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INSTRUCTOR: Mr. Matthew Rohrs


To provide an opportunity for each student to advance their skills through participation
and performance; to teach commitment to a group and a goal, to teach life skills such as
teamwork and the pursuit of excellence, and to serve our school and community with

1. Students are to faithfully attend all rehearsals, including those scheduled before, during,
and after school. All performances are absolutely mandatory. District-approved
absences are the following: illness, quarantine, required court appearances and
attending funeral services for a member of the pupil's family. All other absences
(non-emergency) must be cleared by Mr. Rohrs at least one week prior to any rehearsal,
and three weeks prior to any performance.
2. Personal instruments/equipment: Students are responsible to have his/her
instrument/equipment in good repair and bring it to school every day.
3. School instruments/equipment: The District is responsible for the maintenance of the
instrument, however, students and their parents/guardians are financially
responsible for the repair or replacement of school equipment due to the student's
4. Students are expected to come to class and rehearsals prepared, with all necessary
equipment, instruments, music, and other gear. Students are expected to be in place,
ready for rehearsal, at the start of class time.
5. Students are expected to practice outside of class and to perform in class for a letter
grade. In some cases, memorization of selected music or routines is required.
6. Students may be “benched” and not allowed to perform for a variety of reasons,
including conduct, attendance, and achievement. This is at the discretion of Mr. Rohrs
and the Instructor Staff.
The success of our program largely depends upon each member doing his/her particular task
to the best of their capabilities. If one or two students fall behind, the progress of the group as
a whole suffers. Being a successful member requires personal responsibility- not only to
oneself, but also to his/her peers, to our school, and to our community. Band discipline must of
necessity be strict, and parents, as well as band members, must be willing to accept the ideals,
principles and rules of the organization.

Grades represent an evaluation of the following characteristics: dependability, deportment,

ability, attendance, interest, cooperation, and desire. The following are minimum
requirements for a passing grade:
1. Required attendance at all performances, rehearsals, and fundraisers
2. Apparent individual effort to improve through practice
3. Demonstrated good conduct and self-discipline
4. Satisfactory test scores on all music or routines assigned
5. One unexcused absence from a performance results in the semester grade being
lowered two full letters. Three unexcused absences from after school or night
rehearsals lowers the student's grade one letter, and may result in the suspension of
the student's participation in a group’s activity or performance.
6. Students are not required to sell or contribute money for fundraisers, but they are
required to faithfully attend and work at them. For the purposes of grading, these
events are treated with the same cancellation and grading policies as rehearsals.
7. Students are expected to be on time (see course requirements). After the fourth
tardy, a student’s grade will be lowered 2% each subsequent tardy, and a detention
will be issued.

Please sign and upload a picture of this page into Google Classroom

We have read and understand the curriculum information and course requirements,
as well as the discipline policy outlined for this class.

Student Name (PRINT)______________________________________________________

Student Signature____________________________________________ Date ________________

Parent/Guardian Signature ___________________________________ Date ________________

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