Binomial Theorem

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mial expansion The binomial theorem is used by scientists to make approximations in calculations. For example, physicists use itto analyse the collision of particles in the process known as rnucleat fission Atthe Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Switzerland, scientists aso make use of these kinds of equations in computer models o caleulate the collision of high-energy particles. Objectives: Understand the notation ("and nt ¢ Usethe expansion of (a+ b), where nea positive integer Before you start You should know how to: Skills check: 1. Expand brackets, A. Bepand eg. (2x-5)?=(2x-5)(2x—5) a) (+7) LOx~ 10+ 25= 43200425 b) (4x1)? 6 (2x-5))=(2x-3)Qr-5) 3) e+3p = (2x 5)(4 20% + 25) a 6 88 4054502004 1008-128) (Bx 10° (600+ 1504-—125 9 (1-29. 2. Simplify indices, 2. Simplify a) xt} b) ax) (Se d) 828") Hx) 5G). 6.1 Pascal's triangle ‘We know from expanding brackets that: (es)! ais 42x¢ Le Leave ae tLe + 6a Fs 4 Lat 14 S$ 10s? + 103! + Set 4 Ia Ges Ifwe look atthe coefficients ofthe terms in each ‘This table of coefficients can be extended and ‘expansion, we get ‘written ina triangle. In the triangle, we can see that each number comes from adding the two numbers above i eg 446210 “This wiangle is known as Pascal’ (angle, Lf we wanted to find the expansion of (1 +)! we could use Pascal’ triangle to do this, ‘We can see thatthe next row of coefficients is 1, 6, 15,20, 15,61. Hence, (1+ 2)°= 1+ 64-4 153° + 204° + 15x! + 63° + 1a, ‘Weesy thatthe expansion in ascending powers of x of (1 +3)' is 1+ 6x-4 15x + 20x! + 15x! + 63° + 1x ‘Weecan use Pascal triangle to give the coefficients inthe expansion of (a+ 8). For example, (a +6} uses the fourth row of coefficients: 1 4,6, 4,1 Hence, (a+ B)*= Lat + 40°! + 606 + 4a'b° + 1b", Example 1 Expand (3 +2) ‘Wecan use the coefficients 1,5, 10, 10,5,1 Thiele the throw o Pascal’ tangle. (34 24 = 113)" + 5(9)"2)' + 10(3)°28)* + 10(3)"2)?+ 513)! 2x)" + 128)" 1(243) + 5(81)(2x) + 10(27)(4x!) + 10(9)(8e) + 5(3)(16x4) +1224) =243 + 8108+ 10802 + 7200? + 24044 4 324° ee Puc el Example 2 Expand (53-2) ‘We can use the coeficients 1, 446,41. Tststhe An row of Pascars tangle. x= 2)¢= 169)14 460)"(2)! + 6659-2)" + 460)'2) + 10-2)" not put: wit the answer. Deni en a Exercise 6.3 1, Find the first three terms in the expansion of (1 x)" in ascending powers of x. 2. Find the frst four terms inthe expansion of (3 + )*in ascending powers of =. {3nd the coefficient of the term in °in the expansion of (1 ~ 6x7. 4. Using the binomial expansion, expand each ofthese expressions, a) Gr+4yy! b) (x= 299° 3 0-2) a) (2459) (5+) 06 5. Find the coefficient of the 6th term in the expansion of (2 ~x)""in ascending. powers of x 66. Find the cosficient of the term in "in the expansion of (3 + 24), 7. ind the frst three terms in the expansion of(1 + ax)’ in ascending powers af x. 4. nde tem doesent cn apna (+) 9. Find the Sth term inthe expansion of (4~ 23) in ascending powers of 10. Expand, in ascending powers ofx, as faras the term in 2%, a) G-aP &) Gray 243) LL, Find the coefficient of x in the expansion of (2~ 1), 12, ) Find the first four terms inthe expansion of(1 + 2)" in ascending powerate bb) Hence determine the value of 1.05)" cortect to 2 decimal places. 13. Find, in ascending powers ofthe frst thee terms ofeach ofthe following, a) G-3y b B4my gd (243) aw (1-3) in ascending powers of x. 14 Find the rt our terms nthe expansion of 1— 15, Use the binomial expansion to find the exact value of (1.001) ee Bran sn 16, Find the term in? in the expansion of (2~ y 17. Find the coefficient of» in the expansion of (3 +2y)% 18, Find the term independent fin the expansion of 19, a) Waite down the expansion of (1 +a). b) Bylettingx= y+), find the coefcient of in the expansion of (1 ++) 20.) Find he rs four terms in the expansion of (1 $) in ascending powers of 2 by. Use these terms to find the value of (0.99) giving your answer correct to 4 decimal places 6.4 More complex expansions Example 6 2) Find the fist thre tems inthe expansion in descending powers fx of (28 8) Hence dstrmine the coefficient of in the expansion of (+ 29(2«—4). <————— ernember o make 2 tothe poner of6 as we. ‘The answer negative a (-) is negative. =15<15x5 (#6) = 38408! ‘The ansner is pst as(-)is psi. “Term with coeficient of inthe expansion of (t+ 2(2x-4) ELD ‘There fo term in a) 99 we cannot have coefficient = 7680 Example 7 (rs3J- wre(soria)«G}ora) ta frat (+ 3 f+ 27x + 24 +, (=a 4 3) ane 4270 ead 4 .)-26? 4970 4 as 24 ITA AE = 29? = 5? = 6 Dy? 4 2738 — SAY + 32 + ind theirs Give ems in descending poets of nthe expansion of: ~2+3. Example 8 Given that the coefficient of. in the expansion of (1 + ax + 2s8)(2 ~ x)" 18560, determine the value ofa ia hen e he hastens of janes (Sana = 128 — 448x + 67232 — 56029 +... “Terms in in the expansion of (1 + ax + 202)(2— x) S602") + (6720) + 20°(—4484) Coefficient of? = $60 + 672a~ 896 = 672a ~ 1456 = S60 672a= 2016 a=3 (2-3) Exercise 6.4 1. Find, in ascending powers ofthe fist three terms of each ofthe following. 2) Grd rx b (234297 2nd in tcending omer cf th its tei th expansion ofc aft ea Mas cme earns 3. Find the 3rd term in descending powers of x in the expansion of (e+3)Qe— 1 4 Find he term independent ofxinthe expansion of + 3)2-+ 3. 5. The coeficient of inthe expansion off 3) ~ (aa) 2a where a>0-Finda 66. a) Write down the first three terms in the expansion of (3 +.x)’in ascending, powersof 2. Use this esult to write down the fist three terms inthe expansion of [@ + (y +») in ascending powers of y 7. Find the coefficient of inthe binomial expansion of (2x) 8 Find the coficent of inthe expansion of (+= 29(x 9. Fndh cise tint eputinf(-2042 10, Expand (2 + x-+.2)'in ascending powers af « up to and including the term in 2%, Summary exercise 6 1. Write denen the ist thre terms in the 5. Q-ax=64+ prs 138e +... withp>Oand 12> 0. Find the value ofp and the value of a expansion of{1~ 3) nascending powers of. 6 “The3edterm in acening powers of inthe expansion f(t ! ind the valet 2. Find the 3rd term in the binomial expansion of (2 ~ 3x)" in ascending powers of x n> Bie 3 Find the term independent of inthe expansion of(22?~ 2) 7. ‘the binomial expansion of(3—4 bso pray Find heal of pand he valu of + EXAM-STHLE QUESTIONS 44. Use the binomial expansion to show that the value of (0.98) is 0903921 correct to 6 decimal places. 8. Find the 6th term in the expansion of ($-+1)" ascending powers of x Deni en Pe sscending powers of x, | 10. a) Find the first five terms in the expansion of (2 + 4)" in ascending powers of x. ') Using your expansion, show that (2.03) = 69.9804 correct to 4 decimal places 1. Find the ratio ofthe coeficent ofthe x° term to the coefficient ofthe x term in the expansion of(2e+ 4). 12, Find the Sth term in the expansion of inascending powers of x, 412k ase + be. 8) Find the value off the value of aand the value of ) Use your values of f and 6 o find the coefficient ofthe term in.» in the expansion of (1 ~)(1 + x) 14. a) Expand (1 + 2x). 1). Show that (1424p + (1-24? = 201 + 128), ©) Hencesolve (1+ 2x)°~ (1~ 2s) «8. 15, a) Write down the first three terms, in ascending powers of in the expansion of (1+ ax)" where 20 and n> 2. ) The coefficient ofthe x term is half the coefficient of the term in x Show that 6) Find the coefficient of the term when, FEE Surry exrisos $9. Find (1+) (1~ 2)! Weite youranswer in { 16. The first three terms in ascending powers of inthe expansion of + 14 2g 282, Find the value of «and the value of 17.) Write down the binomial expansion of (tay. ) Use your answer to (a) to express (1 ~V3)’in the form p + qV2 where and areintegets, 18 Find thecoficent fin th erpnson of @-aersft-3)" 19, (2~ ax)'=2'~ 51204 + 682 +. Find the value ofa, the value of and the value of 20. (14 2)(L ax)? = 14 2a 4 bat Find the value of @ and the value of b. Chapter summary Pascal's triangle © Wecan use Pascal triangle to find the cotficients ofthe terms in the expansion of expresions such as (1-+2)° Le 1, 6 15,20, 15,61 Hence, (1-43) =1 + 6x+ 152+ 203° + 15+ 6x +L © Pascal triangle Factorial notation (n= 1(01= Bear = eof 3V2VD) © oH Binomial expansion © The binomial expansion of (1 +x)*is 1+ mx-+ MED 2g MUEDONED yg yt where 1 is a positive integer. 2 = FI hectic ofthe ins= ther hte =(*) = Al 7 + cone (thor (Tew errene(jor(ler ‘This is known as the binomial theorem where» isa postive integer,

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