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Lesson 8 Art Criticism

It is significant to evaluate art effectively and understand clearly and deeply the meaning of
art to appreciate its breadth and depth. When you go through the process of basic art criticism,
you make a critical assessment of specific works of art and scrutinize how every feature of the
art creation is conceptualized and made. It has an essential role in deepening the works of
artists by explaining how all the parts are configured together as a whole. When you write an art
critique/ art criticism, you put yourself in the position of an art critic and go through the basic
steps in art criticism. You observe art and break it into smaller parts and components to
scrutinize every angle as a whole gamut of critical assessment. You help the viewers perceive
works of art in the context of aesthetics and assess them grounded with a formal critique

To embrace art in its fullness and entirety, you should deal with its underlying themes and
motifs. The four steps in art criticism are description, analysis, interpretation, and judgment.
Under each process are valuable questions that can be used to critique any work of art. For
each step, there are “top five questions” to help you perceive and assess any given piece of art
with a rational basis and criteria. More so, it leads you to write with an objective, non-biased and
fair approach of evaluation.

Salvador Dali created “Persistence of Memory” in 1931. In it, he used orange and yellow shade
of color.

Describe: In this step, you tell what you see and all the visual facts in the artwork. You provide
simple description of the artwork.

Top Five Questions on Description

1. What is the name of the artwork and the name of the artist who created it?

2. What are the literal objects in the painting (people, animals, nature, objects, etc.)?

3. What do you notice first when you look at the artwork? Why?

4. What are the elements of art and principles of design used in the artwork?

5. What is the overall visual effect of the artwork?

Francisco Goya in “Saturn Devouring His Son” used curved lines and dark shade to articulate
his perspective on the ills of the society.

Analyze: You must recognize the outstanding sensory qualities and significant elements of art
and principles of designs that were used in the artwork. You analyze how the organization in the
arts has been used and combined and put together in the artwork.

Top Five Questions on Analysis

1. How did the artist use colors in the artwork?

2. How have lines, shapes, space, and form been used in the artwork?
3. What role does texture play in the artwork?

4. How has the visual effect or mood of the work been achieved by the use of elements of
art and principles of design?

5. How were the artist’s principles of designs used to achieve a particular effect?

Edvard Munch’s “The Scream” symbolizes anxiety and panic attacks. In a pressure-cooker
world we live in, sometimes I

I want to scream out loud.

Interpret: It intends to explain the meaning of the artwork and give emphasis on what the artist
wants to communicate to the viewers. It also elaborates on feelings and emotions evoked in
them and seeks to find a connection in their life.

Top Five Questions on Interpretation

1. What was the artist’s statement in the artwork and why did the artist create it?

2. What is the symbolical meaning of the artwork?

3. What does the artwork mean to you?

4. How would you relate the artwork to your life?

5. What feelings and emotions are evoked in you when looking at the artwork?

Andrea del Castagno in her portrait “Esther” used visual texture to give off a certain illusion
making the subject in the painting seemed real. She represents Queen Esther, the biblical
heroine who save the Jews from destruction. This is one of my favourite paintings not just in its
technicalities but the emphasis on feminism highlighting woman of great beauty, inner strength
and unparalleled wisdom.

Judge: In this last step, you give a personal assessment based on your comprehension of the
meaning of the artwork. You explore the features of the artwork that has an impact on you and
other people too.

Top Five Questions on Judgement

1. What value do you find in the work?

2. What is the impact of the artwork on you?

3. What are ideas, feelings, or principles that the artworks communicate that would
have value for others?

4. What kind of effect do you think the work could have on others?

5. Do you like the artwork? Why or why not?

Photo Credits:

Edvard Munch scream - Google Zoeken. (n.d.).

Salvador Dali - Google Zoeken. (n.d.-b). munch scream - Google Zoeken. (n.d.).

Saturn devouring his son - Google Zoeken. (n.d.).

Spolarium of Juan Luna - Google Zoeken. (n.d.-b).

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