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Environmental Research, Engineering and Management 2023/79/3 5


Environmental Engineering and

Management for Interdisciplinary
Research-based Solutions and Education
for Sustainable Transformations
dr. Inga Gurauskienė
Researcher, Associated professor, Head of the Centre of Interdisciplinary Competences
for Sustainability at the Institute of Environmental Engineering, Kaunas University of
Technology, Lithuania

Environmental sustainability is the foundation for main- aspects but also social and economic factors. Analysing
taining global systems and supporting economic de- complex global challenges from diverse fields is becom-
velopment within society. However, issues such as the ing more commonplace in academia, driving changes in
climate crisis, overexploitation of natural resources, bio- environmental engineering research.
diversity loss, and significant alterations in ecosystems, Regenerating systems, fostering interdisciplinary col-
complicate our ability to thrive in an ever-changing en- laboration, and promoting strategic sustainable thinking
vironment. These issues have far-reaching implications, are emerging trends in both research and practice. These
from personal well-being to the vulnerability of entire trends aim to develop sustainable and viable systems.
populations to food and water scarcity, energy challeng- One such initiative is the interdisciplinary master’s pro-
es, hazardous substances, and social inequalities. These gramme in Sustainable Management and Production at
challenges transcend the boundaries of specific scientific Kaunas University of Technology (KTU), which focuses on
disciplines. solving complex sustainability challenges through inter-
Environmental Engineering plays a pivotal role in ad- disciplinary approaches. This programme has received
vancing technological and engineering innovations aimed recognition from international study quality evaluation
at addressing these environmental challenges. Envi- committees as an excellent example of interdisciplinary
ronmental Management adopts a broader perspective, education that prepares students to address complex en-
serving as the cornerstone for the systematic analysis vironmental issues. Research-based education serves as
of complex systems, with a focus on regulating and re- the foundation for disseminating research findings and
generating natural, industrial, and regional systems. This involving students and social partners in the research
includes managing natural resources, materials, and process.
product flows, emphasizing efficiency, reducing negative The significance of environmental and interdisciplinary
environmental and health impacts, and promoting the research is emphasised in global, regional, and nation-
circular economy – a concept oriented towards closed, al strategies, as well as institutional initiatives. As of
self-sustaining material systems within the economy. 2023, we are halfway through the Global Agenda 2030.
In response to increasingly stringent environmental reg- While some progress has been made, indicators based
ulations, advanced research-based solutions from fields on reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Cli-
like nanotechnology, biotechnology, materials science mate Change (IPCC) and Sustainable Development Goals
are being integrated to develop innovative environmental (SDG) show that substantial efforts are still required, and
engineering technologies. However, achieving genuine time is running out. Science plays a crucial role in achiev-
sustainability requires evaluating not only environmental ing these goals, as research-based solutions are deemed
6 Environmental Research, Engineering and Management 2023/79/3

reliable and practical. The challenge lies in effectively and results depend on open exchanges of information
translating research into practice. The European Union’s and data with practitioners. Examples from research
Green Deal strategy holds promise as an organisational collaboration at Kaunas University of Technology, such
roadmap aligning business and research towards com- as the development of the “Roadmap for Lithuania’s
mon sustainability objectives. Industrial Transition to a Circular Economy”, highlight
Regional and global strategies highlight the urgent need the need to engage with a diverse group of users, in-
for environmentally positive solutions, aligned with so- formal actors, or practitioners who form an ecosystem
cial, economic, legal, and collaborative aspects of sus- around research topics. This engagement necessitates
tainability. Environmental engineering research and employing various research methods, including mate-
research-based solutions incorporate these aspects to rial flow analysis, life cycle analysis, community-based
address comprehensive questions, moving beyond fun- research, governance and policy research, as well as
damental research and emphasising the interplay of var- technological and industrial analysis and solutions. Sci-
ious specialists and disciplines. Sustainable thinking be- ence, policy, and practices are interconnected and ori-
comes a horizontal theme, where insights from different ented toward a common goal.
fields can lead to innovative sustainable solutions and the Education and raising awareness of sustainability within
emergence of new research fields, such as green digital academic and inter-institutional settings form the foun-
transformations. dation for further research integration into practice. The
This evolution changes the role of science and scientists, transition to a sustainable, circular, and climate-neutral
shifting from merely identifying research gaps to actively economy carries significant implications for employ-
developing research to deepen our understanding of key ment and social well-being. The demand for profes-
topics. Research and higher education must support so- sionals in climate-neutral and resource-efficient sectors
ciety and all stakeholders in the process of sustainable is growing. The Institute of Environmental Engineering,
transformation. Achieving this balance and coordination KTU, collaborates closely with international institutions
between research and applied activities, leading to inno- through ERASMUS projects focused on sustainable ed-
vations based on research and advanced methodologies, ucation and well-being, such as “Sustainable Manage-
is a crucial aspect of contemporary science. Communi- ment – Tools for Tomorrow” (TOO4TO) and “Sustainable
ty-based research extends beyond social sciences and Well-being – Education for Personal, Professional, and
has become central in addressing environmental and Planetary Well-being” (SWEPPP).
interdisciplinary research topics. End-users of research Studies focusing on sustainability, green technologies,
results become interactive partners in the research pro- circular economy principles, and reducing environmental
cess, often contributing to ongoing knowledge develop- impact are of great importance in Europe and Lithuania.
ment, further integrating the impact of knowledge into The ability to adapt knowledge and research methods in
the realm of science and engineering research. interdisciplinary teams narrows the gap between science
The potential of research to foster sustainable transfor- and society, fostering systematic engineering-based
mation is on the rise. However, transparent processes thinking for sustainable transformations.

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