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AICTE Activity Program

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Earning of Activity Points

for award of
Bachelor of Engineering in
Information Science and
Engineering of
Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi by

Under the Guidance of

Dr. D Loganathan
Professor, Department of

Department of Information Science and Engineering

K.R. Puram, Bangalore-560 036


Certified that Mr. ANIKET KUMAR bearing USN 1CD20IS012 , a bonafide student of
Cambridge Institute of Technology, has successfully completed the AICTE Activity
Programme in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Earning of Activity Points for award of
Bachelor of Engineering in Information Science and Engineering of Visvesvaraya
Technological University, Belagavi during academic year 2023-2024. It is certified that the
AICTE Activity Programme report has been approved as it satisfies the academic requirements
prescribed for the Bachelor of Engineering degree.

Chief Co-Ordinator Co-Ordinator Head of the Department,

Ms. Kavya V.R, Ms. Asma Taj H.A Dr. Preethi S,
Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor, HOD,
Dept. of ISE, CITech Dept. of ISE, CITech. Dept. of ISE, CITech

Evaluated by:

Dr. Shanthi S.R

Chairperson-CICC (College Internal Complaints Committee) Cambridge
Institute of Technology, K.R. Puram, Bangalore-560036.

I, Aniket Kumar bearing USN 1CD20IS012 , of VIII semester BE, Information Science and
Engineering, Cambridge Institute of Technology, hereby declare that the AICTE activity
Programme has been carried out by me and submitted in partial fulfillment of the program
requirements of Bachelor of Engineering in Information Science and Engineering as
prescribed by Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi, during the academic year

Date: 27-03-2024 Aniket Kumar

Place: Bangalore 1CD20IS012

Sl. No. Activity No. Activity Name Page No.

1 Activity-1 Road Safety and Traffic Awareness. 1

2 Activity-2 Cyber Safety and Best Practices of Responsible 9


3 Activity-3 Developing and Managing Efficient Garbage Disposal 14


4 Activity-4 Facilitating 100% Digitized Transaction 19

5 Activity-5 Helping Local Schools to Achieve Good Results and 23

Enhance their Enrollment in Higher Education

6 Certificates. 26

7 Conclusion-Total Points Earned. 29


Activity-1: Road Safety and Traffic Awareness

The Department of Information Science & Engineering organized a one-day workshop on "Road
Safety and Traffic Awareness" on May 19, 2022, from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM. The event was
inaugurated by Prof. Preethi S. and Prof. Krishna Kumar P R introduced the guest speakers, Mr.
Syed Nizamuddin and Mr. Kamal Babu. The workshop was arranged by Prof. Triveni N and
members of LEO Club of Cambridge Professionals. Attendees learned about road safety and
traffic rules. The prize distribution ceremony for the winners and runners-up of the "Sports
Activity" under the banner of FIESTA was held after the presentations.

Activity-2: Cyber Security Webinar

Securing the Digital Frontier: Navigating Cyber Threats" explores the evolving landscape of
cyber threats and defensive strategies. This webinar delves into emerging trends such as
ransomware, phishing, and AI-driven attacks, offering insights into detection and prevention
techniques. Experts will discuss the importance of proactive cybersecurity measures, including
threat intelligence sharing and employee training. Case studies will illustrate real-world
examples of successful cyber defense strategies and the consequences of security breaches.
Attendees will gain actionable knowledge to bolster their organization's resilience against cyber
threats in an increasingly interconnected world. Join us to fortify your defenses and safeguard
your digital assets.

Activity-3: Efficient Garbage Disposal System

The goal of the waste management program is to reduce the adverse effects of waste by
encouraging trash segregation. Activities such as distributing handmade paper bags, conducting
a neighborhood survey, and raising awareness were carried out to promote the use of
biodegradable hags. The program strongly emphasized the benefits of waste segregation and
recycling in reducing pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

Activity-4: Facilitating 100% Digitized Transactions

The Facilitating 100% Digitized Transactions Awareness Program increased India's awareness of
digital payments. A group of 12 individuals conducted a survey and gathered data from 41 small
business owners, discovering that 95.1% of them used digital payment methods, with Paytm and
Google Pay being the most popular. The survey also revealed that 90.2% of consumers find
digital transactions more convenient and that 95% of them prefer it. The program's objective is
to aid India in achieving a completely digital transaction system.
Activity-5: Helping Local Schools To Achieve Good Results And Enhance Their Enrollment
In Higher Education.

The Ensuring Quality Education program aims to promote inclusive and equitable education for
all, while also providing opportunities for lifelong learning. Recognizing that education nurtures
self-respect, imagination, and intellectual freedom, the program includes various activities to aid
teaching and encourage student engagement. These activities include activity sheets and anchor
charts. Activity sheets connect to resources and free media through various media and
publishing platforms, offering context, guidance, and a process for participating in the activities.
Anchor charts provide a visual learning tool to help students remember and conceptualize


On May 19, 2022, the Department of Information Science & Engineering hosted a program focusing on "Road
Safety and Traffic Awareness," inaugurated formally at 10:00 AM and lasting an hour.

Prof. Preethi, HOD of the Department of ISE, delivered a concise introduction on road safety and traffic
awareness. Following this, Prof. Krishna Kumar P R, Registrar, CiTech, extended a warm welcome to the
attendees and introduced the esteemed speakers: Mr. Syed Nizamuddin, Sub Inspector, Traffic Department, K.R.
Puram, and Mr. Kamal Babu, Inspector of Motor Vehicles. Dr. Indumathi G, the Principal, imparted a
knowledge bouquet to the guests.

The key organizer for this event was Prof. Triveni N, Assistant Professor, Department of Information Science
and Engineering and Members of LEO Club of Cambridge Professionals.

The session started at 11.00 am and speakers gave the students appreciable awareness.

The Speaker-1 Mr. Syed Nizamuddin, Sub Inspector, Traffic Department, speaker spoke about the Mandatary
Signs, Cautionary Signs and Informative Signs. Speaker spoke about the road safety rules.

The Speaker-2 Mr. Kamal Babu, Inspector of Motor Vehicles the speaker of the session spoke about the facts of
people following traffic rules and regulations. Sir also Spoke about

• Wearing the seatbelt while Driving a Car, if you are new to driving, get in the habit of securing the seat
belt as the first thing you do upon entering your vehicle. Doing so will not only help you avoid traffic
violations, but it will also save your life in case of mishaps.
• Installing rear-view mirrors and using of indicators while changing lanes and taking deviations.
• Citizens are prone to violate the Traffic rules and regulations, for which they are fined.

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Road Safety and Traffic Awareness Program AICTE Activity Program

Mr. Kamal Babu said few quotes like:

• “Safety is Everybody’s responsibility but First, it’s my Responsibility”
• Safety Starts With “S” (Self), safety Ends with “Y”(You) • Take Pledge to Ride Safely

Safety Pledge
“On this day, I solemnly affirm that I will rededicate myself to the cause of safety, health and protection of
environment, will do my best to observe rules, regulations, procedures and develop attitudes and habits conducive
for achieving these objectives.
I fully realize that accidents and occupational disease are a drain on the national economy and may lead to
disablements deaths, harm to heath, damage to property, social suffering and general degradation of environment.
I will do everything possible for the prevention of accidents, occupational disease and protection of environment
in the interest of self, family, organization, community and the nation at large.”

Implementation from 19/5/2022 to 22/5/2022 and 27/5/2022-31/5/2022

We the students as per the pledge for a week we had been to different places joined with traffic police inspectors
and created awareness among people. As the traffic rules and regulations were told in the workshop the same was
been conveyed among the public for the safety of their life.

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Road Safety and Traffic Awareness Program AICTE Activity Program

India ranks high when it comes to number of accidents on the road. However, in the recent years, improvement
has been seen in this area. With the rapid increase in the number of vehicles on the road, the traffic conditions are
under a lot of pressure. Therefore, road safety is one of the most serious public health issues in our country. It has
an impact on everyone, whether one drives a vehicle, walks or rides a cycle. Road safety refers to the measures
which must be adopted by everyone while using roads. These safety methods are meant for reducing the risk of
accidents and injuries or causalities on the road. These rules must be followed by all users of roads including
pedestrians, cyclists, motorists, and bus and truck drivers. Safety methods also relate to the construction, layout of
roads as well as traffic regulation systems. So, we can summarizes that road safety involves:
• The design of roads and highways.
• Laws pertaining to traffic and vehicles.
• Systems of traffic safety and control.
• Driver education.
• School student's education.
• Traffic regulation and road safety signs.
• Motor vehicle safety inspection and maintenance.

Keeping our roads safe is not that difficult a task. Imagine if everyone follows simple safety measures and traffic
rules, there will be no accident! In this Unit, you will understand the various types of road safety measures to be
adopted, and the importance of safety rules, road signs, traffic signals and rules, driving rules, registration and
licensing adopted in our country.

While driving, you should carry your driving license, registration certificate, insurance certificate and pollution
control certificate. Transport and commercial vehicle drivers should carry the permits and vehicle fitness
certificates also.

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➢ Some of the major causes of road accidents are as follows

• Lack of highway safety.

• Drunken driving.
• Driving in an exhausted state for long hours.
• Using cell phone while driving.
• Over-speeding or rash driving.
• Driving in wrong lanes.
• Turning without giving signal.
• Overtaking from wrong side.

➢ Role of Government and Public Sector

• Develop stricter road safety polices.

• Generate funds for road safety awareness.
• Stricter enforcement of rules by government.
• Building better roads and highways.

➢ Role of General Community

• Acceptance of road safety rules, regulations and policies.

• Participation in road safety awareness drives to enhance people's knowledge about road safety.

➢ Role of Education Sector

• Inclusion of road safety modules in school curriculum.

• Impart road safety education with the help of experts in this area.
• Impart effective driver training for learners as well as existing drivers.

➢ Role of Media

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• Communicate road safety messages through print and electronic media.

• Support road safety initiatives through responsible and objective reporting.

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On 19th June 2023, Dept. of ISE & Dept. of AI/ML at Cambridge Institute of Technology organized a workshop
on Cyber Safe Campus. Dr. Ananth Prabhu G, Cyber security expert, and Mr. Srinivasa P C, Co-Founder & CEO
of India4IAS, were the speakers.

Dr. Ananth Prabhu G highlighted the importance of Cyber security and safe web browsing while exposing risks
associated with third-party websites and their misuse of personal information.

Mr. Srinivasa P C spoke about international internships in cyber security and competitive exams for careers in
social services like IAS and IPS. He emphasized the significance of gathering information at the right time for
making informed career choices.

The knowledge and guidance shared by Mr. Shaik Salem empowered the students to consider international
internships as an invaluable path towards enhancing their expertise in cyber security.

2.1 Introduction

With the proliferation of digital technologies in education, universities and colleges are faced with the challenge
of securing their networks, systems, and data against cyber threats. A cyber safe campus entails the
implementation of proactive measures to prevent, detect, and respond to cybersecurity incidents effectively.

2.2 Importance of Cyber Safe Campus

Protection of Sensitive Data: Educational institutions store vast amounts of sensitive information, including
student records, research data, and financial details. A breach in security could lead to severe consequences such as
identity theft, financial loss, and reputational damage.

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Cyber safety and best practices of responsible browsing AICTE Activity Program

1. Preservation of Academic Integrity: Cyber attacks aimed at altering grades, manipulating research
findings, or disrupting online learning platforms can undermine the academic integrity of the institution.
2. Maintaining Trust and Reputation: A cyber safe campus demonstrates the institution's commitment to
safeguarding the interests of its students, faculty, and staff. It enhances trust among stakeholders and
preserves the institution's reputation as a secure learning environment.

2.3 Key components of a cyber safe campus

1. Risk Assessment and Management: Conducting regular risk assessments helps identify vulnerabilities
and potential threats. Establishing risk management protocols enables the institution to prioritize
mitigation efforts effectively.
2. Educational Programs: Promoting cybersecurity awareness among students, faculty, and staff is
essential. Training sessions, workshops, and informational campaigns can help individuals recognize
phishing attempts, practice secure password management, and understand the importance of software
3. Strong Authentication Mechanisms: Implementing multi-factor authentication (MFA) for accessing
sensitive systems and accounts adds an extra layer of security against unauthorized access.
4. Network Security Measures: Deploying firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and encryption protocols
helps secure the campus network from external threats and unauthorized access.
5. Data Encryption and Backup: Encrypting sensitive data both in transit and at rest minimizes the risk of
data breaches. Regular data backups ensure data availability and resilience against ransomware attacks or
system failures.

1. Incident Response Plan: Developing a comprehensive incident response plan enables the institution to
respond promptly and effectively to cybersecurity incidents. The plan should outline roles and
responsibilities, communication protocols, and steps for mitigating the impact of an incident.
2. Collaboration with External Partners: Establishing partnerships with cybersecurity organizations,
government agencies, and industry experts can provide valuable resources and expertise in enhancing the
institution's cybersecurity posture.

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2.4 Workshop Content

1. Understanding Cybersecurity: The workshop began with an introduction to cybersecurity, emphasizing

its relevance in today's digital age. Participants were briefed on various cyber threats such as malware,
phishing, identity theft, and ransomware.
2. Cyber Hygiene Practices: Practical tips and best practices for maintaining cyber hygiene were discussed.
This included guidance on creating strong passwords, regular software updates, avoiding suspicious links
and attachments, and securing personal devices.
3. Social Engineering Awareness: A segment focused on social engineering tactics employed by
cybercriminals to manipulate individuals into divulging sensitive information or performing certain
actions. Participants learned how to recognize and thwart social engineering attempts.
4. Data Privacy: The workshop emphasized the significance of protecting personal and sensitive information
online. Topics covered included privacy settings on social media platforms, safe browsing habits, and the
importance of encryption.
5. Securing Networks: Participants were educated on securing Wi-Fi networks, distinguishing between
secure and unsecured connections, and the risks associated with public Wi-Fi hotspots.
6. Incident Response: In the event of a cybersecurity incident, knowing how to respond is crucial. The
workshop provided guidelines on reporting incidents promptly and steps to mitigate potential damage.
7. Q&A Session: The workshop concluded with an interactive Q&A session where participants could seek
clarification on any aspect of cybersecurity and share their experiences or concerns.

2.5 Key Takeaways

• Increased awareness of common cyber threats and vulnerabilities.

• Adoption of proactive measures to safeguard personal and institutional data.
• Understanding the importance of ongoing vigilance and adherence to cybersecurity best practices.
• Recognition of the role each individual plays in maintaining a cyber-safe environment on campus.

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The global challenge of waste management has reached critical proportions, necessitating urgent action to
address its far-reaching environmental, economic, and social implications. In today's world, characterized by
rapid urbanization, population growth, and industrialization, the volume of waste generated continues to
escalate, exerting immense pressure on ecosystems, natural resources, and public health. Against this
backdrop, the importance of implementing efficient garbage disposal systems cannot be overstated.

Consider these sobering statistics:

• Food Waste Crisis: Approximately one-third of the world's food production, valued at around $1
trillion, is squandered annually, contributing significantly to greenhouse gas emissions, water
scarcity, and land degradation. This staggering wastage occurs throughout the supply chain, from
agricultural production and processing to distribution and consumption, highlighting systemic
inefficiencies and unsustainable practices.
• Energy Consumption and Efficiency: Simple changes in energy consumption patterns, such as
transitioning to energy-efficient light bulbs, hold the potential to yield substantial savings. Yet,
despite the evident benefits, global adoption remains limited, underscoring the persistent challenge
of promoting energy efficiency and sustainable consumption practices on a large scale.
• Population Growth and Resource Depletion: With the world's population projected to reach 9.6
billion by 2050, the strain on natural resources is poised to intensify. Sustaining current consumption
levels under these circumstances would require resources equivalent to nearly three Earths, a stark
reminder of the urgent need for resource conservation and waste reduction measures.

In today's world, characterized by rapid urbanization and population growth, waste generation poses critical
environmental challenges. With staggering statistics highlighting food waste, energy inefficiency, and resource
depletion, efficient garbage disposal systems are imperative for mitigating environmental harm and promoting
sustainable development.

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Efficient Garbage Disposal System AICTE Activity Program

2.2 Importance of segregation of Wet waste and Dry waste

Waste segregation is not merely a recommended practice; it's an essential component of sustainable waste
management systems. Its significance extends far beyond mere convenience, impacting environmental
preservation, resource conservation, and human health. Here's an elaboration on why waste segregation is crucial:
• Environmental Preservation: Waste segregation plays a pivotal role in reducing environmental pollution
and degradation. When different types of waste are segregated at the source, it becomes easier to manage
and treat them appropriately. This prevents the contamination of soil, water bodies, and air, preserving
ecosystems and biodiversity. For instance, segregating biodegradable waste from non-biodegradable waste
reduces methane emissions from landfills, a potent greenhouse gas contributing to climate change.

• Resource Conservation: Segregating waste allows for the recovery and recycling of valuable resources.
Materials like paper, glass, metals, and plastics can be recycled and reused instead of being disposed of in
landfills or incinerated. This conserves natural resources, reduces energy consumption, and mitigates the
need for extensive raw material extraction. Moreover, recycling reduces the carbon footprint associated
with manufacturing processes, contributing to climate change mitigation efforts.

• Promotion of Circular Economy: Waste segregation is a fundamental principle of the circular economy,
where resources are kept in use for as long as possible, maximizing their value and minimizing waste
generation. By segregating waste into recyclables, organic matter, and non-recyclables, communities can

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create closed-loop systems where materials are continuously recycled, repurposed, or composted, reducing
reliance on virgin resources and minimizing waste generation.

• Reduced Health Risks: Proper waste segregation reduces health risks associated with exposure to
hazardous materials. When hazardous waste, such as chemicals, batteries, or electronic devices, is
segregated and disposed of safely, it prevents contamination of soil, water, and air, safeguarding public
health. Similarly, separating biomedical waste, such as syringes or medical waste, from regular household
waste prevents the spread of infectious diseases and protects waste handlers and the community from
health hazards.

• Compliance with Regulations: Many jurisdictions have regulations mandating the segregation of waste
at the source. Compliance with these regulations is not only legally required but also essential for
maintaining public health and environmental standards. By adhering to waste segregation guidelines,
individuals, businesses, and communities ensure they are in alignment with legal requirements and
contribute to building a more sustainable society.

• Community Engagement and Awareness: Waste segregation fosters community engagement and
awareness about environmental issues. By actively participating in waste segregation initiatives,
individuals and communities become more conscious of their consumption patterns, waste generation
habits, and the environmental impact of their actions. This heightened awareness often leads to broader
sustainability efforts, such as energy conservation, water efficiency, and support for environmentally
friendly practices.

In conclusion, waste segregation is a cornerstone of sustainable waste management, offering numerous

environmental, economic, and social benefits. By segregating waste at the source and adopting responsible waste
management practices, individuals and communities can contribute to a healthier planet and ensure a more
sustainable future for generations to come.

2.3 Observation and Learning

Embracing waste segregation and responsible waste management practices has been an enlightening experience,
highlighting the tangible impact of individual actions on environmental sustainability and resource conservation.
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Through participation in waste reduction initiatives and adoption of eco-friendly alternatives, such as reusable
bags and sustainable products, individuals and organizations can contribute to mitigating environmental
degradation and fostering a more sustainable future for generations to come. Additionally, understanding local
waste disposal methods and regulations empowers communities to advocate for improved waste management
infrastructure, policies, and initiatives that prioritize environmental protection and public health.

• Behavioral Insights: Observation reveals patterns in waste disposal habits, aiding in designing targeted
behavior change initiatives.
• Environmental Impact Assessment: Data-driven observation assesses waste management's
environmental footprint, guiding strategic decisions.
• Community Engagement: Observing community involvement fosters ownership and empowers local
leaders in waste management initiatives.
• Knowledge Sharing: Learning from successful models facilitates capacity building and replication of
effective practices.
• Adaptation and Improvement: Continuous observation identifies areas for enhancement, driving
innovation and resilience in waste management.
• Policy Advocacy: Evidence-based observation supports policy reforms and stakeholder engagement for
systemic change in waste management practices.

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4.1 Introduction to Digital India

In 2015, Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveiled Digital India, a transformative initiative aimed at bridging the
digital divide and propelling India towards a technology-driven future. With a vision to connect rural areas with
high-speed Internet networks and bolster digital literacy. At its core, Digital India seeks to foster inclusive
growth in electronic services, products, manufacturing, and employment opportunities. Digital India is centered
around three key pillars:

Digital Infrastructure as a Utility: Transforming digital infrastructure into a fundamental utility, accessible to
every citizen, forms the bedrock of Digital India's mission. By providing reliable and high-speed Internet
connectivity, the initiative aims to empower individuals and communities across the nation.

Governance and Services on Demand: Embracing digital technologies to deliver government services efficiently
and transparently is another cornerstone of Digital India. By digitizing bureaucratic processes and making
services accessible online, the initiative aims to streamline governance and enhance citizen-centric service

Digital Empowerment of Citizens: Ensuring that every citizen has the necessary skills and resources to leverage
digital technologies is fundamental to Digital India's vision. Through initiatives focused on digital literacy and
skill development, the program seeks to empower individuals to participate actively in the digital economy.

The Digital India campaign is not just about technological advancements; it is a catalyst for socioeconomic
transformation. By harnessing the power of digital technologies, the initiative aims to create a 'Faceless,
Paperless, Cashless' economy, where transactions are seamless, efficient, and secure. This shift towards digitized
transactions is pivotal in driving financial inclusion and fostering economic growth.

One of the key objectives of Digital India is to facilitate 100% digitized money transactions. This involves
promoting various forms of digital payments, including mobile banking, digital wallets, and online payment
gateways. As of December 31, 2018, India witnessed a significant surge in digital adoption, with approximately
1.23 billion Aadhaar digital biometric identity cards issued, 1.21 billion mobile phones in use, and 560 million
internet users nationwide. These figures underscore the rapid digital transformation underway in the country,

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paving the way for a cashless economy and financial inclusion for all segments of society.

Scope of Digital India

• Knowledge Future Preparation: o Promotes digital literacy and education initiatives.

o Empowers individuals and communities for digital proficiency.
• Transformative Vision:
o Harnesses Indian talent and Information Technology for national advancement.
o Emphasizes innovation, entrepreneurship, and socio-economic growth.
• Technology as Change Catalyst:
o Integrates technology across sectors for enhanced efficiency and accessibility.
o Drives transparency and inclusivity in governance, education, and healthcare.
• Umbrella Program Encompassing Departments: o Integrates diverse initiatives under
a unified vision. o Fosters synergy and coherence across government departments.

Restructured and Synchronized Initiatives:

o Revamps existing schemes for enhanced impact.

o Streamlines efforts under the common branding of Digital India.

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Facilitating 100% digitized money transactions AICTE Activity Program

Digital Transaction
In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, digital transactions have emerged as a cornerstone of modern
commerce, reshaping the way we exchange value and conduct financial transactions. This paradigm shift towards
cashless exchanges is driven by collaborative efforts between fintech companies and various sectors of the
economy, ushering in a new era of seamless financial interactions. From online purchases to peer-to-peer
transfers, digital transactions encompass a diverse array of activities, all facilitated through digital channels for
enhanced convenience and efficiency.
At the heart of this transformation lies a collaborative ecosystem, where financial institutions, technology firms,
and other stakeholders work in tandem to innovate and improve accessibility. Fintech companies, in particular,
play a pivotal role in driving this collaboration, leveraging technology to introduce innovative solutions that cater
to evolving consumer preferences and demand for streamlined financial services. This fintech-led transformation
is not just about digitizing traditional processes but also about creating novel services that meet the evolving
needs of consumers and businesses alike.
In India, the digital transaction landscape is experiencing unprecedented growth, with projections indicating a
significant shift from cash to digital payments in the coming years. According to an ET report, India is expected
to witness a transition of 66.6 billion transactions worth $270.7 billion to digital channels by 2023, underscoring
the country's rapid digitization journey and its potential to emerge as a global leader in the digital economy.

4.2 Benefits of digital payments

In India, promoting financial equality is crucial, and digital payments play a pivotal role in achieving this goal.
Digital transactions offer numerous benefits:
1. Ease and Convenience: Digital payments provide a seamless experience, reducing reliance on cash and
enabling swift transactions from anywhere.

2. Economic Progress: The convenience and security of digital payments encourage more people to engage
in online transactions, contributing to economic growth and the proliferation of online businesses.

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3. Safety and Tracking: Digital payments eliminate the risks associated with handling physical cash and
offer efficient tracking mechanisms, enhancing financial security and transparency.


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5.1 Introduction

Education is the process of facilitating learning or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits.
Quality education is one that focuses on the whole child-the social, Emotional, mental, physical, and cognitive
development of each student regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, or geographic location. It
prepares the child for life, not just for testing.

Quality in education: Access to education is important, but just as important is learning basic knowledge and skills
in the classroom. Many children across the world cannot read, despite of having attended school for several years.
High-quality education is a prerequisite for learning and human development.

Research shows that high quality, early learning experiences can improve a child's health, social- emotional skills,
and academic readiness for school. Furthermore, children are more likely to graduate high school, pursue higher
education or job training, and earn higher incomes. Education enables upward socioeconomic mobility and is a
key to escaping poverty. Over the past decade, major progress was made towards increasing access to education
and school enrolment rates at all levels, particularly for girls. Nevertheless, about 260 million children were still
out of school in 2018-nearly one fifth of the global population in that age group. And more than half of all
children and adolescents worldwide are not meeting minimum proficiency standards in reading and mathematics.

Enrolment in primary education in developing countries has reached 91%, but 57 million children remain out of
school. More than half of children who are not enrolled in school live in sub-Saharan Africa . An estimated 50%
of out-of-school children of primary school age live in conflict-affected 103 million youth worldwide are still
illiterate, and more than 60% of before the coronavirus crisis.

The proportion of children and youth out of primary and secondary school had declined from 26 per cent in 2000
to 19 per cent in 2010 and 17 per cent in 2018.

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Chapter 5 AICTE Activity Program

mathematics and literacy skills. Some 750 million adults - two thirdsof them women-remained illiterate in 2016.
Half of the global illiterate population lives in South Asia, and a quarter live in sub-Saharan Africa.
In 10 low-and middle-income countries, children with disabilities were 19per cent less likely to achieve minimum
proficiency in reading than those without disabilities.

5.2 Purpose
The primary aim of this initiative is to foster inclusive and equitable access to quality education for all students,
regardless of their background or circumstance. Education is not merely about imparting knowledge; it is a
transformative force that liberates the intellect, unlocks creativity, and instills a sense of self-respect and dignity in

Implicit in this overarching purpose are four key aims that underscore the multifaceted nature of education and its
role in shaping individuals and societies:

1. Academic Achievement and Social Mobility: Our goal is to provide students with the academic foundation
and support necessary to excel academically and realize their aspirations for social mobility. By equipping
students with the knowledge, skills, and resources they need to succeed, we aim to break down barriers to
advancement and create pathways for upward social mobility.
2. Character and Mindset Development: Beyond academic excellence, we recognize the importance of
fostering positive character traits and mindsets in students. Through values-based education and holistic
development programs, we aim to cultivate qualities such as resilience, empathy, integrity, and perseverance.
3. Social Cohesion: Education plays a vital role in promoting social cohesion and fostering a sense of
belonging and community among diverse groups of students. By creating inclusive learning environments that
celebrate diversity and promote mutual respect, we aim to break down barriers and build bridges across cultural,
social, and economic divides.
4. Social Equality: Central to our mission is the commitment to addressing systemic barriers and disparities
in education to ensure that all students have equal access to opportunities for learning and growth. By targeting
resources and support to underserved communities and marginalized groups, we seek to narrow the achievement
gap and create more equitable educational outcomes.

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Certificates AICTE Activity Program


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Certificates AICTE Activity Program

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Certificates AICTE Activity Program

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K.R. PURAM, BANGALORE – 560 036, Ph: 080-2561 8798 / 2561 8799 Fax:
080-2561 8789, email:
Affiliated to VTU|Approved by AICTE|NAAC & NBA Accredited|An ISO9001:2015 Certified Institute

Department: Information Science and Engineering.

Sl. No. Activity Name Duration(hours) Points Earned

1 Road Safety and Traffic Awareness. 80 – 90 20

Cyber Safety and Best Practices of

2 Responsible Browsing 80 – 90 20

Developing and Managing Efficient

3 Garbage Disposal System 80 – 90 20

4 Facilitating 100% Digitized 80 – 90 20

Helping Local Schools to Achieve
Good Results and Enhance their
5 80 – 90 20
Enrolment in
Higher Education
Total Points Earned 100

Evaluated by:

Dr. Shanthi S.R

Chairperson-CICC (College Internal Complaints Committee),
Cambridge Institute of Technology, K.R. Puram, Bangalore-560036.

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