Volcanology-Second Editión-P2

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rr In re even tarde o vate case we have fra hen Het sions wor bet t mig rove a em Pilate most repose eso parc Wei tormton, on coud ante Wohnen hat ot curse for dts prea cold be considered exint Us fay fone dra velcro ate PA WN esiat et er ess pete pose ee ekShologs attempting to sess oan Atnenng He mono at as nm soy eats of maga on bl cl Men 1988 Esplcersonn in spaces ee: Dl a tome ne ha fewer. 1-2 he ne cpt of vw rons hgh ss of he noni on tn proton ries and et se Gg 1258558, 5:1 4 Properties of Lavas ‘he temperstres at which magmas erupt are closely inked thelr an arty rang om araximum of about 1200C for bass aera tnof 80 fo 900 for yates, These empeatues ave Fr orl way, Diet measarement using 8 theo teen tnt the poe Tava although usualy reliable, are dan, rain eel eaible, Opal measurements based on tenia Penrice by incandescent lav sive equally rciabe reels eG curse, thy are made on openings through the cole ven afc var have cooled and soled. one can clue Fo ea tet pomtre om tn compostionsof minerals andthe Wee's? ae inti thy were growing. Although ech of these i eae ae of uncer the rela brodly consistent. Se cal all lve area least 3% hid when they oer ice nate ond as wh es than his ital Peer Pa hccoue with any nmaler amount rogias become fs vncou a low snder normal tte oe eicte mls makeup the marty ofthe lavas cused a oe few mre exceptions, Lavas ad as ofr pore eeteate heen erupted fom he volcano Ooo Tena of Fane ess ws consiaing almost entirely of magnet are fa Me htcan Ande, Malin slur has been erupted from 8 tour anos, such ax astra Cale rd pos fom the roa tc fora moon of up e Chapter 12) For prac tence Sever we can gore these uncommon compositions Urea canon solely to he sicate magmas that account Mere vast atk o teresa vas. ‘any by dfn isthe content of proportonalty twee Shea srs and ow velo (Pi 26). Fads ha ave die Tati are sad to be Newton. As they col, however, most ta ‘ona non-Newtonian Bear hat thet eo of flow not ‘ely proprtonal to shat sires Some Nails mone ony when {tress enoteds some crit value kaon yield seat. Ala {ser Mid and flows apy when it fst appeats becomes move ‘ous aI cool and at the sme tne ls lel sent Increases, 20 ‘tens comes ores even on steep slopes. The rates of erase ‘cosy ad yield strength on cooling re mal unetion of ome Imean depth betwen the leven, adr the mean velocity The thon provides reasonably acurte deneipon of the bekaior a Iightempertire lavas sth lew crys but ln elf va that have ep to aol and saz A clseraprotmation ca Be ‘btn rom the elton: where W ts the wid ofthe Bow and Ws the width ofthe eee ven wth this modification, however sites calted frm Bal measurements ae a best apprsimations becuse the ae a om bose ale forthe ene ass, including both the sold eras and Fis intro More diet estimates ofthe viscosity of fd magma have ben made by thrsting sta od tough the est ad into the ho ite Flo The rat at which the al penetaes unde agen force cat be ‘albrate agaist substances of known vscnysch a apa. The technique yields an apprent isos and ges no measure of lel ‘rength but the ler property can be estimate fom the heights of ‘ow fron: Because av can fw ony when fe thicknen set ‘rough forthe gravitational force to eet sl strength, Se the ers elated to the thickness, fa av a 2 pine where has ‘ose tow This elation Is expressed by the equation 82 4 Flow of Lava ui vas moe primary by intra shet Near the bse, the eloe- Hvincreases upward unt reaches constant ae (ip 18), Moe cous leas advance with rolling movin Uke that of cae ile read Fig 5.10, The per srtace moves moe pl than the Me $1 Dagan shoves hema gan andro ton hugh ae {ed ln am aponding on vy wl Sop ge ti Bw mye ‘vs sing motonin wc mf arco me ee) Brag son chic th preety ng er firrod Mort vou estan ws leer ann» hale On ‘ein th te he spe he ow asa fr rd smarting} Ts, Isto the pr cu i conan ang dow the ate fa the ow a being over a the Now advances Ins the astermoving cena chinel Dow between marginal eee blocky sora Relate ho, id avs fw ready on gentle slopes fol ‘alley and alway seking topographic lows As the photographs the color insert show, ls wih ow viscosties move quel limes at speeds of tens on exceptional case, up Yo 15 bo per hour for distances of 30 ano nore: Thy speed to with tomers and wen ponded ay reach theses often rede of meters, Some ofthe tale of land have Rowed 1 ka, and the Mlocene od bss of the Cokmbla Plate le a far'as 0 i coven aes of more than 18,000 “ase they spread so endl lavas ofthese types frm Brood oping sie ke thowe ofthe Havalian and Teeandc oss (ee Chapter 1) "The datances Ives flow are primarily functons of ther sion, temperate and atc of change In rm, the rate of die fects the cootng rate and vscosty Sal ows tat emerge sh lee her hest quick become increningy aco, an om ome ‘est The rater noply of het in rapiySischargd vas races ‘ate of cooling and keps them hi long enh o ow or ‘Estancer, Boone fw lava ar simple Newtons Made, they do entinse to lw Sndently down toposrphic gradients As err ose be rcleiely abla et Cine talopes of 20 dares or more Ths best cen in sbaqueus ‘apo hat or the surface niches the rt ad retard eg Rr bt an lnc Can mower Ae ele fm titi Where Hes olen tal rong ‘ht they form bulbous protons o "aes 533 A Modeling the Flow of Lavas, For sinple conditions is pssible to model the bhavor of las ‘omputer simultane and calolte the rates a which hey would ‘ance and the area over which they wil prea, Ths has Been ‘wth remarkable sucess Japan and Reunion A comparison ‘teen theelclated and observed fon lava Now such the {in Fie. 2, shown bow this method ca be of peat vate a the haar offre volcanic events “Te flow flav has also been mx in the laboratory sng ‘era with properties similar to those of naturel magmas Ht prope ‘ald: made of he kind canbe used to examine under canal Mw of Or 18 anh am pj, open Te sd ow ‘how Sir ater be begning a ents Te or ata rpet fled cin Tr toe coef sce fw sewn) is ne the eg rom ar ew Ka, 98 Ne Frc ean oe how on me wenn ile n i a Po on domes He: Spengescag 7) onions de inva fftsof the numerous factors hat gover ‘he tf natal ag 5.4 4 Volumes and Rates of Discharge Ina genera sense, the rats of dlscharg of lavas vary inversely ‘nconiy Many cal fare crptons charge hundred oh “nsf enc meters por second, heen he lars of aco ‘Shere at rats of nly fw fons of cable meters per day. The ‘ember of Clunbia River Rood basal for example, stot ‘ive discharged toe volume of bout 130 km covering an ara {10.00 kn in 10 years about tid fs cubic Kloet per ‘The only comparbie eruption fr wich ve have measured aes ‘Hato the eelands volcano Lal, whieh hough small, poured raserage of 00 per tecond or abot Oh pee day during Tk frst dae of the great erpion of 1783, Epon of va can sary intensity ver hours dav; months, yen year. The te of eminon ually icreases aps at Bs ‘hen tloulydectines Conduite that open aly assures ae ‘ltd by solidieaton on thet ails Awelldocamented example "The erpion began seth smal ‘ire and gre in strength fo few weeks asthe vet became ‘cnr During the flowing nine ears from 1983 to 1982. fate of dicharge declined exponetally a the deep reser ‘Sowiy evacuated. Sir changes were observed ring the cup ‘fibelecandic woknno Hela in 1587, 948, and 197 (Pi 53) ‘raion of 1970 broke ut slg 4 2 i-ong sre but gicy ‘ine concentrated in. few cna vent Aste pesare ding ‘rows dined, the walls of the conduit gradually owed {hens finaly ast The ate of charge a he Belin the enon was about 7500 pee second but declined rapid ‘iva few cubic str pr tecond. The ates fdncharg rm ara ‘Shtnsen volcanoes end to ees than thon rom fre 55 4 Flood Basalts ‘Ona numberof occasions in the papal past, hick, widespread a mulation of basa have been produced by plant sure eruptions (le $1). No oter frm of baal vleanim even approaches the @ ako, mo Tay ars Me $3 Vrinnfthe rte ofchre of mage ding sac trupon Te nrg tach eu il ane ed ave Ahern ote erp ned yt ta Ear cl (0 0 rp of the ean sean Had 0 eto Aj abo dander Hal al weed ra fe Sn na ree rae 08. Ags ail Enon Some he Mor Inport od Bae ‘rg ‘owt ‘ome 843 lf etl Res a wor gpd fo ‘only 10th in size among fod basa of the worl. The Mesozole Karoo halts are oughly 2 mes larper both in area extent nd a time, Although oceanic ids price preter volumes of Basalt, hi Re Sees eat etme sare ested sor interval of eft, est Ticlef colors wilion pers rie ti abd, eal ‘rupone were separated by periods af repone lating thotaande of Seger sear ahaa ena har “Flo bens ar vet crf! to the coinnt: Oceanic sl asl of Cretaceous age cover age region the stent Ps ‘Ske Ocean between New Gunes andthe Marsal and: The anges troup form the Ontong Java Plateau, covering an area of 15 mio EevSatvarsie ofabow slim abow the nora dpe o the ello Their wet ystems crc be ec, bu tis omble tht they were dad ‘Samael Be replete ma Tare fare eruptions of salt are found in avait of tctonil setings See were esriaed with cotinstl ing and opening Of scan basing. The sas slong the eastern coat of Greenland, for ‘ample, corespond to sma Hood lavas ia ora ela ad Avoilnd and date from the opening ofthe North Alani in Bocene Hime. Others, such a hore othe Lake Supertor region sd Siberi teen to have eon role wth iting tat was es ene of uted a an early stage. The baal of the Dean Pate of Ina fre though wo be the inital expression of a hots onr which the Inosphor has moved northward, so the Cntr city enw ue Mere active volano Pon Se la Fourie on the land of Reunion fr te esters Inton Ocean, The covet tors analogs these foo sts are the fase upions ofthe lean vlcanoes EXig snd Laki Te ft oc Shred around sb 940 and produced abot 17 Kn of ale Lak d- Pharged oun amount 179, Toe Lal eruption the beter oc. limented ofthe two, Fllowing a werk of earths gg gan lise om the snare om heh of ane and dcr ntl ght fonts ltr. The ype of activity wari along the 26k length ofthe Isr: Explosive eroptons predominated eat the ends whe ile fr no magma was dncarge, bt explosions hued cut sbundant Iii debe and a lease eo cones of welt ah were bat by expose eruptions sehere raing magma entered wetrsoghed od. Nearer the mide ofthe Rene, were explo sty ws fost intense, many cinder cones dercloped mont ae ebout 40m Ish tafe rose to 90m. The maximum ctow ola wa so oncentated net the middle a the sure bt the ene were ger tly contined to short stetches where the ons were tasclted with thurdant spate cones bull by ls fontaine "lod the La tas cover SES kno tances a far 25k ‘her volume was 12:3 kn wheres the volume of procat eta sony ORS kn. wah the Nowa were excponaly datos titre Block and scorlaceaus, During the frat 30 day, the averape fae of emission exceeded 8,000 mer Second. The age mounts of (ron dose and nerosols put it the stnoptre se tht fet fhe lbalcimate are lass in Chapter 1 56 4 Basaltic Lavas As shey move, very Mi vas develop smooth, rope crs, fen re fered bythe Havaian name pahoohoe (Fig. 23). Ia any ances, lars of his Kind form asl vot or tei lai inti, 20 the ava flows thin a thermaly insted chante. Because the eat {grey reduced asf by theses rave uch farther that pet hemes Whe lve rae ie $3 comin sap of (0) Hacky In The em tat aa Porat Ae Mee ube som tens oF hundreds of meters long. Fluid flows of this Kind (hase large arto thei volale component at of closet the et. The eta spectacla splay’ ofoutaing (8.0) that bls mvercones am ramparts consisting sghtnaed bombs and small so lament of gas called Pi ars an PC a er he lan ges of re ‘With Ineeasing viacoity, basal lavas spretd more slowly and To ret at shorcr distances and on soeer slopes, Thr scot ous sfc form what ofen refered aa (Pa 8.50), nother of Hewalan ogi, Ty consist of jumble of scorincous fg iso alice ming a ore mast nero Bec he mia fins oa ow cool and sciiy more ql than the lero they form levees fsb between which the moving ae contest a way irom their sure, ad tthe ope ts eens ey fom step ‘hit mounds over thle Toth pabocos ana lata may be present ina single Now but a ‘hough space fw can change oa, he reverse atl seen The change unaly comes asthe lava cooks and lose volates. AU ts thre, wen the lana tay change from aa to poe or Wce (ri: For example, during the erapons of Mauna Law in 1889 ad Fe SUF Tilsen om sem hd thf nd) A tb oh ak al ‘ain in 1880-18, on avs were discharge lowing aint stage fst fountaining in which ge mots ae wee een As the oantiningsbaided sn theft of Gachar af lave immed Mhe new flows eained more wiles ad took on te form of poe Ie. The rat of flow ie alo fcr The chang rom paocoe ta Jesceeeratd when the magma undergoes song inna sharing Thus although they are more vison an fw maybe dacharged st eater ates han thos of pabochoe, and forse slope the tea tance of aa fw may be grater Ths apparent ancy doc to eel ofthe nc of uaa on the tanaton fom pahecoe tm, Ns lavas do nt fw later Because they area they are ec thy ow ster ‘Smal “roles crater” area common festure of baste lv. Some ofthese cones homios) ae a et ofan exlosie release of is trapped nthe liv her ae formed sehen lava pasts vet SStratd ground: Man itera comer near he shore of oeaic Ids are dceptly ima to normal vents but they ae ease by melons disping the aa went ows over wr Ife by Svellestablised channel oe lat tbe thee cones may continue to rut unt the lav cesses to How 56 4 Vesiculation and Jointing of Lavas An important process invalid in the emplacement of lava us on Ioweanle slopes that of flow ination, Burg afin va sheets Increase in eight byan itera dono lv. The erst of alte Mw grows a the cooling front propagates downward frm the upper trace. Bubbles ae trapped by the owing Pato form ves at Asie the extent of crust that re during emplacement he ata Iter Row czas, bubble remsining Inthe melee and coalece to fo age "bel ar" sence at he topo the st ad core. Th the Intra! stsctare of an ifs ow Is diingushed by an upper sculr2one de upper ens) formed during emplacement dense ad thin venelar sone the base formed when cooing was cen fpid to tap bubbles belore they roe nt the nero. Te ctness ofthe upper vesicular zone canbe ued to extiate e cetent me based on the meas ate of conductive coling of Tritt we Haw Where Cis the thickness ofthe estima andthe nth of After coming to rest, cooing Iwas devel fractres and ont many of which take onthe form of hetagnal columns (i. $7) OF ‘rte perpendicular othe coling surface csr end fo be vr peristee spanner ee ‘la toward the interior where cooling was slower In this wa they Of ‘eset bets of col ote hoc epee es a ‘sna dwar et ps arose uy Sfvietualall composons, Th rode mrface of How with rept ier cobmamer jor ctl a surace fred or tcl wad Bool re sevie peteaa uaa es ne few tens of centimeter acroee. The famous Giants Causeway ial ‘Conny Aten, Northern tana (F580), owes ts ae to at ‘markahiy regula pater this Kind 5.7 4 Lava Lakes and Ponds ‘A basic distinction can Be made between Leva fas and va pol ‘The former ae contin eat tcir be by es magma wer ‘heater rea fom lv flowing ito a opographic depression Inks remain molen fr lng prods, wherest pond lava nm sty begin cool and sli Persistent lava aes (Fig 89) te maintained by fresh ot mi ‘hat cons depnses and descends sgn to deper reservoirs ‘where beneath the voleano, The Inaming mages ons sal a tains where it enter the lake and fel gas A cat then forms the surface ax convection slowly cris th va tow! the marge tthe ake where descends and ets os soure fa ths way Heat conten of the lake I nti ad he lke level am rea 59 The neo a in 190. Meg rim ne ar mares norm nck ore (er ger EA TOS no 3 carly constant fr long pid The amount of eat and gas given olf bythe lke flange rele to the aman of lv exposed ty coe times afc to explain how iva lakes ean verain active ro ong, bar they mst be ssiatned by large subsurace bo of man os “The “re pi” of Haleraumau was 4 permanent entre of Kits tolcan rom 183 ut suddenly dsappeared in 1924 reappeared for 3 days in 1934 for 136 dae 1962, atid apt for 261 days in 1967. The ive Ie In Nyame, Zaire, bog sound the be toning ofthis sentry and disapeared in 198 ha of Nagongo, tho i Zaire was active from 1928 una 1977 and returned ih 1982" Other la Takes uch a howe of ita Ale (Eshop), reba (Antares), and Masaya (Nicaragua hve bre stv for dade ot “The lat Ike of Nyragong i remarkable forthe larg changes of kvl that occur fom time to ie, Between 1959 sn 1976 rose Bor, ta on Septet 10,1977, lowing sven rapt, ts Arne by ersptons trough ara anuren. Under the pense of the feat column of gma, lara broke oto the Ranks of he vo ‘Soa vlocte of neary 100 Knuhe Then on June 21,1983, he ake etme Wha Eat ofa ech an 2S loa wt pw ay ey (cba f that yar tal reed a Vy of rng SOD mn cts ard ‘hom dp (Pe 310 Elevation, meters es Sad ‘eco ies dune 82 cmp hte one pe ete i Halemaumau, the lava lake hit from inet ine has been pers sistent feature ofthe Hawaian volcano Kilauea, has abo dropped ‘Gk by hundred of cor unully when an eruption hasbeen ‘Siton the lower flank. Lava lakes were observed a the time ofthe ‘ruption that bean on Jemuny 3, 1983, and stl conned 16 yar incr after being discharged more than kona, One of these Tan nk, Koptanas, speared in 1986 and disappeared daring ‘rupiepse of Apel an My of 1990. Another peed up the act fate begining of 1991 ndrater of 250-meerhigh advent Sone aalled Riu. ‘Wie they ae acne, lv lakes provid a unex opportuni so colette and measure the paca properties of fresh gia ‘Some of the best analyses of magmatic pases come rom sample {Ete rom the lar ks of Halemaua ad Ntragongo Cable 3 ofthe depres nt which they Howe Thek scumlations of ba that il eraters or eer deep depressions remain si for sey ‘ren decades, Thre pode Iver Rave recently een formed on Havallanvlcano Raauct Kilaaca 1989 (120 m deep, Ae 19 8m dee) a Makaopuht in 1985 (8 m deep). As the Coole and soled thse bade provided exceptional oportni {O'sady the slow crstalination of magia, By ding through ‘ust and inthe jay mse tron thas bon posible o reco the temperature deibton grow feral, and canglng come [onton of the ening eu (Fg. 24. "Te ine ruled for pone sso sly completly ma ‘a fancion of thelr ao of depth to surface ae has ranged 103 mont for Alea to 25 sears for Kllvea Ti Slidieation ade ‘anes simulta from he top dow ad boom up Dts oe eee ee eect ees Fes ee tit cts i merece Fee eee rae isons of erie ar nent by dash veal Te mumbo th Beier eee eee Mechta nd eal seo ed fn Pk Bare FE a i ofeach unerying roca ts mach owen MIN when amore ole circa lke of molten aa. At more lata em feed the are, i ocanonlly overflowed aed fgiten the enclosing Hens Heat loses trom the rend sure rea of “perched nk of be Kind ltt ta ow hundred ces a enter {co deine of temperate rlaely slow a longa Hau one * ‘Unies ctl nt scelerates once the body i totaly esting (ig S11. A the same time, VconySereases at an accra fat: Betwcen temperate f more than 1200 and 070°, the ing tmsruments snk fly ino fst iva Between 1070 and 80°C the ary olen av was more ii and blow 980°C Comply slid Tia few stance, la has bon pond on lately at ground During the eruption Mauna Us, Hawai a 197, lav spread slowly (ner realy at ses and cooing othe margins produced wall ba 4 viscous Laves Bom at see acter cone ofthe 3 cr Most fy. S30) In cons Wo ce ow ca proce by Rad Hecht cc lyme sei a gh Bor pei nc weper ops tad gsr proportion of alia he deat cones and domes he High Cans osama exampes oe Chpe 19 Ei One of the bes studied erations of wos av is that ofthe Co Rican yokano Areal Starting 968 summit vent dcharpsd ‘sentially continous flows a su and block lav tert {ures ranging fom 1100 to 1150°C. Vico calclted ‘mensuerents made S01 200m tom the satr an of the oe To" Pa § (or TO" poses). Thistle biph vale rests sn danced enstalinty aid moderately large amounts sla. “The eros of lava evolved in thre sucese stages F513 (Daring the inal stag, te emerging magn prodced a flow to 30m wideand 10:0 18 mthiceitadvanced at ee of 30 to 70m ford: depending onthe natu ofthe erin over which (G) As the mature fou moved down te Hanks of the cone they ‘to 80 m wide: but on reaching the Bae they Tanned on od {100 to 200m andthe thikneses crane to 1 to 30 8 fey ‘ere 0 to 500 m wide and 100m hick (3) tn the final phases 30th of Maris sini Ca flan wo eft no account of the eet. “Sains of hea 7 erpson of Venus, fr which we have a SSptons af ling the Younger enable ust rece the ‘Gocne of vents more rece. began on the 24th of Aust at SFE Sting wih two eruptive phases (Fg 7). During the ee ee pe fash rns 1 026 ke with an output of 7 TerET nda heay fll white pumice Tis phase semble Pl ese of Pele The, forthe llowing 12 hous the earecin of 32 kn and the white pice Eave way to ae ‘Roig ema change inthe composton of the magma See Srpletely covered the city af Pompe 9 ki southeast of Pace A talfdozen violet pyre Hows, often referred t0 SEIS: Nee emit on Chapter The fit on the 25th ofA nen the morning overwhelmed Herelancum, andthe th about (hoarse descended on Pompel Inthe course of the Thou ruption, 4k DRE) of ep were mie, “Ertve caus produced by hese large scale explosive eruptions gn coer the lower peo the natorphere at height of 101017 ne fh Plead Veuve which are xmatd 10 hae sen © io 30 km, were excoodd hy those of the eruption af Pate, Phiipins io 1991 40 lm) and the prebistosc eruption of Taupe, Now Fela, where the column rst more than 80 kn. When ash from tha eruptive columns i diapered into the upper ttosphere Wan fleet climate ona bel scale (ose Chapter 14). The ash sot falls oer much ofthe earth Although the ine wily dis fread sh may nor normally be noid preserved inthe pla ee fies, ethers fine sto sa weakly ac lye nthe fe 15. & Widespread Distribution of Ash ‘he dstebtion of aire at depends largely on he strength and Airstion of winds at erent alituds, Bacase hight winds, Isnt between about $000 and 1500 1 ted more or lest {ist tes the dstibtion of recent a predominantly est west lth empie vente parla in the topics This wind elort ber boon observed in several istoriceropsons Dring the erate of Rahat 1483, fn ah rome to its of Ire than SOK the as fall was vss apparent 250 km west of the soleano, and the otal area covered by easy recognizable ash was F27.000 km ise impalpae dst remained In the upper mow. ore forseveral years easing bilan sunsets thoughout the word he st luds encircled he lobe 18 day and at an ate of Wo Son their average velo wes 120 km per hour ‘he send of sh ling the erpton of Me St Halen on May 1g tos wall documented, fri wa followed Sesey not ony on the crud sls by ont ttle observations. nthe st all It vera pln reached eight of 27 fm and then formed Pray column between 14 and 19 Am high. Within 10 minutes, foshroory shaped laud had formed nd he prevaing winds ego fi cary ach hundveds of lometers tothe east (Fig. 7. The wh fiemed layer 4 sav thick t 300 km from the volcano and as hoped ia nals amount a distances af more than S00 kn Shei potopraphs recorded the spread ofthe ask cloud across the feof Washington, Idaho and parts of Orepon. Moot, a Win a0 oid abt 00 oan ere pnd or 100 km pee howe Height of column, km La A Muguat ae A —Auguss 25> ‘con oi he ne ao ca Pl eMart encase Poms 2 ara hae {TE ow mmc St tt ae he ely wrong nm ad TO Greater ocala org, SS once oe nd f.spe en Mt rm Cary San Son 187. 16 4 Thickness, Fragmentation, and Dispersion of Deposits Stes of opr depos canbe used to sunny the intent of ex nie eruptions, even long after they have occurred: Three fcr thickness pra se, and eral extent=refect te simple panel Nhat cent eruptions prodice ca a ine ies and dsbute them In greater hchnesses over wider regions. An example ofthe we of these factors in evaluating the prehistrse PI ah al of MU Pele Aiscssed nan caer ston (Pig. 79). The aflerensopachs (ines {Se poling winds ied 00 tomar the aa ere ee (fn ip hur Sara Wj a BUS Ge Sr Po thsosrrcny Although the ruplin onthe 18th of May produced 1. km? of this wanna the stongestexplsie eruption inte aston ofthe ‘no The stratgrph weoed of well dated ash depot ad down Prior enon shows that MLS. Helens has ben intermittent {he forthe pst 400 farsa that the magnitudes of many ‘ruptions have exceeded that 0 1980. i. 29 Te bon aing he Ppl ep of Mi [it smng pn indeed 2 tw he mabe he age {ett hiker Than rw lee The ‘shh ae as prc wr cat whe sa ead Sree etic d equal thickness of a depos) have an pt for that ein keNfegimes nthe atmsphere above the vent the south ‘Sods at leat flo than 6 hm and winds in theo Alyton at higher alas ‘Thickness (7) cai “The thickness of the deposit sa drs fnction of the total ol ‘rte and mints exponcnaly with distance from the Fs eset pumice tom the PI eruption deeeses rae gS ms stance of? Km om the crater vo oly 04 NSdisance of # kin The ctr Tos coresponding the Tae hc eter safc to measure became any oe TAPRSE no the ‘crater and become rednced In size by ae pions. & grep extrapoltion of Tox ese on the SRL GPeknes wth distance Rom the craigs a theoreti ‘ale f 18m, Ohm e710 agra rhe cers rgmetion (Fan pene of whl Frc dT ilo per apna dca, he Nin pi ch apmenatn a ape ah eye Te tno MP as inh def Pinan ca Pe pe ‘cin Grom Wile GPE 17 Cat Re e200) Fragmentation () ‘These of gmenation which increas wth he strength ‘pon comespns tote percentage of mater wih i Farin cor tac eve a the dnance ‘where te 5 Lm ein the ae of he Pl price) meets the 1 0 Baja whch, or is aon, NESW aed com tod te Pan pt tt et Foros sb red pie ner (es anan he ae eit the pac for 001 Toe ay ba ach SSS it i ed ri ve in sr ‘Sym erpton tat pradae vey ne snc The proportion ma ‘a oped tte toe aly Sy 0 1, sk Invexcepiomal cases it may be as great a 74% a twas, for example, 1h he Tr eopion ofth Gonain vole Sane Maia Pett ac ely eT se orm Serb ir the ic ral ‘he pumice depot rom the eng of Martina tomes Csr Lae area good camp 71) The have to distin Is rca by to erin at were very cen tne Dt were ‘iby ile wind patter The on of opache for ancient ‘ropions ny be dic sabia te proce af oe ruption Sr ed with those sche and marl may have Bor ‘ging ttn Ne tn able oe 1 cyan rope emer within abt of concntc Spot cnn tong ae pepper of th wan gms Dispersion () ‘The aerial dsribution of depot his Kind i ifcul 10 ‘Bate there sno cay way to dtr the ares that were cove Saiyafew miimcir of ask and that were Iter wept cea Sand ran Fortis reason, the area enclosed hy a welding opis normally aed The nopachs fr 2,1 and 05 m (Fig 7 ‘Selon areas of 25,68 and 161 aw, respec By extrapalat Retin cleat that the nopach or 01 Ta enloed 900k itisth vale that used for D ‘Fs, the Pl eruption fs characterized by thefts Tau = 18 1 osand D © 00 kn Alough ths method may sees ito ‘ic permis aguante comparison of varios peso asic croptons ig 710)-By ao omparson, the Hawa GR Sahel serial extant (D) ad ite ono fragmenta Ui whereas forthe Stomibalan tp these yes are much {feo weds can be distinguished: One inches aub-Pinan, Pi 117 & Glass, Lihic Fragments, and Crystals an equal’ useful tol Although lpi and soraceous Som Teumte maybe very similar rom ane eruption oanather, the Seca [ange nian aca ae dininctely eterosenons "free yectcl ferent components can be diingished in products of most Pinan eruptions 1 The seni component i represented by vesicle and gel rngments of es la, len in the frm 2. iti rgment of der rocks ar tom rom the walls ofthe ‘ent and pulbertand bythe exploron. They may cme rom crystale iFhie Fragment "718i ents nf Fo ne 0 te lar ofthe same volcano o fm aller rocks ofthe undetying, ‘ust or ean, 5. Crystal formed inthe magia chamber o vent ae ten sepa ‘aed rom the rest ofthe magna before or ding the erpton ‘Thetreubedral or distinguishes them from minerals dered ftom dsitgrted ee oc ‘The proportions ofthese hee components ae often very characters ic fam india erpion and canbe @ ust tol in coring fropte units (Pg 713) For example, when the eet of Mt Pele tre separted nto these thre component thet size dsb ean te lst according othe ple unimodal pater frpaocaste- fi deposts Pumice the dominant component among agents of Tange size min, whereas crystals mae up the largest proportion ‘smaller arses Awe hal sc Inthe chapter that follow, the sse Asribtion makes it pasibleto distinguish the depots from those of Proc Hows that have marked many ofthe se eruption ofthat 78 4 Explosety Avoeanc expos index (VED hasbeen devised to provide a mes ee eee ee Inca fst Fig.) resembles nacre way the magne tearthguaes dln by the Richer scale and provides» semis: vs as ty whet aE eas Reese chorea rupdons A ranking of seven depress (0 through 6) based oncom Inston of diferent ero engine fom wel inn nc 0 hypo. Besa rece Thee rs rik vee oa high of the erapeve colar, and amount of ah reaching the to. phere ce urns ‘Ora tal of moe dan $000 record eruptions, about 20 emit led vlues in encom of a lever Pian nuns, aly pre sok, produced between 10 snd 75a The enption of arbors, Indonesia in 115 prodaced 175? In an average decade thre a 10s eruptions of mapa 0, 110 af mage 1 30 of magnitude 2 and 82 with a magnitude equal to or greater han 8 Inthe lst fn centuries, there have ben on four eruptions of magtade © {Rong island in New Gunes inthe 1h century Resta, Indone in 185; Santa Mara, Guatemalan 192; and Kata, Alaska, In'igt2) and only singe eruption of magnitude 7, dato Tabor Insts = Toman ote wo 2a OM Shien re, Suggested Reading (on A Fan V vig. 908 Ye ucson, mola oni ‘under Chapman a af emi ed chin eto. Fates Band HU. Slice 194 Pact rcs, Be: Sr Eng won ll ap of te ras of eps pions ren and MR 1398, Prom magna ph New Yor TSR unset ues ding with he mca &f rs rn nn 198, Te 1980 uot Rett as dmesg ‘tou a he Sth em Spr, RS. Jo M. 1, Banh, $M. Caey. 38, ber, LS. Gas, ‘itd, aol h'W Wa 1997 Tene me Chchese Unie ibe Wl {ait et of he oi mat ft oan enon wig 9, Gin ae hrc pr pie ings ec te rei of een. Wiles 6. L197. Eaplo volo euplane A new cast {Ty ep meh of sting epi om he asl of ohare tne or ‘Win 197. apie oleae cron. ‘aap hoy re Soe 458 5 {pith eats ef ower eos eons Win 1990 Redon hee rem eat cote an hve Tok te cnc expos Ga fs 8297 313, {Coma he chet rece sins nan eruption cn.

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