Chapter 16

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1. Write questions with the words in parentheses. Follow the example:

E.g.: (Where / you / go / the accident happened)
Where were you going when the accident happened?
a) (What / Jim / do / when you saw him) _____________________________________________?
b) (What / you / do / at 11 o’clock) _____________________________________________?
c) (What / she / wear / yesterday) _____________________________________________?
d) (It rain / when / you went out) _____________________________________________?
e) (Where / you live in 1981) _____________________________________________?
f) (Who / you / talk on the phone) _____________________________________________?

2. Choose the best verb tense (Simple Past or Past Continuous):

E.g.: When I was going (to go) home my friend offered (to offer) me a ride.
a) When we _________________________ (go) out, it _________________________ (rain).
b) I wasn’t hungry last night. I _________________________ (not / eat) anything.
c) _________________________ (you / watch) television when I _________________________ (call) you?
d) Jane wasn’t at home when I went to see her. She _________________________ (work).
e) I _________________________ (get up) this morning, _________________________ (wash) my face,
_________________________ (get dressed) and then _________________________ (have breakfast).

3. Fill in the blanks with WAS, WERE, or DID:

E.g.: Did you watch the movie last weekend?
a) _________________________ you go out last night?
b) What _________________________ you doing at 10:30?
c) Where _________________________ he buy his new coat?
d) Where _________________________ she born?
e) Where _________________________ you born?
f) What time _________________________ she go?
g) What _________________________ she wearing yesterday?
h) How _________________________ you get here?

4. Write questions for these sentences:

E.g.: Tom Baker was at home last night.
Where was Tom Baker last night?
a) Janet was watching TV yesterday.
When _____________________________________________?

b) John played soccer this morning.
What _____________________________________________?
c) Mary was at the mall on Monday.
Where _____________________________________________?
d) Janet was playing cards when I arrived.
What _____________________________________________?
e) Peter was driving when the accident happened.
What _____________________________________________?
f) Mom bought me a pair of shoes.
Who _____________________________________________?
g) The students looked tired.
Who _____________________________________________?
h) She read the paper 2 hours ago.
When _____________________________________________?

5. Put the sentences into the negative and interrogative forms.

E.g.: They were playing tennis together.
Neg.: They weren’t playing tennis together.
Int.: Were they playing tennis together?
a) She was going to the park with her friends.
Neg.: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Int.: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
b) They were dancing to their favorite song.
Neg.: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Int.: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
c) I was doing my homework when my dad arrived.
Neg.: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Int.: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
d) We were talking on the phone when she told me the news.
Neg.: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Int.: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
e) She was playing piano with her brother.
Neg.: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Int.: ___________________________________________________________________________________________

f) The president was making a statement.
Neg.: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Int.: ___________________________________________________________________________________________

6. Complete the sentences with the best verb tense. Follow the example.
E.g.: I always eat (eat) pasta for dinner, but now I am eating (eat) a salad.
a) Every day I _______________ (play) the piano, but right now I _______________ (sing) a song.
b) Last night I _______________ (take) a shower when I _______________ (hear) the doorbell.
c) Yesterday I _______________ (go) to the grocery store and now I _______________ (cooking) lunch.
d) Every night I _______________ (watch) an episode of my favorite series.
e) On Saturdays we _______________ (go) out to eat but this Saturday we _______________ (go) to
my mom’s house.


answer keys
1. 5.
a) What was Jim doing when you saw him? a) Neg.: She wasn’t going to the park with her friends.
b) What were you doing at 11 o’clock? Int.: Was she going to the park with her friends?
c) What was she wearing yesterday? b)Neg.: They weren’t dancing to their favorite song.
d) Was it raining when you went out? Int.: Were they dancing to their favorite song?
e) Where were you living in 1981? c) Neg.: I wasn’t doing my homework when my dad
f) Who were you talking to on the phone? arrived.
Int.: Was I doing my homework when my dad arrived?
2. d) Neg.: We weren’t talking on the phone when she told
a) When we went out, it wasn’t raining. me the news.
b) I wasn’t hungry last night. I didn’t eat anything. Int.: Were we talking on the phone when she told me the
c) Were you watching television when I called you? news?
d) Jane wasn’t at home when I went to see her. She was e) Neg.: She wasn’t playing piano with her brother.
working. Int.: Was she playing piano with her brother?
e) I got up this morning, washed my face, got dressed f) Neg.: The president wasn’t making a statement.
and then had breakfast. Int.: Was the president making a statement?

3. 6.
a) Did you go out last night? a) Every day I play the piano, but right now I am singing
b) What were you doing at 10:30? a song.
c) Where did he buy his new coat? b) Last night I was taking a shower when I heard the
d) Where was she born? doorbell.
e) Where were you born? c) Yesterday I went to the grocery store and now I am
f) What time did she go? cooking lunch.
g) What was she wearing yesterday? d) Every night I watch an episode of my favorite series.
h) How did you get here? e) On Saturdays we go out to eat but this Saturday we
went to my house.
a) When was Janet watching TV?
b) What did John play this morning?
c) Where was Mary on Monday?
d) What was Janet playing when I arrived?
e) What was Peter doing when the accident happened?
f) Who bought you a pair of shoes?
g) Who looked tired?
h) When did she read the paper?


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