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wlBear is a minimal ruleset for Who are you There is no formal currency.

Instead, you
dungeon diving, social intrigue, Choose a Name and roll 1d10 for both trade through barter or favors. The most
and going on adventures. The the Background and Trait tables valuable item to barter with are Keys to
rules are inspired by Lasers & Lay Stones, as they are quite rare and
Feelings (, Into the Choose a number between 2 and 9; this highly sought after
Odd (, the OSR, and FKR is your OwlBear Score. If your Owl or
Bear range are ever reduced to your OB You do not track food and water. Arrows
are kept with your bow. As long as you
Rules score, you die
have a torch and a free hand to hold it,
Your OwlBear (OB) Score is between 2 to Roll 1d10 and divide by 2, rounding up, there is no need to track light
9. When trying to accomplish something to determine your starting Health
dangerous, you roll a number of 10-sided Heavy items like weapons and armor
dice (d10’s) and compare them to your Refer to the Starting Gear Table. Use your give 2 dice to your rolls, but count as 2
OB Score. Dice must roll under your OB OB score and Starting Health. An OB items when carrying them
Score for Owl actions, and over for Bear score of 2-5 is Bear, and 6-9 is Owl
Magical items may grant you additional
actions. Each die that rolls under/over
counts as 1 success. Rolling your OB Score Advancement effects for a cost. You can discover these
properties while examining an item
exactly counts as 2 successes Upon completing a Quest, roll 1d10, If
you roll over your Maximum Health, during a rest. When using the item, a
Owl actions focus on your senses, increase it by 1, up to a maximum of 10. number of your Successes may be spent
sneakiness, ranged attacks, casting spells, You may also shift your OB Score by 1, to trigger the effect
resisting magic, and diplomacy. Bear either up or down
actions focus on reducing damage taken, Danger
When exploring dangerous locations, you
melee attacks, moving or breaking things,
and being intimidating. Most knowledge
Spells must keep track of a Danger Score. Any
Spells are channeled through the Keys of
is based on your background and does time an action outside of combat fails,
Lay Stones. Lay Stones are large wheels
not require a roll increase the Danger Score by 1. Any time
of rock with special markings carved into
the group enters a new location, rests in
their edges. They may be anywhere in the
Extra Dice world, but whoever holds the Key, which
a dangerous location, or make a great
You start with 1 die when making a roll. deal of noise, roll 1d10. If it rolls under
looks identical but fits in your palm,
If you have an item that helps you (e.g. or equal-to the Danger Score, roll 1d10
owns that Lay Stone
weapon, armor, tools), add its rating to and add the Danger Score. Refer to the
the number of dice you roll. You can Each Lay Stone can cast a single Spell Encounter Table and reset the score to 0
only benefit from one item per action. If which has a rating between 1 and 3. A
someone spends their action to help you, Spell’s rating is how many Successes are Combat
add 1 die to your roll. If you are in an needed to cast it. If you do not roll Enemies have a number of Abilities, each
advantageous position (e.g. hidden), you enough Successes to cast it, reduce your with a rating of 1 to 5. Each player rolls
add 1 die to your roll. If you have a trait Owl range by 1, up from 1 2d10. The first die determines the Ability,
or background which is beneficial to the You may hold 1 Key at a time. A Key while the second die, halved, determines
task, you add 1 die to your roll. Do not counts as a Tool for casting Spells its rating. These Abilities can be given to
roll more than 4 dice at once one or multiple enemies.
If you are in a compromising situation, Equipment When an enemy takes damage, reduce
reduce the number of dice you roll by 1. You can carry a number of items equal one or multiple Ability ratings by the
These effects can stack, but you are to 2 plus your max Health. You can carry damage it takes. Once a rating is 0, that
always able to roll at least 1 die up to double your normal capacity, but Ability can no longer be used
you are compromised while you do
Initiative is determined at the start of Starting Gear
the encounter. The order is based on Bear/1- Melee, Torch
highest to lowest current Health. Use the
current total Ability points of an enemy
for its Initiative. Acting while hidden
Melee, Armor, Torch, Pole
Melee, Shield, Chain, Crowbar
Melee, Heavy Armor, Torch, Rope OwlBear
grants a free turn to act
Bear/5- Heavy Melee, Heavy Armor
One action can be made per turn: attack, Owl/1- Torch, Key
move, use an item, cast a spell, help an
Owl/2- Bow, Armor, Key
ally, swap what you are holding, or flee
Owl/3- Bow, Armor, Rope, Lock-picks
When attacking, the damage you deal Owl/4- Heavy Bow, Armor, Rope, Hook
equals the number of successes rolled Owl/5- Melee, Bow, Armor, Pole, Rope
minus enemy defenses. When defending,
roll Bear for physical attacks and Owl for Spell effects
special attacks. You must roll a number 1- Life (2) (or) Death (3)
of successes equal or greater than the 2- Fire (1) (or) Ice (1)
Ability rating to avoid the effect. You 3- Light (1) (or) Shadow (2)
may shatter your shield to avoid the 4- Flight (3) (or) Swim (1)
damage from one physical attack
5- Grow (3) (or) Shrink (2)
If you take damage with 0 health, reduce 6- Inspire (1) (or) Fear (2)
your Bear range from 10 for physical 7- Move (1) (or) Petrify (2)
attacks, or Owl range from 1 for special 8- Solid (2) (or) Liquid (2)
attacks. Roll 1d10 against the new score 9- Haste (2) (or) Slow (1) Name
to resist falling unconscious
10- Guard (1) (or) Weaken (2)
Recovery Background
After an brief rest, roll 1d10. You recover
2-4 Meet a friendly NPC/Group
half the roll rounded up in Health
5-8 Meet a non-hostile enemy
After a night’s rest, you recover all of 9-11 Meet a hostile enemy/group Inventory
your Health. If you have reduced your 12-14 Same as before, roll 1 extra dice set
Owl or Bear ranges, make a single roll 15+ Same as before roll 2 extra dice set
for either. If you pass, you recover 1
point of your range. It is permanently Enemy Abilities
reduced by 1 each time you fail 1- Charming (or) Corrosion
2- Melee Weapon (or) Trip up
Backgrounds 3- Resist Magic (or) Shield
1- Hunter, 2- Thief, 3- Scholar, 4- Priest, 4- Element Breath (or) Darkness
5- Merchant, 6- Smith, 7- Hermit, 8- Elf,
5- Poison Sting (or) Psionics
9- Dwarf, 10- Halfling
6- Claws or Fangs (or) Life Leech
Traits 7- Elemental Shot (or) Frighten Written by Andy D’Ambrose
1- Brave, 2- Dirty, 3- Devout, 4- Polite, 8- Range Weapon (or) Grapple
5- Quirky, 6- Stern, 7- Proud, 8- Resolute, 9- Camouflage (or) Armor
10- Paralyzing (or) Flight Logo by Mac Teg -
9- Scarred, 10- Temperamental

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