Inglés 6th

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TEACHER: _María Deisy Gomez A.

Subject: English Term: First Grade: Sixth

D. Goies
1. What is the vowel with the sound (ei) 8. My friend __________to music when he
A. U drives to work
B. E A. Listen
C. A B. Listens
D. I C. Listening
2. How do you spell UNDERSTAND? D. Listenes
A. ei-en-di-ei-ar-es-ti-iu-en-di
B. iu-en-di-ou-ar-es-ti-ei-en-di READING COMPREHENSION
C. ou-en-di-ei-ar-es-ti-iu-en-di My name is Clara. I am a student. I get up at
D. iu-en-di-i-ar-es-ti-ei-en-di 7.30 and I wash my face. I don’t have shower
3. What is the letter with the sound (uai) every morning. I have breakfast at 7.45 with my
A. Y brother. He is also a student and he goes to
B. G school with me. We go to school at 8.15 by
C. J car. The lessons start at 8.30. We have got 8
D. U lessons every day. I have lunch at 12.30 with
4. What is the meaning of Watch, Travel, my classmates. After school, I go home with my
can, and study? brother. My brother always wants to play with
A. Viajar, caminar, mirar,poder me but I often feel tired and I don’t want to
B. Mirar,viajar,poder,estudiar play. I watch TV about thirty minutes and then I
C. Lavar, caminar,ir, estudiar do my homework. I always want to finish my
D. Mirar, Viajar, hacer, estudiar homework before dinner. I like having dinner
with my family. My brother usually doesn’t have
GRAMMAR much homework. He plays with his toys. He
Use the spelling rules for the third person in doesn’t like watching TV. He usually watches
present simple (ES,IES,S) cartoons on my mother’s laptop. My favourite
5. Sarah __________ English at school. lesson is English. I learn a lot of new words in
A. Study English lessons. I think it is very exciting to speak
B. Studies another language.
C. studyies 9. Who is Clara?
D. studys A. A person
B. A girl
6. My father always ________ TV in the C. A student
afternoons. D. A sister
A. Watch
B. Watches 10. What does Clara like to do?
C. Watchs A. She likes playing.
D. Watchies B. She likes doing homework.
7. He _______to school at eight o’clock. C. She likes having dinner with her family.
A. Go D. She likes playing with her brother
B. Gos

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Daily Routines Quiz

Circle the correct answer:

11. He usually ______ at 1 Opm. 2. Anna likes to _____ every day. 13. Early in the morning, you must first:

a.wakes up your homework

b.goes to bed a.go shopping b.have breakfast
c.eats the dishes c.wash your face

14. Tom always _______ before 5. Alex ______at 7 am every morning. 6. Emily______her teeth twice a day.
going to work.


,1 a. takes a bath a.has breakfast a.brushes
'iíllli.'' b.takes a shower b.goes to bed
c.has breakfast c.wakes up c.takes

1 '


17. Rachel always _____ her hair

before going to school.
After breakfast, Lucas _______. 19. Stella lunch at two o'clock.

a. takes a shower a.takes
c.brushes b.has lunch b.has
c.gets dressed c.gets

Laura to school at 21. My mother _____ the dishes 22. Julia loves to for
a quarter to eight . after we have lunch. her family every day.

a.goes a.clean
b.likes a.has b.cook
c.does b.starts c.wash

13. He TVin the 24. When she comes home from 15. Lily _____ to work every day.
evening. school, she_____ her homework .
a.has b.walks c.runs
b. looks at c.does
c. follows

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