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Meeting #7-22/23
Date : Sunday, 12 March 2023

Time : 1100 to 1330 hours

Venue: Dean’s Meeting Room

Present: Dr. Abdullah Al Abdali, Dean, College of Applied Medical Sciences, KSAU-HS
Dr. Nesrin Al Harthy, Associate Dean, COAMS-F, KSAU-HS
Dr. Maha Al Turki, Associate Dean, Academic Affairs, COAMS-F, KSAU-HS
Dr. Taha Taher Ismaeil, Associate Dean, Clinical Affairs, COAMS-M, KSAU-HS
Dr. Hassan Al Amri, Assistant Dean, Academic Affairs, COAMS, KSAU-HS
Dr. Tareq Al Otaibi, Assistant Dean, Clinical Affairs, COAMS, KSAU-HS
Dr. Areej Al Hareeri, Assistant Dean, Student Affairs, COAMS, KSAU-HS
Dr. Abeer Al Mudaihim, Assistant Prof. Chairman CLNS Dept Council, COAMS, KSAU-HS
Dr. Saleh Al Garni, Assistant Professor, Chairman, RT, Dept Council, COAMS, KSAU-HS
Dr. Abdulrahman Al Ghamdi, Assistant Professor, EMS Dept Council, COAMS, KSAU-HS
Dr. Ahmad Al Anazi, Associate Professor, Chairman Audiology & Speech Council, COAMS, KSAU-HS
Dr. Abdullah Alanazi, Assistant Professor, Chairman, Research Unit, COAMS
Dr. Lama Al Hawas, Assistant Professor, Chairman, Quality Unit, COAMS, KSAU-HS
Dr. Maram Al Fulayyih, Assistant Professor, COAMS, KSAU-HS
Mr. Ghalib Al Ghamdi, Program Director, Occupational Therapy, COAMS, KSAU-HS

Apology: Dr. Ali Al Dhebaib, Associate Professor, Chairman, RADS, Dept Council, COAMS, KSAU-HS
Dr. Faleh Al Qahtani, Program Director, ICVT, COAMS, KSAU-HS
Ms. Maryam Bukhamseen, Program Director, ECVT, COAMS, KSAU-HS



Dr. Abdullah Al Abdali, Dean, College of Applied Medical Sciences as the Presiding
Chairman welcomed everyone present at the seventh College Council meeting of the
Academic year 2022/2023 and declared the meeting open at 1100 hours. The presiding
Chairman thanked the members for their valuable time.

The presiding Chairman congratulated Dr. Areej Al Hareeri for her new appointment as
Assistant Dean, Student Affairs. Due to her hardwork, dedication and perseverance she
has been appointed for this position. She would be a great asset for the college. All
members assured their full support.

The presiding Chairman congratulated Dr. Hassan Al Amri for his International
publication in well-known journal “Nature Medicine” and that is high impact journal.
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Dr. Abdullah Al Abdali welcomed the returnee scholar Dr. Reem Al Sharari who has
completed PhD in Echocardiography, University of Birmingham, UK on 26 January 2023.
The Chairman remarked that Dr. Al Sharari would be a great strength to the
Echocardiography program and the college.

2.1 Students’ Status Report
Dr. Al Turki thanked the Dean, all Associate Deans, Assistant Deans, Chairmen/
Directors, faculty members and administrative staff for the successful completion
of the second semester of the academic year 2022/2023.

Assessment unit had conducted 159 exams (Final – 109, and OSCE/OSPE – 50)
in the second semester.

Absentees in Final exams

One Student from Anesthesia program has missed their OSCE exam in ANTS
405 due to a death in the family. The exam will be scheduled next week.

Students failed\Denied a course

In CLAB program, 3 students failed in the CLSP 306 course (2 male students
failed and 1 male student was denied)

Low Performance Students

 Received a DN grade in CLSP-306
37-1-1-1-0096 CLSP (5CrHrs).
 Should cover CLSP 312 in the 3rd semester
 The student is in his 7th year (4th year).
 The student postponed his 2nd semester.
37-1-1-1-0414 OCCT
 The student is planning to postponed his 3rd
 The student will drop the 3rd semester as he
can’t be registered in any course.
42-1-1-1-0366 RESY
 Waiting for the system to approve his
request since this is his 3rd drop request.
 Poor in OSCEs and practical skills
 The program requested to refer the student
39-1-1-1-0176 OCCT to the Well- Student center.
 Academic Affairs Department has referred
the student to the Well- Student center.

2.2 Students Absenteeism Rate

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STUDENTS SECOND WARNINGS (>20% absent rate( (Female)
Radiological Technology
6 10
Respiratory Therapy 3 12 (No show)
Anesthesia Technology 3 2
Clinical Laboratory Sciences 3 0
Occupational Therapy 1 0
Clinical Nutrition 1 0
17 24
(>20% absent rate) (Male)
Radiological Sciences 3 3
Respiratory Therapy 0 1
Anesthesia Technology 16 0
Clinical Laboratory Sciences 2 5
Occupational Therapy 21 0
Emergency Medical Services 13 0
Cardiovascular Technology 3 0
58 9

Members discussed about the absenteeism and concluded that due to the tri-semester even if
the students are absent for 2 days the percentage will be more than 20%.

MOTION : All members recommended to modify tri-semester to two semester

All members in favor, CARRIED

2.3 Grades – No disparity

In some courses the Academic Affairs noticed that there is no disparity in the
grades. Hence Dr. Al Turki informed the chairmen to ensure a wide variety of
questions to differentiate good performing and low performing students.
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2.4 3rd Semester Academic Documentation Tracking
Academic Affairs found that there are some missing documents like blue print for
some programs for the 3rd semester and urged all the chairmen to complete all
the required documents and submit to Academic Affairs.

One Drive Tracking

In order to have the better access of all the documents in each department, the
Academic Affairs had created one drive for all the educational materials such as
block books, blue print, schedule, configuration sheets and course specifications
etc. For some programs there were some missing documents and urged the
members to look into it.

2.5 Ramadan Preparation

The Master schedule during Ramadan was prepared (one for onsite and one for
virtual classes). Some of the programs had chosen Microsoft teams and some
had chosen Blackboard. If Virtual classes are scheduled, the following points
would be deemed mandatory:
 Lectures - Online
 Quizzes / Presentation– online
 Practical’s- Online (videos of all lab sessions – same like COVID period)
 Continuous Assessment – Online
 Exams – Reschedule - for onsite

Academic Affairs found that there are some missing documents like blue print for
some programs for the 3rd semester and urged all the chairmen to complete all
the required documents and submit to Academic Affairs.

MOTION : All members discussed in detail about the Risk management during the
Ramadan and members concurred the above plan.

All members in favor, CARRIED

2.6 Students Tracking System - 2ndSemester

The College is continuously monitoring the students’ counseling sessions. Most
of the programs full time faculties are enrolled with their students and have
conducted 2 sessions per semester. Some full-time faculties are still not enrolled
in the system and did not conduct the required number of counseling sessions.
Since there were no full faculties in ECVT they did not enroll in the system yet.

MOTION : Each department should enforce the staff to enroll in the system for
counseling activities.

All members in favor, CARRIED

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2.7 Community Engagements and Career Counseling Activities Report -

Community Engagement Activities:

Respiratory Therapy and Clinical Nutrition programs had conducted 2 activities
each. The presiding chairman encouraged all the Departments to prepare the
schedule for more Community engagement activities.

Career Counseling Activities:

Program Name Program Type Program Objectives
Continuous of Higher Open discussion Scholarship Dr.conditions
Meshary Bin
Education and more information
Hotan, Assistant
regarding scholarship
Professor- EMS
Job Interview Lecture and How to successfully pass Dr. Taha Ismaeil,
mock interview an interview Associate Professor,
RT Department
Ms. Ameerah
AlMutairi, Teaching
Assistant, Clinical
Enhancing your Workshop Professional content of a Dr. Saleh AlQarni,
Resume resume Assistant Professor,
RT Department

2.8 Master degree in EMMS (CBRNE)

The presiding chairman presented the curriculum for Master degree in

Emergency Medical Services and members discussed in detail.

MOTION : All members are satisfied with the curriculum and approved

All members in favor, CARRIED


3.1 Teaching Assistants and MSc Returnee Report

MSc Returnee Updates (5)
1. Mr. Nawaf Alkraidees - Occupational Therapy (Returnee -26 July 2021) –
searched & applied to 14 universities, still waiting for acceptance
2. Mr. Mutrik Al Ajmi – Occupational Therapy (Returnee – 09 January 2023).
He got Ph.D. acceptance in Rehabilitation Science from Colorado State

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Minutes of Meeting #4 20/21 02 June 2021
University, USA. His scholarship package submitted on 08 March, for
College Council approval
3. Ms. Ebtihal Al Harbi – Respiratory Therapy (Returnee – 04 January
2023). She got Ph.D. acceptance in Infection, Immunity & Inflammation
from University of Leicester, UK. Her Ph.D scholarship package with the
Scholarship Committee for discussion and approval on 13 March 2023.
4. Ms. Amani Al Enazi – Emergency Medical Services (Returnee – 25
December 2022) . She got Ph.D. acceptance in Health Sciences from
The University of Warwick, UK. Her scholarship request was discussed in
the last Scholarship Committee Meeting (06 February 2023), hence,
waiting for the Qarar.
5. Ms. Waad Aljurayyad– Occupational Therapy (Returnee – 17 January
2023. Sent application in 4 various Universities and waiting for the

Pre-scholars Update (6) - MSc

1. Mr. Ibrahim Almudayfir – Occupational Therapy (Hiring Date – 28 August
2022). He got acceptance for pursuing his Master degree in Occupational
Therapy from University of Pittsburgh, USA. His scholarship request was
discussed in the last Scholarship Committee Meeting (06 February 2023),
hence, waiting for the Qarar. Expected commencement date is 28 August
2. Mr. Abdulrahman Alzeid - Invasive Cardiovascular Technology Therapy
(Hiring Date – 01 September 2022). He applied for Master of Science in
Cardiovascular Sciences in 4 different universities and waiting for the
3. Mr. Mohammed Alkhuraish – Radiological Sciences (Hiring Date – 23
October 2022). He applied for MSc in Medical Imaging from 5 different
universities and waiting for the response.
4. Ms. Ameerah Al Mutairi – Clinical Psychology (Hiring Date – 28 August
2022). She applied for Masters in Clinical Psychology from 4 different
universities and waiting for the response.
5. Ms. Maryam Alrashied – Speech Language Pathology (Hiring Date – 04
September 2022). She applied in various Universities and she got 4
acceptance for pursing Masters in Speech Pathology. She prefers to go to
North Western University, USA.
6. Ms. Abeer Samman – Anesthesia Technology - (Hiring Date – 26 September
2022). She applied in 5 Universities and she got 1 unconditional acceptance
and 1 conditional acceptance. But she is waiting the response from other
universities as well.

Returnee Going for Ph.D. Scholarship (1)

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Ms. Noora Mumenah, Teaching Assistant, Respiratory Therapy proceeded
for pursuing PhD from Loughborough University, UK. Her PhD program will
start on 01 April 2023

Scholarship Returnee (1) – Ph.D.- ECVT

Dr. Reem Alsharari completed her PHD in Cardiovascular Sciences and
returned on 28 February 2023.
MOTION : All members are satisfied with the progress of Teaching Assistants

All members in favor, CARRIED

3.2 Promotion and Excellence Award

Credentialing - Dr. Reem Al Sharari, Cardiovascular Sciences
The presiding Chairman informed the members that Dr. Reem Al Sharari has
applied for the full appointment as Assistant Professor, Cardiovascular Sciences.
Accordingly, her papers have been reviewed by the College Promotion
Committee. The review details are as follows:

Dr. Al Sharari is a returning scholar and has reported to the College on 28

February 2023 after she was awarded the Doctor of Philosophy degree. Her
qualifications are:

● Doctorate of Philosophy in Cardiovascular Sciences, University of
Birmingham, UK 25 September 2017 – 26 January 2023
● Master’s Degree in Medical Ultrasound, Imperial College, London, UK 03
October 15 – 02 October 2016
● Post-Baccalaureate of Cardiovascular Technology COAMS, KSAU-HS 2009-
● Bachelor degree in Radiology Sciences, King Saud University 2002-2007

Work Experience:
● Teaching Assistant, College of Applied Medical Sciences, KSAU-HS (2013-
● Five years’ experience in Cardiac Department at National Guard Hospital as
Adult and paediatric echo technologist (2009-2013).
● Part time job as adult echo technologist at Dr. Alhabib Medical Group,
Riyadh, (2013).
● One year experience in King Fahad Medical City as intern, (2008)
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Publications / workshops:
● 4 publications, 2 abstracts and 1 poster presentations

● Attended conferences/symposia locally and internationally

Based on the above credentials, the committee found him to be qualified for the
position of full time Assistant Professor. Members from the College Council have
also reviewed and approved the papers for further processing.

MOTION: The council unanimously agreed to endorse the promotion for approval by the
Scientific Council.

All members in favor, CARRIED

Excellence Award
Dr. Taha presented the members about the Excellence Award submissions:

Total Number Total Number of

of Applicants Papers
Anesthesia Technology 1
Respiratory Therapy 2 5
Clinical Laboratory Sciences 1
Total 4

Applicant’s Paper for College Council Approval (5 papers)

No of Applicants Promotion
Program No. Paper Title
Applicants Name Committee
Burnout, Resilience, supervisory support,
and quitting intention among healthcare Dr. Saleh
RT 1 1 Approved
professionals in Saudi Arabia: A national Al Garni
cross-sectional survey
A systematic review and meta-analysis of
RT 2 1 Abdullah Approved
heart rate variability in COPD
Al Anazi

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Factors associated with the desire to quit
tobacco smoking in Saudi Arabia-
RT 3 1 Abdullah Approved
Evidence from the 2019 Global Adult
Al Anazi
Tobacco Survey
Evaluating the Adverse Events
Associated with Three Doses of the
Dr. Badi Al
CLS 4 COVID-19 Vaccination in Adults in the 1 Approved
Western Region of Saudi Arabia: A
Cross-Sectional Study
Dr. Lafi Al
The Intersection of Health Rehabilitation
ANTC 5 Services with Quality of Life in Saudi 9 Approved
Arabia: Current Status and Future Needs

MOTION : All members are satisfied with the progress of Teaching Assistants

All members in favor, CARRIED

Request to Obtain Approval for The International Scientific Contributions – Speech

As per the memorandum received from the scientific council regarding Scientific
contributions when conducting study abroad, Dr. Ahmad Al Anazi had submitted four of
his International Contribution document to the College promotion committee to obtain the
approval of College Council.

No. Project title Details of Candidate’s Role in International

International the Project Contribution
1. Audiology: Diagnosis University of  Writing a chapter Prof. Samuel
(The title is subjected Arkansas for titled: Basic Atcherson is the
to change) Medical Instrumentation Editor with
Sciences (USA) and Calibration contributing authors
to write other
2. Students’ responses of Nova  Conceptualization Prof. Nannette
the importance of Southeastern  Analysis & Nicholson will be
incorporating patient University interpretation of collecting data,

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Minutes of Meeting #4 20/21 02 June 2021
and family voices into (USA) data assisting in analyzing
the audiology  Writing the data and writing the
curriculum manuscript manuscript
(The title is not
finalized in the
3. Incorporating Parents Nova  Conceptualization Prof. Nannette
with Lived Experience Southeastern  Analysis & Nicholson will be
into the Pediatric University interpretation of collecting data,
Audiology Classroom (USA) data assisting in analyzing
(The title is not  Writing the data and writing the
finalized in the manuscript manuscript

4. 4.1 The use of Nova  Conceptualization Prof. Nannette

Simulation in Audiology Southeastern  Data extraction Nicholson will be
Education: A University  Data analysis and assisting as a panel
Systematic Review (USA) interpretation reviewer in data
(The title is subjected  Writing the extraction and
to change) manuscript analysis and, and
writing the

MOTION: The council unanimously agreed to endorse the promotion for approval by the
Scientific Council.

All members in favor, CARRIED

MOTION: The council unanimously agreed to endorse the promotion for approval by the
Scientific Council.

6.0 NCAAA – Dr. Lama Alhawas & Dr. Hassan Aljohani

Dr. Hassan had provided an update on the NCAAA accreditation progress with
Anesthesia, Emergency Medical Services and Occupational Therapy.
o All 6 standards are in the process of finalization.
o SSRP submission deadline has been extended to (Thursday March 16th)
from the Deanship of Quality.
o Hence, Dr. Hassan had requested the chairman of the aforementioned 3
programs to submit the documents prior to QAAA Unit for review on or
before 14 March 2023.

The QAAA unit had discussed the eligibility criteria for program Accreditation of
Radiology, ICVT and ECVT. Since there is a lack of full time staff for ECVT, their
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documents are incomplete. Radiology and ICVT are almost ready for

The presiding chairman had informed the members about the returnee scholar
for ECVT and she will work on the accreditation document as her first priority.

For Benchmarking, memorandum has been sent to Princess Nourah University

for Occupational Therapy, Prince Sultan Military College, Dahran for Anesthesia
and Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz College for EMS, King Saud University for
Emergency Medical Services.

External Reviewer
The external reviewers will review the Self Evaluation Scale and SSRP of the
respective programs. All chosen external reviewers are NCAAA reviewers

Program External Reviewer

Occupational Therapy Dr. Saad Alhammad, PT, PhD
Anesthesia Technology Dr. Khalid Alwadie, RT, PhD
Emergency Medical Services Dr. Abdulmajeed bin Mobard, MD

Unification of KPI Methods of Calculation

According to the recommendation and resolution of Quality and Development Committee

meeting held on 09 February 2023, in order to enhance the accuracy of KPIs reporting by
COAMS programs, COAMS KPI method of calculation was prepared and distributed to all
the programs.

Additionally, COAMS KPI timeline was discussed in detail. To complete the KPI for
Graduates’ employability and enrolment in postgraduate programs and Employers'
evaluation of the program graduate’s proficiency, Deanship of Student Affairs needs to be
contacted as they are establishing a system to contact KSAU graduates and alumni.


Dr. Abdullah Mayof Al Anazi thanked and appreciated all the programs for their whole
hearted cooperation for supporting their faculty and students to complete and publish
their research.

Total CAMS publications are 429 and citations are 4646. Total Research funds are SR
4,660,800 (Internal Research Fund - SR 3,395,100 and External Research Fund -
SR 1,252,800).

COAMS Publications:

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The number of publications has decreased compared to the previous year but most of
the journals are published in higher impact factors.

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MOTION : Members noted the progress relating to the research projects and confirmed their
satisfaction on the overall progress.

All members in favor, CARRIED


All Programs (Anesthesia, Clinical Laboratory Sciences, Clinical Nutrition, Emergency
Medical Services, Radiological Sciences, Respiratory Therapy and Occupational
Therapy, Echo, Cath) are progressing smoothly without any problems.


The next meeting is scheduled in September 2021. Members are welcome to send any
proposed items to be included in the agenda for the meeting.

The Chairman thanked the members for their participation and with no further business,
the meeting adjourned at 1200 hours.

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