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LINEAR PROGRAMMING: Applications, Definition and Problems

by Smriti Chand

(i) To develop scheduling for food processing industries and for petroleum refineries etc.
(ii) In metal working industries it is used for shop loading and for determining the choice
between buying and producing various parts.
(iii) It is used to evaluate various iron ores in the iron and steel industries.
(iv) It is used to reduce the amount of trim losses in paper mills.
(v) It is utilized to find the optimal routing of massages in communication network.

Linear Programming Definition:

Linear programming is a mathematical tool/technique for determining the best uses of an
organization’s resources. Linear programming is designed to help managers regarding planning
and decision making. As a tool of decision making, it has shown its value in different areas such
as production, marketing finance, research and personnel assignments.
Determination of optimal product mix, transportation schedules portfolio selection machine
assignment; plant location and allocation of labour etc. are the few types of problems which
can be solved with the help of linear programming.
“The analysis of problems in which a linear function of a number of variables is to be maximized
(or minimized) when these variables are subject to number or restraints in the form of linear in
equalities”, Samuelson and Slow.
According to Loomba, “Linear programming is only one aspect of what has been called a system
approach to management where in all programmes are designed and evaluated in the terms of
their ultimate affects in the realisation of business objectives”.

Linear Programming Problems-Graphical Method:

The steps of graphical method can be summarized as follows;
1. Formulate the linear programming problem
2. Plot the given constraint lines considering them as equations
3. From the above graph identify the feasible solution region
4. Locate the corner point of the feasible solution region.
5. Calculate the value of the objective function on the corner points.
6. Now choose the point where the objective function has optimal value.
Example 1:
After completing the construction of his hours Mr. Gopalan found that 100 sq. feet of plywood
scrap and 80 sq. feet of white pine scrap are in usable form, which can be used for the
construction of Tables and Book Case. It takes 16 sq. ft. of plywood and 8 sq. ft. of white pine to
make a table, 12 sq. ft. of plywood and 16 sq. ft. of white pine are needed to construct a book
case. By selling the finished products to a local dealer he can realize a profit of Rs. 25 on each
table and Rs. 20 on each book case. How may he most profitably use the left over wood. Apply
Graphical method to solve the L.L.P.
Let us assume that X2 be the no of tables and X2 be the no of book cases so that

Now in order to plot the constraint on the graph temporarily we will convert the inequalities
into equation as follow:
Any combination of value of x1 and x2 which satisfies the such constraints is called feasible
solution. Area OABC in the Fig. 15.1 satisfied by the constraint is shown by shaded area and is
known as feasible solution region.

Max Z = 160
x1 = 4
x2 = 3 Ans.

Example 2:
A furniture manufacturing enterprise manufacture chairs and Tables. Data given below shows
the resources consumed and unit profit. Further it is assumed that wood and labour are the
two resources which are consumed in manufacturing furniture. The owner to the firm wants to
determine how many chairs and tables should be made to maximize the total profits.
Let x, be the number of tables x2 be the no. of chairs so that.

Now in order to plot the constraints on graph temporarily we will convert the inequalities into

Similarly in equation

Any combination of value of x and which satisfies the given constraint is known as feasible
solution. The area OABC ‘m Fig. 15.2 satisfied by constraints is shown by shaded area and is
known as feasible solution region. The coordinate of the point on the corner of the region can
be obtained by solving the two equations of the lines intersecting on point B
Hence Z = 96
x1 = 4
x2 = 9 Ans.

Example 3:
A company produces two types of pen, say A & B. Pen A is a superior quality and 6 is a lower
quality. Profit on pens A and B is Rs. 5 and Rs.3 per pen respectively. Raw material required for
each pen A is twice as that for pen B.
The supply of raw materials is sufficient only for 1000 pens of type B per day. Pen A requires a
special clip and only 400 such clips are available per day. For pen B only 700 clips are available
per day. Find graphically the product mix so that the company can make maximum profit.
(Delhi University MBA April 1988)
Let x1 = Number of Type A pens
x2 = Number of Type B pens
The mathematical formulation of the problems is

By converting inequalities of the above constraints to equalities to plot the graph we get
By plotting the above lines on the graph we have x1 x2 satisfy all the three constraints as x1 ≥ 0
and x2 ≥ 0 so the above Fig. 15.3 constitutes ODABE as feasible region.
The different points are evaluated as under.

It is evident from above table that max value of is Rs. 2850 at point B
So x1 = 150, x2 =700 & Z = 2850

Example 4:
G.J. Breveries Ltd. Having two bottling plants, one located at G and the other at J. Each plant
produces three drinks-whisky, beer and brandy named A, B and C respectively. The number of
bottles produced per day is as follows.

A market indicated that during the month of July, there will be a demand of 20000 bottles of
bottles of whisky, 40000 bottles of beer and 44000 bottles of brandy, The operating cost per
day for plants G and J are 600 and 400 monetary units. For how many days each plant be run in
July so as to minimize the production cost, while still meeting the market demand? Solve
The data of the problem is as follows:

Now the objective is to be minimize the cost the problem can be presented in the mathematical
way as follows.

In order to plot the constraints on the graph let the inequalities of above constraints be
converted into equalities we get
1500x1 + 1500x2 = 20000
3000x1 + 1000x2 = 40000
20000x1 + 5000x2 = 44000
Simplifying the above equations we have
The solution will be in the first quadrant, since each of them happened to be greater than or
equal to type constraints so the points (xv x2) will be in the region that falls towards the right of
each of the lines plotted. Form the above graph unbounded solution region is ABC and in order
to find the value at B we solve the inter sectional equation & simultaneously.
Example 5:
The manager of an oil refinery must decide on the optimal mix of two possible blending
processes of which the inputs and output per production run are as follows:

The maximum amount available for crude A and B is 200 units and 150 units respectively.
Market requirement show that at least 100 units of gasoline X and 80 units of gasoline Y must
be produced.
The profits per production run from process 1 and process 2 are Rs. 300 and Rs. 400
respectively. Solve the L.P. by graphical method.
(Gujarat University M.B.A. 1989)
As per the data the mathematical formulation of the problems is
Max Z = 300x1 + 400x2
Subject to
5x1 + 4x2 = ≤ 200
3x1 + 5x2 = ≤ 150
5x1 + 4x2 = ≥ 100
8x1 + 4x2 = ≥ 80
For the purpose of plotting these constraints on graph let us consider these in equalities as
equation so that
If we plot values on the graph we get it as shown in Fig. 15.5.

The solution lies at one of the corner points of solution region LMN, O, P and to determine the
unknown value i.e. of O we solve the intersection equations simultaneously i.e.
Example 6:
A firm makes product x and y has a total production of a capacity of 9 tonnes continued. Per
day x & y requiring the same production capacity. The firms has a permanent contract to supply
at least 2 tons of x and at least 3 tones of y per day to another company Each tonne of x
requires 20 machine hours production time and each tonne of y requires 50 machine hours
production time.
The daily maximum possible number of machine hours is 360. All the firm’s output can be sold
and the profit made is Rs. 80 per tonne of x and Rs. 120 per tonne of y. It is required to
determine the production schedule for maximum profit and to calculate the production
schedule for maximum profit and to calculate profit.
(Delhi university MBA April 1983)
The given L.P. can be written mathematically as follows:
Let the inequalities be treated as equations for the purpose of plotting above values on graph
as follows:

Let us plot these equations on the graph as shown in Fig. 15.6.

From the diagram it is clear that EFGH is the Solution Region & the solution lies at the corner
point of EFGH.
The value by inspection at
E = (2, 3)
F = (6, 3)
For point “The value can be calculated by simultaneous equations of the lines inter setting at H.
20x1 + 50x2 = 360
x1 = 2
x2 = 320/50 = 6.4
Like wise at point G which is intersection of equations
20x1 + 50x2 = 360 …(1)
x1 + x2 = 9 …(2)
Solving these equations we get
x1 = 3, x2 = 6

The maximum profit is at point G. hence.

x1 = 3
x2 = 6
Z = 960 Ans.

Example 7:
The standard weight of a special purpose brick is 5 Kg and is contains two basic ingredients
61 and S2 costs Rs. 5 per kg and S2 costs Rs. 8 per Kg.
Strength consideration dictate that the brick contains not more than 4 Kg of S, and minimum of
2 Kg of S2 since the demand for the product is likely to be related to the price of the brick find
out graphically minimum cost of brick satisfying the above conditions.
(I.C.W.A. June 1982)
The given data can be given the mathematical form as follows:
If we treat the inequalities of constrains as equation for the time being so that the equation can
be plotted on graph we gat.

Now we plot these values on the graph.

Since one of the constraints is equality x1 + x2 = 5. There is no solution, rather a solution point
which satisfies all the conditions i.e. point S (3, 2)
Z = 31
x1 = -3
x2 = 2Ans.

Example 8:
Solve graphically the following linear programming problem.

For drawing the graph converting the inequalities of the given constraints into equalities, we

Now plotting the above lines on the graph as shown in Fig. 15.8 The feasible solution region
which is cross shaded and is bounded by ABCDE. The value of Z at different points is as follows.
The point A the lines intersecting are
2x1 – x2 = -2
2x1 + 3x2 = 12
Solving them simultaneously we get
x1 = 0.75
x2 = 3.5
At point B the lines intersecting are
2x1 – x2 = -2
-3x1 + 4x2 = 12
Solving these equations we get coordinates of B as
x1 = 0.8
x2 = 3.6
At point C intersecting are
x1 = 4
and -3x1 + 4x2 = 12
So coordinates of C becomes
x1 = 4 and x2 = 6
At point D lines intersecting are
x1 = 4 and x2 = 2
So coordinates of D are (4, 2)
At point E intersectional equations are
2x1 + 3x2 = 12
x2 = 2
So coordinates of E on solving these equations becomes
x1 = 3 i.e. (3,2)

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