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At a high-level, WSO2 Enterprise Integrator is the middleware between a service

and a client requesting the service.
* Messages navigate between client and service through sequences
built in WSO2 Enterprise Integrator
* 3 main sequences exist: In Sequence, Out Sequence and Fault
Message Flow:
1. A client sends a request to a service
2. Message flows thru the inSequence
3. Message is delivered to Service
4. Service generate a response
5. Response is sent thru OutSequence
6. Message is delivered to Client
The FaultSequence can be used if necessary for error handling

By default, the fault sequence logs the message, the payload, and any error/
exception encountered, and the drop mediator stops further processing. You should
configure the fault sequence with the correct error handling instead of simply
dropping messages.
The Data Mapper mediator consists of three main configuration files:
- input schema
-output schema
- mapping configuration
Generation of the mapping configuration is done using tooling.
The operations palette of the data mapper mediator includes common, arithmetic,
conditional and other operations.
Store and forward mechanism is used for guaranteed delivery using the message
store and message processor in the Integration Profile of WSO2 Enterprise
The Mediation Debugger enables you to debug message mediation flow in the
WSO2 Enterprise Integrator. With the Mediation Debugger you can add breakpoints
or skip points on the mediators where debugging is required.

Mediation debugging is useful to:

● Make sure independent mediation units operates as expected
● Make sure that combination of units operate as expected
● Inspect message properties at intermediate points
● Inject properties to the message during the flow

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