Preliminary study on marine debris pollution along Marina beach, Chennai, India

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Regional Studies in Marine Science 5 (2016) 35–40

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Preliminary study on marine debris pollution along Marina beach,

Chennai, India
A. Arun Kumar a,∗ , R. Sivakumar b , Y. Sai Rutwik Reddy b , M.V. Bhagya Raja b , T. Nishanth b ,
V. Revanth b
Wildlife Institute of India, Post Box No. 18, Chandrabani, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, 248 001, India
Department of Civil Engineering, SRM University, Kattankulathur Pt, Kancheepuram Dt., Tamil Nadu, 603 203, India

• A total of 6,872 pieces of debris falling in 46 categories (as per NOAA method) were collected in four surveys conducted in Marina beach between March
2015 and April 2015.
• The average number and weight of the debris per 100m is found to be 171.8 and 3.24 kg respectively.
• Plastic debris formed the majority of all the debris items (44.89 %) collected on the beaches during the survey period.
• The main sources of beach debris were shoreline/recreational activities (74.46 %) based on ICC method.

article info abstract

Article history: Marine debris is a global issue with adverse impacts on marine organisms, ecological processes, aesthetics
Received 20 July 2015 and economies. Numerous studies have been conducted to quantify debris on the beach, few of these
Received in revised form have been conducted in the Chennai coast and are carried out by volunteers and NGOs. This preliminary
22 November 2015
study involves collecting and quantifying of various debris along the Marina beach in Chennai, India
Accepted 7 January 2016
Available online 11 January 2016
by conducting survey along the waterline as prescribed by the NOAA Marine Debris Program. Debris
was collected on four occasions between March 2015 and April 2015 from 10 transects, each 5 m wide
and 100 m long, sorted and categorized by type, quantity and concentration rate along the coastline.
Debris The results indicate that the plastic, paper and wood debris occur in the greatest number followed by
Marina food waste and metal. The major contributing factor for the debris abundance in Marina beach is the
Chennai local recreational activity which suggests that the land-based sources provide major inputs to plastic
Source pollution at the beach. These results reinforce that similar large scale projects, monitoring larger areas
Litter for considerably longer durations are to be undertaken for accurate quantification of available debris and
Plastic their impacts on coastal habitats.
Pollution © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Hong et al., 2013; Rochman et al., 2013). Research efforts indicate
that the amount and variety of marine debris present in the global
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA oceans are considerable, increasing, and constitute a threat to the
2011) defines marine debris as any persistent solid material that is marine environment (Edyvane et al., 2004; Lidia and Fischer, 2003).
manufactured or processed and directly or indirectly, intentionally Thus the marine debris is clearly a global issue, affecting all ma-
or unintentionally, disposed of or abandoned into the marine en- jor water bodies above and below the surface. The marine debris
vironment or the Great Lakes. Marine debris causes problems be- can adversely impact humans, wildlife and the economic health of
yond creating an eyesore for tourists. It is a source of serious dam- coastal communities (Sheavly and Register, 2007).
age to marine lives, ecosystems, fisheries, and navigational safety Marine debris load is often measured by land-based surveys
(Barnes, 2002; Derraik, 2002; Donohue et al., 2001; Hall, 2000; along shorelines (Frost and Cullen, 1997; Cunningham and Wilson,
2003; Storrier et al., 2007; Hong et al., 2014). Beach surveys
can identify the distribution and variation in litter quantity and
∗ Corresponding author. type, through aggregate spatial and temporal beach monitoring
E-mail address: (Arun Kumar A.). (Rees and Pond, 1995; Kusui and Noda, 2003; Edyvane et al.,
2352-4855/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
36 Arun Kumar A. et al. / Regional Studies in Marine Science 5 (2016) 35–40

2004; Oigman-Pszczol and Creed, 2007). Beach litter surveys have 2.2. Survey method
been conducted around the globe for the purposes of better
understanding the types and distribution of marine debris (Golik Our study was conducted in a small area of the Marina beach,
and Gertner, 1992; Velander and Mocogni, 1998; Kusui and Noda, immediately south of Chennai Harbour and Cooum River. This
2003; Martinez-Ribes et al., 2007; Santos et al., 2009; Moore et al., beach experiences some of the lowest wave energy and is consid-
2011; Hong et al., 2014). ered to be depositional (Kumar and Kunte, 2012). Fig. 1 shows the
The marine debris research is comparatively poor in India and location of the study area. The beach survey was carried out bi-
most of the published data are in the form of reports from NGOs monthly with a total of four surveys between March 2015 and April
and other voluntary groups as a part of the coastal clean-up event. 2015. The access to the beach is open to the public and fishermen
Nigam (1982) was the first to study the origin of plastic pellets and there are no management regulations to clean up the beach at
along the Caranzalem beach of Goa. Dharani et al. (2003) reported regular intervals. Also no permits were required for this study and
unusual quantities of marine debris along the Great Nicobar Island field work. The samples were collected along ten transects each
and concluded a prospective improper handling of the solid waste 5 m wide and 100 m long from the High Tide Line towards the veg-
in adjacent foreign countries. The impact of ship breaking and ma- etation line covering an area of 5000 m2 . All existing marine debris
rine debris accumulation along the Gulf of Cambay was studied and
on the beach were removed at the end of February 2015 so as to
categorized into different polymer groups by Reddy et al. (2006).
remove possible effects of accumulation during the past months.
Sridhar et al. (2007) quantified the plastic litter along five sandy
For each survey, recorders walked back and forth along the 100 m
beaches of Karnataka, India. Ganesapandian et al. (2011) have re-
transects and collected all visible anthropogenic litter in individu-
ported the highest debris type to be plastic from the Northern Gulf
ally labelled plastic bags. Only surface debris was removed and no
of Mannar region on the Southeast coast of India. The impact of var-
attempt was made to exhume buried items unless they protruded
ious anthropogenic activities along the Indian coastline was stud-
ied by Kaladharan et al. (2012) by monitoring the parameters such through the beach surface.
as CO2 , BOD, TSS, NH3 , NO3 , primary productivity, quantity of plas-
tics and other non-biodegradable materials. Jayasiri et al. (2013) 2.3. Classification and quantification
assessed the quantity of plastic debris on recreational beaches in
Mumbai, India and studied the seasonal changes in the debris load. Survey results were recorded on data sheets of (Lippiatt et al.,
The Marina beach on the Southeast coast of India is extensively 2013) that listed 46 types of debris grouped into seven categories
used as a recreational beach. The recreational uses such as according to the type of materials naming plastics, metal, glass,
swimming, surfing and picnicking generate debris such as food rubber, wood/paper, cloth/fibre and others (food waste and corn
wrappers, plastic bags and cups, trash bags, product containers, stalk). Each debris type was separated, sorted, counted and
toys and floats. Most of the debris data for beaches outside India placed in separate plastic bags. These 7 categories of debris
have been collected systematically and scientifically, while most of were further characterized into five broad categories of origin
the debris information in India has been collected mainly through namely, shoreline/recreational, ocean/waterway, smoking related,
beach clean-up activities. Although these activities give valuable dumping, and medical/personal hygiene activities (ICC, 2009). The
insight to the debris problem they do not provide a quantitative items that were too small or too degraded were categorized as
estimate of each debris type. In this experimental study, we take ‘others’.
the first step to assess the type and amount of debris for a small Marine debris concentration was calculated per transect using
part of Marina beach. Further long term monitoring studies have the formula
to be carried out on different types of beaches to assess the impact n
of the debris on the ecology of the beach. C =
W ∗l
2. Materials and methods where C = concentration of debris items (# of debris items/m2 );
n = number of macro-debris items observed; w = width (m) of
2.1. Study area shoreline section recorded during sampling and l = length (m) of
shoreline sampled.
Chennai Metropolitan City is located on the Southeast Coast of
India with 56 km coastline and is the capital city of Tamil Nadu
3. Results
state. Chennai is the fourth most populous metropolitan area and
the sixth most populous city in India with an estimated urban ag-
glomeration of over 8.6 million people ( 3.1. Quantities of beach debris Marina Beach is a natural urban beach in the city of Chennai,
along the Bay of Bengal, part of the Indian Ocean. The Marina Beach A total of 6872 pieces falling in 46 debris categories were col-
runs for 12 km along the shoreline of the city. Two rivers meander lected in bimonthly survey conducted on the Marina beach be-
through Chennai, the Cooum River through the centre and the Ad- tween March 2015 and April 2015. The total weight of the debris
yar River to the south. A third river, the Kortalaiyar, flows through was 129.67 kg (Table 1). The average number and weight of the
the northern fringes of the city before draining into the Bay of Ben- debris on the beach were 171.8 counts/100 m and 3.24 kg/100 m
gal at Ennore. The average width of the beach is 300 m with the respectively (Table 2). There is a clear and systematic difference
maximum width of 437 m. in the seasonal pattern in abundance and weight of the debris
The Marina beach is the most crowded beach in the country observed during different sampling periods. The total number of
and attracts about 30,000 visitors a day during weekdays and items and weight were relatively higher in the April as compared
50,000 visitors a day during the weekends and holidays. During to March (Fig. 2). The concentration of debris items was calculated
summer months, about 15,000–20,000 people visit the beach from NOAA method and was found to be 1.37 items/m2 . This value
daily ( is small when compared with other studies and could be attributed
For this study a portion of Marina beach was considered between to the patchy occurrence of the debris (Rees and Pond, 1995; Kusui
13° 3′ 36.568′′ and 13° 3′ 38.261′′ of the Northern Latitude and and Noda, 2003; Edyvane et al., 2004; Oigman-Pszczol and Creed,
80° 17′ 12.723′′ and 80° 17′ 13.137′′ of the Eastern Longitude and 2007).
transects were carried out as prescribed by the NOAA Marine The standard deviation when applied on the individual average
Debris Program (2011). of the quantities showed lumber to vary maximum with different
Arun Kumar A. et al. / Regional Studies in Marine Science 5 (2016) 35–40 37

Fig. 1. The study area, showing the transect lines.

Table 1
Abundance (A, number of items) and weight (B, Kg) of debris collected on Marina beach by category.
Survey Debris type
Survey Id Sampling date Plastic Metal Glass Rubber Lumber Cloth Others Total

A: Number of items (count)

1 14 Mar 15’ 751 26 21 24 497 11 132 1462
2 29 Mar 15’ 507 26 26 22 415 22 343 1361
3 12 Apr 15’ 656 62 28 27 526 19 436 1754
4 28 Apr 15’ 1171 48 17 37 551 19 452 2295
Total 3085 162 92 110 1989 71 1363 6872
Average 771.25 40.5 23 27.5 497.25 17.75 340.75 1718
Std. deviation 284.79 17.69 4.97 6.66 59.11 4.72 147.23 419.21

B: Weight of items (kg)

1 14 Mar 15’ 6.89 0.68 1.82 4.34 5.05 2.82 5.04 26.64
2 29 Mar 15’ 3.61 0.97 0.93 6.12 4.26 3.43 9.63 28.95
3 12 Apr 15’ 4.97 1.03 1.10 6.82 5.20 2.20 11.10 32.42
4 28 Apr 15’ 9.93 0.46 2.30 9.34 4.77 1.80 13.06 41.66
Total 25.40 3.14 6.15 26.62 19.28 10.25 38.83 129.67
Average 6.35 0.79 1.54 6.66 4.82 2.56 9.71 32.42
Std. deviation 2.74 0.27 0.64 2.07 0.41 0.71 3.41 6.60

Table 2 sampling dates according to its weight. While lumber showed the
Quantities of beach debris in abundance and weight per 100 m.
maximum standard deviation on the sampling days.
S. no Debris type Abundance (Count/100 m) Weight (kg/100 m)

1 Plastic 77.13 0.63

2 Metal 4.05 0.08
3.2. Composition of beach debris
3 Glass 2.30 0.15
4 Rubber 2.75 0.67
5 Lumber 49.73 0.48
6 Cloth 1.78 0.26 Plastic items formed the majority of all the debris items
7 Others 34.08 0.97 (44.89%) collected on the beach during the survey period (Fig. 4),
Total/100 m 171.8 3.24 followed by lumber and processed wood (28.94%) and others
(19.83%). Of the plastic debris, plastic bags (33.26% of all plastics)
sampling dates. Whereas debris like metal showed near constant were the most common debris found on Marina beach followed
values significantly despite different sampling dates and to vary at by food wrappers (17.50%) and plastic cups (15.92%) (Table 3).
a minimum rate (Fig. 3). The standard deviation on number of items The corn stalk and food waste were the most abundant material
of each debris type reveals lumber to show the highest value on in terms of weight, occupying 29.96% of the total weight (Fig. 4),
the sampling days, which shows its abundance on the beach varies followed by rubber (20.54%) and plastics (19.59%). In terms of
and is not constant. Metal shows the lowest standard deviation
number, the corn stalks were the most abundant debris item
depicting it to be present uniformly on all the 4 sampling days.
on the survey beach (Fig. 5), comprising 19.44% of the total
The average weight and their standard deviations are plotted on
a separate graph which depicts that the debris categorized under number, followed by paper (15.22%), plastic bags (14.93%), paper
the ‘others’ category together weigh the highest. Plastic shows the bags (12.21%), and food wrappers (7.86%) and the plastic cups
least standard deviation showing that it varies the least on the four comprising more than 7.14%.
38 Arun Kumar A. et al. / Regional Studies in Marine Science 5 (2016) 35–40

Fig. 4. Composition of marine debris/100 m collected on the survey beach.

Fig. 2. Quantities of marine debris in terms of number and weight on the survey

Fig. 5. Top-10 of debris items collected during the sampling period.

(Fig. 6). Shoreline/recreational activities that produce debris, such

as corn stalks, plastic and paper bags, food wrappers, plastic cups,
etc. were the largest source of debris (74.46%) in Marina beach.
These were followed by dumping activities (21.07%) which in-
clude items such as paper/cardboard, glass and metal fragments,
building material, fabric pieces, etc. The rest of the beach debris
(4.47%) was from smoking related activities, ocean/waterway ac-
tivities and medical/personal hygiene.

4. Discussions

Since this was a preliminary study and was conducted on a

small area of Marina beach for a period of two months, no statistical
tests were performed on the data collected. The results of the
Fig. 3. Average and standard deviation of each marine debris type collected on the study highlight the significant quantity of debris in the recreational
survey beach. beach environment in an urban area. Although this study had the
sole objective of quantifying the different types of accumulated
3.3. Sources of beach debris debris, it is nevertheless instructive to examine the likely pathways
through which debris is getting into or lost from the system. Beach
The collected debris items were further categorized into shore- visitors, coastal inhabitants and recreational activities contribute
line/recreational, ocean/waterway, smoking related, dumping, and to the major sources of debris pollution on beaches in developing
medical/personal hygiene activities based on ICC Report, 2009 countries due to their littering behaviour and high usage of plastics
Arun Kumar A. et al. / Regional Studies in Marine Science 5 (2016) 35–40 39

Table 3
Percent frequency composition of plastic debris items.
S. no Plastic debris type Count Occurrence %

1 Food wrappers 540 17.50

2 Beverage bottles 16 0.52
3 Containers 30 0.97
4 Bottle and caps 233 7.55
5 Cigar tips 167 5.41
6 Cigarettes 7 0.23
7 Cig. lighters 0 0.00
8 6-pack ring 0 0.00
9 Plastic bags 1026 33.26
10 Plastic rope/Net 28 0.91
11 Buoys 0 0.00
12 Fishing line 8 0.26
13 Cups 491 15.92
14 Utensils 45 1.46
15 Straws 206 6.68
16 Balloons 199 6.45
17 Thermocol/Styrofoam 57 1.85
18 Personal care prod 9 0.29
19 Others 23 0.75
Total 3085 100.00

Fig. 7. Composition of marine debris collected from the survey beach.

The ICC methodology was used in identifying the sources. This

is the most widely used way of assigning sources of debris, as it
allows comparison with the data from other global regions. This
methodology proves to be a powerful tool when considering the
Fig. 6. Sources of beach debris inferred by the International Coastal Cleanup (ICC).
lack of standardized monitoring methodologies for beach debris
(Cheshire et al., 2009). The main sources of beach debris in this
study were shoreline/recreational activities (74.46%) and dumping
(Jayasiri et al., 2013). In this regard, Marina beach represents an
area with high beach usage as compared to the other beaches activities (21.07%). Also, the proportion of shoreline/recreational
in Chennai, reason being that it is easily accessible through road activity was much higher than that of the international data (Ocean
and rail network resulting in it being the most crowded beach in Conservancy, 2014).
the country. Barnes (2005) reported that the abundance of debris Since most of the litter appears to be of recreational origin,
correlates very strongly with human population. Although, we provision of adequate numbers of litter bins adjacent to prime
have not correlated debris abundance with the population. recreational areas could help reduce the quantity of litter discarded
The majority of the debris recovered emanates from domes- by beach users. Alternative suggestions like preventing or reducing
tic and recreational activities which indicates very high anthro- the plastic usage through the use of biodegradable plastics, safe
pogenic pressure on the beach. Most of the debris accumulated disposal of debris and periodical monitoring of accumulation of
is of local origin and indicates its inflow due to human activities plastics and other debris in beaches and coastal waters can reduce
and through storm rather than the ocean deposition. Marine de- the impact of debris pollution on beaches. Despite the efforts of
bris could have impacts on marine organisms, habitats, and hu- a number of researches in the past, it is clear that we still have
man economies (Derraik, 2002; McDermid and McMullen, 2004; a long way to go to generate realistic models for the dynamics
Sheavly and Register, 2007; Moore, 2008; Hinojosa and Thiel, of marine debris on beaches (Smith and Markic, 2013). This is
2009; Santos et al., 2009). The result of the present study is in the first study on debris quantification in the Marina beach and
unison with other studies as most of the beach litter surveys con- the deleterious impacts of the accumulation of marine debris
firmed the predominance of plastic litter in terms of the number on marine ecosystems are not fully understood. Comprehensive
of items (Golik and Gertner, 1992; Madzena and Lasiak, 1997; Der- studies including large-scale and long-term monitoring processes
raik, 2002; Santos et al., 2009; Ganesapandian et al., 2011; Jayasiri are needed to address the existing knowledge gap to quantify the
et al., 2013). effects of marine debris along Indian coastline.
The plastic debris abundance on Marina beach was higher than
that reported in other beaches in India (Nigam, 1982; Dharani et al., 5. Conclusion
2003; Reddy et al., 2006; Sridhar et al., 2007; Ganesapandian et al.,
2011; Kaladharan et al., 2012; Jayasiri et al., 2013) (Table 4). Strong Debris accumulation was quantitatively assessed in Marina
temporal trend in debris concentration between two month data beach, an urban beach of Chennai and showed significantly high
set is observed with 41.07% of the debris occurring during March temporal variations. Since the majority of marine litter originates
and 58.92% occurring during April (Fig. 7). This correlates well with from land-based sources and activities, the primary emphasis on
the number of beach visitors as April and May are the months of controlling marine litter should focus on preventing the inflow
summer vacations in India. of litter to the sea. Though regular beach clean-ups can be an
40 Arun Kumar A. et al. / Regional Studies in Marine Science 5 (2016) 35–40

Table 4
Comparison with other studies along Indian Coastline.
Location of sample site Year Number of visits Quantity Reference
Count Weight

Caranzalem Beach, Goa 1981 1 50–300/m2 NA Nigam (1982)

Andaman and Nicobar 2003 1 NA NA Dharani et al. (2003)
Gulf of Cambay 2004 Monthly, 3 NA 81.43 mg/kg Reddy et al. (2006)
Karnataka 2005 1 99.7/m2 NA Sridhar et al. (2007)
Gulf of Mannar 2006–2008 Monthly, 24 68.5/100 m 4.34 kg/100 m Ganesapandian et al. (2011)
Peninsular Indian Coast 2007–2009 1 NA 5.49 g/m2 Kaladharan et al. (2012)
Mumbai 2011–2012 Monthly, 11 11.67 ± 8.83/m2 3.24 ± 0.92 g/m2 Jayasiri et al. (2013)
Marina Beach, Chennai 2015 Bimonthly, 4 171.8/100 m 3.24 kg/100 m Present study

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