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Visual Programming with VB.Net


JULY 2019
Instructions to Candidates:

1. Time Allowed: 3 Hours.

2. Answer four questions Only

3. All questions carry 25 marks each.

4. Calculators are allowed provided they are not programmable.
5. No books, dictionaries, papers, cell phones or any other written
materials are allowed in this examination.
6. Candidates who break IUM examination regulations or commit any
malpractice will be disqualified from the examinations.

Total Marks: 100

Examiners: Ms Petrus
Moderator: Ms Mutasa

Section A – Answer all the Questions

Question One

Create an application that can help students in grade 1 through 3 learn how to give change.

The application will allow the students to enter the amount of money a customer owes and

the amount of money the customer paid. It then will calculate the amount of change, as well

as the number of dollars, quarter, dimes, nickels and pennies to return to the customers. For

now, you will not worry about the situation where the amount owed is greater than the

amount paid. You will assume that the customer pays either the exact amount or more than

then exact amount. For example your change should display how many N$200, N$100,

N$50, N$20, N$10, N$5,50cents, 10cents and 5cents are returned to the customers. Name

your application ChangeApp.

[Total :25 Marks]

Question Two

Design and implement a working program for the following user requirement:

Management USA, a small training centre, plans to run two full day seminars on June 28.
The seminars are called “How to be an Effective Manager” and “How to run a Small
Business”. Each seminar costs $200. Registration for the seminars will be done by phone.
When a company calls to register its employees, the phone representative will ask for the
following information: the company’s name, address (including city, state and ZIP code), the
number of employees registering for the “How to be an Effective Manager” seminar and the
number of employees registering for the “How to run a Small Business” seminar. Claire
Jenkowski, the owner of Management USA, wants the application to calculate the total
number of employees the company is registering and the total cost. Your program should be
named as Training.
The testing of the application should be done by using the following data:
Company Name: ABC Company
Address: 354 Main str
City, State, ZIP: Glan,tx 70122
Registrants for “How to be an Effective Manager”: 10
Registrants for “How to run a Small Business”: 5

[Total: 25 Marks]

Section B

Choose any two questions from the following Questions:

Question Three

a)Describe the range of tools available to support the programming development

process for a team of programmers who work on collaborative projects.
(10 marks)
b) Evaluate the success of these tools in improving the productivity of programmers
and the quality of the code they produce. Include examples to back up any
Points made. (15 marks)
[Total :25 Marks]

Question Four

You are the Development Team Manager of a company that produces Timetable
software. The development team is currently using procedural technologies and a file
based data storage system. It has has decided to move to an object-oriented
programming language with a database for data storage.

a) Write a report to discuss the effect of using an object-oriented

programming language in place of a procedural programming language.
(10 marks)
b) In your report, identify the concepts to be found in object-oriented
languages and discuss the advantages, issues and disadvantages of
taking such an approach. Illustrate your answer with appropriate examples.
(15 marks)
[Total:25 Marks]

Question Five

a) Software testing is an important part of producing a quality system. Discuss what tools can
be used to test a large complex system, including the advantages and disadvantages of using
such tools. (15 marks)
b) Discuss the key reasons why it is important to have an international standard for any
programming language.
(10 marks)
[Total :25 Marks]

***END OF EXAM ***

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