CURRENT TRENDS IN ELT Course Outline - Col Dr. Akhtar Khalili

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Current Trends in ELT

Course Outline

Course code: ______________

Current Trends in ELT
Course Description

The course discusses that Teaching English is not an easy task. The field has undergone sweeping changes over time, as teachers
attempt to move beyond outdated methods and texts. In today's fast-paced society, English teachers must meet students where they
are. A few instructional trends stand out for their widespread adoption by teachers seeking to inspire a love for reading and writing.

Course Goals
The course enables the students to:
- review different Trends in ELT in different periods
- make connections between the old ELT trends and the modern ELT trends.
- become conversant with different trends of ELT
- analyze and conclude which ELT trend is better for teaching in Pakistan.
Course Objective
- gain an understanding of Different Trends of ELT.
- analyze different Trends in ELT
- read brief overview of the history of different trends of ELT.
- study how different trends of ELT developed in each age.
- study characteristics of different trends of ELT.
- study excerpts from significant ELT trend contributors.
- explore how different trends of ELT contributed, contradicted and supported each other over the age.
- explore the role of various writers in depiction of their culture.
- study the factors that had a major development of current trends in ELT.
- compare and contrast how modern and current trends in ELT are better and more effective.
- practice self-reflection through analysis of characters of different trends in ELT.

COURSE: Students must have passed _______________________ course prior to registering for this course. For details, please
consult the IU prospectus. Students are advised in their own interest to clear the pre-requisite course(s) before
attempting to register for advanced courses. Failure to follow this advice may lead to academic loss.
FACULTY: Prof. Dr Col (Retd) Akhtar Ahmed Khalili
TEXT: Philip Kerr’s 30 Trends in ELT By PHILIP KERR (Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teachers), Cambridge
University Press and Assessment; New edition (August 18, 2022)
Pedagogical Stylistics: Current Trends in Language, Literature and ELT
Edited by Michael Burke, Szilvia Csabi, Lara Week, Judit Zerkowitz

Methods of Teaching English A Resource Book for Teachers and Teacher Educators
By: Anand Mahanand, Amit Kumar, Subhasis Nanda Publisher: Viva Books Originals

Course Contents
Week Session Topic

The History of Teaching English Students will be able to discuss, understand and
critically evaluate
○ Know the history of Teaching English ▪ Define language in their own words.
1 ▪ classify correctly the types of ELT trends.
○ Why ELT was taken seriously?
▪ Discuss why ELT is taken seriously.
○ What is ELT?

The difference between the Approach, Method & Students will be able to discuss, understand and
Technique of ELT critically evaluate
o Brief overview of the history of ELT throughout ▪ Brief overview of the history of ELT
the ages throughout the ages
2 o Difference between the Approach, Method & ▪ Difference between the Approach, Method &
Technique of ELT Technique of ELT
o different Trends over the age and periods of ▪ different Trends over the age and periods of
ELT trends ELT trends

Aspects of English Language Teaching since 1900 Students will be able to discuss, understand and
critically evaluate
○ The Classical Methods  The Classical Methods
 Grammar Translation Method
3 ○ Grammar Translation Method
 Techniques used in Grammar Translation
○ Techniques used in Grammar Translation Method
○ Strengths and weaknesses of the Grammar  Strengths and weaknesses of the Grammar
Translation Method Translation Method
Students will be able to discuss, understand and
English Language Learning as Intercultural critically evaluate
Experience: Promoting a Critical Understanding of
Intercultural Relations.  The Direct Method
o The Direct Method  The Audio-Lingual Method
4 o The Audio-Lingual Method  Techniques used in Direct Method and Audio-
o Techniques used in Direct Method and Audio- Lingual Methods
Lingual Methods  Strengths and weaknesses of the Direct
o Strengths and weaknesses of the Direct Method Method and Audio-Lingual Methods
and Audio-Lingual Methods

Students will be able to discuss, understand and

PREVIOUS YEARS (1970s-1990s)

Marks Distribution

Marks Head Frequency Total Marks

Quizzes 2 10

Mid Term Exam 1 25

Project Report 1 25

Final Exam 1 40

Total Marks 100

Assessment Details
Group Presentations: Week: 9 onward
Please follow the following steps while preparing your presentation:
1. Introduction to the theory/trend.
2. What are the major characteristics of the trend/theory/approach of ELT?
3. What are the major functioning of the trend? And discuss their relevance, strength and weaknesses.
4. Critiques about the method/trend?
5. Discuss how successful this particular trend of ELT can still be in your own academic and social surrounding.
You will be assessed based on the following criteria:
No. Descriptors Marks
1 Introduction to the ELT Trend 3
2 What are the major character traits of this 3
particular ELT Trend
3 What are the major strength and 4
weaknesses of this particular trend? And
discuss the relevance of this particular
Trend at that time and in the present era.
4 Critiques opinion about the Trend and the 5

5 Discuss his work with relevance to your 5

own social surrounding.

6 Presentation skills (content, delivery of 5

Total marks 25

Please note:
 The presentation will be on the group which will be formed at the beginning of the session.
 Each presentation will be of 1 hour 30 minutes (10-12 minutes for each presenter, 5 minutes Q/A)
 The hard copy of the presentation and PPT presentation along with audio-visual aids got to be submitted at least a week earlier
than the presentation date.

Final Exam Week: 15/16

The final exam will be based on a selection of topics including topics from the post-midterm. The exam will be analytical, and
students will be expected to demonstrate knowledge from class discussions and reading.


POLICY: Attendance has been a contentious issue in the past. As per IUGC rules, all students are required to maintain a minimum of
80 % attendance in the semester. Medical/sick leave, family emergencies etc. are included in the 20 % leave allowance. Any student
who fails to meet the above requirement will NOT be allowed to appear in the final examination and will be awarded an ‘F’ grade.


PROCEDURE: Attendance will be marked within 5-7 minutes after the commencement of the class. Those students who arrive late in
the classroom or leave early are liable to be marked absent. If at any time a student is unsure whether or not his/her attendance has
been correctly marked in the Attendance Sheet, he/she is welcome to approach the faculty/Course Instructor without hesitation and
check the status of his/her attendance either during the mid-session break or immediately after the end of the respective class.
Furthermore, students have access to the status of their attendance online through the computer, so excuses for not knowing their
attendance shall not be entertained.

Please remember – leave is a privilege, not a right! Use it sparingly and only for genuine emergencies.

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