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Lyn Armaal (Upgraded)

Forwards: the purpose of this update is to make the flying castle to a more appropriate strength for a
cloud giant castle of a noble wizard.

Improved Castle Defenses.

 There are glyphs of warding throughout the castle.
o There are 6 glyphs on every door, window, and other opening. 2 are silent alarms letting
the giants know an intruder is in the building. 4 are explosion glyphs incase a more
serious response is needed.
 Rules
 Alarm glyph 1: There is a secret password that if spoken by the giants
with disarm the glyph. A second password that if spoken by the giants
will reactivate the glyphs. The glyphs have a rule of authority, Sensuri’s
word over rules all others, then the Druid over rules all lower, finally the
rest of the cloud giants. The alarm goes off if anyone not from Lyn
Armaal crosses.
 Alarm glyph 2: same rules as the first but it will not active until 10
minutes after alarm one sounds.
 Explosion glyphs, they are set to do 4 types of elemental damage, and
all go off at once when anyone not from Lyn Armaal crosses. There is a
secret password that if spoken by the giants with disarm the glyph. A
second password that if spoken by the giants will reactivate the glyphs.
The glyphs have a rule of authority, Sensuri’s word over rules all others,
then the Druid over rules all lower, finally the rest of the cloud giants.
Note: these are typically disabled unless there is concern of an actual
attack, also if the battel cry is called for, they all activate.
o There are 3 glyphs on every outer square of the level 3 and 4 gardens. 2 are silent alarm
as listed above and one is an explosive glyph.
o Special glyphs, on the top levels 5 and 6 there is an extra glyph, there is 1 hold person
and 2 extra explosive glyphs that will not go off until the first set is triggered.
 There is a permanent “Private Sanctum” that is around the entire castle and it extends 30ft
outside the castle. The effects are “Sensors created by Divination Spells can't appear inside the
protected area or pass through the barrier at its perimeter”, “Creatures in the area can't be
targeted by Divination Spells”, “Nothing can Teleport into or out of the warded area (Note this
particular effect is only on the main cast and the outer entrance you can teleport to), “Planar
Travel is blocked within the warded area, same as note above”.
 All base cloud giant gets the following, Sturdy giants chainmail that give them 18AC, goggles of
night, +1 Morningstar, 2x healing potions on belt, 1 potion of heroism on belt, 1 potion of
invulnerability, 2 sending stones that they immediately use if any trouble occurs, Attuned Ring
of protection +1, Spellwrought Tattoo of Teleportation Circle for teleporting to the under-water
storm giant hold, Spellwrought Tattoo of Revivify, 1x Attuned Spell Storing ring with the
following spells, Counter spell, 2x healing words.
 The Druid Count Thullen get all the above of the basic cloud giant plus the following. Bronze
dragon Giant’s scale armor (+1AC, adv vs. fright, resist lightning), Giants wooden shield of +2,
Cloak of protection instead of the ring of protection, his spell storing ring has counter spell, cure
wounds and shield of faith, a circlet of blasting, wand of magic missiles, Ring of animal Influence,
1x potion of flying, potion of invariability, potion of see invisible, potion of slipperiness, potion of
animal friendship, potion of growth, 1x bead of force, 1x bag of holding with various druid stuff,
Alchemy Jug, Cap of Water Breathing, Ring of 30 sending stones with some copies and some
unique. Finally, he has a few Pots of Awakening which he is using to create more awakened
 Sansuri being an actual wizard get the following buffs. She is a full wizard level 15 with the
subclass of Blade singer, She knows the cantrip booming blade, She also knows the following
extra spells, Clone (she has one clone hidden away in a secure location guarded by a simulacrum
of herself), Feeble mind, simulacrum, teleport, wall of force, counter spell, and true seeing. Due
to her exceptional fighting skill, she has 14 dex and int is 18. She has all the items as base giant
and the following. Attuned Giant’s armor of glamoured studded leather +2 to AC and can freely
change appearance to any normal clothing (she typically turns it into fine noble cloud giant’s
cloths) (base AC is 18 and 22 with blade song), She has metamagic with 4 sorcery point and
know the meta magic quicken spell and subtle spell, regains sorcery point on long rest. She get
all the above of the basic cloud giant plus the following. The healing potions are upgrade to
greater healing potions, potion of invulnerability, potion of see invisible, potion of flying. Bag of
holding, Pip of Smoke monster, 2x Perfume of bewitching, orb of time, orb of direction, 1x
Master Key, Heward’s Handy Spice Pouch, Enduring Spell book, Attuned Stone of good luck +1,
Attuned Wand of the warmage +2, Wand of magic missile, Spell wrought tattoos of 1x counter
spell, 2x mass healing word, and dimension door, 1x Lantern of Revealing, Circlet of Blasting,
and giants boots of elven kind.
o She has a mutated imp familiar “Grebrir” that that has 25HP and can cast the very
powerful Incendiary Cloud once per week (strategy, Sansuri uses force wall to trap
enemies in dome and Incendiary Cloud is cast inside it to slowing burn the to death), the
final lives in her bag of holding where it is protects vs. AOE spells. It pops out to cast
then hides. The familiar also has a staff of healing which it will use on Sansuri when she
is injured.
 Extra units, the castle has extra air elemental for a total of 8.
 The hired Dragons Slayer Aitlas. Aitlas is a cloud giant ranger known for tracking and killing
dragons. Alignment True Neutral. Sansuri hired him to help find the legendary dragon trove.
There was an exchange made he offered his dragon hunting services for a clone of himself and
his party member Gajin Whistletrick the gnome. Aitlas is a level 6 Gloom stalker ranger, he has
the Thrown Weapon Fighting style. His stats are 27, 14, 22, 12, 18, and 16. His main attack is
giant throwing axes which is has attuned to a Belt of returning (which allows him to throw every
turn), since these are giants weapons, they have additional range and damage, that have a
range of 60/180ft and do 3d6+10 cutting damage. He is loads with unique potions and magical
items that has collected on the many dragon troves he has claimed (bad idea to fight him)
o He will have a large 30*30*30 foot temporary test decorate with dragon bones, this is
located in section 29 near the center. The door to the tent is thick draping strips of cloth
which block light. The door faces the edge of the castle. In the morning he will come to
the edge of the 4th level and look out casting “Primeval Awareness” looking for dragon
form up to 6 miles. Then he will send out his eagle familiar to search the skies for any
signs of dragons. During the morning hours he will sit and observe the wind current for
any signs of dragons and prays to the nature god. He always sits in the same location in
the morning in this spot there are eight permanently invisible poles with many shelves.
These poles rise 45ft high. There will be glyphs are alarm and explosion on these poles if
you get within 60ft of his sitting area he will be alerted to your general location by silent
alarm. He will quickly turn to see who is there. His full tent has glyphs are various types,
alarm, exploding, and level 3 and lower wizard spells.
 Gajin Whistletrick is a level 6 gnome Divination wizard who is truly fascinated with giants.
Alignment True Neutral. He has built a small home that is attached to the giant so he can easily
travel with him in case of emergency there is a bag of holding he can leap into for protection vs.
AEO attack. Gajin is the one who cast Glyphs, he can cast a total of 4 glyphs per day (or long
rest). He helps Aitlas though divination to help find dragons. He has many unique items and is a
powerful foe for the unaware.

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