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Final Test

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Vocabulary Comprehension
① Circle the correct answer.
1. This lesson is important. Please pay ___________________________.
a. careful b. attention c. avoid d. emergency
2. Are you ___________________________ to go? The movie starts at 7p.m.
a. hope b. recommend c. ready d. hurry
3. Can you ___________________________ how much it costs?
a. look to b. follow c. exactly d. find out
4. I don’t like pollution. It’s not good for my ___________________________.
a. health b. situation c. pollution d. mask
5. I have a red candy, but I want a blue one. Can we ___________________________?
a. bargain b. trade c. spend d. stall
6. Please don’t ___________________________ your mother. She’s busy working right now.
a. shut b. delay c. bother d. lend
7. Look out! There’s smoke! Call the fire truck, it’s a(n) ___________________________.
a. injured b. alarm c. problem d. emergency
8. I want to live in the city. First, I need to ___________________________ an apartment.
a. rent b. search c. product d. list
9. I’m sick. I need to buy some medicine. I must go to the ___________________________.
a. pharmacy b. display c. boutique d. advertisement
10. James went to ___________________________ after he got arrested.
a. instructions b. punished c. jail d. trouble

② Write the words from the box next to the correct definition.
kill remove laptop normal offer
pick ruins serve delay boutique

1. ____________________________ to put something off until another time

2. ____________________________ the opposite of unusual
3. ____________________________ to suggest an option or to give someone something
4. ____________________________ a computer you can carry easily
5. ____________________________ to bring someone food or drink
6. ____________________________ it used to be a building
7. ____________________________ to stop or end the life of something
8. ____________________________ a place to buy clothes
9. ____________________________ to take something away
10. ___________________________ to choose something
Grammar Practice
③ Unscramble the sentences.
1. smaller than / This / his mother. / cat is / quite a lot

2. spider. / slower than / The snail / is much /the


3. younger / sister is /than me. /much / My


4. Marie / David. / faster than / is a little


5. interesting than / is more / This book / I read. / the last book


④ Circle the correct kind of reported speech.

1. Lily said she wanted to get a pet cat. direct / indirect
2. Mom says, “Please sweep your room.” direct / indirect
3. “Take out the trash,” he said. direct / indirect

⑤ Circle the correct comparative form.

1. Jerry was more best / better at playing soccer than his brother.
2. James is worse / bad at chess.
3. John didn’t eat lunch. Joe did. John is hungrier / more hungry than Joe.
4. Lila got a new cat today! She is happier / more happy now.
5. She broke the lamp. She needs to be carefuller / more careful!

⑥ Match the statements to make the best sentences.

1. If you get follow the path, a. you need to call the police.
2. If it is an emergency, b. if he is not careful.
3. Peter will get injured c. to touch the tablet.
4. If his problem is the cost, d. you will find the park.
5. You don’t have permission e. he can buy a secondhand one for cheaper.

⑦ Circle the correct answer.

1. There isn’t _____________ there.

a. anybody b. nobody c. everyone d. somebody

2. I want a(n) _____________ French fries.

a. little b. few c. some d. all

Expressions Practice
⑧ Read the conversation. Fill in the blanks with the statements in the box.
a. I’d rather you didn’t b. look after
c. smell like d. What do you think
e. Could you tell me f. May I please

Stephanie: Hello, Harry. 1. ____________________________ come in?

Harry: Sure, Stephanie. I think that’s a great idea.

Stephanie: Oh! Is that your dog? Would it be okay if I pet her?

Harry: 2. ____________________________. She’s shy.

Stephanie: Oh, I understand. I have a dog, too. Is your dog nice?

Harry: Yes. I love her so much. I do my best to 3. ____________________________ her well.

Stephanie: She’s so pretty. How do you take care of fur?

Harry: I use Woof shampoo. It makes her 4. ____________________________ flowers.

Stephanie: Oh. I’ve never heard of Woof shampoo. 5. ____________________________ of it?

Harry: It’s okay, but I think Ruff-Ruff might be better. But, I can’t find it anywhere.

Stephanie: I’ve used Ruff-Ruff shampoo on my dog before.

Harry: Oh! Really? 6. ____________________________ where I could buy it?

Stephanie: Yes! My mother bought it at the pharmacy downtown.

Harry: Oh, I had no idea. Could you give me directions to the pharmacy?

Writing Practice
⑨ Use the given sense words and nouns to write sentences.
Ex. (looks like, celebrity) This celebrity looks a lot like my dad!

1. (looks like, cloud)___________________________________________________________________

2. (sounds like, bird) ___________________________________________________________________

3. (tastes like, cake)_____________________________________________________________________

4. (smell, flowers)__________________________________________________________________

5. (feels, paper) _____________________________________________________________________

Reading Comprehension
Jacob needs to go shopping. He brings his little brother Tim. They go to the grocery store. Jacob gets the items on his list.
Tim looks around for some bananas. Tim sees an advertisement for cakes. “I’m going to eat this cake!” he says. Tim picks
up a cake. “Don’t eat the cake!” Jacob says. “If you eat it in the store, you will be in trouble. We must pay for the cake,”
said Jacob. Tim follows Jacob to the clerk. They find out the price. The cost isn’t too high, so Tim has enough money to
buy it. He gives the employee exactly two dollars. “Now can I eat this cake, please?” Tim says. “Yes, you may,” Jacob

Jacob and Tim don’t stay at the store long. They must also go to the boutique. Jacob has a coupon for pants. There are two
choices: black or blue. Jacob picks the blue pants. He uses the coupon and pays for the pants. “Can we go home now?”
Tim says. “No, we must go to the bookstore now,” Jacob says. Jacob wants a book on safety. The book he wants is called
Alarm! It’s better than the book called Emergency. It’s also cheaper. Jacob spends twenty dollars on the book. He gets a
receipt. “Do you mind if we go home now?” Tim says. “I don’t mind,” Jacob says. They smile at each other and ride the
bus home.

⑩ Circle true or false.

1. Tim is younger than Jacob. true false
2. They go to the boutique first. true false
3. The cake costs exactly two dollars. true false
4. The pants cost less because of the coupon. true false
5. Tim doesn’t want to go home. true false
6. Jacob buys the book Alarm! true false
7. Tim and Jacob are brothers. true false

⑪ Circle the answers.

1. Where do Jacob and Tim go last? 2. What does Jacob trade for the pants?
a. the boutique a. a receipt and a coupon
b. the pharmacy b. money and a coupon
c. the grocery store c. two books
d. the bookstore d. money

3. Why do Jacob and Tim smile? 4. What must Tim do before he can eat the cake?
a. because something funny happened a. pay for the cake
b. because they are careful b. give Jacob money
c. because they are happy c. look for the advertisement
d. because they got gifts d. go to the boutique

⑫ Fill in the blanks with information about their trip.

Sequence Location Activity

First 1. ____________________________ Shop for food
Second Grocery store Pick up cake
2. Grocery store 3. _________________________
Forth 4. ____________________________ Look at pants
Fifth Boutique 5. ____________________________
Sixth Boutique Give coupon
Seventh Bookstore 6. ____________________________
Eighth Bookstore Go home
Listening Comprehension
⑬ Listen and circle the best response. [Track B3F1]
1. 2.
a. b. c. d. a. b. c. d.

3. 4.
a. b. c. d. a. b. c. d.

5. 6.
a. b. c. d. a. b. c. d.

⑭ Listen and circle the answers. [Track B3F2]

1. Which of these would bother Jane? 2. What quiet place might Jane go?
a. English class a. a concert
b. loud music b. the library
c. the teacher c. a noisy restaurant
d. a lot of reading d. a busy grocery store

3. What do they do with the laptops? 4. Jane gets ________________ to leave the class.
a. They download them. a. permission
b. They look up them. b. glad
c. They study with them. c. teacher
d. They follow them. d. noisy

5. Which statement is NOT true?

a. Jane loves to learn English.
b. Jane enjoys solving difficult problems.
c. Jane really likes language.
d. Jane likes learning English best.

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