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From extension to tectonic inversion: Mid-Cretaceous onset of

Andean-type orogeny in the Lhasa block and

early topographic growth of Tibet

Jian-Gang Wang1,†, Xiumian Hu2, Eduardo Garzanti3, Marcelle K. BouDagher-Fadel4, Zhi-Chao Liu5, Juan Li2,
and Fu-Yuan Wu1
1State Key Laboratory of Lithospheric Evolution, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing
100029, China
2State Key Laboratory of Mineral Deposits Research, School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Nanjing University, Nanjing

210023, China
3Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Università di Milano-Bicocca, 20126 Milano, Italy
4Department of Earth Sciences, University College London, London, WC1E 6BT, UK
5School of Earth Science and Geological Engineering, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China

ABSTRACT strata (ca. 108–96 Ma). Given this regional et al., 2007; Hetzel et al., 2011; Rohrmann et al.,
tectonic and sedimentary evidence, such an 2012; Sun et al., 2015a). A “proto Tibetan Pla-
Recent studies have indicated that an An- evolution is interpreted to reflect tectonic ex- teau” model has thus been proposed (Wang et al.,
dean-type orogen (Lhasaplano) developed tension followed by thermal subsidence. Basin 2008), according to which the modern plateau
on the Lhasa block in the Cretaceous dur- inversion and regional compression initiated resulted from areal and vertical expansion around
ing northward subduction of Neo-Tethyan during deposition of the uppermost Shex- an original core through the Cenozoic (E.Q. Wang
oceanic lithosphere. When and how uplift ing strata (ca. 96 Ma), as indicated by active et al., 2012; Jiang et al., 2013; Ding et al., 2017).
of the Lhasaplano began, however, has re- thrust faults and widespread accumulation of The Tibetan Plateau consists of several east–
mained controversial. This article integrates syntectonic conglomerates in the western part west elongated tectonic domains, including the
­stratigraphic, sedimentological, tectonic, and of the Lhasa block. This event marked the be- Songpan–Ganze terrane and the Qiangtang and
provenance data from the latest marine to ginning of the Andean-type orogeny in south- Lhasa blocks, which were accreted progressively
nonmarine strata in the Linzhou Basin to pin- ern Tibet. Such a paleotectonic evolution, to the southern margin of Eurasia during the Me-
point the early topographic growth in south- from extension to tectonic inversion, is also sozoic (Fig. 1A; Chang and Zheng, 1973; Allé-
ern Tibet. The Takena Formation mainly documented in the Andes mountain range. gre et al., 1984; Dewey et al., 1988). The Lhasa
consists of lagoonal carbonates and mud-
­ It may be typical of the early stage growth of block was amalgamated to the south Asian mar-
stones yielding foraminiferal assemblages Andean-type active continental margins. gin well before the India–Asia collision (Yin and
of Early Aptian age (ca. 123–119.5 Ma). The Harrison, 2000). Structural analyses have shown
conformably overlying lower member of the INTRODUCTION that ∼60% of crustal shortening on the Lhasa
Shexing Formation, mainly deposited in flu- block took place during the Cretaceous (e.g.,
vial environments, was fed by volcanic and The Tibetan Plateau, the “roof” of planet Earth, Murphy et al., 1997; Kapp et al., 2007; Volkmer
sedimentary rock fragments from the north has an area of ∼2.5 × 106 km2 and an average el- et al., 2007). As a result, the topography may
Lhasa terrane. Clasts of the Gangdese arc to evation above 5000 m. The uplift of the plateau have already reached elevations of up to 4 km
the south firstly appeared in the middle mem- led to the onset and strengthening of the Asian in the Paleogene (DeCelles et al., 2007; Ding
ber and became dominant in the upper mem- monsoon (e.g., An et al., 2001), and its erosion has et al., 2014; Ingalls et al., 2017), and a high-
ber of the Shexing Formation. By contrast, significantly influenced global climate and oce- elevation “Lhasaplano,” a fundamental constitu-
coarse grained, braided river facies occur in anic geochemistry (e.g., Raymo and Ruddiman, ent of the proto Tibetan Plateau, may have been
the uppermost part of the Shexing Forma- 1992; Richter et al., 1992). The Tibetan Plateau established well before the India–Asian collision
tion, where detritus was mostly recycled from is widely believed to be essentially a late Ceno- (Kapp et al., 2007; Lai et al., 2019).
Paleozoic strata of north Lhasa, with minor zoic feature produced by the India–Asian colli- The Cretaceous contractional deformation
volcaniclastic contribution from the Gang- sion (e.g., Harrison et al., 1992; Molnar, 2005), of the Lhasaplano began after the deposition of
dese arc. Basin analysis indicates accelerating but increasing evidence indicates that the core widespread Aptian–Albian marine limestones
subsidence and sedimentation rates during of the plateau had undergone s­ ignificant crustal (BouDagher-Fadel et al., 2017) and was sealed
deposition of Takena to middle Shexing strata shortening, uplift, and exhumation not only dur- by the flat-lying Linzizong volcanic succession
(ca. 125–108 Ma), followed by steady sub- ing the early stage of the India–Asia collision in the Paleocene (Ding et al., 2014; Zhu et al.,
sidence during deposition of upper Shexing in the Paleogene but earlier in the Cretaceous 2015). Initial topographic growth is documented
(e.g., Murphy et al., 1997; Liu et al., 2003; Kapp by deposition of alluvial fan sandstones and con-
† et al., 2005, 2007; Leier et al., 2007a; Volkmer glomerates at Early Albian to Early Cenomanian

GSA Bulletin; Month/Month 2020; 0; p. 1–23;; 14 figures; Data Repository item 2020084.

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Jian-Gang Wang et al.

Figure 1. (A) Simplified tectonic map of the Himalaya and Tibetan Plateau showing major tectonic domains. Suture zones and faults:
ALT—Altyn Tagh fault; BNS—Bangong–Nujiang suture; IYZS—Indus–Yarlung–Zangbo suture; JF—Jiali fault; JS—Jinshajiang suture;
KF—Kunlun fault; KLF—Karakoram fault. (B) Simplified geological map of the Lhasa block (after Kapp et al., 2005). LMF—Luobadui–
Milashan fault; SNMZ—Shiquan River–Nam Tso mélange zone.

times (ca. 111–92 Ma; Sun et al., 2015a; Wang a­ ssociated with Neo-Tethyan subduction (Zhang, GEOLOGICAL SETTING
et al., 2017a; Lai et al., 2019), but the geody- 2000), or more recently, of the retroarc basin of
namic process has remained poorly constrained. the Gangdese magmatic arc (Leier et al., 2007a). The Lhasa block is bounded by the Yarlung
As part of our ongoing research program on In this study, we examined the Creta- Zangbo suture zone and the Himalayan orogen in
the Cretaceous paleogeography of the Tibetan ceous strata of the Linzhou Basin by combin- the south and by the Bangong–Nujiang suture and
Plateau, this study addresses the spatial and ing ­stratigraphic logging, sedimentary facies the Qiangtang block in the north (Fig. 1A; Allégre
temporal evolution of the Lhasaplano through analysis, and stratigraphic correlation based et al., 1984; Yin and Harrison, 2000). The tim-
careful analysis of the continuous sedimentary on biostratigraphy and detrital zircon U–Pb ing of the Lhasa–Qiangtang collision was loosely
record of the Linzhou Basin. The Linzhou Ba- chronostratigraphy. Supported by such a robust constrained as Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous
sin lies immediately north of the Gangdese arc, stratigraphic and sedimentological data set, the (Marcoux et al., 1987; Dewey et al., 1988; Kapp
which developed on the south margin of the subsidence history of the Linzhou Basin was et al., 2005; Ma et al., 2017), whereas the onset
Lhasa block (Fig. 1B). Its Cretaceous succession reconstructed using a back-stripping approach of the India–Lhasa collision is dated precisely as
records a marine–nonmarine transition, from (Allen and Allen, 2005). The source of clastic middle Paleocene by the first arrival of Asia-de-
shallow marine carbonates (Takena Formation) sediments was traced by paleocurrent analysis, rived volcanic detritus onto the distal edge of the
to subaerial clastic red beds (Shexing Forma- sandstone petrography, and detrital zircon U–Pb Indian continental margin (Garzanti et al., 1987;
tion) (Figs. 2 and 3; Leier et al., 2007a, b). This age and Hf isotope fingerprints. This integrated DeCelles et al., 2014; Hu et al., 2015).
change was previously interpreted either as part information helped us to infer the tectonic setting The Lhasa block can be subdivided into south
of the evolution of a peripheral foreland basin of the Cretaceous Linzhou Basin and to evaluate Lhasa and north Lhasa terranes by the eclog-
related to the Lhasa–Qiangtang collision (Leeder the paleogeographic and tectonic implications ite- and blueschist-bearing metamorphic belt
et al., 1988), of an extensional back arc basin for the growth of the Cretaceous Lhasaplano. exposed along the Luobadui–Milashan fault

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Andean-type orogeny in the Lhasa block

The north Lhasa terrane, which includes

A the central and northern Lhasa subterranes of
Zhu et al. (2011a), also documents long-term
­Mesozoic–Cenozoic magmatism mainly repre-
sented by granitoids and felsic volcanic rocks
(Pan et al., 2004). Magmatism may have been
fed by either northward subduction of Neotethy-
an oceanic lithosphere or by the inferred south-
ward subduction and break-off of Bangong-Nu-
jiang oceanic lithosphere (e.g., Kapp et al., 2005;
Zhu et al., 2011a). Igneous zircons from north
Lhasa commonly yield enriched Hf isotopes,
indicating magma generation from re-melting
of old continental crust (Chu et al., 2006; Chiu
et al., 2009; Zhu et al., 2011a). Geochronologi-
cal studies have revealed a magmatic flare up at
113 ± 5 Ma in north Lhasa (Zhu et al., 2011a;
Hou et al., 2015) with significant magma contri-
bution from a juvenile source (Chen et al., 2014).
In contrast with south Lhasa, pre-Cretaceous
sedimentary rocks are widely exposed in north
Lhasa, including Carboniferous quartz-rich
sandstones, Permian limestones, and Jurassic
clastic rocks (Yin et al., 1988). U–Pb age spectra
of detrital zircons from the Paleozoic sedimen-
tary rocks show clear Gondwanan affinity, with
a notable earliest Paleozoic peak at ca. 540 Ma
and a wide Proterozoic cluster between 950 Ma
and 1300 Ma (Leier et al., 2007c).
B Cretaceous sedimentary basins formed in sev-
eral regions across the Lhasa block (Fig. 1B). To
the south of the Gangdese arc, the Xigaze Forearc
Basin includes a condensed upper Aptian basal
interval of radiolarian chert stratigraphically over-
lying the Xigaze ophiolite, and was rapidly filled
since the Albian by turbidites followed by deltaic
and fluvial sediments (C.S. Wang et al., 2012;
Orme et al., 2015; Wang et al., 2017b). North of
the Gangdese arc, Cretaceous strata are exposed
in distinct areas, which were given different lo-
cal names such as Gaize, Coqen, Nima, Selin
Co, Damxung, and Linzhou Basins. All of these
sedimentary basins were built on the Lower Cre-
taceous volcanic rocks and were filled by Orbito-
linid-bearing limestones and fluvial/alluvial clas-
tic rocks (Zhang et al., 2004; Leier et al., 2007a;
Zhang et al., 2011; Sun et al., 2015a, 2017).
Figure 2. (A) Geological map of the study area (after the Chinese 1:250,000 Lhasa geological
Geology of the Linzhou Basin
map). (B) Geological map of the Linzhou Basin (after He et al., 2007) showing locations of
measured sections.
The east-west–elongated Linzhou Basin lies in
the Maqu–Penbo areas north of Lhasa City and
(Yang et al., 2009; Liu et al., 2009) (Fig. 1B). ing magmatic derivation from a juvenile source straddles the tectonic boundary between south and
The south Lhasa terrane, including the Gangdese (Ji et al., 2009; Zhu et al., 2011a). Sedimentary north Lhasa (Fig. 2A). The basin is confined by
arc, comprises Mesozoic–Paleogene granitoids rocks of south Lhasa are only patchily preserved the Gangdese batholith in the south and by a series
and volcanic rocks generated by northward sub- because of uplift and erosion following Neo- of north-dipping thrust faults in the north, expos-
duction of the Neo-Tethyan oceanic lithosphere Tethyan subduction and India–Asia collision, ing north Lhasa Paleozoic strata in their hanging
(e.g., Wen et al., 2008; Lee et al., 2009). Zircon and include Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous wall (He et al., 2007; Kapp et al., 2007). The
crystals from the Gangdese arc are character- carbonates and shallow-marine to nonmarine nature of the basement of the Linzhou Basin has
ized by extremely depleted Hf isotopes, indicat- clastic rocks (Leier et al., 2007a, 2007b). not been clarified. The oldest unit exposed along

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Jian-Gang Wang et al.

Figure 3. A composite column of Cretaceous strata in the Linzhou Basin showing stratigraphic range of measured sections. Black
dots indicate samples for detrital zircon U–Pb analysis; shown for each are the youngest single grain age (YSG) and the YC1σ(2+)
age [mean average of the youngest cluster: n ≥ 2 of grain ages that overlap in age at 1σ; Dickinson and Gehrels, 2009]. Stratigraphic
scheme of Leier et al. (2007a) is shown for comparison.

the southern flank of the basin is the ­Middle–Up- ing Formations have been considered as two dis- sandstone, and subordinate quartzite–pebble
per Jurassic (ca. 182–168 Ma; Liu et al., 2018) tinct Penbo and Lhunzhub members belonging conglomerate beds that were deposited in shal-
volcanic rocks of the Yeba Formation. Upper to the Takena Formation (e.g., Yin et al., 1988; low marine and fluvial environments (Leier
Jurassic–Cretaceous sedimentary fills comprise Leier et al., 2007a). Because their lithologies are et al., 2007b). At the top of the unit, sandstone,
carbonates and clastic rocks deposited in shal- markedly different and easily distinguished in the siltstone, mudstone, and sandy limestone docu-
low marine to fluvial environments (Leeder et al., field, they are best considered as different forma- ment an ∼150-m-thick upward fining sequence
1988; Yin et al., 1988; Tibetan Bureau of Geology tions, following Wang et al. (1983) and a strati- (Fig. 4, Section P1). Sandstones are thin to thick
and Mineral Resources, 1993; Leier et al., 2007a) graphic division widely used in Chinese literature bedded, fine grained, and well sorted, with cal-
(Fig. 2A). The sedimentary strata have experi- and geological maps. The Shexing Formation is careous cement increasing up-section. Planar
enced strong north–south contractional deforma- subdivided here into four lithostratigraphic units, or trough cross stratification and oscillatory or
tion, which formed a series of westerly plunging provisionally named as lower, middle, upper, and unidirectional current ripples are common. Ei-
synforms and antiforms (Fig. 2B; He et al., 2007). uppermost members. Our study, based on facies ther massive or laminated mudstones increase
The mildly deformed Linzizong volcanic rocks interpretation and correlation of nine measured upward, and they change from greenish gray to
(ca. 60–52 Ma) overlie the sedimentary succes- stratigraphic sections (P1–P7 in the Penbo area black and organic rich. In the topmost Chumu-
sion by a regional unconformity (Ji et al., 2009; and M1–M2 in the Maqu area; Figs. 2, 4, and 5) long Formation, sandstone beds are commonly
Lee et al., 2009; Zhu et al., 2015). expands on previous sedimentological analysis capped by sandy limestone layers dominated by
by Leier et al. (2007a, 2007b). A comparison either bivalves or orbitolinids with rare echi-
STRATIGRAPHY AND with lithofacies associations defined by Leier noids. Bioturbation is common.
SEDIMENTOLOGY et al. (2007a) is shown in Figure 3.
Facies Interpretation
The Cretaceous succession studied includes Top of the Chumulong Formation The well-sorted sandstones with cross
the top of the Chumulong Formation, the Takena ­stratification or parallel lamination occurring
Formation, and the Shexing Formation (Fig. 3). The ∼500-m-thick Chumulong Formation in the lower part were deposited in an ­upper
In some previous literature, the Takena and Shex- (<143 Ma) consists of mudstone, quartzose ­shoreface environment (Walker and Plint, 1992).

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Andean-type orogeny in the Lhasa block

Figure 4. Stratigraphic logs of the uppermost Chumulong, Takena, and Shexing Formations. Sedimentary structures, fossils,
sample locations, paleocurrent directions, and positions of the field photo are shown.

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Jian-Gang Wang et al.

Figure 4. (Continued)

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Andean-type orogeny in the Lhasa block

Figure 5. Panorama of measured sections.

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Jian-Gang Wang et al.

A 260 I Q Pl
Lo we r Sh ex in g Pl
Q Lv


Ta k e n a F m
~120 m height




Chumulong Fm Lv

Section P2 Q

Figure 6. (A) Panorama of section P2. Strata of the Takena Formation are in conformable contact with both underlying Chumulong and
overlying Shexing Formations. Microphotographs from B to I illustrate facies changes from base to top of the Takena Formation; (B) cal-
careous sandstone; (C) sandy oolitic grainstone; (D, E) orbitolinid wackestone/packstone; (F) bivalve grainstone; (G) oolitic grainstone; (H)
grainstone; (I) calcareous sandstone. Q—quartz; Pl—plagioclase; Lv—volcanic lithics. All scale bars = 200 µm.

The strongly bioturbated, organic rich mudstones sandstone bed (Figs. 4, 6A, and 6B, Sections P2 base and wackestone/packstone at the top. Fos-
with intercalated very fine to fine grained calcare- and P3). The basal interval of the Takena Forma- sils are mostly orbitolinids, with a few echinods,
ous sandstones and sandy limestones of the ­upper tion consists of ∼50-m-thick black mudstones, ostracods, and gastropods (Figs. 6D and 6E).
part were instead deposited in lower shoreface to either laminated or displaying common horizon- Silt-sized terrigenous grains are rare.
the transition zone between shoreface and inner tal to sub-horizontal burrows, interbedded with Above, ∼50-m-thick gray greenish lami-
shelf (Johnson and Baldwin, 1996). tabular sandy limestones (Fig. 6A). Dark brown, nated or bioturbated mudstones containing silt
medium to thick bedded (20–80 cm) marly lime- laminae are interbedded with sparitic limestone
Takena Formation stones contain ooids, bioclasts (bivalves, orbi- containing ooids, bivalves, or intraclasts in dif-
tolinids, echinoderms), and intraclasts. Quartz ferent beds (Figs. 6F–6H). Quartz and vol-
The Chumulong Formation gradually passes grains are common (Fig. 6C). canic rock fragments commonly occur in the
into the Takena Formation with an increase of The ∼70-m-thick, overlying gray limestone limestones.
carbonates at the expense of terrigenous detritus. (Fig. 6A) is characterized by 3–5-m-thick up- The upper Takena Formation (∼50 m in Sec-
The boundary was set at the top of the youngest ward coarsening cycles with marlstone at the tion P2 and up to 100 m in Section P3) mainly

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Andean-type orogeny in the Lhasa block

consists of mudrocks, changing upward in color In the upper part, sandstones are thin to thick by more abundant limestones and fossils (bi-
from greenish to mottled and finally purplish red bedded (0.1–1 m), laterally discontinuous, fine valves and orbitolinids) in the Maqu area. A
at the top. Intercalated with fine grained greenish grained, and commonly overlie mildly erosive stack of green sandstone beds in section M1
mudrocks are coarse siltstones, very fine grained bases. Trough cross stratification, parallel lami- (∼500–535 m interval) contains oscillatory
sandstones, and a few marly limestones includ- nation and locally ripples occur. Upward fining current ripples, indicating wave action.
ing weakly recrystallized bivalves (Fig. 6I). sequences are common. Red mudrocks overly-
Sandstone layers may contain disarticulated ing sandstone beds contain carbonate nodules Upper Member of the Shexing Formation
bivalves, subvertical and subhorizontal burrows, and commonly grade upward into green mu-
graded bedding, and oscillatory or unidirectional drocks with subvertical burrows (Figs. 4 and 5, This unit, mostly consisting of massive sand-
current ripples. Rare marly limestones contain Section P4). stone with intercalated red mudrock, conform-
recrystallized bivalves. Massive red mudrocks at ably overlies the middle member with a sharp
the top of this unit contain abundant carbonate Facies Interpretation stratigraphic contact (Figs. 4 and 5, Sections P6,
nodules (Fig. 7A). Sandstones in the lower part of this member P7, and M2). Total thickness is ∼2 km, but its
were deposited in relatively deep and stable flu- middle part is covered in both the Penbo and
Facies Interpretation vial channels (Allen, 1964; Miall, 1996). Red Maqu areas. Sandstone beds are mostly 1–3 m
The black laminated mudrock interval at the mudrocks with carbonate nodules document thick, but several beds could be amalgamated to
base of the Takena Formation was deposited in caliche paleosols formed in semi-arid climate form 6–8-m-thick intervals. Sandstones are com-
a relatively quiet inner shelf, shallow marine on relatively well-drained floodplains (Leier monly medium grained and contain cross strati-
environment (Walker and Plint, 1992; Johnson et al., 2007a). The upper part of this member fication. Intraformational pebbles of reworked
and Baldwin, 1996). Sand grains and carbon- was deposited on a fluvial flood plain environ- mudrock, sandstone, or carbonate nodules that
ate allochems were episodically transported ment (Smith and Smith, 1980). Laterally discon- are commonly mantle basal scour surfaces or oc-
during high-energy storm events (Duke, 1990). tinuous sandstones were deposited in relatively cur within laminae in sandstone beds (Fig. 7H).
Sporadic and low-diversity faunas in the orbi- shallow migrating channels, whereas mudrocks Scour surfaces may also separate stacked sand-
tolinid-bearing marlstones, wackestones, and represent overbank sediments and bioturbated stone packages. Carbonate nodules are uncom-
packstones of the middle Takena Formation in- greenish mudrocks indicate subaqueous de- mon in massive interlayered mudrocks. The
dicate a muddy lagoonal environment (Leeder position in swamps or interfluvial ponds (Mi- sandstone/mudrock ratio generally exceeds 2:1,
et al., 1988). Marlstone-packstone cycles record all, 1996). but some stratigraphic intervals are dominated
repeated flooding and shoaling (Leier et al., by mudrocks with intercalated 10–30-cm-thick,
2007a), with packstones representing winnowed Middle Member of the Shexing Formation fine grained, rippled sandstones (Figs. 7G and
shoal deposits (Read, 1985; Hottinger, 1997). 7I). Gray silty marls (Fig. 5, section M2) and
The upper Takena Formation documents a grad- This ∼950-m-thick unit mostly consists of bioclastic limestones (Figs. 7J and 8B) were ob-
ual transition to a subaerial floodplain (massive red cohesive mudrock and siltstone with minor served at the top of this member.
carbonate nodule-bearing red mudstone; Leier sandstone, marl, and limestone (Figs. 4 and 5,
et al., 2007a). Sections P5 and M1). Carbonate nodules only Facies Interpretation
The top of the Chumulong Formation and the appear in the middle part of the member where This unit was mainly deposited in a fluvial
Takena Formation document a transgressive- very fine to fine grained and medium to thick environment (Leier et al., 2007a) with stacked
regressive cycle, passing from shoreface to in- bedded (10–50 cm) sandstones become more massive sandstones, fine grained rippled sand-
ner shelf and then through carbonate lagoon to common. Sedimentary structures include unidi- stones, and red mudrocks representing, respec-
coastal plain. rectional current ripples and small trough cross tively, fluvial channels, levees or crevasse splays,
stratification (Fig. 7D). Thin to thick bedded and floodplain sediments (Miall, 1978, 1996).
Lower Member of the Shexing Formation limestones as well as massive gray silty marls Marl and limestone indicate episodic marine
occur in the basal and upper parts of this mem- deposition. Occurrence of marls and limestones
The Shexing Formation conformably over- ber (Figs. 7E and 7F). Limestones are commonly indicates that the coastal plain was episodically
lies the Takena Formation with an abrupt strati- recrystallized or dolomitized and contain mostly influenced by marine encroachment.
graphic boundary that is marked by the sudden ostracods (Fig. 8A); a few bivalves and orbitolin-
appearance of massive sandstone (Figs. 4, 5, and ids were observed in the Maqu area (Fig. 4, base Uppermost Member of the Shexing
6A, Sections P2 and P3). The lower member, of Section M1). Formation
∼900 m thick and strongly affected by fold and
fault deformation in its upper part (Leier et al., Facies Interpretation This unit, over 150 m thick and uncon-
2007a), documents an upward fining sequence. This member was deposited on a coastal formably overlain by the Linzizong volcanic
In the lower part, sandstones are commonly plain (Leier et al., 2007a). The low sand- ­succession (Figs. 4 and 5, Sections P7 and M2),
1–2 m thick, medium grained, with basal scour stone/mudrock ratio suggests relatively sta- is distinguished by the lack of red mudrock.
surfaces commonly mantled by intraformational ble river channels (Törnqvist, 1993). Very Mostly thick bedded (0.5 to ∼10 m) and coarse
conglomerates made of reworked mudclasts and fine to fine grained sandstone beds with uni- grained to pebbly sandstones display faint
carbonate nodules. At the bottom of the succes- directional current ripples are interpreted as trough lamination (Fig. 7K). Thin bedded, fine
sion, amalgamated beds may be stacked to form crevasse splay deposits. Marls and ostracod- grained, plane-parallel–laminated or rippled
8–10-m-thick intervals. Trough and planar cross bearing limestones with oligotypic faunas red sandstone and siltstone are rare. Angular to
stratifications are common in sandstone beds indicate lacustrine or restricted lagoonal set- sub-rounded and poorly sorted pebbles include
(Figs. 7B and 7C). Intercalated red mudrocks tings (Wright and B ­ urchette, 1996), whereas red mudrock or siltstone, quartzose sandstone,
are rich in carbonate nodules (caliche). a shallow m ­ arine e­ nvironment is suggested quartzite, and volcanic rocks (Fig. 7L).

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Jian-Gang Wang et al.


Upper Takena, section P3 Lower Shexing, section P3 Lower Shexing, section P4


Middle Shexing, section M1 Middle Shexing, section P5 Middle Shexing, P5 section


Upper Shexing, section P6 Upper Shexing, section M2 Upper Shexing , section P7

J K Mud- & siltstone

Micritic limestone



Upper Shexing, section M2 Uppermost Shexing, section P7 Upper Shexing , section M2

Figure 7. Sedimentary features of Lower Cretaceous strata in the Linzhou Basin. Stratigraphic position of each photo is shown beside the
stratigraphic logs in Figure 4. (A) Calcareous nodules in red mudstone; (B) planar cross stratification; (C) trough cross stratification; (D)
unidirectional current ripples; (E) gray marl interlayers within red mudstones; (F) ostracod-bearing limestone interlayers; (G) wave ripple
marks; (H) intraformational gravel at the base of cross-stratified sandstone bed; (I) climbing ripples; (J) micritic limestone interlayer; (K)
faint trough cross stratification; (L) pebbly conglomerate.

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Andean-type orogeny in the Lhasa block

alidina sp., Praechrysalidina infracretacea,

Praeorbitolina cormyi, Praeorbitolina wien-
andsi, Praechrysalidina sp., Pseudochoffatella
cf. cuvillieri, Pseudocyclammina sp. A, and
Textularia sp. The presence of Palorbitolina
lenticularis and Pseudochoffatella cf. cuvill-
ieri throughout the limestone interval indicates
an Early Aptian age (BouDagher-Fadel, 2008;
Simmons et al., 2000). The appearance of Prae-
orbitolina wienandsi, Praeorbitolina cormyi,
and Mesorbitolina lotzei in the upper Takena
200um 200um Formation suggests a latest Early Aptian age
13LZ37 , Middle Shexing, section P5 13MQ12 , Upper Shexing, section M2 (Schröeder et al., 2010; Fig. 3 in BouDagher-
Fadel et al., 2017), as supported by the sporadic
C Pl D occurrence (e.g., sample 13LZ18) of planktonic
Lv Lm
foraminifera such as Blefuscuiana gorbachikae
Q and Hedbergella sp. According to BouDagher-
Lv Lv
Q Fadel (2015), the stratigraphic range could be
Q correlated to Planktonic Foraminiferal Zona-
Lm tion Aptian 1–2 (ca. 123–119.5 Ma; Gradstein
et al., 2012).
Q Q Detrital-Zircon Chronostratigraphy
Qp Lm
Pl 200um 50um Further age constraints on the depositional
13LZ06 , Lower Shexing, section P2 13MQ05 , Middle Shexing, section M1 age of the Shexing Formation are provided
by the youngest U–Pb ages of detrital zircons
E F from sandstone beds (Fig. 3; Table DR1).1 Two
Lv Q Q Qp samples from the base of the Shexing Forma-
Ls Ls
tion yielded YC1σ(2+) ages—weighted mean
Pl age of youngest cluster of two or more grain
Pl ages overlapping at 1σ (Dickinson and Gehrels,
Lv Qp Lv 2009)—of 119 ± 2 Ma (n = 11, 13LZ06, sec-
Q tion P2) and 116 ± 2 Ma (n = 8, 14LZ01, sec-
Lv Pl tion P3). One sample from the top of the lower
Q member yielded a YC1σ(2+) age of 112 ± 3 Ma
Pl Ls (n = 5, PENBO1, Leier et al., 2007a). Samples
100um Lv Q 200um from the top of the middle member (13LZ38,
13LZ55 , Upper Shexing, section P6 13MQ20 , Uppermost Shexing, section M2 section P5) and the lower part of the upper
member (13LZ29, section P5; 14MQ-A, section
Figure 8. Photomicrograph of carbonates and sandstones from the Shexing Formation. (A) M1; 13LZ49 and 13LZ55, section P6) yielded
ostracod-bearing micritic grainstone from the middle member; (B) weakly recrystallized almost identical YC1σ(2+) ages of 109–107 Ma.
bioclastic grainstone from the upper member; (C–F) Sandstones from the lower, middle, up- One sample from the top of the upper member
per, and uppermost members of the Shexing Formation, respectively. Q—monocrystalline yielded a YC1σ(2+) age of 96 ± 2 Ma (n = 18,
quartz; Qp—polycrystalline quartz; Pl—plagioclase; Lm—metamorphic rock fragments; 13MQ15, section M2).
Ls—sedimentary rock fragments; Lv—volcanic rock fragments. Stratigraphic position of Because of ongoing magmatic activity in the
each sample is shown beside the stratigraphic logs in Figure 4. study area, as confirmed by a significant amount
of fresh volcanic lithics in sandstone beds and
detrital zircon YC1σ(2+) ages becoming younger
Facies Interpretation AGE CONSTRAINTS up section, indicating detrital influx from pene-
Very high sandstone/mudrock ratio and contemporaneous volcanic rocks (see Prov-
cross stratified, coarse grained sandstones sug- Biostratigraphy enance section below), the youngest detrital zir-
gest a braided river environment. Thick-bedded con age of these samples should be quite close to
sandstones were deposited in main channels, Benthic foraminifera from the orbitolinid- their depositional age. Detrital zircon YC1σ(2+)
whereas thin bedded, fine grained red sand- bearing limestones in the middle Takena Forma- ages from the base of the Shexing Formation
stones and siltstones may document channel tion include Buccicrenata sp. A, Buccicrenata
filling during waning flow. Lack of mudrock hedbergi, Daxia minima, Dentalina sp., Len-
1GSA Data Repository item 2020084, including
indicates deposition in proximal settings and/ ticulina sp., Mayncina sp., Mayncina bulgarica,
Tables DR1–DR5 and Figure DR1, is available at
or in confined braided channels (Miall, 1978; Mesorbitolina sp., Mesorbitolina lotzei, small or by
Bridge, 1993). miliolids, Palorbitolina lenticularis, Praechrys- request to

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Jian-Gang Wang et al.

are fully ­consistent with biostratigraphy of the Chumulong Takena Shexing Fm

Fm Fm L. M. U. Um.
conformably underlying Takena Formation. Age 0
constraints are less robust for the uppermost

Sedimentation rate (m/my)

Te c t o n i c s u b s i d e n c e ( m )
member of the Shexing Formation because of ex- 500
Figure 9. Tectonic subsidence
tensive recycling (see Provenance section below).
Tectonic 1000 and sedimentation rate in
However, considering a stratigraphic thickness of 200
subsidence the Lower Cretaceous of the
<200 m (sections P7 and M2), rapid deposition 1500 Linzhou Basin. The data set
in braided rivers, and age constraints from the 100
used for calculations is pro-
underlying strata (ca. 96 Ma), deposition of the 2000
Sedimentation rate vided in Table DR2 (see foot-
uppermost member should be dated at no later
0 2500 note 1); method after Allen and
than 90 Ma (Leier et al., 2007a).
Allen (2005). The long-term eu-

Sea level (m)

Cao et al. (2017) recently suggested that the 200
static curve is from Haq (2014).
Shexing Formation may have reached even into 100 Sea level
the latest Cretaceous (75–68 Ma); however, this
was based on dating of basaltic interlayers that 140 135 130 125 120 115 110 105 100 95
our field analysis revealed to represent mafic sills Age (Ma)

displaying clear chilled margins and locally cut-

ting across sandstone beds (Fig. DR1). The age
of these sills, therefore, only provides a mini- Takena Formation to the middle member of Detrital zircon U–Pb dating was performed on
mum age constraint on the deposition of the in- the Shexing Formation. The subsidence rate an Agilent 7500a Q inductively coupled plasma–
truded strata. Another minimum age constraint is decreased to ∼170 m/Ma during deposition of mass spectrometer (ICP–MS) equipped with a
provided by the age of Linzizong volcanic rocks the upper member of the Shexing Formation. 193 nm excimer laser ablation system using a
(ca. 60–52 Ma; Zhu et al., 2015) that unconform- Because of poor age constraints, subsidence spot diameter of 44 µm. Details of instrumental
ably overlie the Shexing Formation. rates could not be determined for the uppermost conditions and data acquisition are described in
member of the Shexing Formation, which may Xie et al. (2008). The raw count rates for 206Pb,
SUBSIDENCE ANALYSIS document basin inversion and tectonic uplift (see 207Pb, 208Pb, 232Th, and 238U were collected for

Discussion section below). age determination. 207Pb/206Pb, 206Pb/238U, and

The Cretaceous subsidence history of the 207Pb/235U (235U = 238U / 137.88) ratios were cor-

Linzhou Basin was reconstructed following the PROVENANCE ANALYSIS rected using the external standard zircon 91500
method illustrated by Allen and Allen (2005) (Wiedenbeck et al., 1995). The fractionation cor-
based on stratigraphic data both newly obtained Methods rection and results were calculated using GLIT-
in this study and compiled from Leier et al. TER 4.0 (GEMOC, Macquarie University; Grif-
(2007a, 2007b; Table DR2). Each stratigraphic The source of siliciclastic sediments was fin et al., 2008). Common Pb corrections were
unit was de-compacted, then recompacted dur- traced by combining paleocurrent, petrographic, performed according to Andersen (2002). Zircon
ing progressive burial, and finally back stripped and detrital zircon U–Pb and Hf isotope finger- age interpretations are based on 206Pb/238U ages
to remove the effect of sediment load assuming prints. Paleoflow directions were collected from for zircon grains younger than 1000 Ma and
local compensation and Airy isostatic correction. ripple marks and planar or trough cross stratifica- based on 207Pb/206Pb ages for grains older than
Initial porosity, exponents describing the loss of tion. The orientation of trough cross laminations 1000 Ma. Single grains younger than 200 Ma
porosity with burial, and sediment densities were was measured following method I of DeCelles with > 20% discordance and older than 200 Ma
taken from comparable lithologies listed in Allen et al. (1983). Sandstones were analyzed by count- with > 10% discordance were discarded.
and Allen (2005). ing 420 points per sample under the microscope Detrital zircon Hf isotopes were analyzed
Corrections for paleobathymetry/paleoeleva- following the Gazzi–Dickinson method (Inger- using a Neptune Multi-Collector ICP–MS
tion and eustasy were performed based on field soll et al., 1984) and classified by their main equipped with a 193 nm excimer laser ablation
facies analysis and the Cretaceous long-term eu- components (QFL) exceeding 10% (e.g., in a system, following Wu et al. (2006). Analyses
static curve of Haq (2014). Because most strata litho-quartzose sandstone Q > L > 10% > F; were performed with a spot diameter of 60 µm
in the Linzhou Basin were deposited near sea Garzanti, 2019). and overlapped the spot used for age dating.
level, correction for paleobathymetry has no sig- Heavy minerals were separated from sand- Average 176Hf/177Hf ratios of standard zircons
nificant impact on the tectonic subsidence curve. stone samples using a combination of elutriation, GJ-1 and Mud Tank of 0.282012 ± 22 (2SD)
A possible exception is the uppermost Shexing dense liquids, and magnetic techniques. Zircon and 0.282503 ± 22 (2SD) were obtained that
Formation, which might have been deposited in a grains were handpicked randomly, mounted in are consistent with reported values (Morel et al.,
basin elevated above sea level. Although ­average epoxy resin, and finally polished to produce a 2008; Woodhead and Hergt, 2005). A depleted
sea level is held to have risen by ∼130 m during smooth, flat surface. Cathodo-luminescence mantle model with 176Hf/177Hf = 0.28325 and
the Early Cretaceous (Fig. 9), eustatic influence ­images were obtained to reveal the internal 176Lu/177Hf = 0.0384 (Griffin et al., 2000) and

could nevertheless be considered as minor in the ­structure of zircon grains. U–Pb dating and Hf chondrite values of 176Hf/177Hf = 0.282772
face of the very high subsidence rates. isotope analyses were carried out at the State and 176Lu/177Hf = 0.0332 (BlichertToft and
Total tectonic subsidence amounted to ∼2 km Key Laboratory of Lithosphere Evolution, Insti- Albarède, 1997) were adopted to calculate the
in the Linzhou Basin during the Early Creta- tute of Geology of Geophysics, Chinese Acad- εHf(t) value and the crustal model age (TDM C
) of
ceous (Fig. 9). Subsidence rates increased sig- emy of Sciences. All analytical results are given detrital zircons. We assumed an average conti-
nificantly from ∼40 m/Ma for the Chumulong in the Data Repository tables (Tables DR3–DR5, nental crustal 176Lu/177Hf ratio of 0.015 for the
Formation to ∼350 m/Ma from the base of the see footnote 1). protolith of the host magma (Griffin et al., 2002)

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Andean-type orogeny in the Lhasa block

Q Uppermost Lm

90 90 Shexing Upper
Fm Middle Figure 10. Detrital composition
75 75 of sandstones from the Shexing
Lower Formation (classification and
compositional fields are after
Garzanti, 2019). Arrows in the
50 50 50 50 Lm–Lv–Ls diagram outline
the compositional trend up sec-
tion. Q—quartz; F—feldspar;
25 25 L—lithic fragments; Lm—
metamorphic; Lv—volcanic;
10 Ls—sedimentary.

50 50
F L Lv Ls

and used a decay constant of 176Lu–176Hf of dition to monocrystalline quartz and felsic volca- con grains (221–106 Ma) that yielded positive
1.867 × 10−11yr−1 (Söderlund et al., 2004). nic lithics, phyllite and slate fragments constitute εHf(t) values around + 10 (Fig. 11).
12% to 57% of total lithics. Feldspars are rare. Detrital zircons from the upper member of
Paleocurrents Sandstones from the upper member of the the Shexing Formation (14MQ-A, 13LZ29,
Shexing Formation range from feldspatho- 13LZ49, and 13LZ55) yielded a significant age
Southeastward to southwestward paleocurrent quartzo-lithic volcaniclastic to feldspatho-litho- cluster between 100 Ma and 200 Ma (∼40%
directions from the lower member of the Shex- quartzose (Q:F:L = 39:18:43; Figs. 8E and 10). to 55% of total analyses). The εHf(t) values of
ing Formation indicate a source area in the north In contrast with the underlying members, volca- Mesozoic grains are mostly positive, rang-
(Fig. 4). A few paleocurrent indicators from the nic rock fragments are mainly andesitic, whereas ing from + 5 to + 15, with corresponding TDM C

middle member of the Shexing Formation sug- felsic volcanic detritus and low-rank metamor- model ages between 1.0 Ga and 0.1 Ga. A few
gest southwestward to westward sediment trans- phic rock fragments are rare (Fig. 8E). Feldspar Mesozoic grains yielded negative εHf(t) values
port (Fig. 4). Measurements from the upper grains increase notably in abundance, and almost between ca. –15 and –4 and TDM model ages
member of the Shexing Formation instead show all of them are plagioclase. from 2.1 Ga to 1.4 Ga. The proportion of Creta-
various but mostly northwestward to southwest- Sandstones from the uppermost member ceous zircons increases up section, and sample
ward paleocurrents (Fig. 4). Mainly westward of the Shexing Formation are litho-quartzose 13MQ15 from the top of the upper member dis-
to southwestward paleoflow characterizes the (Q:F:L = 60:3:37; Figs. 8F and 10) with sub- plays a most prominent age peak at ca. 100 Ma.
uppermost member of the Shexing Formation rounded to rounded quartz grains and mostly silt- Pre-Mesozoic zircon grains show age and Hf
(Fig. 4). Our results indicate that paleocurrents stone to very low-rank metasedimentary lithics. isotope signatures similar to those of underlying
changed their main direction during deposition of Volcanic rock fragments and feldspars are rare. strata (Fig. 11).
the Shexing Formation, which may explain why Detrital zircons from the uppermost member
either northward or southward transport has been Detrital Zircon Age and Isotope of the Shexing Formation are mostly (>80%)
previously proposed (Leeder et al., 1988; Leier Fingerprints pre-Mesozoic. They display a major cluster at
et al., 2007a), possibly based on measurements ca. 500–600 Ma and additional clusters at 1000–
from different outcrops. Age spectra of detrital zircons from the lower 1300 Ma, 1600–1900Ma, and 2400–2500 Ma.
member of the Shexing Formation (samples Mesozoic ages are scattered between 100 Ma
Sandstone Petrography 13LZ06 and 14LZ01) display a major Early Cre- and ca. 250 Ma with either positive or negative
taceous cluster between 115 Ma and 145 Ma and εHf(t) values (Fig. 11).
Sandstones from the lower member of the older ages ranging widely from ca. 0.2 Ga to 3
Shexing Formation are quartzo-lithic or litho- Ga (Fig. 11). Early Cretaceous zircons, repre- Provenance Interpretation
quartzose volcaniclastic, with an average de- senting ∼40% of total analyzed grains, yielded
trital mode Q:F:L = 51:8:41 (Figs. 8C and 10). εHf(t) values from –15 to + 3, corresponding to Abundant fresh, felsic to andesitic volcanicla-
Angular to subrounded and mostly monocrys- crustal model ages (TDM ) between 2.1 Ga and stic detritus in the Shexing Formation ­indicates
talline quartz grains range widely from 28% 1.0 Ga. Older zircons show clusters at ca. 500– sediment influx from newly erupted volcanic
to 94% of framework grains. Lithic fragments, 700 Ma, 900–1300 Ma, and 1600–1900Ma, with rocks most likely located either in north or
representing 4% to 73% of framework grains, εHf(t) values ranging widely from –30 to + 10 south Lhasa. Because igneous rocks in differ-
are mainly felsitic volcanic with sporadic low- and TDM model ages between 3.5 Ga and 1.0 Ga. ent magmatic domains of the Lhasa block have
rank metapelitic types. Feldspars are minor and Detrital zircons from the middle member of different isotopic features (Zhu et al., 2011a;
mostly represented by plagioclase. the Shexing Formation are fine grained and hard Hou et al., 2015), the volcanic source can be
The middle member of the Shexing Formation to analyze. U–Pb age and Hf isotope signatures identified reliably by the Hf isotope signature
consists of fine grained, litho-quartzose sand- of 47 zircon grains (13LZ38) are like those from of detrital ­zircons. Whereas zircons in south
stones (Q:F:L = 61:4:35; Figs. 8D and 10). In ad- the lower member except for four Mesozoic zir- Lhasa (­ Gangdese arc) magmatic rocks are

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Figure 11. U–Pb age spectra and age versus εHf(t) plot of detrital zircons in sandstones of the Shexing Formation. Fields for
igneous rocks in the Gangdese arc and north Lhasa are shown for comparison (data summarized by Hou et al., 2015). Note
that the scale on the X axis is different for ages less than and greater than 250 Ma. N indicates the number of dates used for

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Andean-type orogeny in the Lhasa block

c­ haracterized by positive εHf(t) values indicat- by southeastward to southwestward paleocurrent strata widely exposed in north Lhasa (Fig. 1B).
ing a juvenile source (Chu et al., 2006; Ji et al., directions. Volcanic rock fragments and Mesozoic zircons,
2009), zircons in north Lhasa magmatic rocks Provenance features are broadly similar in the derived from either north or south Lhasa, are
predominantly yield negative εHf(t) values, middle member of the Shexing Formation, thus scarce in these sandstones.
suggesting melting of older crust (Chiu et al., still indicating sediment supply from north Lha- In summary, clastic rocks of the Shexing For-
2009; Zhu et al., 2011a) (Fig. 11). Late Juras- sa. Increasing relative abundance of metamorphic mation deposited in the Linzhou Basin docu-
sic to Early Cretaceous zircon grains with nega- lithics (Fig. 10) suggests deepening of erosion in ment major provenance changes. The lower
tive to slightly positive εHf(t) values from the basement rocks. A few Mesozoic detrital zircon member was entirely fed from north Lhasa, but
lower member of the Shexing Formation point grains with positive εHf(t) values were possibly supply from the Gangdese arc increased up sec-
to provenance from north Lhasa (Fig. 11). Con- derived from the Gangdese arc to the south. tion through the middle member and became
temporaneous volcanic rocks, i.e., those of the Mesozoic zircon grains with strongly posi- dominant in the upper member. By contrast,
Zenong Group, were interpreted as the volcanic tive εHf(t) values increase markedly in the upper clasts from the north Lhasa, comprised mainly
source (Fig. 1B; Zhu et al., 2011a). Commonly member of the Shexing Formation (Fig. 11), doc- of recycled detritus, returned to be dominant in
rounded quartz grains and sedimentary to low- umenting the first indisputable supply from the sediments of the uppermost member.
rank metasedimentary rock fragments were also Gangdese arc. By contrast, detritus from north
most likely derived from north Lhasa, because Lhasa decreased significantly in abundance. This DISCUSSION
the Gangdese arc to the south is virtually free provenance change is confirmed by the notable
of basement rocks and sedimentary to low-grade increase in plagioclase and by mostly andesitic Sedimentary and Provenance Evolution of
metasedimentary cover strata. U–Pb age and Hf rock fragments, in contrast with mostly felsic the Linzhou Basin
isotope signatures of early Mesozoic to Precam- volcanic lithics and scarcity of feldspar that char-
brian detrital zircons compare well with those in acterize the lower and middle members (Fig. 8). Stratigraphic, sedimentological, geochro-
lower Mesozoic to Paleozoic metasedimentary In the uppermost member of the Shexing For- nological, and provenance data presented in
strata of north Lhasa (Leier et al., 2007c; Pul- mation, abundant quartz grains, metasedimen- this study allow a detailed reconstruction of
len et al., 2008; Zhu et al., 2011b; Wang et al., tary rock fragments, and pre-Mesozoic detrital the Cretaceous depositional history of the
2016), and a northerly provenance is confirmed zircons suggest extensive recycling of Paleozoic Linzhou Basin (Fig. 12). During deposition of

140 – 124 Ma: Chumulong Fm 124–119 Ma: Takena Fm 119–108 Ma: Lower – Middle Shexing
A north Lhasa
north Lhasa north Lhasa

Linzhou Linzhou Linzhou

south Lhasa south Lhasa Gangdese arc

30 km
starved forearc starved forearc
forearc extension (chert) (chert and siliceous shale)

108–96 Ma: Upper Shexing 96–90 Ma: Uppermost Shexing

D E Sands Carbonates

north Lhasa north Lhasa North Lhasa volcanoes

Gangdese volcanoes

Linzhou Linzhou Thrust

Inferred normal fault

Gangdese arc Gangdese arc Subduction zone

Xigaze forearc basin Xigaze forearc basin Sea depth Elevation
(turbidites) (turbidites)

Figure 12. Schematic diagrams show sedimentary and provenance evolution of the Cretaceous Linzhou Basin. Broad arrows indicate
transport direction of sediments. Detailed explanation is given in text (see “Sedimentary and Provenance Evolution of the Linzhou Basin”

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Jian-Gang Wang et al.

the Chumulong Formation (?140–124 Ma), an and ­pre-Mesozoic zircon grains were chiefly re- pre-Mesozoic zircon grains. By ca. 90 Ma, the
east-west–trending clastic coastline developed. cycled from the (meta)sedimentary basement. It Linzhou Basin was eventually inverted and in-
Well sorted litho-quartzose sediments were de- is worth noting that arrival of volcanic detritus in volved in north–south shortening, uplift, and ero-
rived from north Lhasa (Fig. 12A) (Leier et al., the Linzhou Basin coincided with the magmatic sion before final burial by the Linzizong Forma-
2007b). At this time, the Gangdese forearc base- flare up recorded in north Lhasa (113 ± 5 Ma; tion volcanic succession in the Paleocene.
ment, represented by the Xigaze ophiolite, was Zhu et al., 2011a; Hou et al., 2015). The upward
generated by forearc spreading and mafic mag- fining sequence may have resulted from erosion Regional Correlation of Cretaceous Strata
matism (Dai et al., 2013; Maffione et al., 2015; and progressively reduced topography of source in the Lhasa Block
Liu et al., 2016), whereas an elevated magmatic areas after the climax of explosive magmatism.
arc fed by Neotethyan subduction has yet to The Gangdese arc to the south of the Linzhou Before discussing the paleogeographic and
form (Wang et al., 2017b). Basin could have been locally emerged and paleogeodynamic setting of the Lhasa block, we
The transgression starting with the topmost eroded, as indicated by initial deposition of tur- need to consider stratigraphic and provenance
Chumulong Formation led to a decrease of silici- bidites in the Xigaze Forearc Basin (Dai et al., data from the Cretaceous successions deposited
clastic supply and progressive marine encroach- 2015; Orme and Laskowski, 2016; Wang et al., in other major sedimentary basins (Fig. 13).
ment until orbitolinid limestones of the middle 2017b), although only limited sediments from South of the Gangdese arc, shortly after mag-
Takena Formation were deposited (Fig. 12B). the Gangdese arc reached the Linzhou Basin at matic emplacement of the Xigaze forearc ophio-
Subsequent regression began with influx of this stage (Fig. 12C). lite bracketed between ca. 131 Ma and 124 Ma,
terrigenous silt and culminated with marginal Volcanic detritus from the Gangdese arc be- tuffaceous chert and abyssal siliceous mudstones
marine to floodplain mudrocks at the top of the gan to be massively transported to the Linzhou documented the starved initial stage of forearc
Takena Formation (ca. 119 Ma). Basin during deposition of the upper member basin sedimentation (Wang et al., 2017b). The
The base of the Shexing Formation is marked of the Shexing Formation (108–96 Ma). Sand- interbedded tuff layers, which yielded ages pro-
by the sudden appearance of massive sandstones stone increased markedly, and mainly westward gressively younging up section from 119 Ma to
that are mainly deposited in fluvial environ- paleocurrent directions point to the formation of 113 Ma, contain volcanic material derived from
ments and show an upward fining trend through an axial river system receiving detritus from both both the Gangdese arc and north Lhasa. Deposi-
the lower and middle members. Felsic volcanic north Lhasa and the Gangdese arc in the south tion of volcaniclastic turbidites fed almost en-
rock fragments and plagioclase were derived (Fig. 12D). The competence of braided rivers tirely by the newly formed Gangdese arc began
from the penecontemporaneous volcanic rocks increased during deposition of the uppermost at 113–110 Ma (Wang et al., 2017b). A sharp
of the Zenong Group in north Lhasa, as indi- member of the Shexing Formation, where flood- provenance change took place at ca. 88 Ma,
cated by paleocurrent directions and U–Pb age plain mudrocks are lacking (Fig. 12E). Exhuma- marked by the influx of pre-Cretaceous zircons
and Hf isotope signatures of detrital zircons. tion of basement rocks in north Lhasa is indicated and Cretaceous zircons with negative εHf(t) val-
Quartz, sedimentary/metasedimentary lithics, by the abundance of recycled detritus including ues derived from north Lhasa (An et al., 2014;

Figure 13. Stratigraphy and facies comparison among principal Cretaceous basins on the Lhasa block. Sources of stratigraphic data: Gaize
(Dong Co) from Sun et al. (2017); Selin Co Basin from Zhang et al. (2011); Coqen Basin from Sun et al. (2015a); Xigaze Forearc Basin from
An et al. (2014) and Wang et al. (2017a); Damxung Basin from Wang et al. (2017b).

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Andean-type orogeny in the Lhasa block

Orme and Laskowski, 2016). A shoaling se- opened during rollback of the subducting Neo- it from reaching the Xigaze forearc farther south.
quence starting with the uppermost Santonian Tethyan slab (Zhang, 2000; Zhang et al., 2004). Before ca. 88 Ma, in fact, the Gangdese arc had
culminated with filling of the forearc basin by Subsidence analysis reveals that the Linzhou represented the only source for Xigaze Forearc
shelfal, deltaic, and eventually fluvial strata Basin was affected by rapid tectonic subsidence Basin sediments (lower–middle Ngamring For-
in the Campanian (C.S. Wang et al., 2012; An and high sedimentation rates during deposi- mation; An et al., 2014).
et al., 2014). tion of the Takena Formation and the lower and Lower Cretaceous strata in the northwestern
In the Damxung area to the north of the middle members of the Shexing Formation (ca. Lhasa block document a long-term transgressive
Linzhou Basin, nonmarine red beds fed from 124–108 Ma; Fig. 9). Although such an evolu- sequence (Fig. 13; Zhang et al., 2011; Sun et al.,
nearby sources were deposited unconformably tion may occur in both contractional and exten- 2017), which is also compatible with the exten-
above the Lower Cretaceous volcanic rocks or sional settings, deposition in a retroarc basin sional model (Zhang et al., 2004). Volcanic rocks
Paleozoic metasedimentary basement of north is ruled out because these sediments were not of the Zenong Group and volcaniclastic sand-
Lhasa. Deposition of the Damxung Conglomer- fed from the Gangdese arc. A peripheral fore- stones of the Duoni Formation were generated
ate, dated at ca. 111 Ma by zircons from inter- land basin setting is also unlikely because sedi- during the tectonic stretching phase, whereas
bedded tuffs, began near sea level as documented ments were derived mostly from north Lhasa. the overlying limestones were accommodated
by limestone beds at the base of the sequence No evidence shows detrital input from the Lha- during post-extensional cooling. Back arc rift-
and continued in mainly braided river to alluvial sa–Qiangtang collision zone or the Qiangtang ing might have extended westward as far as the
fan environments, pointing to significant uplift block, which is the upper plate of the proposed Shyok suture, which separated the Kohistan arc
of north Lhasa (Wang et al., 2017a). foreland basin. Detritus derived from the under- from the Karakorum in the Early Cretaceous
In the Bangoin, Gaize, and Coqen Basins in thrusting plate may be dominant only in the back (Gaetani et al., 1990; Treloar et al., 1996; Rol-
the western part of the north Lhasa terrane, Low- bulge depozone of a foreland basin (DeCelles land et al., 2000).
er Cretaceous fluvial to shallow marine volcani- and Giles, 1996), but the >4 km thickness of Although the back-arc extension model is
clastic rocks (Duoni Formation, ca. 123–115 Ma; Cretaceous strata accumulated in the Linzhou preferred, syn-depositional normal fault and
Sun et al., 2017) overlie the lowermost Creta- Basin is incompatible with a back bulge setting growth strata were not found in the field, pos-
ceous Zenong volcanic rocks. Detritus in the Du- (where sedimentary successions are commonly sibly because of the limited exposure and/or
oni Formation was mainly derived locally from 100–200 m thick; DeCelles and Giles, 1996). Fi- later tectonic overprint. The Cretaceous strata
Zenong volcanic rocks and Paleozoic metasedi- nally, magmatism is not expected to develop on are mostly buried by the unconformably over-
mentary rocks exposed as the central Lhasa high- the lower plate of a continental subduction zone. lying Linzizong volcanic rocks and by Paleo-
land. The Duoni Formation was overlain in turn A back arc extensional setting is instead zoic–Mesozoic strata in the hanging wall of the
by the Orbitolina- and rudist-bearing limestone ­compatible with subsidence, sedimentary, and boundary thrust faults (Fig. 2A). Strata along
of the Langshan Formation lasting until the Early provenance features of the Linzhou Basin succes- the central part of the basin are only partially
Cenomanian (BouDagher-Fadel et al., 2017). Fi- sion. The tectonic subsidence curve is concave exposed. Besides, the Cretaceous Linzhou Basin
nally, the basins were sealed by continental con- upward, documenting an initial phase of rapid was bounded by thrust faults along both north-
glomerates of the Jingzhushan (Bangoin, Gaize) subsidence followed by reduced rates (Fig. 9). ern and southern sides (He et al., 2007; Kapp
or Daxiong Formations (Coqen) (Zhang et al., In rift basins, locally confined rapid subsidence et al., 2007). It is possible that these faults were
2011; Sun et al., 2015a; Lai et al., 2019). caused by lithospheric stretching is followed initially normal and were reactivated as thrusts
commonly by slower regional sagging during during later contraction. Further detailed struc-
Tectonic Setting of the Linzhou Basin post-extension lithospheric cooling (Watts and tural analysis is needed to clarify the geometry
Ryan, 1976; Steckler and Watts, 1978; Xie and of the Linzhou Basin.
The Early Cretaceous paleogeography of Heller, 2009). Gradual paleo water deepening
southern Tibet was controlled by collision of documented by the Takena Formation was inter- Onset of Andean-type Orogeny and
the Qiangtang and Lhasa blocks and/or by rupted by an influx of volcaniclastic sediments Topographic Growth in Tibet
northward subduction of Neo-Tethyan oceanic at the base of the Shexing Formation. Penecon-
lithosphere beneath the Lhasa terrane (e.g., temporaneous eruption of dacites and basalts in The transition from the shallow marine car-
Murphy et al., 1997; Kapp et al., 2007). Three the north Lhasa source region has been tenta- bonates of the Takena Formation to the massive
different paleotectonic scenarios have been tively explained by the hypothetical breakoff of fluvial sandstones at the base of the Shexing For-
envisaged (Leier et al., 2007a). In the first sce- the Bangong–Nujiang oceanic slab following the mation in the Linzhou Basin is held to reflect the
nario, a peripheral foreland basin developed in Qiangtang–Lhasa collision (Zhu et al., 2011a; onset of topographic growth and active erosion
response to the Late Jurassic–earliest Cretaceous Chen et al., 2014). Alternatively, an extensional on the Lhasa block. The timing of this transition
Lhasa–Qiangtang collision (Leeder et al., 1988; setting is also compatible with the bimodal vol- is constrained as mid Aptian by biostratigraphy
Murphy et al., 1997), with terrigenous detritus canism (Zhang et al., 2004). and detrital zircons yielding a YC1σ(2+) age of
mainly derived from the Qiangtang block and/ The back-arc extension model is consistent 119 Ma. Initial topographic growth before the
or Bangong–Nujiang suture zone in the north. with the great thickness (>4 km) and provenance end of the Early Cretaceous is also suggested
In the second scenario, a retroarc basin formed of Cretaceous Linzhou Basin strata. In this sce- by the stratigraphic record of other sedimentary
in response to Neo-Tethyan oceanic subduction nario, volcanic detritus was derived from pene- basins in the Lhasa block (Figs. 13 and 14A).
(Leier et al., 2007a; Kapp et al., 2007), with ter- contemporaneous magmatic rocks of north Lhasa Deposition of the Damxung Conglomerate in
rigenous detritus derived from the Gangdese produced during the main extensional stage and braided river to alluvial fan settings took place
arc in the south. In the third scenario, which is from both southern and northern flanks of the in the central Lhasa block in Early Albian time
postulated to explain the regional transgression basin during post-extensional thermal recovery. (ca. 111 Ma) (Wang et al., 2017a). Deposition
with widespread limestone deposition in the The Linzhou basin would have accommodated of the shallow marine to fluvial Duoni Forma-
mid-Cretaceous, an extensional back arc basin all sediment shed from north Lhasa, preventing tion took place in the northwestern Lhasa block

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Jian-Gang Wang et al.

A: Aptian–Early Albian ( ca. 125–108 Ma ) in Aptian to Early Albian time (DeCelles et al.,
2007; Zhang et al., 2011; Sun et al., 2017). Mas-
( Takena to middle Sh e x i n g ; Regional extension)
sive influx of Gangdese detritus into the Xigaze
BNS Qiangtang Forearc Basin began at 113–110 Ma (Dai et al.,
2015; Orme and Laskowski, 2016; Wang et al.,
Dong Co 2017b). Surface uplift may have been associated
Duoni Fm Nima Selin Co with arc and back arc magmatism in a tectonic
setting that was possibly extensional rather than
contractional at that time. During such early
uplift and erosion stages, topography on most
Coqen Damxung of the Lhasa block was still subdued, and large
areas to the west and northwest of the Linzhou
Linzhou Basin were subsequently submerged during the
? ? Takena-middle Shexing
80 km
Starved forearc (Chert and siliceous shale) Figure 14. Cretaceous paleogeographic
Xigaze evolution and topographic growth of the
NTSZ Lhasa block in southern Tibet. Broad ar-
Neo-Tethys rows indicate transport direction of sedi-
ments. BNS—Bangong–Nujiang suture;
B : Late Albian–Ea rly Cenomanian (ca. 108–96 Ma) NTSZ—Neo-Tethyan subduction zone. (A)
(Upper Shexing; Postextensional thermal subsidence) Aptian–Early Albian (ca. 125–108 Ma): re-
gional extension in the Lhasa block, possibly
BNS Qiangtang
associated with spreading in the Gangdese
Dong Co
forearc (Maffione et al., 2015; Xiong et al.,
2016; Butler and Beaumont, 2017). Mag-
Langshan Fm matic flare-up on the Lhasa block led to
Selin Co initial topographic growth of north Lhasa,
? ? Damxung and deposition of widespread volcaniclastic
Coqen rocks including the Duoni Formation, the
Langshan Fm Damxung Conglomerate, and the lower–
Upper Shexing
Linzhou middle members of the Shexing Formation.
Turbidites derived from the Lhasa block
reached the Xigaze Forearc Basin from ca.
113–110 Ma (Wang et al., 2017a). (B) Late
Albian–Early Cenomanian (ca. 108–96 Ma):
Xigaze thermal subsidence of north Lhasa at the
NTSZ end of magmatic flare-up led to transgres-
Neo-Tethys sion and deposition of shallow marine lime-
C : Late Cenomanian–Earl y Turonian (ca. 96–90 Ma) stones of the Langshan Formation. Facies
(Uppermost Shexing; Onset of contractional deformation) change from east to west indicates higher
relief in the east (Wang et al., 2017b). Mag-
BNS Qiangtang matism was focused along the Gangdese
arc, which prevented sediments from north
Dong Co J in g z h
Lhasa from reaching the Xigaze Forearc
Fm Nima J in
han Fm
Basin (An et al., 2014). Volume volcanic
detritus from the Gangdese arc was depos-
Selin Co
ited in the Linzhou Basin. (C) Late Ceno-
Damxung manian–Early Turonian (ca. 96–90 Ma):
Coqen D a x io n g onset of contractional deformation caused
Fm deposition of continental conglomerates
Uppermost (Jinzhushan and Daxiong Formations; Sun
Shexing Linzhou et al., 2015a; Lai et al., 2019). Fold-thrust
deformation affected Lower Cretaceous and
older strata (e.g., Murphy et al., 1997). De-
tritus from north Lhasa reached the Xigaze
Xigaze Forearc Basin (An et al., 2014). The Linzhou
NTSZ Basin was inverted and involved in N–S

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Andean-type orogeny in the Lhasa block

Aptian–Albian transgression documented by the tion of the Lhasa block (Fig. 14). Initially, the Gutscher et al., 2000). However, a shallow sub-
Langshan shallow marine limestones (Figs. 13 Takena Formation, the lower and middle mem- duction model predicts waning magmatism
and 14B) (Zhang et al., 2011; Sun et al., 2017). bers of the Shexing Formation in the Linzhou whereas explosive magmatism broadly coeval
As a result of the early topographic growth on the Basin, and the volcanic rocks and volcaniclas- with tectonic inversion of the Linzhou Basin
Lhasa block, an axial river system developed in tic sandstones in the northwestern Lhasa block characterized the Gangdese arc at ca. 90 Ma
the Linzhou basin, which received detritus from are held to document an extensional stage be- (Ji et al., 2009; Zhu et al., 2011a; Hou et al.,
the highlands of both north and south Lhasa and tween ca. 124 Ma and 108 Ma. Next, the up- 2015). Compressional stress may also build up
flowed toward the sea in the west. per member of the Shexing Formation in the as a result of rapid subduction of buoyant young
Widespread crustal shortening and acceler- Linzhou Basin and shallow marine limestones lithosphere (Stern, 2002); in fact, convergence
ated topographic growth of the Lhasa block in the northwestern Lhasa block are inferred to rates between India and Asia appeared to have
began at the beginning of the Late Cretaceous testify to post-extensional thermal subsidence increased significantly at ca. 90 Ma (van Hins-
(96–92 Ma), as indicated by the cessation between ca. 108 Ma and 96 Ma. Finally, the up- bergen et al., 2011). Moreover, subduction of the
of shallow marine sedimentation (Langshan permost member of the Shexing Formation in Neo-Tethyan mid-ocean ridge has been suggest-
Formation) and deposition of fluvial/alluvial the Linzhou Basin, continental conglomerates in ed to have occurred at 90–86 Ma (Zhang et al.,
conglomerates (Daxiong and Jingzhushan For- the northwestern Lhasa block, and north/south 2010). Acceleration of subduction rate and ridge
mations; Zhang et al., 2011; Sun et al., 2015a; vergent fold-thrust deformation of Lower Creta- subduction could provide more fluids and heat to
Lai et al., 2019) (Figs. 13 and 14C). Conglom- ceous and older strata recorded N–S contraction promote arc magmatism, and thus the possibility
erate sedimentation was associated with active beginning at 96–92 Ma. Basin inversion in the of a causal link with the onset of an Andean-type
thrust faults carrying Lower Cretaceous strata mid-Cretaceous marked the onset of the Andean- orogeny does exist.
in the hanging wall (Murphy et al., 1997; Kapp type orogeny along the south Asian margin and
et al., 2003). Structural restorations suggest that the rapid topographic rise of southern Tibet. A Comparison to the Andes and Broader
≥55% of N–S shortening occurred in the Late Tectonic stress within the plate overriding Implications
Cretaceous well before the onset of the India– a subduction zone is induced by the geometry
Asia collision (Murphy et al., 1997; Kapp et al., and characteristics of the subducting oceanic The Early Cretaceous sedimentary and tec-
2007). Emplacement of Mg-rich and adakitic lithosphere (Stern, 2002; Doglioni and Panza, tonic evolution of the Lhasaplano is broadly like
magmatism in north Lhasa at ca. 90 Ma sug- 2015). Extension in the overriding plate is com- the situation in the Andes Mountains. The An-
gests that the underlying crust had been previ- monly ascribed to trench retreat or steepening of dean Retroarc Foreland Basin was built upon the
ously thickened significantly (Sun et al., 2015b), the downward slab (e.g., Uyeda and Kanamori, pre-Andean back arc extensional basins (Horton
supporting a scenario of crustal thickening and 1979). Forearc spreading along the southern et al., 2018a). Extension occurred in the Late
consequent uplift by early Late Cretaceous time. edge of the Lhasa block led to the emplacement Triassic to Early Cretaceous, well before the ini-
The resulting Andean-type orogen—the Lhasa- of the Xigaze ophiolites in the Early Cretaceous tiation of the Andean orogeny. During the exten-
plano—formed then and possibly achieved even (Dai et al., 2015; Maffione et al., 2015; Wang sional stage, initial short-term, fault-controlled
high elevation well before the India–Asia colli- et al., 2017b), and tectonic extension within the subsidence was followed by thermal subsid-
sion (Kapp et al., 2007; Ding et al., 2014; Lai Lhasa block may have been part of the same ence driven by long-term lithospheric cooling
et al., 2019). geodynamic process. Both initiation/re-initia- (Horton et al., 2018a). Sediments feeding the
The deposition of the uppermost member of tion of Neo-Tethyan subduction and rollback of extensional basins were mostly derived from
the Shexing Formation in the Linzhou Basin is the subducting slab have been proposed as the the South American craton in the east (Horton
interpreted here as the sedimentary response to cause of extension (e.g., Zhang et al., 2004; Dai et al., 2016). Andean shortening began at Late
the mid-Cretaceous onset of the Andean-type et al., 2013; Xiong et al., 2016; Butler and Beau- Cretaceous-early Paleocene time, following the
orogeny. This unit documents a facies transi- mont, 2017). The primary difference between cessation of extensional and/or post-extensional
tion to a braided river system and extensive re- these two scenarios concerns the existence of a neutral stress conditions. The Andean orogeny
cycling of previously deposited strata in north subduction zone along the southern margin of changed the sediment routing system, leading
Lhasa, which indicate rapid erosion and exhu- the Lhasa block in the Early Mesozoic, a still to a provenance switch from eastern cratonic
mation in the source region induced by crustal lively debated issue. Numerous Middle Triassic sources to Andean sources in the west (Horton
thickening and topographic uplift. N–S shorten- to Jurassic magmatic rocks were reported from et al., 2016). The relative and absolute rates of
ing and basin inversion eventually terminated the Gangdese domain, but the mechanisms of plate convergence and/or the dip of the subduct-
sedimentation in the Linzhou Basin in the early magma generation are controversial (e.g., Zhu ing slab were critical for the tectonic transition in
Late Cretaceous. The uplift of the Lhasaplano et al., 2008, 2011a; Ma et al., 2018; Kapp and the Andes (Horton et al., 2018b). Broad similari-
imposed a reorganization of the regional drain- DeCelles, 2019). At any rate, it is established ties between the mid-Cretaceous paleotectonic
age system, and sediments from north Lhasa that northward oceanic subduction south of the evolution of the Lhasa block and the beginning
transported across the Gangdese arc started to Lhasa block became stable in the Albian, when of the Andean orogeny in South America sug-
reach the Xigaze Forearc Basin in the Early Co- arc magmatism focused along the east-west– gest that geodynamic processes may have been
niacian (ca. 88 Ma; An et al., 2014; Orme and trending axis of the Gangdese arc while thermal analogous, which invites us to speculate further
Laskowski, 2016). subsidence took place in the back-arc region. on the causal relationships between subduction
Initiation of Andean-type orogeny in the mid- and tectonic evolution of the overriding plate.
Geodynamic Scenario Cretaceous indicates strong compressive stress
originating from the subducting oceanic litho- CONCLUSIONS
The stratigraphic and provenance analyses of sphere. Crustal shortening in the overriding plate
Cretaceous sedimentary basins allow us to tenta- may result from flat subduction or subduction The Cretaceous succession of the Linzhou Ba-
tively unravel the stepwise paleotectonic evolu- of oceanic plateaus (e.g., Livaccari et al., 1981; sin records the onset of an Andean-type orogeny

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Jian-Gang Wang et al.

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