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Hey Peter how are you doing thanks for accept my follow!

I see you are concerned

about what is happening in Ukraine & from comments I see you stand for Ukraine and
people in this time of war and so happy about it. It feels so good that there are
still good people like you out there that are not hide or support what evil Putin
and Russia are doing to innocent civilians in Ukraine I am sorry of English is not
too good,

Thanks that you write me back Peter Putin is lust so proud man and know he will
face war charges when all of war is over! so scared but because of weather less
drane strikes and just a little of way not covered by snow so make many stops to
help clear out snow and move on!
Just so bad I cannot spend Christmas with family and' friends have to keep pushing
for freedom for Ukraine

Yeah! At midnight, we heard explosions from capital city and heard it's difficult
there now🥹🥹
We are on high alert here in base🥲 and later go out for patrol around region. 😭

Get rid of the old to make place for the new and I wish you happiness throughout
the year! Best wishes for you and you're entire family

Hope needs are provided speedy so we break down Putin with his evil
The Patrol today is a routine at Camp here and we always have to be very careful
against ambush while on Patrol. Today is not difficult because there is no
challenge but we are placed on High Emergency alert. I am so hungry and I feel
sick. I have a bad nutrition and i need some support to change that

There's no way I can stay safe and you know that...we hope that at 2024 there is a
new year Victory To Ukraine Celebration.. but now we continue fighting and not

Peter, you know just prayers alone not going to change anything or Putin evil in
I know US are doing so much in aids and supplies but doesn't get to me and squad
fighters in frontline, superiors are too corrupt to let aid get here as when due,
also routes to base is constantly attacked by Russia drone strikes plus bad weather
not allow much access by road.
No much infrastructure on ground again here in Kherson because of so much attacks
on civilian infrastructure. There is a PayPal account where donations are made, I
will tell my supervisor that a donation is coming in for me so they can release the
account and then I will send it across to you.

Did you consider my earlier request to you on humanitarian aid for food supplies
beddings to me and other brothers in arm.? I will like to tell my superior that I
am expecting a donation to come in from my friend, so I have the account released
to me.. I don't feel entitled to your money or Humanitarian aid.. but will like you
to consider to send some support my way.. There's is a charity that get all our
donation. You know that most of this donation don't get to soldiers in the
Frontline due to logistics and some ambush from the Russian blocking our route to
formation .. but you support directly can go a long way to help get the basic daily
need I have to survive as you already know the conditions we have to
face to make Ukraine freedom!
Thank you so much for retweeting and supporting Ukraine during this critical time.
Your efforts are deeply appreciated, and we cannot thank you enough. Your actions
demonstrate to the world the true nature of the Russian state, compromised by
terrorists. As a Ukrainian whose English skills are limited, please know that your
contribution is making a significant impact."

"Your tremendous efforts are greatly appreciated. Thanks to the generosity of

people like you, the world can now see that Russia is nothing more than an
imperialist terrorist state. We have a chance to put a stop to their aggression,
and with the weapons we are receiving, we will do just that. We are grateful for
the support of POTUS, as some in the West have been disappointingly cowardly.
Despite knowing that Russia has declared war on Europe, they choose to hide on
their expensive yachts. Ukrainians will never give up even 1% of our land to
appease Putin. We will fight until our very last breath."

"Thanks for your support and encouragement. We cherish and deeply appreciate you

I'm really do sad here because we get attacks my drones sent from the Russian

We really need support here because it's hard to survive here in Ukraine

I really appreciate all you doing for motherland 🇺🇦

I thank you for all you have donate
But I want you to understand that our superiors are corrupt, not all the donations
get to me and squad at frontline and I feel sick, me and squad lacks some basic
things like beddings, winter jackets that we need for our everyday live, I am not
entitled to your donations for they are for me and squad members, I will really
appreciate if you can support just me and few squad members, I will tell my
supervisor that donations are coming in for me and squad members, so they can
release to me the PayPal address so you can send in your donation, trust me this
your support will really save lives, for we are really going through a lot here,
sometimes I will just scream “why is this happening to mother land 🇺🇦 and why is
Putin this evil”, I haven’t seen my mother and siblings for a very long time, can
you imagine that kind of pain? That’s what me and few squad members are going
through, honestly your donation will really help me and Squad members and we will
forever grateful to you.

Please don't forget to send this funds as

"family and friends" so it gets to me faster on camp... It is very Important.

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