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Class 3

English Reader
Chapter 2 - Pratap Goes Shopping

Powerpoint created by Miss Mhonbeni Ezung, Teacher

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of the story, the students will be able to:

1. Understand the overall summary of the lesson through
storytelling done by the teacher.
2. Learn new words and their meanings with correct
3. Learn about different types of shopping.
Pratap goes Shopping.

➢ By looking at the title of the story what comes

to your mind?
➢ Do you like going out for shopping?
About the story

The story ‘Pratap goes Shopping’ is about a young boy who didn't like
shopping. One afternoon as he was reading a good book, his mother calls
him to go for a shopping. Let's read through to know what happens.
Click on the link to listen to the story.
New words
● Argue to disagree, continuously or angrily
● Whine cry, moan, complain
● Ancient very old
● Carton a light cardboard or plastic box
● Trolley a small open cart with wheels
● Zigzag a line bending at angles
● Brilliant excellent, clever
● Vanished disappeared suddenly
Pratap Goes Shopping
Pratap did not like shopping. If it was a visit a to a
toyshop with Dad, that was fine. If it was to a
bookshop, by himself, that was even better. He liked
toys. He liked reading. But to go and buy clothes, or
bangles, or shoes,or food-this was all too much!

One afternoon, Pratap was at home, reading a good

book. The story was exciting. Pratap turned the
pages quickly. He could not wait to reach the end.
Then he heard Mum shouting: 'Pratap! Pratap! Where
is that boy?
Let's Discuss!
❏ Does Pratap like shopping?
❏ What happened one afternoon?
❏ Was Pratap happy to go with his mother?
❏ Which activity does Pratap like better: going shopping or reading an
interesting book?
Pratap carried on reading, but a moment later, Mum came into his

Pratap, didn't you hear me call?

Pratap shook his head from side to side .

Come on,' said Mum. We're going shopping.

Shopping?" said Pratap. ‘I’m not coming! I'm reading!’

Now, don't argue, Pratap,' said Mum. 'You can read in the

But that makes me sick, complained Pratap

Well, leave your book,' said Mum, 'but hurry. You can't stay
at home alone.

Maaaa! Why, Maaaaa?' moaned Pratap.

Maaaaaa, please, Maaaaa! I don't...
Don't whine!' cried Mum. You sound just like
Some ancient woman... or... urchin!’

Pratap looked cross. He closed his book, put

on his socks and shoes and was ready in three
minutes. But he was NOT happy. He stood by
the car, looking gloomy.

Mum and Pratap were soon on their way.

While Mum was in the next shop-a clothes shop, Pratap growled: ‘I bet it's
food next.’
Mum came out of the shop and drove along the main road, towards their
house. Pratap began to feel better. ‘Aaah! We shall be home soon,’ he

As they were getting close, Mum suddenly drove into the car park of a
large supermarket. Pratap looked like a black cloud about to burst.
Come inside with me, Pratap, said Mum. ‘I will need your help.’
Just my luck!' grumbled Pratap, as he followed her

Mum found a trolley, and Pratap pushed it along.

As they passed between the shelves of food, Mum
picked up various things-three tins of baked beans,
a box of soap powder, a carton of milk ... the list
was endless!
Pratap became bored and tired of pushing the
trolley in a zigzag line. Then, he had a brilliant idea.
He kept well behind Mum, and looked at the things
on the shelves.
At last they reached the checkout. Pratap took the
things out of the trolley, and placed them on the
counter. Mum stood at the far end of the counter,
helping a girl to pack the things.
After a number of bags had been packed, Mum
shrieked: 'Stop! Stop! What is all this stuff This is
not my shopping! Cat food? We don't have a cat!
Red boot-polish? We don't have red boots! Blue
eye-shadow? I never wear ... ‘

Suddenly she stopped shrieking and

peered at Pratap.
‘You are a naughty boy, Pratap!' she
said, not too loudly, because people
were looking.

Pratap wanted to smile, but did not dare-

not with Mum looking like a volcano! He
stood by and watched Mum and the girl
unpack and repack the bags.
Let’s Discuss

❏ How did Majid feel at the supermarket?

❏ What did he do to upset his mother?
❏ Do you think it was a good thing to do?
The journey home was very, very quiet. As the car pulled into the drive,
Dad came out and waved.

Where have you two been? asked Dad, helping to carry the
shopping.’Your car was just ahead of mine, on the main road,
and then.. .’

We've been shopping,' replied Mum. 'And

your son has been very naughty. You must have a word
with him.’
When they got indoors, Dad sat down with Pratap and Mum.

What's all this about, Pratap?' asked Dad. Tell me what


Mum would not let me read,' wailed Pratap. And she called
me an ancient woman's chin!

A what?' cried Mum. I never did!"

You did!' said Pratap. That's what you said:

an ancient woman's chin!
Is that what made you cross? she asked, shaking with laughter. 'What I
said was that you were whining like an ancient woman OR an urchin.’

Ha ha ha!' laughed Dad. 'What a joke! Like an

urchin, Pratap, not her chin! An urchin is a boy on
the streets.

Pratap stopped wailing and smiled, weakly.

There was no need for you to get cross!' said Mum. 1
should be cross with you, for putting those things in my
trolley at the supermarket!

Ah! So that's where you went,' said Dad. 'As I was saying
earlier, I was following you along the main road, on my way
home, and you suddenly vanished.'

Yes,' replied Mum. ‘I turned into a


Pratap laughed loudly.

What's so funny about that, son?'

asked Dad.
Mum vanished! Heh, heh!' chuckled Pratap. I whined like her chin, and she turned into a

Mum, Dad and Pratap laughed till

they cried. And there was just
enough time, before homework,
for Pratap to finish his story.
A. Questions
1. What did Pratap like and what did he dislike?
2. Why did Pratap argue with Mum?
3. How did Pratap behave in the supermarket?
4. When did Pratap want to smile but didn't? Why did he not smile?
5. When did Pratap 'chuckle' and why?
B. Reference to Context

For each of the following, say who was speaking, who was being
spoken to, and when the words were said.
1. ‘I bet it's food next.’
2. ‘You are a naughty boy!’
3. ‘I whined like her chin.’
4 ‘So that's where you went.’
5. 'You did!’

A. Questions
1. What did Pratap like and what did he dislike?
Ans: Pratapliked toys and reading books. He even liked visiting a toy shop or
a bookshop but he did not like shopping. He did not like to go shopping for
clothes, bangles, shoes or food.

2. Why did Pratap argue with Mum?

Ans: Pratap argued with mom because he wanted to finish reading a book and
not go for shopping.
3. How did Pratap behave in the supermarket?
Ans: Pratap was very naughty in the supermarket. As he did not enjoy being
there, he played with his mother and put lots of things into the trolley that his
mother did not want to buy.

4. When did Pratap want to smile but didn't? Why did he not smile?

Ans: Pratap wanted to smile when his mother scolded him for being

He did not smile because his mother was mad at him and was
standing there looking like a volcano.
5. When did Pratap 'chuckle' and why?

Ans: Pratap was chuckling because he realised the

misunderstanding that had taken place. He understood ‘urchin’ as
‘whined like her chin’ and her mother ‘turned into a supermarket’
very amusing.
B. Reference to Context
For each of the following, say who was speaking, who was being spoken to,
and when the words were said.
1. ‘I bet it's food next.’
Ans: Pratap said this to himself after the shopping for shoes and clothes
were over.
2. ‘You are a naughty boy!’
Ans: Mum to Pratap, at the supermarket checkout counter when she
understood the prank he pulled by loading all sorts of unnecessary stuff into
their trolley.
3. ‘I whined like her chin.’
Ans: Pratap, to his Dad and Mum, when they realised that Pratap
had misunderstood what Mum had said.
4 ‘So that's where you went.’
Ans: Dad, to Mum, after hearing from Mum that they had been to the
5. 'You did!’
Ans: Pratap said to Mum when she denied having compared him to
an old woman’s chin.
Get ready with your English reading notebook or a rough book, pencil, eraser,
sharpener, scale/ ruler and other stationery.

1. Make two lists of things you like and dislike doing. Find out what others
in class have put in their lists.

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