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Creer, Alexandra Bianca T.


Science and Mathematics Department
May 23, 2024

Mr. Rex B. Palompon

Board Member, BSP Tacloban City Associate Council
Executive Assistant to the Office of the University President
Eastern Visayas State University
Tacloban City, Philippines

Dear Mr. Palompon,

Subject: Justification for Absences on May 17,18 &19

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to provide a detailed justification for my absences on May 17,18 &19 2024
due to the following circumstances:

First Day (School Exit Conference): On the first day, I was required to attend a school exit conference for my practice
teaching internship. This conference was crucial for reviewing the progress and outcomes of our teaching practice,
discussing feedback from our cooperating teachers, and planning the next steps for our professional development. My
participation was essential to ensure a comprehensive evaluation of my performance and to gather insights for

Second Day (Duty at Science Centrum): On the second day, I was assigned duty at the Science Centrum. This duty was a
scheduled responsibility that required my presence to oversee and manage the activities taking place at the center. My role
was critical in maintaining the smooth operation and supervision of the center’s activities.

Sunday (Illness): Unfortunately, on Sunday, I was not feeling well due to a severe cold. Despite my willingness to fulfill
my duties, my health condition prevented me from doing so effectively. I experienced symptoms that required rest and
prevented me from performing my responsibilities at my usual capacity.

I understand the importance of my responsibilities and assure you that these absences were unavoidable due to the reasons
stated above. I took necessary steps to ensure that my absence did not impact my duties significantly by coordinating with
my colleagues and ensuring that urgent tasks were addressed promptly.

I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused and assure you that I am committed to fulfilling my responsibilities
diligently. I am now taking measures to recover fully and to avoid any such occurrences in the future.

Thank you for your understanding and consideration. I am available to discuss this matter further if needed and to provide
any additional information required.


Creer, Alexandra Bianca T.

Ailyn Raagas Creer
Kuwait, City
May 27, 2024

To Whom It May Concern,

I, Ailyn Raagas Creer, hereby authorize my daughter, Alexandra Bianca T. Creer, to request and obtain a copy of the NSO
(PSA) live birth certificate of my son Mario T. Creer Jr., born on February 9, 2011.

My daughter, Alexandra Bianca T. Creer will present her valid identification along with a copy of my ID to verify her
identity and relationship to the undersigned.

This authorization is being given due to reason that I am working abroad.

Thank you for your assistance in this matter.



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