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The middle Cretaceous (110–94 Ma) evolution of Tangza

Basin in the western Tibetan Plateau and implications

for initial topographic growth of northern Lhasa

Xu Han1,2, Jin-Gen Dai1,†, Jie Lin1,2, Shi-Ying Xu1, Bo-Rong Liu1, Ya-Nan Wang1, and Cheng-Shan Wang1,2
1School of Earth Sciences and Resources, Research Center for Tibetan Plateau Geology, China University of Geosciences,
Beijing 100083, China
2State Key Laboratory of Biogeology and Environmental Geology, China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083, China

ABSTRACT at ca. 106 Ma, while the widespread uplift of Previous studies using geochemical and
northern and central Lhasa probably initi- thermochronological magmatic rock data and
Reconstruction of Cretaceous geological ated at ca. 92 Ma. The mid–Late Cretaceous geological mapping have demonstrated that
evolution of Tibetan Plateau growth is critical uplift in Lhasa was significantly earlier than significant crustal thickening occurred during
for assessing the effect of India-Asia collision the early Cenozoic India-Asia collision. the Cretaceous. The presence of adakitic mag-
on the formation of its high elevation. How- matism between 94 Ma and 87 Ma suggests
ever, Cretaceous topographic evolution and INTRODUCTION thickening of the crust in central Lhasa up to
geodynamic mechanism in northern Lhasa 50 km (Sun et al., 2015b), while the occurrence
remain ambiguous. Here we present results The third pole of the Tibetan Plateau is the of Early Cretaceous leucogranites indicates that
from sedimentology, zircon U-Pb ages, and highest and largest plateau on the planet. Cur- southern Lhasa has undergone crustal thicken-
detrital Cr-spinel composition of the Tangza rently, this high and wide plateau poses a physi- ing (Ding and Lai, 2003). Thermal modeling
Formation in the western part of northern cal obstacle for atmospheric circulation and thus results from plutonic rocks based on apatite fis-
Lhasa. Sedimentary lithofacies document influences Asian climate (Molnar et al., 2010). sion track ages and (U-Th)/He ages mainly in
that orbitolinid foraminifera–limestone beds In deep time, the gain of its vast topography is northern Lhasa indicate that they experienced
were deposited in a shallow-marine setting, accompanied by extensive exhumation, which rapid to moderate cooling during the Late Cre-
while clastic rocks accumulated in an alluvial has led to an increase in chemical weathering taceous (ca. 85–70 Ma) (Hetzel et al., 2011;
fan during the middle Cretaceous. Zircon and has had a significant impact on the Ceno- Rohrmann et al., 2012). These results imply that
U-Pb ages of interbedded volcanic rocks place zoic global cooling (Raymo and Ruddiman, a stage of rapid exhumation resulted from crustal
a robust constraint on the initiation of clas- 1992). Therefore, reconstruction of geological thickening. Field geological mapping in cen-
tic rock deposition at ca. 106 Ma. Sandstones processes of Tibetan Plateau growth is critical tral–southern Lhasa reveals that the Coqen area
are enriched lithic fragments with abundant for understanding its prominent boundary con- experienced 60% crustal shortening and yielded
volcanic grains. U-Pb ages of detrital zir- ditions for many geological events since at least a ca. 60–65-km-thick crust by 99 Ma (Murphy
con display a prominent age population at the Cretaceous (Wang et al., 2014). However, et al., 1997). The India-Asia collision initiated
101–130 Ma with a 120 Ma peak. These data there are two opposing views on the manner of at 59 ± 1 Ma (Hu et al., 2015; Hu et al., 2016a).
indicate that the clastic rocks were mainly Tibetan Plateau growth: (1) the thickened crust Therefore, the evidence above indicates that the
derived from northern Lhasa, including an and the high elevation of the Tibetan Plateau Lhasa terrane acquired significant topography
Early Cretaceous magmatic arc. Sedimen- mainly resulted from the India-Asia collision during the Neo-Tethyan subduction but prior to
tary and provenance characteristics are most (Molnar et al., 1993; Rowley and Currie, 2006); the India-Asia collision. Regionally, this high
consistent with deposition in a local foreland and (2) the Tibetan Plateau experienced signifi- Lhasa terrane is termed as “Lhasaplano” (Kapp
basin. The activation of south-vergent local cant crustal shortening and thus it established et al., 2005). The Lhasaplano during the Creta-
thrusting may be responsible for loading of high topography before the continental collision ceous has often been compared to the modern
the Tangza foreland basin. This thrust fault- between India and Asia (Kapp et al., 2007b; Andean Plateau in South America (Allégre et al.,
ing may be associated with crustal shorten- Lai et al., 2019a; Murphy et al., 1997; Zhang 1984; Ding and Lai, 2003). This Andean-style
ing induced by the continuous convergence of et al., 2012). As the southern-central part of tectonic evolution of the Lhasa terrane was not
Lhasa and Qiangtang since collision initiated the Tibetan Plateau, the structural deformation only influenced by the northward subduction of
during the Early Cretaceous. The initial uplift and exhumation history, magmatic rocks, and the Neo-Tethyan ocean in its southern margin;
of western and central parts of northern Cretaceous-Cenozoic strata in the Lhasa terrane it was also impacted by the collision of Lhasa
Lhasa and eastern Gangdese arc occurred preserve archives of Tibetan Plateau growth his- and Qiangtang in northern Lhasa (Kapp et al.,
tory. Therefore, to test the models above, bet- 2007a). However, the above-mentioned study
Jin-Gen Dai ter knowledge of the tectonic and topographic methods cannot distinguish between which of the
6801 evolution of the Lhasa terrane during the Creta- two mechanisms plays a major role. In addition,
†Corresponding author: ceous is required. the topographic gain should be accompanied by

GSA Bulletin; Month/Month 2020; 0; p. 1–18;; 11 figures; 2 tables; 1 supplemental file.

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Xu Han et al.

exhumation, which would result in the erosion and is dominated by Jurassic deep-water turbi- area mainly crops out Cretaceous igneous and
of large amounts of rocks and thus the miss- dites, mélanges, and ophiolite fragments (Yin sedimentary rocks (Fig. 1B). Specifically, the
ing records of the early history of topographic and Harrison, 2000; Zhu et al., 2013). The Lhasa Early Cretaceous sedimentary cover includes
changes in the uplifted areas. Fortunately, the terrane can be divided into the northern, central, the underlying Duoni Formation with mainly
exhumed materials could be deposited in the cor- and southern Lhasa subterranes; these are sepa- volcanic rocks and clastic rocks and the over-
responding basin, and thus the sedimentary basin rated by the Shiquan River-Nam Tso Mélange lying Langshan Formation with limestone char-
in the Lhasa terrane recorded its early tectonic Zone (SNMZ) and Luobadui-Milashan Fault acterized by abundant benthic foraminifera and
and topographic evolution. (LMF), respectively (Fig. 1A; Zhu et al., 2011). bivalves. The Upper Cretaceous Jingzhushan
Cretaceous sedimentary basins are wide- The southern Lhasa terrane mainly comprises Formation unconformably overlies the Lang-
spread in the Lhasa terrane (Zhang et al., 2012) Late Triassic–Cenozoic Gangdese batholiths and shan Formation, while the contact between the
with Linzhou Basin in the eastern part of south- Cenozoic Linzizong volcanic rocks (Chu et al., Tangza Formation and the Langshan Forma-
ern Lhasa (Leier et al., 2007a); Nima, Selin Co, 2011; Chu et al., 2006; Ji et al., 2009; Zhu et al., tion is unclear. The Tangza Formation consists
and Baingoin Basin in central part of northern 2011). The sedimentary strata are limited, and of limestone, mudstone, sandstone, and con-
Lhasa (DeCelles et al., 2007; Lai et al., 2019a; they are mainly Late Triassic to Cretaceous in glomerate, and its depositional age has been
Zhang et al., 2011); and Coqen Basin in the age (Leier et al., 2007a; Zhu et al., 2013). To constrained to be 101–94 Ma by foraminifera
central part of central Lhasa (Fig. 1A; Sun the south of the Gangdese arc, Cretaceous deep- fossils and youngest detrital zircon ages (Ye
et al., 2015a). Previous studies have revealed water turbidites were deposited in the Xigaze et al., 2019). Based on the regional occurrences
that most of the Cretaceous basins above devel- forearc basin (An et al., 2014; Dürr, 1996; Orme and comparing the measured sections (Figs. 1D
oped as a regional foreland basin in response et al., 2015; Orme and Laskowski, 2016; Wang and 1F; SE-01 and our GJ1601), we find that
to the Gangdese retroarc thrust system (Leier et al., 2012). The central Lhasa terrane is mainly section SE-01 in Ye et al. (2019) is located in
et al., 2007a; Zhang et al., 2011) or a local covered by widespread Carboniferous–Permian the overturned limb, while our newly measured
foreland basin loaded by basement involved metasedimentary rocks and Late Jurassic–Early GJ1601 is cropped out in the central and nor-
thrusts as in the Laramide Orogeny in western Cretaceous volcano-sedimentary rocks (Zhu mal limb of the anticline. Therefore, we infer
North America (Sun et al., 2015a). However, et al., 2010). The northern Lhasa terrane com- that their measured sections are the upper part
the studies above were mostly located in the prises Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous marginal of the Tangza Formation, whereas our sections
central-eastern Lhasa terrane (Fig. 1A), while marine and deltaic strata that are interbedded are the lower part of this formation. This infer-
the western Lhasa terrane has received much with widespread volcanic rocks (Zhu et al., ence is confirmed by the fact that our sections
less attention. In particular, we do not know 2013). Recently, geological and geochronologi- yield older depositional ages than those of the
whether Early–middle Cretaceous Gangdese cal studies revealed that a Jurassic–Cretaceous previous study. The Tangza Formation crops out
retroarc foreland basin occurred in the western magmatic arc of Along Co-Yanhu-Daguo-Bain- at the boundary between the central and north-
part of northern Lhasa. goin-Daru Co occurs in the northern Lhasa ter- ern Lhasa subterranes (Fig. 1B). The Qushenla
We address the above questions by investi- rane (Zhu et al., 2016). Formation is located in the north of the Tangza
gating Cretaceous strata in the Tangza Basin, Cretaceous strata are widely distributed in the Formation. This formation consists mainly of
which is in the western part of northern Lhasa Lhasa terrane. Generally, the Lower Cretaceous basalts, andesites, and limestone dated to ca.
(Figs. 1A and 1B). Recently, Ye et al. (2019) units consist of mudstone and sandstone with
built a new stratigraphic unit termed the Tangza interbedded volcanic rocks, such as the Duoni
Formation on the basis of its stratigraphy, litho- and Qushenla Formations, and limestone such Figure 1. (A) Tectonic framework of the
facies, and sedimentary facies. However, they as the Langshan Formation (Zhang et al., 2004; Tibetan Plateau (adapted from Kapp et al.,
are focused on the upper part of this formation, Zhu et al., 2013). These units were all depos- 2005; Zhu et al., 2016; Zhu et al., 2013)
which impeded our understanding of the initial ited in shallow marine environments, and they showing the distribution of Cretaceous ter-
topographic evolution of its source area. Here we are usually unconformably overlain by Upper restrial strata and localities of collected U-Pb
report stratigraphic, sedimentological, geochro- Cretaceous units characterized by terrigenous ages. JSSZ—Jinsha Suture Zone; LSSZ—
nological, and provenance analyses including molasse deposits. These nonmarine clastic units Longmu Tso-Shuanghu Suture Zone;
sandstone petrology, conglomerate composition, include the Jingzhushan Formation in northern BNSZ—Bangong-Nujiang Suture Zone;
detrital zircon U-Pb ages, and detrital Cr-spinel Lhasa and the Daxiong Formation in central SNMZ—Shiquan River-Nam Tso Mélange
of the Tangza Formation in order to determine Lhasa (Fig. 1A). The Jingzhushan Formation is Zone; LMF—Luobadui-Milashan Fault;
the timing of surface uplift. cropped out in an east-west–trending belt from IYZSZ—Indus-Yarlung Zangbo Suture
Shiquanhe in the west to Dengqen in the east Zone; STDS—South Tibetan Detachment
GEOLOGIC BACKGROUND (Fig. 1A). These terrestrial strata are diachron- System; TZB—Tangza Basin; CQB—Coqen
ous and mainly consist of conglomerate, sand- Basin; NMB—Nima Basin; XFB—Xigaze
The Tibetan Plateau consists of several ter- stone, and siltstone (Lai et al., 2019a). The Dax- Forearc Basin; SCB—Selin Co Basin;
ranes that comprise the Songpan-Ganzi com- iong Formation was first termed by Sun et al. BGB—Baingoin Basin; LZB—Linzhou
plex, the Qiangtang terrane, and the Lhasa (2015a) and is distributed along an ∼10-km- Basin; SGAT—Shiquanhe-Gaize-Amdo
terrane from north to south (Fig. 1A; Yin and wide and ∼700-km-long, east-west–trending thrust system; GLT—Gugu La thrust. (B)
Harrison, 2000). The Lhasa terrane is separated belt in the southern part of central Lhasa from Geological map of the Geji area showing the
from the Tethyan Himalaya to the south by the Coqen to Nam Co (Fig. 1A). It mostly con- sections studied. (C–E) Satellite image from
Yarlung Zangbo Suture Zone (YZSZ) and from sists of conglomerates (Lai et al., 2019a; Sun Google Earth of the measured sections. (F)
the Qiangtang terrane to the north by the Ban- et al., 2015a). Schematic diagram showing spatial relation-
gong-Nujiang Suture Zone (BNSZ, Fig. 1A). Our study area is located in the northern Geji ship of measured sections from this study
The BNSZ extends at least 1200 km along strike area in the western part of northern Lhasa. This and previous studies (Ye et al., 2019).

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The middle Cretaceous evolution of the Tangza Basin


Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 130, no. XX/XX 3

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Xu Han et al.

Lithofacies code Description Interpretation
Sh Horizontally stratified sandstone. Fine- to coarse-grain size, occasionally with pebbles Planar bed flow, upper flow regime
Sm Massive sandstone. Very fine- to coarse-grained, pebbly Rapid deposition, sediment gravity flow
St Trough cross-stratified sandstone. Medium- to coarse-grain size, occasionally pebbly Dune migration, lower flow regime
Sp Planar cross-stratified sandstone. Fine- to coarse-grain size, occasionally pebbly 2D dunes, lower flow regime
Gco Organized, clast-supported polymictic conglomerates. Cobble and pebbles, normal grading, Traction bedload transported by persistent fluvial stream
weak imbrication
Gcm Pebble to boulder conglomerate, poorly sorted, clast-supported, unstratified, poorly organized Deposition from sheet floods and clast-rich debris flows
Gmm Disorganized, matrix supported polymictic conglomerates. Boulder and pebbles Deposition by cohesive mud-matrix debris flows
Fl Fine laminated. Mudstone to siltstone. Occasionally calcareous Suspension deposits, overbank or abandoned channel
Fm Massive or platy. Mudstone to siltstone. Occasionally calcareous Suspension deposits, overbank or abandoned channel
L Limestone. Shallow sea
Note: Modified from Miall (1985); Uba et al. (2005).

110–130 Ma (Li et al., 2018; Sui et al., 2013), sandstones (Figs. 3D and 3E), and mudclasts The fourth member (Member 4) of the
and it is intruded by Cretaceous plutons (Along occasionally appear in limited sandstone beds. Tangza Formation is more than 300 m thick.
Co batholith, ca. 110–120 Ma, Zhu et al., 2016). Generally, sandstones display coarsening- This member is observed in the section GJX01
Farther north, the Bangong-Nujiang ophiolites upward sequences. Predominant lithofacies of and GJ1701. It is primarily composed of fine-
and associated mélanges are exposed. sandstones are Sm, Sh, and Sp. The lithofacies to medium-grained sandstones, siltstones, and
associations with low-angle cross-stratification mudstones (Fig. 2). Individual sandstone beds
SEDIMENTOLOGY sandstones suggest that Member 2 was deposited with thickness from 0.3 m to 3 m have parallel
in a stream-dominated environment that proba- bedding (Sh) and very coarse and pebbly clasts.
We measured three stratigraphic sections bly occurred in the distal alluvial fans (Blair and The sandstone lithofacies associations are inter-
at different localities in the Tangza Basin McPherson, 1994). preted as the deposits of laterally migrating
(Figs. 1B–1E). Based on lithofacies associa- The third member (Member 3) of the Tangza sandy, braided river channels (Bridge and Lunt,
tions and sedimentary structures, our measured Formation is ∼50–300 m in thickness. The 2006; Lunt and Bridge, 2004).
sections can be divided into four members. lithofacies of this member consist of fine- to
The probable depositional environment for medium-grained sandstones (Sm, Sh, and St), METHODS
each member is reconstructed according to siltstones (Fl), and red, clast-, or matrix- sup-
sedimentological observations. The detailed ported conglomerates (Gmm, Gcm, and Gco; Conglomerate and Sandstone Composition
descriptions of lithofacies are shown in Table 1 Fig. 2). The sandstone beds have parallel- and
(Miall, 1985; Uba et al., 2005). The follow- trough cross-stratifications. Pebbly sandstone In the stratigraphic measured section, we
ing lithological descriptions and depositional bearing sandstone, mudstone, and limestone quantified conglomerate composition by count-
interpretations are standard on the basis of pebbles is occasionally observed. Conglomer- ing clast types at four locations in the field using
widely reported literature regarding the flu- ate beds are massive and poorly sorted and lat- a 10 × 10 cm grid and at least 100 clasts per
vial and shallow-marine environments (Leier erally extend for tens of meters. The clasts are site. A total of 10 thin sandstone sections were
et al., 2007a). angular to sub-rounded and somewhat weakly selected for petrographic modal analysis. More
The first member (Member 1) of the Tangza imbricated. Their compositions are mainly than 300 grains were identified and counted
Formation is ∼90–250 m thick in different limestone and sandstone with minor mud- in each sample following the Gazzi-Dickson
­measured sections. It is primarily composed of stone and quartz debris (Fig. 3F). Some con- method (Dickinson, 1985; Ingersoll et al., 1984).
laminated mudstones, sparry oolitic limestones, glomerates have erosional basal surfaces and
and bioclastic limestones interbedded with upward-fining sequences. The most significant Zircon U-Pb Dating
siltstones and fine-grained sandstones (Figs. 2 characteristic of this member is the occurrence
and 3A). Bioclastic limestones are commonly of a white to gray dacite layer interbedded Zircons were separated from five sand-
0.3–1.5 m thick and mainly consist of orbito- with sandstone (Fig. 2). Dacite displays por- stone samples and one dacite sample from
linids, rudists and bivalves (Figs. 3B and 4A). phyritic texture with quartz and plagioclase the measured sections. U-Pb dating analyses
The fine-grained sandstones display parallel phenocrysts (Fig. 4B). The clast-supported of zircons from sample GJ1601-10, GJ1601-
stratification (Sh). The ooids and orbitolinids conglomerates with weak imbricated clasts 20, and GJ1601-23 were simultaneously con-
both reflect a shallow, low-energy environment. (Gco) and pebbly, trough cross-laminated ducted using laser ablation-inductively coupled
Siltstones and fine-grained sandstones indicate sandstones are interpreted as generated by plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) at the
the increasing terrestrial debris. Based on the stream-dominated flows with high sediment Wuhan SampleSolution Analytical Technology
orbitolinids and lithofacies associations, we concentrations that probably occurred in the Co., Ltd., Wuhan, China. Operating conditions
interpret this member to have been deposited distal alluvial fans (DeCelles et al., 1991). for the laser ablation system and the ICP-MS
on a shallow-marine continental shelf or pro- Disorganized, matrix-supported conglomer- instrument and data reduction are the same as
delta environments (Baltzer and Purser, 1990; ates (Gmm) suggest mud-matrix debris flow described by Zong et al. (2017). Laser sampling
Fielding et al., 1988). deposition in proximal to medial fans (Blair was performed using a GeolasPro laser ablation
The second member (Member 2) of the and McPherson, 1994). The clast supported, system that consists of a COMPexPro 102 ArF
Tangza Formation is ∼300 m thick. It mainly poorly sorted, pebble to boulder conglomer- excimer laser (wavelength of 193 nm and maxi-
consists of gray-red to gray-yellow, medium- ates are interpreted to have been deposited mum energy of 200 mJ) and a MicroLas optical
to coarse-grained sandstones interbedded with by sheet floods. The lithofacies associations system. An Agilent 7700e ICP-MS instrument
laminated siltstones (Figs. 2 and 3C). Parallel- of this member are interpreted as a record of was used to acquire ion signal intensities. The
and planar cross-stratifications are observed in deposition in an alluvial fan setting. spot size and frequency of the laser were set

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The middle Cretaceous evolution of the Tangza Basin

Figure 2. Stratigraphic columns of the measured sections displaying lithofacies, sample locations, and conglomerate

Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 130, no. XX/XX 5

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Xu Han et al.

A 85° B

Member 1
Member 2




Figure 3. Field photographs of the Tangza Formation. (A) Member 1 and Member 2 (GJ1701) are shown; (B) Bioclastic limestone (GJ1701);
(C) Clast-supported conglomerate; L, limestone (GJ1601); (D) Sandstone beds interbedded with siltstone (GJX01); (E) Sandstone with
cross-stratification and parallel stratification (GJ1701); (F) Sandstone with cross-stratification (GJ1701).

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The middle Cretaceous evolution of the Tangza Basin



200μm 200μm

Ls Ls
Qm Qm

Ls Lv F Lv

Ls Lv Qp
Ls 200μm

Figure 4. Petrography of the Tangza Formation is shown. (A) Quartz with melting corrosion structure in dacite (Sample GJ1601-23). (B)
Orbitolina-bearing limestone (Sample GJ1601-02). (C) Lithic sandstone showing abundant sedimentary fragments (Sample GJX01-06). (D)
Lithic sandstone showing abundant volcanic fragments (Sample GJX02-02). Qp—polycrystalline quartz; Qm—monocrystalline quartz;
F—feldspars; Ls—sedimentary lithic fragments; Lv—volcanic rock fragments; Lm—metamorphic lithic fragments.

to 35 µm and 5 Hz, respectively. Zircon U-Pb (Vermeesch, 2018). 207Pb/206Pb ages were RESULTS
analyses from sample GJ1701-01, GJX01-06, used for grains older than 1000 Ma, whereas
and GJX02-02 were simultaneously conducted 206Pb/238U ages were utilized for grains younger Conglomerate and Sandstone Composition
by LA-ICP-MS at the Mineral Laser Microprobe than 1000 Ma.
Analysis Laboratory (Milma Lab), China Uni- A total of 489 conglomerate clasts were
versity of Geosciences, Beijing. Chemical Composition of Detrital Cr-Spinel counted at four locations in the measured sec-
The offline selection and the integration of tions (Fig. 2; Table S11). Conglomerate clast
background and analyzed signals, time-drift Detrital Cr-spinel grains were separated from components are mainly limestone and sand-
correction, U-Pb dating, and quantitative cali- two sandstone samples from section GJX01 stone, a small amount of quartz, mudstone, and
bration for trace element analyses were per- (sample GJX01-06 and GJX02-02). Cr-spinel igneous rocks. No obvious biological debris
formed using ICPMSDataCal software (Liu grains were selected by hand-picking, mounted
et al., 2010; Liu et al., 2008). The common Pb in epoxy, and polished for major element analy- 1Supplemental Material. Supplementary gravel

correction followed the ComPbCorr#3.18 pro- ses. Cr-spinel compositions were determined by composition, detrital model composition, zircon
cedure (Andersen, 2002). Weighted average JEOL JXA-8230 electron microprobe at the Key U-Pb data, Cr-spinel composition, and compiled
zircon U-Pb and Cr-spinel composition data. Please
age, concordia diagrams, detrital zircon kernel Laboratory of Mineralogy and Metallogeny, visit https://doi​.org/10.1130/GSAB.S.12975011 to
density estimate (KDE), and multidimensional Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese access the supplemental material, and contact editing​
scaling (MDS) were performed using IsoplotR Academy of Sciences. with any questions.

Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 130, no. XX/XX 7

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Xu Han et al.

A Qt B Lm C Qp


Recycled Continental
Dissected Orogen collision
Arc orogen

Transitional Arc

F L Lv Ls Lv Ls
Basement Undissected Arc Arc-related orogen
Member 2 Member 3 Member 4 Previous data

0.015 0.016 0.017 0.018 0.019 0.020 0.021 0.022


130 106.32±0.29 Ma


100μm 120




0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14


Figure 5. (A, B, and C) Ternary diagrams of sandstone framework compositions from the Tangza Formation are shown. Qt—total quartz;
Qp—polycrystalline quartz; F—feldspar; L—total lithic fragments; Lv—volcanic lithic grains; Ls—sedimentary lithic grains; Lm—meta-
morphic lithic grains. Previous data are from Ye (2019). (D and E) Concordia diagram and weighted mean age of zircon grains from the
dacite sample (GJ1601-23). MSWD—mean square of weighted deviates.

was observed in the limestone clasts. In section Member 2, the volcanic fragments increase from 80 zircon crystals analyzed. Age distri-
GJ1601, limestone clasts account for 44%–50% significantly and are the primary components bution of this sample is relatively dispersed
of the total conglomerate clasts, while sand- (Figs. 5B and 5C). (Fig. 6E). The younger zircons (n = 10) clus-
stone clasts are 32%–34% and quartz clasts vary ter at the range of 101–123 Ma. The older
from 16% to 24%. Limestone clasts (72%) are Zircon U-Pb ages U-Pb ages show populations at 150–170 Ma,
dominant in section GJ1701, whereas sandstone 200–230 Ma, 320–580 Ma, 750–850 Ma, and
clasts are the main component (48%) in the sec- Zircons from the dacite sample (GJ1601-23, 1800–1900 Ma. The proportion of Early Cre-
tion GJX01. Member 3 of section GJ1601) predominantly taceous ages is ∼14.9%.
All sandstone samples are poorly sorted display euhedral, long-prismatic shape, and Sample GJ1601-20 (Member 3 of section
and sub-angular to sub-rounded, and they typical magmatic oscillatory zoning (Fig. 5D). GJ1601) yielded 81 usable ages from 85 zircon
are richened in the lithic grains with an aver- Twenty analyzed zircon grains plot on the con- grains, and 45.7% of them are Early Cretaceous
age modal composition of Q:F:L = 40:12:48 cordia line and yield a weighted mean age of in age. There are 37 ages that cluster between
(Fig. 5A; Table S2; see footnote 1). Sandstone 106.32 ± 0.29 Ma (Figs. 5D and 5E; Table S3; 100 Ma and 125 Ma. Other older U-Pb ages
samples from Member 2 have average modal see footnote 1). cluster at the 150–160 Ma, 500–650 Ma, and
compositions of Qt:F:L = 43:13:44 and Lm: A total of 425 detrital zircons from five 700–850 Ma age ranges (Fig. 6D).
Lv: Ls = 10:35:55 (Figs. 5A and 5B; Table sandstones were analyzed by LA-ICP-MS, and Seventy-seven concordant ages were obtained
S2). Among the lithic fragments, the sedi- 406 grains yielded concordant and valid ages from 80 grains of sample GJX01-06 (Member 2
mentary fragments are dominant (Figs. 5B (Figs. 6 and S1; Table S3). Here we describe of section GJX01). The youngest group (n = 18)
and 5C). Samples from Member 3 and 4 show the age distribution of each sample (Fig. 6) is clustered between 111 Ma and 130 Ma, and
somehow different sandstone modal frame- and compare them to plutonic (Fig. 7) and the older U-Pb ages display relatively obvious
work grains, and they have compositions of sedimentary rocks (Fig. 8) of potential sources. populations at 150–170 Ma, 1800–1900 Ma, and
Qt:F:L = 38:12:50 and Lm: Lv: Ls = 14:61:25 Zircon grains from sample GJ1601-10 (Mem- 2350–2500 Ma (Fig. 6C). The Early Cretaceous
(Figs. 5A and 5B; Table S2). Compared with ber 2 of section GJ1601) yielded 74 valid ages ages account for 24.7% of the total.

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The middle Cretaceous evolution of the Tangza Basin


A 45
n=85 (99%)
60 GJ1701-01
40 15

20 0
50 100 150 200 250 300

40 n=78 (89%)

50 100 150 200 250 300

20 C n=33 (43%)

Relative Probability
GJX01-06 5

50 100 150 200 250 300

D 20
n=45 (56%)
30 GJ1601-20

n=81 10

50 100 150 200 250 300

E n=25 (34%)

8 2

4 0
50 100 150 200 250 300

F Our data n=266 (66%)

n=406 120


100 40

50 100 150 200 250 300

G Data from 60
120 Ye et al., 2019 n=176 (49%)
n=362 40


40 50 100 150 200 250 300

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Zircon U-Pb Age (Ma)

Figure 6. Relative U-Pb age probabilities for detrital zircons from the sandstones of the Tangza Formation
are shown.

Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 130, no. XX/XX 9

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Xu Han et al.

A 200
n=439 (57%)
Tangza Fm.
n= 768 100

50 100 150 200 250 300


B terrestrial strata 500 n=1413 (61%)

1200 n= 2317 300

50 100 150 200 250 300


C Qiangtang 200

300 n=638
n=267 100

50 100 150 200 250 300

Relative Probability

D Lhasa 120

300 n=337 80

50 100 150 200 250 300


E Central
200 Lhasa
n=564 100

50 100 150 200 250 300


F Lhasa

n=782 80

50 100 150 200 250 300


0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000

Zircon U-Pb Age (Ma)

10 Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 130, no. XX/XX

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The middle Cretaceous evolution of the Tangza Basin

Figure 7. Comparisons of probability den- 120

sity diagrams of detrital zircon ages from A Southern Qiangtang 50
(Mesozoic) n=303 (19%)
the Tangza Formation (this study and Ye n=1596 25

et al., 2019), Cretaceous terrestrial strata 60

(Lai et al., 2019a; Leier et al., 2007b; Li 50 100 150 200 250 300

et al., 2017b; Sun et al., 2015a; Wang et al.,

2017), and igneous zircon age populations 0
from different potential source areas are B Southern Qiangtang
30 (Plaeozoic)
shown. Black lines represent zircon U-Pb
data from the western Tibetan Plateau (80°–
83°E) (Cao et al., 2016; Hu et al., 2016b; Li 15
et al., 2014; Li et al., 2018; Sui et al., 2013;
Wang et al., 2019; Zhu et al., 2009; Zhu
et al., 2011), while gray dashed lines repre- 0

sent all of the compiled data (the above data C BNSZ 40 n=368 (13%)
and Chapman and Kapp, 2017). n=2739
200 20

50 100 150 200 250 300

Sample GJX02-02 (Member 3 of section
GJX01) yielded 88 usable ages, while sample
GJ1701-01 (Member 4 of section GJ1701) pro- Northern Lhasa
duced 86 valid ages. Both samples have a pre-
D (Mesozoic)
n=182 (31%)

Relative Probability
120 n=582

dominant age population between 105 Ma and 15

130 Ma with a unimodal peak at ca. 120 Ma 50 100 150 200 250 300
(Figs. 6A and 6B). The proportions of Early
Cretaceous ages for the two samples above are
83.0% and 95.3%, respectively.
All zircons from these samples have a com- 35 E Northern Lhasa
mon age population between 101 Ma and n=279
130 Ma (Fig. 6). Samples collected from the 20
lower part (GJ1601-10 and GJX01-06 of Mem-
ber 2) show similar zircon U-Pb age ranges with
additional peaks at 150–170 Ma, 750–1000 Ma,
and 1800–1900 Ma, whereas samples from the 40 F Central Lhasa
upper part (GJ1601-20, GJX02-02, and GJ1701- (Mesozoic)
01 of Members 3 and 4) display a single peak n=398
at ca. 110 Ma (GJ1601-20) and ca. 120 Ma 20
(GJX02-02 and GJ1701-01). Therefore, the pro-
portions of Early Cretaceous ages increase from
the bottom of the measured section upward.
G Central Lhasa
Chemical Composition of Detrital Cr-Spinel (Paleozoic)
A total of 80 detrital Cr-spinel grains from
samples GJX01-06 and GJX02-02 were ana- 20

lyzed (Table S4; see footnote 1). About 80%

of these detrital grains have a TiO2 content of
less than 0.2%, which is suggestive of their Tangza Fm.
n=442 (57%)
peridotite origin. Their Al2O3, Cr2O3 contents n= 773 100

and Cr# values [Cr# = Cr/ (Cr + Al)] range

250 50 100 150 200 250 300
from 7.2 wt% to 37.0 wt%, from 28.6 wt% to
61.8 wt%, and from 0.34 wt% to 0.85 wt%, 100
respectively. Clearly, geochemical composi- 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
tions of detrital Cr-spinels show a wide and Zircon U-Pb Age (Ma)
dispersed range (Fig. 9A). About 50% of detri-
tal spinels match those of spinels from suprasu- Figure 8. Comparisons of probability density diagrams of detrital zircon ages from the
bduction zone peridotite, while 41% of detrital Tangza Formation (this study and Ye et al., 2019) and detrital zircon U-Pb age populations
spinels match the overlapping part of suprasu- from different potential source areas are shown (Fan et al., 2017; Gehrels et al., 2011; Leier
bduction zone peridotite and mid-oceanic ridge et al., 2007b; Li et al., 2017a; Li et al., 2017b; Ma et al., 2017). BNSZ—Bangong-Nujiang
peridotite. Suture Zone; Fm.—formation.

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Figure 9. (A) TiO2-Al2O3 plot (Kamenetsky, 2001) of Cr-spinels from the Tangza Formation and adjacent ophiolites is shown (Zhang,
2007). CFB—continental flood basalt; OIB—oceanic island basalt; MORB—mid-ocean ridge basalt; MORP—mid-ocean ridge peridotite;
SSZP—supra-subduction-zone peridotite. (B) Multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) plot for Cretaceous terrestrial strata (Lai et al., 2019a; Sun
et al., 2017; Wang et al., 2017). Solid and dashed lines in the MDS plot point from each sample to its closest neighbor and second closest
neighbor respectively (Vermeesch, 2018). DX Fm.—Daxiong Formation; JZS Fm.—Jingzhushan Formation.

DISCUSSION beds were deposited during late Aptian–Albian erally, the mean age YC1σ (2+) of the youngest
time. The observations above confirm that our group with at least two grains that overlap in age
Depositional Age of the Tangza Formation measured stratigraphic sections are located in the at 1σ can provide the maximum depositional age
and Comparison with Coeval Cretaceous lower part of the Tangza Formation as compared (MDA) of associated strata. This method is useful
Strata in Lhasa with those of the previous study (Ye et al., 2019). for the clastic strata lacking preserved fossils and
However, the depositional age of the clastic sec- especially valid for sedimentary rocks since their
The depositional age of the Tangza Formation tion overlying the limestone in our measured provenance is from coeval magmatic rocks. The
has been constrained to be Cenomanian stage sections is poorly constrained, although Ye et al. YC1σ (2+) ages of our five sandstone samples
(101–94 Ma) on the basis of foraminifera fossils (2019) reported an age of 101 Ma by using the are 115.11 ± 0.47 Ma (Member 2, GJ1601-10,
from the limestone member (Ye et al., 2019). We youngest single grain (YSG) detrital U-Pb age n = 9), 105.97 ± 0.3 Ma (Member 3, GJ1601-20,
also obtained orbitolina fossils in Member 1 of from each sample to represent the depositional n = 13),118.92 ± 0.4 Ma (Member 2, GJX01-06,
limestone (Fig. 4B), such as Mesorbitolina sp., time. As pointed out by Dickinson and Gehrels n = 13), 113.52 ± 0.33 Ma (Member 3, GJX02-
Mesorbitolina spp., and Mesorbitolina aperta. (2009), the YSG age may be misleading because 02, n = 13), 111.94 ± 0.27 Ma (Member 4,
These fossils indicate that the basal limestone any single measure may be unreproducible. Gen- GJ1701-01, n = 13) (Table 2), respectively.


Measured Sample Analyzed Percentage of Maximum YDZ† YSG† YPP† YC1σ (2+)† YC2σ (3+)†
section number numbers of Cretaceous ages depositional (Ma) (Ma) (Ma) (Ma) (Ma)
zircon grains age* (Ma)
GJ1601 GJ1601-10 74 14.9% (11 out of 74) 115.1 101.04 + 4.1–4.5 101 ± 2 113 115.11 ± 0.47 (n = 9) 114.37 ± 0.46 (n = 10)
GJ1601 GJ1601-20 81 45.7% (37 out of 81) 106.0 100.88 + 1.8–2.2 101 ± 1 112 105.97 ± 0.3 (n = 13) 108.73 ± 0.23 (n = 24)
GJX01 GJX01-06 77 24.7% (19 out of 77) 118.9 111.13 + 2–2.4 111 ± 1 119 118.92 ± 0.4 Ma(n = 13) 120.12 ± 0.34 (n = 17)
GJX01 GJX02-02 88 83.0% (73 out of 88) 113.5 110.17 + 1.4–2.5 110.2 ± 0.9 121 113.52 ± 0.33 Ma(n = 13) 116.19 ± 0.25 (n = 24)
GJ1701 GJ1701-01 86 95.3% (82 out of 86) 111.9 107.81 + 1.3–1.9 108.1 ± 0.8 120 111.94 ± 0.27 Ma(n = 13) 114.51 ± 0.21 (n = 24)
SE-02 16JL31 82 13.4% (11 out of 82) 118.2 100.33 + 6.3–5.8 100.7 ± 2.77 117 118.19 ± 0.78 (n = 9) 116.9 ± 0.75 (n = 10)
SE-03 17TZ02 85 32.9% (28 out of 85) 110.3 106.46 + 2.1–3.1 106.8 ± 1.39 113 110.33 ± 0.51 (n = 13) 113.39 ± 0.38 (n = 24)
SE-01 17TZ08 75 26.7% (20 out of 75) 111.3 101.67 + 4.8–7.1 101.4 ± 3.02 109 111.28 ± 0.51 (n = 14) 111.89 ± 0.49 (n = 17)
SE-02 16JL03 60 85% (51 out of 60) 107.1 99.667 + 3.7–10 101 ± 5 115 107.05 ± 0.48 (n = 13) 108.44 ± 0.38 (n = 24)
SE-02 16JL27 60 16.7% (10 out of 60) 115.2 108.13 + 3.4–4.7 108 ± 2 117 115.22 ± 0.73 (n = 8) 117.81 ± 0.67 (n = 10)
Note: *Maximum depositional age is determined by YC1σ (2+).
†YDZ—Age calculated by the “Youngest Detrital Zircon” routine of Isoplot (Ludwig, 2008); YSG—Youngest single detrital zircon age with 1σ uncertainty; YPP—Youngest

graphical detrital zircon age peak on an age-probability plot or age-distribution curve; YC1σ (2+)—Weighted mean age (±1σ incorporating both internal analytical error
and external systematic error) of youngest cluster of two or more grain ages overlapping in age at 1σ; YC2σ (3+)—Weighted mean age (±1σ incorporating both internal
analytical error and external systematic error) of youngest cluster of three or more grain ages overlapping in age at 2σ (Dickinson and Gehrels, 2009).

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The middle Cretaceous evolution of the Tangza Basin

These YC1σ (2+) ages indicate that the MDA of siltstone. Its maximum depositional age was ca. Lai et al., 2019a; Leier et al., 2007b; Li et al.,
the Tangza Formation may be ca. 106 Ma. Simi- 96 Ma according to the youngest underlying 2017a; Li et al., 2017b; Ma et al., 2017; Sun
larly, five previously reported sandstone samples Langshan Formation and the youngest detrital et al., 2015a; Wang et al., 2017; Ye et al., 2019;
have YC1σ (2+) mean ages of 118.19 ± 0.78 Ma zircon peaks, while its accumulation ended at Tables S7 and S8; see footnote 1) were collected
(16JL31, n = 9), 110.33 ± 0.51 Ma (17TZ02, ca. 91 Ma as constrained by the uppermost tuff for comparison. Considering that our study area
n = 13), 111.28 ± 0.51 Ma (17TZ08, sample zircon ages (Sun et al., 2015a). The Jing- is located in the western Tibetan Plateau, in
n = 14), 107.05 ± 0.48 Ma (16JL03, n = 13), zhushan Formation in the Nima and Baingoin Figure 7 we present all of the magmatic zircon
115.22 ± 0.73 Ma (16JL27, n = 8), respectively Basin (Fig. 1A) was proposed to be deposited at U-Pb ages from one potential source area in gray
(Ye et al., 2019). The more robust constraint is ca. 92 Ma, which was mainly constrained by the dashed lines and zircon U-Pb ages from its corre-
from the age of interbedded dacite layer. Sample interbedded tuff bed (Lai et al., 2019a). sponding western part (80°–83°E) in black lines.
GJ1601-23 from Member 3 has a weighted mean In summary, most of the Lhasa terrane was In the southern Qiangtang, detrital zircon U-Pb
age of 106.32 ± 0.29 Ma (n = 20; Figs. 5D and in a shallow marine setting during Aptian–Early ages of the Paleozoic strata display age peaks of
5E), reflecting the depositional age of the upper Albian as recorded by the lower part of lime- ca. 550 Ma, ca. 950 Ma, and ca. 2500 Ma (Geh-
part of the Tangza Formation in our measured stones in the Takena and Tangza Formations rels et al., 2011; Ma et al., 2017), while those of
sections. Based on the consistent zircon U-Pb and the Langshan Formation. The Tangza and the Mesozoic strata cluster at 170–180 Ma, 210–
ages of dacite and MDAs from sandstones, we Linzhou, Maqu, and Nima Basins began to 290 Ma, 700–1000 Ma, 1800–1950 Ma, and
infer that the Tangza Formation in our measured receive terrestrial clastic sediments ca.106 Ma, 2400–2500 Ma (Figs. 8A and 8B; Gehrels et al.,
sections was most likely deposited between ca. whereas the Coqen, Selin Co, and Baingoin 2011). All of the zircon U-Pb ages of magmatic
110 Ma and ca. 96 Ma and the clastic part initi- Basins continued to receive shallow marine rocks are characterized by peaks at 120 Ma and
ated at ca. 106 Ma. Considering the previously limestone deposits (Fig. 10). The transition for 160 Ma, whereas those of its western part are
constrained 101–92 Ma age for the upper part of all of the Cretaceous basins from shallow marine clustered at 150–170 Ma (Fig. 7C; Chapman and
the Tangza Formation (Ye et al., 2019), the depo- to continental deposition should be ca. 92 Ma Kapp, 2017; Li et al., 2014).
sitional age for the entire formation may range (Fig. 10). In the Bangong-Nujiang Suture Zone, only the
from 110 Ma to 94 Ma, but the upper limestone sedimentary rocks that are older than the Tangza
bed may be 96 Ma to 94 Ma (Ye et al., 2019). Provenance of the Tangza Formation Formation have been complied, and they show
The Tangza Formation’s depositional age and and Implications for the Initial Uplift of major age peaks at 150–300 Ma, 400–500 Ma,
strata associations are strikingly similar to those Northern Lhasa 1800–1900 Ma, and 2400–2550 Ma (Fig. 8C; Li
of the Takena Formation in the Linzhou, Maqu, et al., 2017a; Li et al., 2017b).
and Nam Co Basin of eastern Lhasa (Fig. 1A; Conglomerate clast and sandstone composi- In the northern Lhasa terrane, detrital zir-
Leier et al., 2007a). The Takena Formation is tions are critical for provenance interpretation. con U-Pb ages of Paleozoic strata display age
composed of the basal limestone member and Limestone and sandstone are the major clast peaks of 500–600 Ma, 900–1000 Ma, and
overlying terrestrial clastic rock member. Fossil components in the lower part of the Tangza For- 1100–1250 Ma (Gehrels et al., 2011; Leier et al.,
assemblages indicate the limestone was depos- mation, while the percentage of limestone rap- 2007b), while those of Mesozoic strata cluster
ited during Aptian–Albian time (BouDagher- idly decreases and that of igneous rock markedly at 100–130 Ma and 500–600 Ma (Figs. 8D and
Fadel et al., 2015), whereas the nonmarine increases in the upper part (Fig. 2). Given the 8E; Fan et al., 2017; Gehrels et al., 2011; Leier
clastic rock was most likely formed during enriched foraminifera fossils of the Langshan et al., 2007b). All of the zircon U-Pb ages of
105–90 Ma (Leier et al., 2007a). The Lang- Formation (BouDagher-Fadel et al., 2015) in the magmatic rocks are characterized by peaks at
shan Formation in central and northern Lhasa south, the lack of biological debris in the lime- ca. 110 Ma, whereas its western part is domi-
mainly consists of orbitolinid foraminifera– stone clasts suggests that they may be derived nated by the same ca. 110 Ma peaks (Fig. 7D;
rich limestones that were deposited in a shal- from the Qushenla Formation in the north (Li Hu et al., 2016b; Li et al., 2018; Sui et al., 2013;
low marine setting during late Aptian–Ceno- et al., 2018). Lithic fragments are dominant in Wang et al., 2019; Zhu et al., 2011). In central
manian (119–94 Ma) (BouDagher-Fadel et al., the sandstone of the Tangza Formation. The per- Lhasa, detrital zircon U-Pb ages of Paleozoic
2015; Sun et al., 2015a). The Damxung Con- centages of volcanic grains evidently increase strata display age peaks of 500–550 Ma, 900–
glomerate, which is partially overlapped with from the lower to the upper part (Figs. 5B and 1000 Ma, and 1550–1700 Ma (Fan et al., 2017;
the Takena Formation in the Nam Co Basin in 5C). These characteristics of sandstone composi- Gehrels et al., 2011), while those of Mesozoic
eastern Lhasa, mainly includes red conglomer- tion are consistent with sandstones derived from strata cluster at 450–550 Ma, 850–1100 Ma,
ates, sandstones, mudstones with minor tuffs, an arc-related, recycled source. and 1600–1700 Ma (Figs. 8F and 8G; Fan et al.,
and limestones. Its depositional age was ca. In addition, detrital zircon U-Pb ages have 2017). All of the zircon U-Pb ages of magmatic
111 Ma as constrained by the interbedded tuff been widely used to trace the source of sedimen- rocks are characterized by peaks at ca. 20 Ma,
layer zircon U-Pb age (Wang et al., 2017). The tary rock (An et al., 2014; Liu et al., 2020; Orme ca. 90 Ma, and ca. 120 Ma, whereas those of
volcaniclastic and lower red bed units in the et al., 2015). In order to constrain the provenance its western part are clustered at 140–160 Ma
southern Nima Basin consist of disorganized of the Tangza Formation, previously published (Fig. 7E; Cao et al., 2016; Chapman and Kapp,
gray conglomerates and reddish medium- to magmatic and detrital zircon U-Pb ages from 2017; Zhu et al., 2009; Zhu et al., 2011). In
coarse-grained sandstones interbedded with red potential source regions were compiled. A total southern Lhasa, all of the zircon U-Pb ages of
and gray fine-grained sandstones, respectively of 2321 magmatic zircons (Cao et al., 2016; magmatic rocks are characterized by peaks at
(DeCelles et al., 2007). The two units above Chapman and Kapp, 2017; Hu et al., 2016b; Li ca. 50 Ma, ca. 90 Ma, and ca. 180 Ma (Fig. 7F;
were dated to ca. 106 Ma and ca. 99 Ma by a et al., 2014; Li et al., 2018; Sui et al., 2013; Wang Chapman and Kapp, 2017).
volcaniclastic sandstone bed and a tuff layer et al., 2019; Zhu et al., 2009; Zhu et al., 2011; Our detrital zircon U-Pb age results display
(Kapp et al., 2007a). The Daxiong Formation Tables S5 and S6; see footnote 1) and 9238 detri- characteristics consistent with previously pub-
consists of conglomerate, coarse sandstone, and tal zircons (Fan et al., 2017; Gehrels et al., 2011; lished detrital zircon U-Pb ages of the Tangza

Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 130, no. XX/XX 13

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Xu Han et al.

Southern Lhasa Central Lhasa Northern Lhasa

Epoch Age
Xigaze Forearc Northern
(Ma) Linzhou Basin Coqen Basin Selin Co Basin Nima Basin Tangza Basin
Basin Baingoin Basin
Padana Fm.

No strata

San. No strata No strata No strata No strata No strata



Alluvial fan

Tuff Tuff Tuff Tuff
92 Ma 92 Ma 92 Ma 92 Ma
Late Cretaceous

Braider river-Alluvial fan

Braider river-Alluvial fan

Braider river-Alluvial fan

Braider river-Alluvial fan

Daxiong Fm.

Jingzhushan Fm.

Jingzhushan Fm.
Jingzhushan Fm.
Ngamring Fm.

94 Ma

Shelf-Alluvial fan

Tangza Fm.
Takena Fm.


Cen. 96 Ma

Langshan Fm.
shallow marine
shallow marine

shallow marine
Langshan Fm.

Langshan Fm.

Alluvial fan-

fluvial river
Tuff Tuff
Alb. 106 Ma 106 Ma
Early Cretaceous

Shallow Marine

113 110 Ma

Chongdui Fm.

Duoni Fm.

Duoni Fm.


Duoni Fm.

Duba Fm.
No strata

Conglomerate Sandstone Shale Tuff
sandstone and shale

Interbedded Interbedded
Siltstone Limestone
conglomerate and sandstone sandstone and siltstone

Figure 10. Stratigraphic and facies comparisons are shown for Cretaceous strata in the Xigaze Forearc Basin (An et al., 2014), Linzhou
Basin (Leier et al., 2007a), Coqen Basin (Sun et al., 2015a), Selin Co Basin (Zhang et al., 2011), Nima Basin (Kapp et al., 2007a; Lai et al.,
2019a), Northern Baingoin Basin (Lai et al., 2019b), and Tangza Basin (Ye et al., 2019). Apt.—Aptian; Alb.—Albian; Cen.—Cenomanian;
Tur.—Turonian; Con.—Coniacian; San.—Santonian; Cam.—Campanian.

Formation (Figs. 6F and 6G; Ye et al., 2019). rable to those of the magmatic rocks in southern the southward subduction of the Bangong Ocean
Our five samples and previously published five Qiangtang and central Lhasa as well as those of (Zhu et al., 2016). The magmatic arc origin for
samples from the Tangza Formation show a pre- detrital zircons of the Mesozoic strata in south- the Tangza Formation is confirmed by the high
dominant age population at 101–130 Ma with a ern Qiangtang and the BNSZ (Figs. 8A and 8C). percentage of volcanic clasts in the sandstone
peak at 120 Ma (more than 50% ages) and sub- Age peaks of 1800–1900 Ma and 2400–2500 Ma (Fig. 5). Geochronological and geochemical data
ordinate peaks at 150–170 Ma, 1800–1900 Ma, correlate with sedimentary zircons from south- reveal a Jurassic (170–150 Ma) continental arc
and 2400–2500 Ma (Figs. 6F, 6G, and 7A). The ern Qiangtang and the BNSZ (Figs. 8A and 8C). extending ca. 1100 km along southern Qiangtang
youngest and dominant peak of 120 Ma is con- The similarity of the U-Pb age distributions of (Zhu et al., 2016). The relatively minor Jurassic
sistent with the detrital zircon U-Pb age distribu- our samples and previously published samples peak of the Tangza Formation suggests that the
tion in the northern Lhasa terrane (Fig. 8D). This originating from northern Lhasa (Fig. 9B) also contribution from southern Qiangtang is limited.
peak matches well with that of the magmatic supports the inference above. The presence of Cr-spinel in the sandstone indi-
rocks in southern Qiangtang and northern Lhasa Therefore, the clastic rocks in the Tangza For- cates detritus from the Bangong-Nujiang suture
(gray dashed line in Fig. 7). However, only mag- mation were dominantly sourced from northern zone to the north or the Shiquan River-Nam
matic rocks from the western part of northern Lhasa to the north. This inference is consistent Tso mélange zone to the south (Fig. 9A; Table
Lhasa still have the peak of ca. 120 Ma after with idea that the Along Co-Yanhu-Daguo- S9; see footnote 1). Also, considering its main
excluding zircons from other parts (black line in Baingoin-Daru Co Early Cretaceous magmatic source area from the northern Lhasa terrane in
Fig. 7). Age peaks of 150–170 Ma are compa- arc in the northern Lhasa terrane resulted from the north, we propose that the detrital Cr-spinels

14 Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 130, no. XX/XX

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The middle Cretaceous evolution of the Tangza Basin

should be mainly derived from the Bangong- ber of the Shexing Formation (108–96 Ma) gradation of a fluvio-deltaic system indicate that
Nujiang suture zone, which is supported by the (Wang et al., 2020). They interpreted these the northern Baingoin Basin was a peripheral
somehow overlapped fields between detrital and subsidence histories to reveal regional tectonic foreland basin generated through overthrusting
ophiolite spinels in the Bangong-Nujiang suture extension followed by thermal subsidence and of the Qiangtang terrane (Lai et al., 2019b).
zone (Fig. 9A). the regional compression initiated during the In addition to the retroarc and peripheral
The initial timing for the clastic rock depo- uppermost Shexing Formation (ca. 96 Ma; Wang foreland basin models, a regional foreland
sition in the Tangza Formation is ca. 106 Ma, et al., 2020). More studies are needed to test the basin model has been proposed on the basis of
indicating that its source regions, mainly north- two different tectonic evolution models of the sedimentary and structural studies in the Nima
ern Lhasa in the north, had experienced inten- Linzhou Basin. But it seems that the compres- Basin (DeCelles et al., 2007; Kapp et al., 2007a).
sive exhumation at that time. The increasing sion might occur as early as deposition of the The middle–Late Cretaceous (ca. 106–97 Ma)
proportions of Early Cretaceous ages from the upper Sexing Formation, since the Gangdese arc ­volcaniclastic, lower red bed and middle vol-
bottom to the upper part of the measured sec- volcanic detritus began to be transported to the canic units in the southern Nima Basin were
tion probably suggest the unroofing processes Linzhou Basin until its deposition (108–96 Ma). deposited in the vent-proximal pyroclastic flow,
of northern Lhasa. The sedimentary cover and In this regard, the development of foreland basin volcanogenic alluvial fan, and sedimentary clast-
volcanic rock eroded first, providing wider might occur during the mid-Cretaceous. Prior rich alluvial fan. They are dominated by lithic
ranges of detrital zircon U-Pb ages in the lower to this, north Lhasa was the main source of the and vitric volcanic grains and display south-
part of the Tangza Formation (Figs. 6C and 6E); Linzhou Basin (Wang et al., 2020). ward paleoflow direction, suggesting that they
and then the exhumation of plutonic rocks in the The retroarc foreland basin was also proposed were sourced from the magmatic arc area in the
magmatic arc resulted in the significant 120 Ma to have developed in the central part of northern north (DeCelles et al., 2007). In the Nima Basin
age peaks for samples from the upper part of the Lhasa (Zhang et al., 2011). The thick Cretaceous region, the north-dipping thrust systems includ-
Tangza Formation (Figs. 6A, 6B, and 6D). To sequences (>3 km) in the Selin Co Basin con- ing the Muggar thrust, the Puzuo thrust, and the
our knowledge, this is the first robust evidence sist of the Eshaerbu, the Duoni, the Langshan, Queri-Malai thrust were established in response
for the initial uplift of northern Lhasa during the and the Jingzhushan Formations from bottom to to the continued convergence of the Lhasa and
Mesozoic. top (Fig. 1A; Zhang et al., 2011). The upward Qiangtang terranes. Geochronological dating
coarsening clastic sequences of the Eshaerbu and geological mapping results reveal that these
Middle Cretaceous Basin Evolution in and Duoni Formations were deposited in the thrusts were active at least in two stages: the
Lhasa and Geodynamical Implications submarine fan and delta environment during Puzuo thrust at ca. 110 Ma and the Queri-Malai
130–125 Ma, whereas the orbitolinid foramin- thrust at ca. 99–97 Ma (Kapp et al., 2007a).
As mentioned before, Cretaceous basins are ifera limestones of the Langshan Formation Therefore, the Nima Basin was a regional fore-
widely developed in the Lhasa terrane. In the were formed in the carbonate platform during land basin during the middle to Late Cretaceous
eastern part of southern Lhasa, the Takena For- 125–105 Ma, and finally conglomerates of the (DeCelles et al., 2007).
mation is composed of the lower marine lime- Jingzhushan Formation were generated in an As discussed above, our provenance analysis
stone member and the upper clastic red bed alluvial fan environment during 105–90 Ma. All reveals that the Tangza Formation was mainly
member that mainly cropped out in the Linzhou of the clastic rocks displayed a dominant popu- derived from northern Lhasa in the north. The
Basin (Leier et al., 2007a). The underlying orbi- lation detrital zircon U-Pb age at 125–140 Ma, abundant limestone clasts in the conglomerates
tolinid foraminifera limestone bed was depos- consistent with their origins from the Gangdese (Fig. 2) and a large part of the volcanic frag-
ited in a shallow marine setting during Aptian– magmatic arc to the south. Therefore, the Selin ments in the sandstones (Fig. 5) indicate they
Albian time, while the overlying clastic bed Co Basin is proposed as a Gangdese retroarc may be of a proximal origin. The northern source
was deposited by the fluvial system during ca. foreland basin that occupied northern Lhasa dur- region of the Tangza Formation is difficult to
105–90 Ma. Provenance analysis of sandstone ing 130–90 Ma (Zhang et al., 2011). reconcile with the hypothesized occurrence of
composition (dominated by plagioclase and vol- Unlike the retroarc foreland basin model for a Gangdese retroarc foreland basin related to
canic grains), paleocurrent (northwest direction), the central part of northern Lhasa, a peripheral the Neo-Tethyan northward subduction in the
and detrital zircon U-Pb age (major age peak at foreland basin model has been proposed recently western part of northern Lhasa during the Cre-
100–160 Ma) suggests that the clastic rock was for the Baingoin Basin (Fig. 1A; Lai et al., taceous. Rather, the development of the Tangza
sourced from the Gangdese volcanic arc during 2019b). Clastic rocks of the Duba Formation in Basin may be related to a local foreland basin.
the northward subduction of the Neo-Tethyan the northern Baingoin Basin were deposited in The transition from shallow-marine limestone to
ocean (Leier et al., 2007a, 2007b). Based on the various sedimentary environments including the alluvial fan clastic rock of the Tangza Formation
sedimentary and stratigraphic evidence, Leier shallow shelf and delta deposits in the lower– indicates that the activation of the western part of
et al. (2007a) proposed that the Takena Forma- middle members and the fluvial sedimentation northern Lhasa yielded the foredeep zone in the
tion was deposited in a retroarc foreland basin in the upper member (Lai et al., 2019b). MDAs Tangza Basin at ca. 106 Ma. Regionally, north-
setting. However, the lower limestone member from detrital zircons and interbedded tuff ages dipping thrusts developed in the BNSZ and
and upper clastic member of the Takena Forma- suggest that the Duba Formation was deposited northern Lhasa, and they are collectively termed
tion is divided into the Takena and the Shexing during 122–110 Ma. The southward to south- the Shiquanhe-Gaize-Amdo thrust system
Formations by Wang et al. (2020), respectively. westward paleocurrent, in combination with (SGAT) (Kapp et al., 2005; Yin and Harrison,
Back stripping analysis based on stratigraphic geochemical compositions of detrital Cr-spinel 2000). As mentioned above, the early stage of
data indicates accelerating tectonic subsidence and detrital zircon U-Pb ages and Hf isotopic north-dipping thrust was initiated at ca. 110 Ma
during deposition of the Takena Formation and data, suggests that the Duba Formation was in the Nima Basin region (Kapp et al., 2007a).
the lower–middle members of the Shexing For- derived from the Bangong-Nujiang suture zone Locally, the activation of south-vergent thrust-
mation (ca. 125–108 Ma) followed by steady and the southern Qiangtang terrane in the north. ing of the SGAT may be responsible for ­loading
subsidence during deposition of the upper mem- The north-derived provenance and the rapid pro- of the Tangza local foreland basin (Fig. 1B).

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Xu Han et al.

~106 Ma sured sections. The clastic rocks consist of mas-

Geji N
sive and poorly sorted conglomerate, medium-
foreland basin to coarse-grained sandstones interbedded with

SGAT laminated siltstones, and mudstones. Orbitolina

n Gaize foraminifera fossils indicate that the basal lime-



Coqen stone beds were deposited during late Aptian–



Albian time. Zircon U-Pb ages of dacite and





MDAs from sandstones suggest that the initial




deposition of the clastic rocks in our measured



sections most likely occurred at ca. 106 Ma. The

Selin Co

Tangza Formation may have been deposited dur-

Lhasa Damxung

Linzhou retroarc
ing the mid-Cretaceous (110–94 Ma) as also

foreland basin suggested by a previous study. Sandstones are


poorly sorted and sub-angular to sub-rounded
and enriched with lithic grains with many vol-
canic fragments. Detrital zircon U-Pb ages of
the sandstones are characterized by a prominent
age population at 101–130 Ma with a peak at
120 Ma and subordinate peaks at 150–170 Ma,
1800–1900 Ma, and 2400–2500 Ma. The above
observations indicate that the clastic rocks were
Figure 11. Simplified Early Cretaceous paleogeography map shows the Lhasa terrane at ca. mainly derived from the northern Lhasa Early
106 Ma. BNS—Bangong-Nujiang suture, SGAT—Shiquanhe-Gaize-Amdo thrust system; Cretaceous magmatic arc in the north. The
GRT—Gangdese retroarc thrust. Tangza Basin may be a local foreland basin that
was loaded by a south-vergent local thrust in the
This thrust faulting may be associated with the arc provenance in short transport distances (Lai north. The continuous convergence of Lhasa and
crustal shortening caused by the continuous con- et al., 2019a; Sun et al., 2015a). Detrital zircon Qiangtang may mainly account for the crustal
vergence of Lhasa and Qiangtang since collision U-Pb ages of the Daxiong Formation show an shortening that induced the initial uplift of the
initiated at the Early Cretaceous (Fig. 11). The age population concentrated at ca. 110 Ma. Their western part of northern Lhasa.
Lhasa-Qiangtang collision possibly occurred at Hf isotopic compositions are characterized by
ca. 140–130 Ma through arc-arc (on the northern low 176Hf/177Hf isotopic ratios and negative εHf(t) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
and southern margin of Lhasa and Qiangtang ter- values. The comparison of zircon U-Pb ages
Han-Ao Li, Peng Wang, Xiao-Long Jia, and Qi
ranes, respectively) “soft” collision (Zhu et al., and Hf isotopes reveals similarity with the cen- Wang are gratefully acknowledged for their help in
2016), although no consensus has been reached tral–northern Lhasa terrane (Sun et al., 2015a). the fieldwork and lab analyses. This study was sup-
on the timing. Minor provenances from the Combined with the northward paleocurrent and ported by National Natural Science Foundation of
BNSZ and southern Qiangtang also imply that proximal depositional characteristics, they sug- China (No. 41872105), National Key Research and
Development Program of China (2016YFC0600305),
the suturing process was completed during depo- gest that the central and northern Lhasa terrane
111 project (B18048), and China Geological Survey
sition of the Tangza Formation. The activation is the source area of the Daxiong Formation. The (DD20160027). This is China University of Geo-
of SGAT uplifted the northern Lhasa terrane, basin accounting for deposition of the Daxiong sciences, Beijing, petrogeochemical contribution
the BNSZ, and the southern Qiangtang terrane. Formation was possibly a local foreland basin PGC-201557.
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fewer terrigenous materials probably due to tec- ern margin of the basin and was active at that REFERENCES CITED

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