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(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s.


Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

Title of the
Management of School-Based PD Programs
Professional The Philippine Professional Standards for School Heads (PPSSH)
Covered Domain 2. Managing School Operations and Resources
(Domain/s, Strand 2.2 Financial Management
Strand/s, and Indicator 2.2.2 Manage Finances adhering to policies, guidelines, and
Indicator/s) issuances in allocation, procurement, disbursement, and liquidation
aligned with the school plan.

Domain 3 Focusing Teaching and Learning

Strand 3.1 School-based review, contextualization, and
implementation of learning standards
Indicator 3.1.2 Assist teachers in the review, contextualization, and
implementation of learning standards to make the MATATAG
Curriculum relevant for learners

Domain 4 Developing Self and Others

Strand 4.5 Professional Development of School Personnel
Indicator 4.5.2 Implement professional development initiatives to
enhance strengths and address performance gaps among school

Indicator 4.5.3 Monitor and evaluate the implementation of

professional development initiatives in enhancing strengths and in
addressing performance gaps among school personnel.

Domain 5. Building Connections

Strand 5.4 Communication
Indicator 5.4.2. Communicate effectively in speaking and in writing to
teachers, learners, parents, and other stakeholders through positive
use of communication platforms, to facilitate information sharing,
collaboration, and support.

Domain 7 Personal Growth and Professional Development

Strand 7.4 Professional reflection and learning to improve practice
Indicator 7.4.2 Develop a personal professional improvement plan
based on reflection of one’s practice and ongoing professional learning

Session Schedule
Day 5|8:30-10:00,10:15 - 12:15 | 3 hours and 30 minutes
and Duration
Objectives At the end of the session, the participants will be able to:

(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

1. discuss the significant roles of school leaders in leading and

managing School-Based Professional Development Programs to
improve teacher practice;
2. integrate the concept and elements of the whole-school
approach to curriculum planning and its link to teachers’
ongoing professional learning, articulating the effect size and
its impact on learning outcomes;
3. discuss the Implementation Strategies for the Conduct of
School-Based Training on the MATATAG Curriculum;
4. develop a WAP capturing the general concepts of MATATAG
Curriculum articulating a doable school-based professional
development plan for teachers on the MATATAG Curriculum;
5. display willingness to implement the WAP to improve learning
Expected Work Application Plan (WAP)
Key Content • Roles and Responsibilities of School Heads in the Management
of School-based Professional Development Programs
• Effect Size and Why Does It Matter
• Learners’ Overall Performance in the NATG10 and NATG12
• Whole-School Approach
• School-Based PD Programs
- TPDC Framework
• Implementation Strategies for the Conduct of School-Based
Training on the MATATAG Curriculum
• Work Application Plan (WAP)
- For Chiefs
- For EPSs and PSDSs
- For School Heads
- For Master Teachers
- For Teachers
Learning • Slide Decks
Resource • Activity Sheets
Materials • WAP Templates
• Handouts
• Meta strips
• Manila paper
• Pentel pens
• Scotch tapes

(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

• Envelopes
References • D.O. 35, s. 2016 “The Learning Action Cell as a K to 12 Basic
Education Program School-Based Continuing Professional
Development Strategy for the Improvement of Teaching and
• D.O. 42, s. 2017 “National Adoption and Implementation of the
Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST)
• D.O. 024, s. 2020 “National Adoption and Implementation of
the Philippine Professional Standards for School Heads
• D.O. 025, s. 2020 “National Adoption and Implementation of
the Philippine Professional Standards for Supervisors (PPSS)”
• DM No. 44, s. 2023 “Interim Guidelines for Quality Assurance
of NEAP Core Programs”
• Filipino learners’ overall performance in the NATG10 &
• © UNESCO 2005 ISBN: 92-803-1278-2 (Education Policy
Series 3)
• John Pegg, 2024
• John Hattie, 2015

Schedule Detailed Detailed Description of Learner’s Materials

(Time Content Methodology/Activities Output (Slide Number)
distribution) Outline
3 minutes Presentation of Do: Present slide deck 1 slide deck 1
Cover Slide Cover Slide

Do: Greet the participants.

Say: Good day everyone. I am

_____________. Today, we will
tackle together how a School

(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

Head manages School-Based

Professional Development
Programs through embedding
more deeply school LACs while
practicing collaborative
expertise among teachers to
effectively implement the
MATATAG Curriculum.
2 minutes Presentation of Do: Present slide deck 2 Slide deck 2
the Training Training
Matrix Say: We are done with sessions Matrix
up to Session 14. I know that
you learned a lot from each
resource person in Sessions 1–
14, right?

This time, be with me in

learning Session 15, entitled
Management of School-Based
PD Programs.

Is everyone settled and in the

house already for Session
15? Let’s get it on!
2 minutes Presentation of Do: Present slide deck 3
the title of the
Session Say: The session that we will be
learning together is one of the
common topics being identified
as one important ingredient to
implement the MATATAG
Curriculum for Kindergarten,
Grade 1, Grade 4, and Grade 7.
Here is the title of Session 15

2 minutes Presentation of Do: Present slide deck 4 Slide deck 4

the RPs during
the NTOT Say: During the National Session Tile
Training of Trainers, the and the
Bureau Directors ran this Resource

(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

Session on Management of
School-Based PD programs.

A manifestation that DepEd

ensures that the
implementation of MATATAG
Curriculum is everyone’s

To ensure that our teachers will

receive quality training on the
MATATAG Curriculum, all of
us, STRONG school leaders and
specialists of CO, RO, DO, and
Schools need to collaborate.

5 minutes Discussion on Do: Present slide deck #s 5-9 Shared Slide deck #s
the Professional insights 5-9
Standards for Say: The Professional Domains,
School Heads to Standards which are addressed Strands, and
be Addressed by by this session include the Indicators
the session following: (refer to the slides Covered
being presented)

2 minutes Presentation of Do: Present slide deck 10 Slide deck 10

the Session
Flow Say: These are the outlines of Session Flow
the key concepts that we will
learn together. They are as
follows: (refer to the slide deck
on screen)
5 minutes Presentation of Do: Present slide decks 11-12 Participants Slide decks
Session insights 11-12
Objectives and Say: In this session, we will Session
Professional cover the following objectives. Objectives
Domains All the six objectives serve as
Covered our guide on what to achieve
within three hours.

Say: Let us be together in

achieving these objectives and
learn how they are anchored on

(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

the Philippine Professional

Standards for School Heads

Do: Present and read slide text.

20 minutes Completion of Show: Present slide decks 13- Accomplishe Slide decks
(5 minutes the activity: 16 d Template 13-16
individual Keepin’ My Keepin’ My
work, 10 Memory On Keepin’ My Memory On Memory On
minutes template and
TRIAD Use the Say: I am confident that all of the activity
sharing, MSBPDP you have significant practices instructions
and 5 Template A: or experiences in attending or
minutes Keepin’ My managing any professional
insight Memory On development programs
sharing) conducted at the school level.
You may identify your specific
roles and responsibilities, e.g.,
as a resource person,
facilitator, etc.

This time, I will provide you

with a template titled “Keepin’
My Memory On” for you to work

1. For 5 minutes, please

complete “Keepin’ My
Memory On" in the
template provided.
2. Form a triad with your
seatmates A, B, and C.
3. Start with A, then take
turns sharing your

Do: Read the instructions and

distribute the template. Make
sure that each participant has a
copy of the MSBPDP Session

(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

Template A: Keepin’ My Memory


Do. Observe and mill around

how each participant completes
the template.

Say: Share your answers now.

You will have only 5 minutes to
share your answers among the
three of you in your triad.

Be sure that after five minutes,

all of you have shared.

Do: After the triad sharing, ask

2 to 3 participants to share
their insights on the triad

Say: Can we have 2 to 3 of you

who will share your learning or
insights about the sharing you
have had during the triad

Sample expected answers

from participants

I experienced being a resource

speaker for sessions on
facilitation skills, which helped
me enhance my competencies
in delivering sessions at the
school level. Thus, I feel

(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

confident enough to be part of

the program management or
training team.
20 minutes Sharing of Do: Present slide deck 17-21 Shared Slide decks
Allot 5 answers based Let’s Process experiences 17-21
minutes per on processing and insights
question to questions Do: Ask the following questions: relative to Processing
give time 1. What can you say about school-based questions
for the the activity? trainings.
participants 2. In sharing with your
to react. teammates, what struck
you the most about the
roles you performed
during the training?
3. When was the last time
you either managed,
implemented, or
participated in a school-
based PD program?
How was your
4. In leading, managing, or
implementing a school-
based professional
development program,
what do you think are
the critical factors that
we need to consider?

Participants’ answers for

questions 1 and 2 may vary.

Do: Write key concepts

mentioned by the participants
on the white board or sheets of
manila paper.

Key concepts that might be

mentioned are:

Q1: fulfilling, refreshing, being


(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

Q2: I am struck by the diverse

experience of my colleagues
from other divisions within our
region. I felt proud because I
was able to impart my
knowledge as a resource
person, class leader, or learning
manager to the participants.

Q3: It was during INSET. I felt

proud to be given the
opportunity to serve as one of
the members of the
PMT/training team.

Q4: In leading and managing a

school-based training program,
I believe that some of the
critical factors that need to be
considered include the

1. Understanding of the
concepts and
significance of school-
based training programs.
2. Knowing his or her role
in conducting a school-
based training program.
3. Having a full grasp of the
teacher’s performance
and how to improve
teaching competencies
through providing
continuous professional
development programs or
learning and
interventions and/or
considering need-based
learning and

(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

4. The strong collaboration

between and among the
school personnel
5. The profile of the school
in terms of the capacity
of teachers to teach and
the academic
performance of the
learners per learning
6. The school heads
competencies in leading
and managing the school
7. The effect size and the
intervention required to
improve the schools’
academic performance

Do: Process the participants’


Say: You are right! These are

some of the factors that need to
be considered, especially for the
school head, when leading and
managing a school-based
training program.
Now, let us learn from
issuances and experts.

10 minutes Discussion: Do: Present the slide decks 22- Insights on Slide 22-27
Effect Size 27 the Effect Effect Size
Size and its and its
Say: Effect size tells you how required required
meaningful the relationship learning learning
between variables or the intervention intervention
difference between groups is. It
indicates the practical
significance of a research
A large effect size means that
research finding has practical

(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

significance, while a small

effect size indicates limited
practical applications.
The larger the effect size, the
greater the impact of an

According to Hattie, an
appropriate goal of schooling (in
his words) is for students to
achieve at least a year’s worth
of learning for a year’s input.
To achieve this, we are looking
at an effect size of 0.4.

Do: Present slide deck # 21

Say: Look at the effect size of

“whole-school improved
programs; it is only.28, way far
from the.4. Hence, it can affect
the entire operation of the
school. The RP may mention
some of the data sets and their

(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

corresponding effect sizes, for


Do: Present slide deck 28 Slide deck 28

DO No. 35, s.
Say: Let us discuss our policies 2016
and the issues that we face.

Do: Present slide decks 29-30. Slide decks

Say: Do you have something to
clarify? If none, let us move on
to the next activity.
25 minutes Accomplishment Do: Present slide decks 31-33 Accomplishe Slide decks
of the MSBPDP d Template 31-33
Template B: My Note to the RP: There are two MSBPDP
Story the “My options for doing the activity. Template B:
Story” Template You may decide which is doable My Story
with the number of participants
and the grouping you want to

Say: Let us have another

activity, titled “My Story”

1. Group yourselves by 5’s.

2. Individually, you will
accomplish the MSBPDP
Template B: My Story.
3. Share your individual
outputs among
yourselves in your group.
4. As a group, come up with
an output highlighting
your common roles and
responsibilities in the
conduct of the activities,
processes, and programs
at the school level.
5. Post your group outputs
in designated areas.

MSBPDP Template B: My Story

(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

Areas of Roles Respo Bottleneck Actions

Concern nsibili / Taken
ties Challenges




Learning and

Group Processing:

Do: Organize a carousel to

process the group’s outputs.

Option 1. Human Carousel

Say: Let us have the carousel

to process your outputs.

Do: Discuss the mechanics.


1. All the members of the

group will stay at the
place or station where
your outputs are posted.
2. In 2 minutes, review
your outputs. You may
consider some revisions
to your output.
3. At a signal, “Go! ”,
together as a group, you
will move
counterclockwise to the
next station. You need to
bring your meta strips
and pentel pens.
4. When you are at another
station, you will be

(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

allowed to discuss the

outputs of another
group. You may add
ideas or thoughts to the
other group’s outputs, if
5. Do the activity until you
return to your own
6. When you are at your
station, huddle and
decide whether the
inclusions made by other
groups are significant or
7. If done, get back to your
seats and settle down.

Option 2: Paper Carousel

Do: Present slide decks 34-37

Slide decks
Say: Each group must pass the 34-37
output to the other group in a Paper
counterclockwise direction. Carousel
At a signal, “Go!” Start passing
your output to the next group.

As soon as you have the output

from the other group, point out
some common terms that you
have reflected in your own

You may incorporate the other

group’s recommendation.
7 Minutes Deal on the Do. Present slide decks 38–40 Shared Slide decks
processing insights 38-40
questions to Processing Question Processing
solicit insights questions

(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

from the 1. What can you say about the

participants activity?
2. What did you discover from
the outputs of each group?
3. What are the usual concerns
or challenges?
4. What are the usual actions
5. How could we do all these
things better?
6. How can we better support
our schools so they can
effectively implement these PD
10 minutes Discussion on Do: Present the slide decks 41- Shared Slide decks
the Whole- 67 insights 41-67
School Whole-School
Approach Say: For the school head to Approach
effectively manage the school-
based PD programs, he or she Concepts
should have a full Key Elements
understanding of the concept of Benefits
the whole-school approach and Impact to
its key elements. Learning
The whole-school approach is
cohesive and collaborative
action by a school community
being strategically and
continually constructed to
improve student learning,
behavior, and well-being.

Whole-School Approach is a
framework that can be used to
assess what exists, create a
plan to address gaps and
identify measures of progress.

Do: Present slide decks 40-62

Say: Now that we know the

significance of the whole-school

(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

approach, can anyone give a

specific professional
development activity
implemented in your school?

5 minutes Discussion on Do: Present slide deck 68 Shared Slide deck 68

the School- insights Title slide
Based PD Say: We will discuss the school- about INSET,
programs based PD programs such as: LAC, and CE
• CE

INSET Do: Present slide decks 69-70 slide decks 69-

DM-OUHROD- Say: In the continuous pursuit
2024-0037 of excellence in providing INSET
GUIDELINES quality professional MEMORANDU
ON THE development programs for M DM-
CONDUCT OF teachers and school leaders, OUHROD-
THE IN- the National Educators 2024-0037
SERVICE Academy of the Philippines GUIDELINES
TRAINING FOR (NEAP) hereby issues the ON THE
TEACHERS following guidelines for the CONDUCT OF
(INSET) FOR conduct of the in-service THE IN-
SCHOOL YEAR training for teachers (INSET) on SERVICE
2023- 2024 January 24-26 and 29-30, TRAINING
2024, as stipulated in DepEd FOR
Order No. 22, s. 2023, titled TEACHERS
Implementing Guidelines on the (INSET) FOR
School Calendar and Activities SCHOOL
for the School Year 2023-2024. YEAR 2023-
INSET refers to a modality of
professional development
intervention organized either at
the school (school-based INSET)
or division/district level
(cluster-based INSET)
to address and resolve areas of
need identified by the teachers
or school leaders to
continuously improve their

(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

competencies. INSET classes

are participatory and should be
offered to small groups to
maximize impact on teacher
and school leader quality. As
such, SDO-based INSET topics
shall focus on programs of the
NEAP Central Office, such as
the following:

1. Higher-order thinking
skills: Professional
Learning Packages
(HOTS-PLP) for English,
Mathematics, and
2. Instructional Leadership
Training (ILT):
Strengthening Learning
Conditions for Early

5 minutes Discussion on Do: Present slide decks 70-74 Shared Slide decks
Learning insights 70-74
Action Cell Say: "The Learning Action Cell Learning
(LAC) is a group of teachers who Action Cell
D.O. 35, s. 2016 engage in collaborative learning (LAC)
“The Learning sessions to solve shared
Action Cell as a challenges encountered in the
K to 12 Basic school, facilitated by the school
Education head or a designated LAC
Program School- leader.”
Continuing The holding of LAC sessions for
Professional purposes other than those
Development provided herein is prohibited.
Strategy for the Prohibited purposes may
Improvement of include but shall not be limited
Teaching and to the following: sale of goods
Learning” and other merchandise; lending
transactions; political and
religious meetings; and other

(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

purposes which are not

included in this policy.” DO 25,
s. 2016.
5 minutes Discussion on Do: Present slide decks 75-80 Shared Slide Decks
Collaborative insights 75-80
Expertise Say: Collaborative Expertise is
described as communities Collaborative
within and across schools that Expertise. Its
work collaboratively to diagnose concept, key
what teachers need to do, plan elements,
programs and teaching benefits, and
interventions, and evaluate the impact to
success of the interventions.” – learning
Hattie, J.
“How collaborative time is used,
how skilled educators are in
using that time, and the
support that school and system
leaders provide to lead and
sustain collaborative learning
are critical to its success.” -
Hattie, J. 2015
“The greatest influence on
student progression in learning
is having expert, inspired, and
passionate teachers and school
leaders working together to
maximize the effect of their
teaching on all students in their
care.” -Hattie, J. 2015
“There is a major role for school
leaders: to harness the
expertise in their schools and
lead successful
transformations.""—Hattie, J.
“There is a role for the system:
to provide the support, time,

(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

and resources for this to

happen.""—Hattie, J. 2015

10 minutes Presentation of Do: Present slide decks 81-88 Better Slide decks
The TPDC understandin 81-88
Framework g among Customized
participants SPPD
DepEd Order anchoring on
No. 30, s. 2012 Accomplishe the TPDC
School Plan for d Customized Framework
Professional School-Based
Development Professional
(SPPD) Development
anchored on
and SPPD

Say: The TPDC Framework

follows the PD process that we
have. It starts with needs
assessment, planning, resource
package development, quality
assurance, delivery, and
monitoring and evaluation. It is
iterative to ensure quality
training programs.
5 minutes Do the activity, Do: Present slide decks 89-105 Shared Slide Deck #s
“Thumbs Up, insights 89-105
Thumbs Down, Say: Based on the DepEd “Thumbs Up,
and Thumbs Memorandum dated December Identified Thumbs
Straight” 20, 2023, school heads are possible Down, and
expected to employ the strategies at Thumbs
suggested strategies the school Straight
appropriate in their school level
context in implementing the

(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

Training on MATATAG
Curriculum for K147.

Say: As I flash the suggested

strategies one-by-one, you may
show a thumbs up if the option
is possible. If the option is
impossible, show a thumbs

Ask: Are you ready? Game na

ba kayo?

Participants’ expected answer:

Yes, let’s bring it on! Or yes, we
are! Game na! (Note to the RP:
he/she may use either of the

Say: Based on the

memorandum signed by Usec
Cabral and Usec Gonong dated
December 20, 2023, school
heads are expected to employ
strategies such as, but not
limited to, the following:

1. Maximizing the loading of

other teachers per learning are
from other grade levels not
involved in the initial phase of
the training.
2. Engaging SK members to take
charge of the class while the
teachers are in the training.
3. Scheduling a half-day
training for K,1,4, and 7
teachers totaling 40 hours to
ensure that the regular classes
will continue without disruption.
4. Letting the most active
parents handle the class and
visit the class now and then to

(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

see whether the learners are

intact inside the classroom.
5. Taking turns by a batch of
Grade 4 or Grade 7 teachers,
maximizing the loading of other
batches of teachers not yet
involved in the scheduled
training (e.g. Batch 1/Week 1-
English, Science, Math, Batch
2/Week 2- Filipino, AP, Values
Education, Batch 3/Week 3-
6. Shorten the class and let the
learners go home so as not to
distract the attendance of the
teachers in the training.
7. Maximizing the loading of
relieving (special) teacher-
advisers are in the training-
8. Ask the Central Office to
deploy teachers to take charge
of classes.
9. Tap the barangay officials to
organize sports activities for the
learner to engage in.
10. Hiring substitute teachers,
subject to the availability of
11. Tapping teacher applicants
for voluntary services during the
duration of the training program.
12. Ask the school principal to
merge the learners with the ALS
10 minutes Drawing out of Do: After performing the Shared
responses from activity, solicit from the insights
the participants participants best practices and
suggestions doable in their
respective contexts.

Ask: What other possible

strategies and practices can be
adopted by you or the school

(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

heads to successfully
implement the MATATAG
Curriculum for K147?

Do: Call 2 to 3 participants to


Say: That is awesome! Yes, you

can do a lot. I am sure the
implementation of the
MATATAG curriculum will be

How certain are you that the

MATATAG curriculum
implementation will be

Do. Participants’ answers may

vary. But ensure to drive out
the concept of planning.

Say: And speaking of planning,

we shall now discuss.
15 minutes Do the Activity, Do: Present slide decks 107- Discussed Slide decks
It’s a WAP Wrap 124 the 107-124
significance Caselet
Activity: It’s a WAP Wrap! of the caselet WAP Rationale
Give the instructions: Objectives per
job group
WAP template
1. Organize the participants by
2. Provide each one of them
with a copy of the caselet.
3. Engage each participant to
read the caselet provided. (3


(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

Both Mr. and Mrs. Macaroni

work at a private school. The
school director sent them to a
5-day training program on
higher-order thinking skills
(HOTS) using the SOLO model,
which provided them with
opportunities to engage in all
activities that would enhance
their teaching competencies. As
a result, they were grateful and
excited to return to the school
and apply their learning from
the HOTS training program.

When they returned to school,

they were eager to meet with
their school director to provide
feedback on the training. When
asked how to apply their
training gains, Mr. and Mrs.
took turns answering verbally
the questions, which irritated
the school director.

Let the participants answer the

following questions:

Say: Answer the following


1. What made the school

director feel irritated?
2. What could be the best
way for Mr. and Mrs.
Macaroni to give
3. What tangible thing did
the school director want
Mr. and Mrs. Macaroni
to present?

(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

4. What are the essential

elements of a plan?

Group Discussion

1. Each member of the

group takes turns
discussing your
individual responses.
2. Choose from your group
one to facilitate the
discussion, one to
document, and one to
present the output in
3. Write your answer on the
sheets of manila paper

Say: Share your answer in

plenary. Make sure that
everyone in your group has the
chance to share.

Processing of Group Outputs

Do: Highlight the commonalities

of the outputs presented by
each group.
10 minutes Discussion on Say: Congratulations, everyone! Shared WAP template
Work Now, we are ready to prepare Insights WAP Rationale
Application Plan the Work Application Plan WAP
(WAP) (WAP). Objectives
Each one of you will be Domains,
provided with a WAP template. Strands, and
For us to be guided on how to Indictors
accomplish it, let’s have a quick
review or walkthrough of the
WAP template.

(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

Do: Present the slide deck.

Say: We will discuss the

content of the WAP template.

• WAP template

WAP Rationale

The Department of Education

has pursued its education
reform, the MATATAG:
Bansang Makabata, Batang
Makabansa Agenda, which sets
the new direction of the agency
and stakeholders in resolving
basic education challenges. In
pursuing such reform in the
basic education curriculum, it
is imperative to understand the
current context and setting.
Doing so will allow the
Department to recognize the
existing and expected realities
and, consequently, adopt
appropriate measures to realize
its vision, hence making the
MATATAG Curriculum
responsive and attuned to the
dynamic changes that come
into play in society (General

(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

Shaping Paper, MATATAG

Curriculum 2023).

The MATATAG Curriculum

focuses on foundational skills
and embedding peace
competencies, building more
resilient schools and
classrooms, strengthening
inclusive education programs,
advocating for teachers’
additional benefits, and
providing professional
development programs,
among others. The aim is to
create a more effective and
impactful educational
experience for Filipino learners.

The training on the MATATAG

curriculum is rooted in the
fundamental importance of
ensuring that teachers and
school leaders are fully
equipped with the knowledge,
understanding, and skills
necessary to effectively
implement the curriculum.

Furthermore, school leaders

ensure a seamless and effective
implementation of the
curriculum across
school environments. By
empowering school leaders with
the necessary knowledge and
skills, the school community
can foster an educational
culture that embodies the
principles of the MATATAG
Curriculum and ultimately
enhances the learning

(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

experiences and outcomes for

learners at the kindergarten,
grade 1, grade 4, and grade 7

To articulate the general shape

of the MATATAG Curriculum
and to ensure that it is fully
understood by all so that its
full implementation is
effectively and efficiently done
at the school level, school heads
shall develop a Work
Application Plan (WAP).

The school heads’ WAP

integrates appropriate school-
based training strategies,
articulating their key roles. The
SHs WAP will appropriately
address the identified
domains, strands, and
indicators in the Philippine
Professional Standards for
School Heads.

Application Objectives:

For Teachers:
• implement their
respective Workplace
Application Plan (WAP)
articulating their
required competencies to
be developed and/or
enhanced using school
LACs through
Collaborative Expertise
(CE) aligned with the

For Master Teachers:

(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

• implement their
respective Workplace
Application Plan (WAP)
articulating their
required competencies to
be developed and/or
enhanced embedding
more deeply school LACs
through Collaborative
Expertise (CE) aligned
with the PPST.

For School Heads:

• implement their
respective Workplace
Application Plan (WAP)
articulating the
Customized School-
Based Professional
Development Plan
(CSBPDP) (Adapted:
SPPD, T&D Volume 3
and TPDC Framework)
integrating the concepts
and elements of the
whole-school approach to
ensure quality teaching
and learning aligned with
the PPSSH.

For EPS and PSDS:

• implement their
respective Workplace
Application Plan (WAP)
articulating their roles
and responsibilities as
members of the
Program Management
Team (R/D PMT) to

(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

ensure delivery of quality

training program on the
MATATAG Curriculum.

For Chief Education

• implement their
respective Workplace
Application Plan (WAP)
articulating their roles
and responsibilities as
members of the
Program Management
Team (R/D PMT) to
ensure delivery of quality
training program on the
MATATAG Curriculum.

30 minutes Accomplishing Do: Present slide decks 125- Accomplishe Slide decks
Work 129 d WAP 125-129
Application Plan MATATAG
(WAP) Application WAP Template
WAP’s Up! 3: For EPSs,
PSDSs, and
Do: Provide each participant CES and the
with a WAP template. DTIP Template

Say: Complete the WAP


At a signal, share your WAP in

pairs. (The RP may opt to
quickly do the “bato-bato pick,
etc.) The one who wins will be
the first one to share, followed
by the one losing the game. The
sharing will be done within 10

When done sharing, I will call 2

to 3 of you to share insights
about WAP.

(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s. 2023)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Session Guide Form

Presentation of Concluding Activity (5 Participants Slide decks

the Session minutes) insights 131-132
2 minutes Objectives Session
Do: Present slide decks 131- Objectives
- Synthesize the 132
session by
presenting the Synthesize the session by
session presenting the session
objectives objectives again.
Say: May this session serve as
your reference to help our
school heads lead and manage
the school-based training
programs to effectively
implement the MATATAG
curriculum for K147.

Sharing of Do: Present slide deck # 135 Participants’ Slide deck 135
Confucius quote insights
to conclude the Confucius Quote:
Saying Do: Present slide deck 136 Slide deck 136
“Maraming Maraming
Salamat!” Say: Maraming Salamat! Thank Salamat!
you! To God always be the

Session Guide and Slide Deck:

Prepared by: Dir. Leah B. Apao, Director III, NEAP
Reviewed by: Dir. Jennifer Lopez, Director III, OIC Office of the Director IV, NEAP

Slide Deck:
Vetted and delivered by:
Dir. Jennifer Lopez, Director III, OIC Office of the Director IV, NEAP
Dir. Leah B. Apao, Director III, NEAP
Dir. Samuel Solivan, Director III, Bureau of Curriculum Development
Dir. Marivic Lleano, Director III, Bureau of Evaluation and Assessment
Dir. Edward Jimenez, Director III, Bureau of Learning Resources


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