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Lyn Armaal (Conquered)

Enchanted Teleportation Circle in throne room is connected to one in the Quivering Forest.

Enchanted Teleportation Circles in the castle are all interconnecting with permission and password
restrictions: Tower, level 1 courtyard, areas 16 and 18 on level 2, the three gardens, and the gatehouse.

Both sides of all circles are only usable by the party and those indicated to be traveling with them by

There is a permanent Daylight spell in the center of each circular section of each level, as well as in the
throne room, the cage room, dungeon, and gatehouse.

Improved Castle Defenses.

 There is are stone lattice (20’ sections) domes over all open areas of the castle created with Wall
of Stone (reworked with the help of elementals and other creatures).
 There is a permanent Antivermin Shell on every door and window. All windows have glass
reinforced with steel crossbars.
 Replaced There are glyphs of warding throughout the castle.
o There are 6 glyphs on every door, window, and other opening. 2 are silent alarms letting
the giants know an intruder is in the building. 4 are explosion glyphs in case a more
serious response is needed.
 Rules
 Alarm glyph 1: There is a secret password that if spoken by the party will
disarm the glyphs. A second password that if spoken by the party will
reactivate the glyphs. The glyphs have a rule of authority, Secudlos’
word over rules all others, then Jack’s over rules all lower, finally the
rest of the party. The alarm goes off if anyone not from Lyn Armaal
 Alarm glyph 2: same rules as the first but it will not active until 10
minutes after alarm one sounds.
 Explosion glyphs, they are set to do 4 types of elemental damage, and
all go off at once when anyone not from Lyn Armaal crosses. There is a
secret password that if spoken by the inhabitants with disarm the glyph.
A second password that if spoken by the giants will reactivate the
glyphs. The glyphs have a rule of authority, Secudlos’ word over rules all
others, then Jack’s over rules all lower, finally the rest of the party.
Note: these are typically enabled unless there are visitors coming.
o There are 3 glyphs on every outer square of the level 3 and 4 gardens. 2 are silent alarm
as listed above and one is an explosive glyph.
o Special glyphs, on area 31-33 there is an extra glyph, there is 1 hold person and 2 extra
explosive glyphs that will not go off until the first set is triggered.
 There are permanent “Forbiddance” spells extending to the edge of the solid clouds from top to
bottom. The central tower of the castle, including royal tower has double castings.
 Replaced (casting to form a sphere around the whole place) There is a permanent “Private
Sanctum” that is around the entire castle and it extends 30ft outside the castle. The effects are
“The barrier of the warded area appears dark and foggy, preventing vision (including darkvision)
through it”, “Sensors created by Divination Spells can't appear inside the protected area or pass
through the barrier at its perimeter”, “Creatures in the area can't be targeted by Divination
Spells”, “Nothing can Teleport into or out of the warded area (this effect does not apply to the
main party and their Sims), “Planar Travel is blocked within the warded area, same as note
 The whole castle and cloud structure is protected by a Wish-cast Hallow multiple times over to
yield additional effects.
 The control orb is surrounded by a permanent Prismatic Sphere 30’ which only allows the
casters of the party and the Archmages through.

 6 Blackthorns and 6 Simulacrums of it live in the four outdoor areas. The original is Thralled by
Secudlos S1. Help fortify castle, and Awaken plants (21 Topiary Sentinels, 21 Huge Awakened,
900 Vine Guardians, 45 Awakened Shrubs, and 15 Vinelings).
 The Druid Count Thullen (is Thralled by Secudlos S2) get all the above of the basic cloud giant
plus the following. Bronze dragon Giant’s scale armor (+1AC, adv. vs. fright, resist lightning),
Giants wooden shield of +2, Cloak of protection instead of the ring of protection, his spell
storing ring has counter spell, cure wounds and shield of faith, a circlet of blasting, wand of
magic missiles, Ring of animal Influence, 1x potion of flying, potion of invariability, potion of see
invisible, potion of slipperiness, potion of animal friendship, potion of growth, 1x bead of force,
1x bag of holding with various druid stuff, Alchemy Jug, Cap of Water Breathing, Ring of 30
sending stones with some copies and some unique. Finally, he has a few Pots of Awakening
which he is using to create more awakened shrubs.
 5 Zulkirs (Lv.18), and 8 Archmages (Lv.18). They all stole adult gold dragon bodies with Magic Jar
2, and shapeshifted back into their original forms.
 15 Simulacrums of Sansuri (Magic Jarred into ogre warrior bodies) live there. She is a full wizard
level 15 with the subclass of Blade singer, She knows the cantrip booming blade, She also knows
the following extra spells, Clone (she has one clone hidden away in a secure location guarded by
a simulacrum of herself), Feeble mind, finger of death, teleport, and counter spell. Due to her
exceptional fighting skill, she has 14 dex and int is 18. She has all the items as base giant and the
following. Studded leather armor (base AC is 11 and 15 with blade song), She has metamagic
with 4 sorcery point and know the meta magic quicken spell and subtle spell, regains sorcery
point on long rest.
o She has a mutated imp familiar “Grebrir” that that has 25HP and can cast the very
powerful Incendiary Cloud once per week (strategy, Sansuri uses force wall to trap
enemies in dome and Incendiary Cloud is cast inside it to slowing burn the to death), the
final hides in her bag where it is protects vs. AOE spells. It pops out to cast then hides.
 Undead: 7 Wraiths tier 4, 700 Wraiths tier 3.1, and 100 Specters.
 Constructs: 6 Helmed Horrors (often out with the Jacks), and 30 Animated Armors.

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