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(Completion/Moving Up)


Emcee: Good morning, everyone. In a moment, we are going to start our moving up ceremony. At
this point may we invite all our completers together with their parents to go to your respective areas
for the processional. To maintain the solemnity of this occasion, may we request all our guests to
please set their mobile phone to silent mode. Family and guests are expected to show courtesy by
refraining from leaving their seats in order to take pictures or by talking to our completers. May we
also request all photographers and other guests to stay away in the processional area, completers’
seats and stage area. We have official photographers who will take your children’s photos during the
processional and during the distribution of diplomas. Thank you for your cooperation.

Emcee: Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.
Emcee: Good morning and Welcome to the 9th Moving up Ceremony of San Martin National High School with
the theme:
Both: (Kabataang Pilipino Para sa Matatag na Kinabukasan ng Bagong Pilipinas)
Emcee: Let us all witness our academic procession to be participated by our candidates for completion with
their parents and guardians, academic honors, guest of honor together with our school principal, faculty and
staff and PTA Officials.
Guests, friends, ladies and gentlemen,
Completers from Grade 10 – Rodrigo Duterte- Michelle Viray
Completers from Grade 10 – Carlos P. Garcia Clarissa G. Cruz
Completers from 10-Benigno Aquino- Rissa N. Alovera
Completers from 10- Corazon Aquino- Marivic G. Laban
Completers from 10-Gloria Arroyo- Lynie G. Varnal
10-Joseph Estrada- Ma. Theresa Q. Lappay
10-Diosdado Macapagal – Jela A. Policarpio
10- Ramon Magsaysay- Herconida T. Flestado
10-Ferdinand Marcos Sr. – Liezel S. Lagorra
10-Fidel V. Ramos- Hazel U. Dela Cruz
10- Manuel Roxas- Angelo Allain F. Estadilla

Emcee: Ladies and gentlemen, the pillars of this institution, the faculty and staff of smnhs – fea President SIR

Filipino dept – Ma’am Nerissa T. Ilagan

English Dept- Dr. Robert S. Dela Cruz- HT III
Math – Ma’am Cherie Ann F.Jardin- HT III
Science- Master Teacher I – Officer in Charge- Rissa N. Alovera
AP- Mari-Ann A. Gojo Cruz- HT III
ESP – Coordinator- Gladys Fatima O. Genio
TLE- Michael Joseph Rico-
MAPEH- Sir Oscar Gonzales
SHS- Sir Allan Espinola
Emcee: Approaching the aisle is our Guest Speaker for today _____________ together with our school
principal, Ma’am Joycelyn M. Lanozo
Emcee: We also acknowledge the presence of our SPTA Officials.
Ana Maria P. Ronquillo – President
BOTH: And Now the Entrance of Colors

Emcee: We humbly request everybody to please remain standing to give honor to our great nation through the
singing of our Philippine National Anthem and foster a spiritual conversation with God by Grade 10 Student
Prince Jay S. Rey ,to be followed by the singing of, Deped Region III, Deped CSJDM HYMN and CSJDM
Hymn _Mam Maricris C. Salazar, conducting.
(You may now be seated)

Emcee: We are gathered here today to witness our completers climb one more step higher in the ladder
of education.

Emcee: To formally welcome all of us to this momentous event. Let us lend our ears to_Christian Paul A.
Tabarangao , Grade 10-Rodrigo Duterter student, with High Honors.

Emcee: Thank you so much, Christian Tabarangao.

VI. Message of the Regional Director

May B. Eclar, Phd CESO III- Director Deped Region III
VII. Message of the Deped Secretary
Hon . Sara Z. Duterte
Secretary of the Department of Education
Vice President of the Philippines


Emcee: And now, the main highlight of today’s affair is about to unfold in our midst. To do the honors of
presenting this year’s candidates for completion, may I call on School Principal, Mam Joycelyn M. Lanozo , to
be followed right away by confirmation of the completers by our School division office


Emcee: Thank you to so much Madam Principal and ________________________ (SDO Officials)

Emcee: After four years of hard work and dedication, completers, it is about time to reward your commitment
towards education. You are not the only ones who are proud of yourselves, but evidently, your parents are
smiling proudly seeing you as you walk and receive your certificate of completion.
Emcee: To do the honors of the distribution of certificate of completion, may we have on stage once more our
school principal,Ma;am Joycelyn M. Lanozo and to be assisted by grade 10 class advisers.
Emcee: Completers, as your name is called, please come up on stage and gladly accept your certificate of
completion . For this, we are requesting the parents of our completers to accompany your son/daughter as
they receive the certificate of completion.
Emcee: First on our list are from grade 10 section Completers from 10-Benigno Aquino- under the supervision
of Mam Rissa N. Alovera
(Giving of Certificates of Completion)
Emcee: Congratulations to our completers and of course to the proud parents and guardians who have been
very supportive of your dreams and goals all the way.
Leonardo C. Canlas, EdD CESO VI- Schools Division Superintendent
Hon. Arturo B. Robes- City Mayor of City of San Jose Del Monte
Hon. Daniel R. Fernando- Governor Province of Bulacan
Hon. Florida P. Robes- Representative, Lone District , City of San Jose Del Monte

Emcee: Thank you so much.

Emcee: Ladies and gentlemen, we are joined today by a very important person who will be sharing with us
messages of inspiration and encouragement. To introduce our guest speaker for today’s occasion, please put
your hands together to Jhayzerine T. Alvear , 10 Rodrigo Duterte with High Honors.

PCpl Tristan Manuel Acosta , PCR -PNCO

PNP SAF, SMNHS Alumna Batch 2010
PNP-SAF ( Philippine National Police - Special Action Force)
PCpl (Police Corporal) Tristan Manuel Acosta,
PCR PNCO (Police Community Relation)
24th Special Action Company
2nd Special Action Battalion
SMNHS Alumni Batch 2010

Emcee: Thank you very much to our guest speaker, PCpl Tristan Manuel Acosta , PCR -PNCO PNP SAF,
SMNHS Alumna Batch 2010 for gracing our event this morning and for inspiring our leaners to keep on
dreaming. Our school is truly blessed for having you grace with us in this significant occasion.

Emcee: And now, we will be presenting our Certificate of Appreciation to our Guest Speaker.
We will be joined by our School Principal,________________.
(May I request our Guest Speaker and _________________ to please come up on stage)

Emcee: Allow me to read the citation. (Read the citation)

XV. PLEDGE OF LOYALTY---------- Mhica S. Buaron

10- Rodrigo Duterte with High Honors

Emcee: In every memorable moment of one’s life, there are always songs that will embody inferred emotions.
Through the song that emphasizes that life would get rough and sometimes experiences won't always be
good, but you would have to let go and pass obstacles in order to achieve and be successful. With a round of
applause. Let us welcome our completers to sing their moving up song.
Emcee: The closing has finally arrived. Tomorrow, new challenges and opportunities to look forward to our
completers that will further test their mettles as improving individuals.
Emcee: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome ERICA DC. CRUZ , 10 RODRIGO DUTERTE for her Closing
Remarks. Let us give her a round of applause.
Emcee: Thank you very much ___________
L. san Martin nhs hymn
Emcee: At this juncture, let us hear our completers sing proudly the Hymn of __________ School.
Emcee: This Moving up Ceremony has truly been noteworthy for everyone here. It is indeed a time of an
ending; however, it is also a time of celebration of achievement and most importantly a beginning for the new
Emcee: My dear completers, you do not fail to show us your resilience, your persistence and your dedication.
As you continue your journey, may you look back to this stage in your life with fondness and pride and we wish
that your senior high school years be as amazing, as magnificent and as rewarding.
Emcee: Once again. Congratulations to all the grade 10 completers of ______________. Thank you so much
to everyone who joined this memorable event. It is now time for our recessional. After you have taken your
respective exits, may I request our guest speaker and our school principal to have a picture taking with the
completers by section with their adviser. And after that, together with faculty and staff. Thank you so much.
And that concludes our program for today. This is ______________.
Both: Your Lady Deans of Ceremony, saying, may you all have a great day ahead and Godspeed!


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