626_Hallie Olivere Biden & Hunter Biden (Main!!!)_Redacted

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Jun 26, 2018, 5:25 PM

Hallie Olivere Biden

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Jun 28, 2018, 7:38 PM

Hallie Olivere Biden

Hi I miss you and love you

Jun 29, 2018, 6:39 PM

And you know what I thought when I got this Hallie I though why is she sending me
partial nudes without her face in the picture with red lipstick on own a shower when
she is completely dry. Why wouldn’t my lover send me a full nude with her face in the
picture why would she need to go stand in a shower and why would she be doing this
a day before she supposedly got her chicken. How far off am I Hallie how are those
not totally legitimate questions. who or where do you post these Hallie?
Hallie Olivere Biden

Sweetheart I love you and I have not been with another guy since Beau but you. I
hope you have faith in me that I’m trying my hardest to be honest with you and it will
make me feel so much better right now if you believe in me.

Hunter Biden (Main!?!!)

Hallie sweetheart you’re driving me crazy- tests for ghonorea- the comment you just
made about condoms- you had chicken this morning and you told me you didnt,the
lies about David - the lies about⸺

I don’t how to cope anymore

Hunter Biden (Main!?!!)

I don’t know whats true and whats not

Hallie Olivere Biden

I was finished last night, while on phone with you. What are you saying? You are
mixing so much up!

Hunter Biden (Main!?!!)

You didn’t finish with me- and you told them you finished this morning and whatever
its just too much bullshit and too many unanswered normal questions about stuff
that you purposely keep from me. How in the world does Natalie think I get “my
stuff” at 711 on greenhill—the same place you go according to Nat—how in the world
do you pretend you don’t get shit down there and blame it on me? Its crazy. You
hang up on me when I say in front of Nat that im not in CA simply by choice- b/c
you’ve convinced her that I’m out here “just wasting time.” Why would you ever say
that to her.

Jun 30, 2018, 7:37 AM

You break my heart

Jun 30, 2018, 12:49 PM

Over and over

Jun 30, 2018, 2:58 PM

Hallie Olivere Biden

I’m being honest. You are making a really difficult time harder for me. Please be
supportive. I love you

Jun 30, 2018, 4:05 PM

You need to understand Hallie that That you’re not being honest I’m not going to play
this game anymore I love you but I really don’t understand how you continue to lie to
me. I would never judge you can tell me anything the fact that you don’t is what’s
killing me

Jun 30, 2018, 5:31 PM

Hallie Olivere Biden


So your smoking the stuff you hid from them. Or maybe you went to pick up your
escort at the train station and your giving him a hand job right now and can t answer,
or maybe you went to seek solace from your best friend David who is there for you in
a way I am not or maybe your in your room face time fucking someone from Caron or
maybe your buying chicken from another close friend from Greenville that will never
tell anyone ore maybe…

Hunter Biden (Main!?!!)

No one knows Hallie and you refuse to her that. You refuse to acknowledge even the
things you flat out stated directly. There is never a time it is never anything but
means and how dare you and well you…

And my love if you don’t begin to understand that I cant help if you refuse to listen to
trust that you’ve done nothing that I cant forgive except the the multiple lives you
lead without me in which my love is just not relevant.

Hunter Biden (Main!?!!)

Our children Hallie OUR children are drifting away from you Hallie they cling and
monitor and worry and lash out and act out and…

you place blame on every e brit you don’t even acknowledge your roll in nay of it.
Hallie Olivere Biden

I acknowledge my role and my children. Thanks for being supportive when I need you
the most. Just leave me hunter. Or maybe you already have and I don’t realize it yet.
I’m clinging with hope for something that is hopeless.

Hunter Biden (Main!?!!)

I know how much you love how much you feel and how painful this is. I know
intimately. But no feeling or emotion or pain is going to get you to stop saying
(whenever someone tells you a truth) that I’m not supportive when you need me
the most.

Jul 1, 2018, 4:59 AM

Hallie Olivere Biden

I don’t know what you want from me. I am so broken and low and you tell me to
please help you like me. I am who I am. I’m not lying to you but it’s up to you if you
believe me. I’m sorry I create such doubt. I can’t keep trying to prove my honesty. I
need you right now and all you are concerned about is weather I’m telling you the
truth. I’m trying to survive hunter. And having a really hard time. Liz told me at dinner
that she doesn’t see a future in us. It was so mean and hurtful and honestly crushed
the little hope I have in life. That’s why I left dinner, I couldn’t recover. I came back to
the kids and they had two boys coming over without asking. I dealt with that until Liz
got back and I went to bed because I couldn’t look at her.

I can’t take it I’m sorry I feel like you have turned on me again for no valid reason.

Jul 1, 2018, 6:45 AM

Hunter Biden (Main!?!!)

You are delusional hallie== no valid reason????

Hallie Olivere Biden

Please stop hunter

Hunter Biden (Main!?!!)

Stop what hallie

Hallie Olivere Biden

The meanness and anger

Hunter Biden (Main!?!!)

Really I don’t get it what do you own hallie what is your wrong what have you lied
about what are lying about

nothing right?
Hallie Olivere Biden

I’m not lying now about anything to you. So stop questioning me and and telling me
I’m lying. I’m not discussing it again. I’m dealing with a lot of other shit and i can’t
continue to tell you over and over that I’m not lying. Have faith in me or don’t. I can’t
convince you, it’s up to you.

So Hallie what do you own? What fault have you owned up to

Hallie Olivere Biden

Stop!! Fucking be with me or not. I’m begging you to come to me but I can’t make
you or convince you of anything

Hunter Biden (Main!?!!)

What do you own hallie what fault? You fucking stop. You never listen you are always
the victim. Anything uncomfortable is either pushed aside or or is turned into an
attack. You just said you own all your faults. What do you own hallie? You want
chicken hallie you flat out said that to me this week. You told me either I come home
or your going to fuck a male escort an ugly male escort at that what the fuck and you
say i am hurting you. You don’t get to do this again hallie because you don’t deserve
my kindness anymore. . as you said there is no us hallie you do you and ill do me

Jul 1, 2018, 3:07 PM

Hallie Olivere Biden

I love you and desperately want to hold you and touch you.

Jul 2, 2018, 10:20 AM

Hallie Olivere Biden

I never want to see you or talk to you again. You deserted me. Ever

Jul 3, 2018, 6:04 PM

Hallie Olivere Biden

Please do not ask the kids to put me on the phone. I appreciate your concern but I
will figure out my life on my own. You deserted me and I’m finally realizing as I’ve
been told by my sister that you are never going to get sober and come home to live a
life with me. The past 4 months have horrible for me. I will pick myself up alone and
move on with my life. Sober and with Natalie and hunter. I will do anything for them
and I’m done wallowing in my loneliness and self pity. I’m ready to be done with
substance forever. I feel a weight lifted and a clarity for the first time. Please believe
in me and support me and let me move on.

Jul 3, 2018, 7:20 PM

You know you’re power Hallie and you abuse it to the detriment of anyone and
everyone that actually would do anything for you b/c they love you— and their love
for you pales in comparison to my love.
You told me there “is no us Hunter...you do you and I’ll do me.”


Sep 21, 2018, 4:38 PM

You started sharing location with Hallie Olivere Biden

Sep 22, 2018, 4:12 AM

You stopped sharing location with Hallie Olivere Biden

Sep 30, 2018, 4:23 PM

You started sharing location with Hunter Biden (Main!?!!).

Sep 30, 2018, 5:33 PM

You stopped sharing location with Hunter Biden (Main!?!!).

Sep 30, 2018, 5:36 PM

You stopped sharing location with Hunter Biden (Main!?!!).

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