animosity to assist him.
Dr. Hoki and his wife are examples of the kind of compassionate people the world needs
more of, and we should all follow their lead.

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