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Days of

Prayer &
Experience a Transformational Journey with our Awesome God

Prayer guide
Week 5: 5 – 11 Feb 2024
“LORD, I have heard of your fame;
I stand in awe of your deeds, LORD.
Repeat them in our day, in our time
make them known...”
Watoto Church 40 Days of Prayer & Fasting
Monday 8 January to Friday 16 February 2024
Theme: Awesome God, Do It Again

LORD, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, LORD. Repeat
them in our day, in our time make them known...” (Habakkuk 3:2)

In 2024, Watoto Church joyfully marks 40 years of God’s

unwavering faithfulness. We have witnessed incredible miracles,
heard countless life-changing testimonies, and stood in awe of His
extraordinary power and grace.

As we celebrate this milestone, our hearts overflow with hope, faith,

and excitement for the next season ahead. Our faith is anchored in the
unchanging nature of our Awesome God.

As we start d ay 29 of our 40-d ay d ed ication to prayer and fasting,

we echo the prophet Habakkuk’s plea: "We’ve seen what You have
done in the past. Lord, do it again in our day!" Our resounding cry is,
"Awesome God, do it again!"

Awesome God, Do It Again

Day 29: Mon 5 February 2024
Theme: Awesome God, Great Comforter
Devotional thought by Ps. Victor Obina

2 Corinthians 1:3-4 (NLT)

“All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the
source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others.
When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given

As humans, we are no strangers to loss, pain and suffering. And in those moments, we
need comfort because they can be overwhelming. But thank God for the gift of Jesus,
our Awesome comforter!

He understands loss (He wept at Lazarus' death), He understands pain (nailed to the
cross), He understands betrayal (betrayed by Judas and denied by Peter). Jesus is
also our High Priest who is familiar with our sufferings. He comforts us through Holy
Spirit who is with us, allowing us to be agents of comfort for others.

What's more is that one day all these pains, losses and suffering shall be no more. There
shall be no worry or tears when Jesus returns to establish His rule on earth.

Let us make it a lifestyle to lean on Jesus in whatever painful situation that we go
through. 1 Peter 5:7 encourages us to cast our cares on Jesus for He cares for us.

Awesome God, Do It Again

Prayer direction
• Give thanks to the Lord for comforting you during difficult times and for His
promise to continue comforting us.
• Commit your personal cares to Jesus and lean on Him for comfort and healing.
• Pray for families that are facing difficulty. Commit the areas of pain, suffering,
persecution, loss and grief to God and ask Him to come through for them.
• Pray that families members will extend compassion to those around them that need

• Ask God to comfort grieving families and persecuted Christians around the world.
• Pray that God will empower us though our Cell Families to reach out to those around
us who need comfort.

• Commit the losses and pains that we are facing as a nation to the Lord (insecurities,
senseless loss of life, struggling economy, families in extreme poverty and hardship etc).
Day 30: Tue 6 February 2024
Theme: Awesome God, Our Protector
Devotional thought by Ps. Dora Wataba
SONG: Be Still by Don Moen

Psalm 121:5-8 (NIV)

"The Lord watches over you - the Lord is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not
harm you by day nor the moon by night. The Lord will keep you from all harm - he will
watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and

The word "protect" has to do with defending, shielding, guarding or even covering one’s
life, property and belongings. We live in a fallen world, therefore, evil, calamity,
suffering and even death are all factors of this life. We constantly hear about
earthquakes, landslides, floods, fires and other natural disasters. We see accidents,
robberies etc around us. As humans, we have come up with measures to protect
ourselves. Some have money and investments stored up for financial protection;
some of them have built high walls with sophisticated alarms and security
systems for our physical protection from burglars and robbers; others have
medical insurance, body guards, food tasters among others to guarantee their
safety. These are all not bad but we need to remember that ultimately, it is the
Lord who protects us (Psalm 121).

He watches over us and defends us and promises that no natural disasters shall
harm us - the Lord keeps us safe from ALL harm.
God watches over our souls, lives, property, our travels and everything in between. From
our first cry to our final breath, God watches over us. He neither sleeps nor slumbers -
What an awesome God He is!

In the Bible, we see God protecting His people. He protected Noah in the ark and
everything with him from the floods. When Pharaoh made a decree to kill all the
Hebrew young boys, God watched over Moses when he was placed on the River Nile.
In the wilderness, God protected the Israelites with a cloud by day and a pillar of fire
by night. When Daniel was thrown into the lion’s den, God protected him. On several
occasions, Jesus protected His disciples from storms in the sea, from hunger and
from being charged as tax defaulters. Our Awesome God who did it then is more than
able to do it now, tomorrow, again and again.

Other scriptures: Psalm 46:1-2, Ephesians 6:10-18, Proverbs 18:10.

Prayer: Lord, we acknowledge You as our sovereign protector. You watch over us,
keeping us safe from all harm. You guard us when we rise and when we rest. We pray
that You watch over us and protect us from all harm. Do the same for our families and
everything that You have given us to steward for your glory. In Jesus name we pray,

Prayer Direction

• Thank God for His protection over your life. Thank Him for always shielding you from
all danger, seen and unseen, and from the schemes of the enemy (Isaiah 54:17).
• Ask God to continue protecting you from all danger, now and always.

• Thank God for the way that He has protected and preserved your family from
pandemics, accidents, from robbers, death etc.
• Pray for God’s protection over your family. Ask Him to protect you from all
d anger, evil people, bad influence over our children, witchcraft, deadly diseases,
curses etc (Romans 8:31).

• Thank God for His protection over Watoto Church Ministries. For 40 years and
counting, He has watched over us, our families, ministries and property. Thank Him for
protecting Watoto Church Juba during civil war in South Sudan; our children's choir on
road, our children and mums in the Watoto homes, Neighbourhood mothers and their
families, and our leaders as they travel.
• Pray for God’s protection over Watoto Church ministries (our founders, Team
Leaders, pastors, eld ers, d eacons and their families; church property and other
resources, children and youth in schools, Cell Families etc).
• Ask God to protect the church all over the world. Pray that believers will withstand
opposition and boldly preach the true Gospel. Let Jesus continue to build His Church.

• Thank God for protecting and watching over our nation (Covid-19 pandemic,
land slid es, flood s, accid ents, fires in schools, civil unrest etc).
• Ask God to protect our economy, the people and families in this nation. Pray that
God will guard our leaders from evil schemes and may He give us peace with all our
Day 31: Wed 7 February 2024
Theme: Awesome God, Our Healer
Devotional thought by Ps. Wilson Okot Chono

As we wait on the Lord in this season of prayer and fasting, one critical area that we
need to believe God for is full health. This entails both physical and emotional well-
being. Having good heath is very important b e c a u s e i t allows us to fulfill our divine
purpose and potential. Good health also enables us to serve people more effectively
which we are unable to do when we are ill. Now, as we pray, you could be in a place
where you are unable to work or serve due illness. However, scripture gives us
assurance about our Awesome Healer: Psalm 147:3 (NIV) “He heals the
brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”

From scripture, we see that God wants us to live in good health and is ready to heal and
restore us to full health, both emotionally and physically. Our prayer in this season is
that God shall once again grant us full health just like He did in the past irrespective of
where we find ourselves health-wise.

In Luke 8:43-48, we see Jesus heal a woman who had suffered with the issue of blood
for 12 years - you can imagine the medical expenses she incurred for 12 years without a
breakthrough! However, when Jesus showed up, her situation did not remain the
same. She believed that with just a little touch by Jesus, she would be healed - and she
On many occasions, illness tends to slow us down in life; it puts a strain on our
finances and on our treasured relationships (family, friends or workmates). I witnessed
this firsthand when my wife who had a life-threatening health condition for over a year
was healed by God, the awesome healer. It was tough, I actually thought I was going
to lose her. I saw the stress this had on us as a family, and the strain it had on our
finances. But I want to tell you: God is faithful as he did not leave us alone and He
restored her to full health! Friends, when faced with such difficult situations, we need to
trust God because He has promised not only to heal and give us full health but He the
one who sustains us during such trying moments.

Psalm 41:3
“The Lord sustains him on his sickbed, in his illness you restore him to full health.”

Are you emotionally or physically sick? Do you have or know anyone who is sick? I can
only imagine how difficult this may be for you as an individual or family. However do
not loose hope because we serve an Awesome Healer will do it again. Just like the
Apostle John prayed in 3 John 1:2, my prayer for you is that God will once again
cause you to enjoy good health and that all may go well as your soul is getting along

Prayer: Dear loving Father, we thank you for life and good health. We thank you for
the cross where you purchased both spiritual and physical healing and we confidently
declare that by your strips we are healed. Lord, at this moment I pray for my brothers
and sisters who are struggling with poor health. May You restore each of them to
full health by the power of Your word and the mighty works of the Holy Spirit. I speak
life over everyone who is sick and that they will enjoy good health physically and
emotionally in Jesus' name, amen.

As you go through the year, here are three actions that I encourage us to do
whenever our beloved or any other person is going through any kind of health
• Empathize and identify with the sick,
• Have faith in Jesus (Jehovah Rapha) to heal the sick - a prayer made in faith shall make
the sick well, and
• Visit a doctor regularly to know how healthy you are.
Prayer Direction
Psalm 41:2-3
• Thank God for life and good health.
• Pray for healing (physical, emotional and mental health). Ask God to keep you
healthy and strong through out the year.

Psalm 147:3, Mark 16:17-18
• Pray for our family members who are sick. Believe God for supernatural healing
over every infirmity that is causing distress to the family.
• Pray for provision (finances, caregivers, medicines, favour with medical
personnel and other resources) that is required when taking care of the sick in
our families.
• Pray against premature death and every other evil scheme of the enemy to rob
us of good health and wellbeing in our families.

3 John 1:2, James 5:14-15
• Pray for the physical and emotional health of the church leader and members in
the congregation.
• Ask God to give us a burden for the sick so that as the Church of Christ, we
shall demonstrate His mighty works through compassion and healing of the
• Pray for the spiritual health of the church; ask God to preserve believers around
the world from spiritual attacks, false doctrines and other evil schemes that will
derail spiritual growth and the preaching of the Gospel.

Luke 10:29-37
• Pray for the healthcare system in our nation (medical personnel, hospitals, drug
stores/pharmacies, insurance system etc). Ask God to remove all the wrong
people and practices (corruption, drug theft, negligence etc) from our
healthcare system so that it can truly become a resource for healing and health
of the people in our nation.
• Pray for medical innovations that will propel this country to good health and
economic prosperity.
Day 32: Thur 8 February 2024
Theme: Awesome God, Life-giver
Devotional thought by Ps. Nathan Kisa
Songs: Glorious Day by Passion
Great Are You, Lord by All Sons And Daughters

We are always fascinated to see a fresh tree rise out of the ground or a flower grow on
a plant; to hold a newborn baby in our arms, or see the sun rise consistently in the
morning. When life blossoms around us, we are filled with hope and unexplainable joy.

In Genesis 1:11-24, God commanded the land to produce vegetation, birds to fly in
the sky, and the water and the land to produce living creatures of every kind. His
Word was sufficient to initiate life. God finished His work of creation by making the
most special of all His creatures - mankind. He took dust from the earth and made a
lifeless mold into which He breathed the breath of life. Then man became a living being
(Genesis 1:27). Our Awesome God is the life-giver! His word has power to give life and
His breath is the breath of life!

In John 11:1-44, Mary and Martha witnessed the life-giving power of God when their
brother Lazarus died and was buried for four days. Jesus was not overwhelmed by the
news of Lazarus’ death. Rather, Jesus said these words to Martha, “I am the resurrection
and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever
lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?”Jesus asked Martha to
have the stone taken away from the tomb and he called Lazarus out of the grave.
Lazarus who had been dead, buried and decaying for four days was alive again!
The life-giver had made an intervention! Lost time could not restrain Him, and decay could not
prevent the miracle by our Awesome God. We love to sing the chorus, "... You called my
name, and I ran out of that grave…" because of the victory that Lazarus experienced
when our life-giving God spoke into his dead situation.

Psalm 36:9 (NIV)

“For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light.”

Jesus came that you may have life and life in abundance: He is the life-giver (John 10:10).
Your seemingly dead situation can be brought back to life if you engage the life-giver. He
can turn things around and breathe life into what is lifeless! Are you facing barrenness or
death in your family relationships, body or business? Abraham and Sarah can testify that
the life-giver can resurrect dead bodies and bring every dead dream back to life. Choose
this day to trust the life-giver to breathe life into every area of your life that seems to
be dying, into every dream that you have buried and into every situation that is lifeless.

Colossians 1:16-17, John 14:6, Romans 4:19-21.

Prayer Direction
• Thank God who gives life to all and holds everything together in your life.
• Ask God to release His life-giving power to sustain your dreams, business, and work
(Proverbs 16:3).
• Pray for God’s life-giving power to manifest in your health. Rebuke sickness and
disease in the life-giving name of Jesus!

• Thank God for turning around situations that seemed dead in your family.
• Ask God to bring back to life the dead situations in your family (relationship, finances,
health etc - Psalm 127:1-2).
• Pray for God’s intervention in families grappling with strife, division, fighting etc
(Psalm 133:1).
• Pray for unbelieving family members to encounter and accept Jesus. Commit those
bound by addictions and sin into God’s hands for deliverance and redemption.

• Pray for the success of Watoto Church's projects (campus plants, school missions,
Cell Family activities, property purchases, construction works, child sponsorship
drives, Watoto Neighbourhood programs, children’s choir tours etc).
• Pray for a fresh breath of revival as God’s Word of life is preached at our
celebration points and all the churches in the nation.
• Ask God to breathe upon our leaders wisdom for godly governance.
• Pray for God’s hand to prevail in the different sectors of our nation that are
struggling (health, transport, education, politics etc).
Day 33: Fri 9 February 2024
Theme: Awesome God, Family Giver
Devotional thought by Ps. Graham Tugume

Human beings are among God’s creation with the instinct to care for their newborns. In
His wise providence, God instituted family for companionship, life-skills training, social
security and most importantly, His preferred vehicle through which one generation
would convey the knowledge and fear of God to the next.

Once one matures and is ready to leave their family of origin, they seek to then start
a family of their own by finding the right partner with whom to do life, inspire,
encourage, help one another, and rear the next generation within the confines of
covenant love – a symbol to unbelievers of Christ’s undying love for His bride, the
Church. God did not create mankind to be a solitary being. He sets us up in families.
Abraham loathed the idea that his vast wealth might be inherited by a servant
(Genesis 15:1-4). Hannah longed for a child (1Samuel 1:10-11). Many people understand
this struggle. Perhaps you do as well.

Families are imperfect because they are made up of imperfect people. But there is
no better training ground for a fulfilling life than the family because we do not get to
exercise the prerogative of choice. You are born to parents you did not choose and
particularly when younger, you also do not get to choose the family situation in which
you grow. Some have the opportunity to be raised by their parents and others by
relatives, extended family, or friends to the parents. Whatever your particular family
situation, go to our Awesome God today and pray for the sacred trust of raising a
family of your own, for the glory of His name.
Prayer Direction
• Ask God to prepare you to be the kind of person that the person you are looking for is
looking for you (1 Corinthians 13: 4-7).

As seen in Ephesians 5:1-7, pray for marriage partners in the Church to:
• Keep themselves sexually and relationally pure.
• Say “No” to trial marriage, cohabiting, “situationships” etc and wait on our Awesome
God to make all things beautiful in its right time.
• Prepare ad equately by seeking godly counsel before making the covenant with the
person they desire to marry.

Pray for the appalling state of the family in the country:
• A rising divorce rate is indicative of a shallow understanding of covenant. Pray for
God’s revelation of His undying love in Christ that surpasses all understanding and that
He will reveal it by His Holy Spirit to every intending groom and bride (Ephesians
• Pray against domestic abuse in the country which undermines the institution of family
by cultivating a hostile environment that diminishes the chances of amicable resolution
of domestic relational challenges. (Ephesians 5:21-33).
• Childlessness is a high-ranking cause for marital breakdown. Pray that God who gives
family will also give people the fortitude to work through the challenges of childlessness
and that the Awesome God who has opened barren wombs before and raised
the fertility of men will do it again this year for the Glory of His name.
Day 34: Sat 10 February 2024
Theme: Awesome God, Mighty in Power
Devotional thought by Ps. Jimmy Segawa
Song: Mighty to Save by Hillsong https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEAcs2B-kNc

Psalm 147:5 (NIV)
“Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit.”

Testimony: My mother was found to have masses in her body and had to undergo
an operation. As she was getting ready for the operation, I prayed for her every day
trusting God for her total healing. God is faithful. During the last scan those masses
had gone away from her body. He showed us His mighty power in a moment when we
could not understand what was going on.

Our God is not like men whose understanding of our situations is limited .
Usually, we go to people whom we think can understand and help solve our situations
and challenges. However, sometimes our situations are too big, too complicated or
too much that even with the best intentioned humans are limited. We have all heard
this statement: “This is now beyond us or beyond our understanding...” But in all
this, where man’s understanding stops, God begins to do the impossible because
He is Mighty in Power.
• Trust God completely in every situation (Proverbs 3:5).
• Wait on the Lord for a solution (Isaiah 40:31).
• Be strong in the Lord (Ephesians 6:10).

Prayer Direction
Scriptures: Psalm 95:3-7, Ephesians 6:10

Psalm 145:3 (ESV)
“Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised, and his greatness is unsearchable.”

Thank God for His mighty hand that has been seen and tested as recorded in the
Bible and in our present lives. He is the same yesterday, today and forever, and He
wants His mighty power to manifest in your personal life, our families, Church and the

2 Timothy 1:7
• Plug into God’s available power (Holy Spirit). Ask Him to intervene in
situations that seem impossible in your life.

Isaiah 40:28-31 (ESV)
• Pray for the salvation for our family members. Believe God to save those family
members or relatives that seem so far away from God's saving hand.
• Pray against strongholds that have held families in generational bondages
(sickness, poverty, sexual sin, strife, pride, idolatry etc). Ask God for his mighty
hand to redeem families and set them to enjoy a godly heritage that comes from
living for God.

• Ask God to use Watoto Church to do great exploits this year (school
outreaches, church plants, caring for vulnerable people and communities,
influencing through godly leadership in the country etc).
• Pray for the Church of Christ to be the prophetic voice in the city and nation.

1Timothy 2:1-4 (NIV), 2 Chronicles 20:5-6 (NIV)
• Pray for the leaders in our nation. Let them experience God's mighty hand in
their leadership in order to bring about good governance.
• Pray for the policies and the different stands we have as a nation. Let the
people be driven by the fear of God to live right with one another.

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