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Centro de Bachillerato Tecnológico,

Industrial y Servicios No. 126

Student’s name:



Teacher’s name:

Grade: ___________ Group: _______________________

We use comparative adjectives to compare two people, animals or things.
*New York is bigger than Madrid
*Sally is more beautiful than Pat

We use superlative adjectives to compare more than two people, animals or things
* Brazil is the largest country in South America
* Money isn't the most important thing in life

COMPARATIVE - Adjective + -er + than - John is taller than Charles
SUPERLATIVE - the + adjective + -est - John is the tallest boy in the class


COMPARATIVE - More + adjective + than - Mary is more intelligent than Jane
SUPERLATIVE - the most + adjective - Mary is the most intelligent girl in the class

good(bueno)/well(bien) - better (mejor) - the best (el mejor)
bad (malo) - worse (peor) - the worst (el peor)
far (lejos) - farther / further (más lejos) - the farthest / the furthest (el más lejano)
little(poco) - less (menos) - the least (el menor, lo menos)
much(mucho) - more (más) - the most (el más)
many(muchos) - more (más) - the most (los más)

*Adjectives of one syllable that end in -e: add -r / -st
large - larger - the largest
nice - nicer - the nicest

* Adjectives that end in a vowel + consonants -t, -d, -g, -m, -n : double the consonant and add -er/-est
fat - fatter - the fattest
slim – slimmer - the slimmest
big - bigger - the biggest

* Adjectives of two syllables that end in -y: change the -y to an -i and add -er / -est
busy – busier - the busiest
easy – easier - the easiest
early - earlier – the earliest

*Long words(2 / 3 / 4 syllables): add more / the most

modern - more modern - the most modern
beautiful - more beautiful - the most beautiful
expensive - more expensive - the most expensive

Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative

form of the adjectives in brackets.

1.- My sister is _____________ my brother. (intelligent)

2.- The blue whale is ____________ animal. (big)
3.- Iceland is ___________ Spain (cold)
4.- This is ___________ book I’ve ever read. (good)
5.- My neighbour is _________ person I know (lucky)
6.- Friday is the __________ day of the week. (busy)
7.- These trainers are much ____________ those. (cheap)
8.- Frank works __________ most people. (hard)
9.- I’m __________ at English than you. (good)
10.- Today has been _________ day of the year. (hot)
11.- This is __________ CD I’ve ever listened. (bad)
12.- English is __________ Japanese. (easy)
13.- Which mountain is ___________ in the world. (high)
14.- John is _________ his brother. (clever)
15.- English is _________ Latin. (useful)
16.- What is ___________ word in English? (common)
17.- The Nile is ___________ river in the world. (long)
18.- This is my __________ brother. Mary is their
_________ daughter (old, old)
19.- That skyscraper is one of __________ buildings in the
city. (tall)
20.- The first exercise was easy but this one is ________.
21.- Our journey took __________ we expected. (long)
22.- Charles is __________ student in the school. (noisy)
23.- Madrid’s population is _________ Santander’s (large)
24.- Nothing makes me _________ waiting on the phone. (angry)
25.- Five years ago I was _________ I am now, and I had ________
hair. (fat, log)
26.- This car uses ___________ petrol. It’s __________ economical.
(much, little)
27.- Spanish is ___________ difficult to learn than Chinese. (little)
28.- It’s _____________ hotel in Santander (expensive)
29.- How much __________ are we going? (far)
30.- I haven’t got many CDs. You’ve got __________ I have. (many)
31.- Everyone has heard of Real Madrid. They are probably
__________ team in the world. (famous)
32.- The cheetah is ___________ animal in the world.
33.- Barcelona’s stadium is new. It’s ___________
stadium in Europe. (modern)
LESSON 1 Comparative Adjectives and Adverbs


1 READ the article about consumer societies. Notice the words in bold.

What is a Consumer Society?

A consumer is a person who buys things, and a consumer society is a society that
encourages people to buy and use goods.1 Some people think that a consumer society
provides people with better lives. People in consumer societies tend to live more
comfortably. They eat a wider variety of food. They go to restaurants more often.
They also buy a lot of products, maybe more than they need.

Products such as TVs, cell phones, and computers used to be luxuries.2 Today
people can buy these things more easily than ever before. The market for these goods
is growing faster all the time. Consumer societies encourage people to buy bigger and
better products. For example, “smarter” phones come out every year. In a consumer
society, people are often buying newer and more advanced products. This creates a
lot of waste. Nowadays, many people are thinking more seriously about the effects
of consumer societies on the environment, and they are trying to become more
responsible consumers.

goods: items that can be bought or sold
luxury: something that is expensive but not necessary

2 CHECK. Read each statement. Circle T for true and F for false.

1. Everyone agrees that consumer products improve their lives. T F

2. These days, consumer goods are hard to find. T F

3. Many people want luxury products these days. T F

4. Consumer societies help the environment. T F

3 DISCOVER. Complete the exercises to learn about the grammar in this lesson.

A Find these sentences in the article from exercise 1. Write the missing words.

1. They eat a variety of food.

2. . . . ., and they are trying to become consumers.

B Look at the words you wrote in exercise A. Then circle the correct word to complete each rule.

1. For long / short adjectives, put more before the adjective to form the comparative.

2. For long / short adjectives, add -er to the end of the adjective to form the comparative.


8.1 Comparative Adjectives
The blue car is than the gray car.
more expensive

1. Use a comparative adjective + than to Lydia is taller than Alex.

compare two people, places, or things. Gorillas are more intelligent than cows.

You can use a comparative adjective The bigger house is mine.

+ noun when the comparison is clear The more interesting shows are on cable TV.
from context.

2. Add -er to the end of most one-syllable small smaller low lower
adjectives to form the comparative.* If large larger nice nicer
the adjective ends in -e, add -r.

3. Use more before most long adjectives Jack is more serious than Nikki.
(adjectives that have two or more Do you think math is more important than music?

4. Some two-syllable adjectives are used quiet quieter / more quiet

with either -er or more to form the simple simpler / more simple

5. Some adjectives have an irregular good better bad worse

comparative form. far farther, further

*See page A3 for more information on speling rules for comparative adjectives.
Words such as a little, a lot, much,
and not much, are often used to
quantify comparative adjectives.
4 Complete each sentence with the correct
comparative form of the adjective in parentheses. Tina is a little taller than Nick.
Add than when necessary.

1. New cars are much more quiet than / quieter than (quiet) old cars.

2. Do you think money is (important) good health?

3. This coat is (nice) that one.

4. My old laptop was a lot (big) my new one.

5. Gas is so expensive! I want a (efficient) car.

6. Many people think modern life is (good) life in the past.

7. Communication is a lot (easy) it was 50 years ago.

8. The pollution in my city is much (bad) it used to be.

9. I prefer (hot) temperatures. That’s why I love summer.

10. My new school is a little (far) my old one.


Gas prices are rising than food prices.
more rapidly

1. Use a comparative adverb + than to Mark works harder than Jeff.

compare two actions. Carol drives more carefully than Peter.

2. Add -er to the end of one-syllable fast faster hard harder

adverbs to form the comparative. long longer high higher

3. Use more before adverbs that end quickly more quickly

with -ly. frequently more frequently

4. Some adverbs have an irregular well better far farther, further

comparative form. badly worse

5 Complete the sentences with the comparative form of the adverbs in parentheses + than.

1. My new oven works a lot beter than (good) my old oven. It heats up
much (quick) my old oven, but it also burns food
(often) my old one!

2. Now that he’s a manager, Gerry works a lot (hard) he used to.
He also travels (frequent) he did before, and his trips
last (long) they used to.

3. People are creating garbage (rapid)

they used to. They are throwing away their old things because they can buy new goods
(easy) before. In the past, people treated their belongings
(careful) they do now.

6 Use the words in parentheses to complete each sentence. Use the comparative form of the
adverb and the correct form of the verb.

1. This computer works more efciently than (work / efficiently) that computer.

2. My new watch (keep time / accurately)

my old watch.

3. My sister (call / often) my brother.

4. My phone (ring / loudly) your phone.

5. Tara (shop / frequently) Lori.

6. Brad (type / quickly) Lynn.

7. Kate (sing / badly) Deb.

8. Lila (study / hard) Nora.


1. You can use an object pronoun to complete a Ed is six feet tall. Bob is taller than him.
comparison. But in more formal speaking and Object Pronoun
writing, use a subject pronoun + an auxiliary Ed is six feet tall. Bob is taller than he is.
verb. Subject Pronoun + Aux. Verb

2. Use an auxiliary verb after than. Do not repeat ✓ Ana runs faster than Pat does.
the main verb. ✗ Ana runs faster than Pat runs.
3. A possessive noun or possessive pronoun can My car was more expensive than Ellen’s.
be used after than. My car was more expensive than hers.

4. If the comparison is clear, than and the second Nowadays, smart phones are cheaper.
part of the comparison are not necessary.

5. Be careful! Use than, not then, in a comparison. ✓ I work harder than I used to.
✗ I work harder then I used to.

7 Circle the correct word(s) to complete each sentence.

1. My computer is more efficient than your / than yours.

2. The white coat is warmer then / than the gray one.

3. Ellen buys nicer clothes than I do / than I am.

4. Cars are expensive, but houses are more expensive / more expensive than.

5. Does your new stereo play music more loudly than your old one was / did?

6. Harry’s motorcycle is newer than my / mine.

7. Cho’s package arrived more quickly than Kelly’s did / than Kelly’s was.

8. Dave is 27 years old. His sister is older than he is / than he does.

8 Complete each comparison using the information in parentheses. Do not repeat the
same noun.

1. Irina’s car is bigger than mine (is) (my car).

2. Tom takes better photos (his father).

3. Miguel’s suit is more fashionable (Chad’s suit).

4. You finished your shopping more quickly (she).

5. Jeff’s kitchen is larger (our kitchen).

6. This printer prints more quickly (your printer).

7. My apartment is more comfortable (their apartment).

8. Alison studies harder (her sister).


9 Use the words in parentheses to complete the conversation with comparative adjectives or
adverbs. Add than where necessary. In some cases, more than one answer is possible.

Matt: My phone is working (1) worse than (badly) ever! And it’s
(2) (old) all the other phones I see, too.
I want a (3) (modern) phone.

Lara: Take a look at my phone. It was (4) (cheap) my

last phone, and I’m much (5) (happy) with it. When I’m
traveling, I listen to music (6) (often) I do when I’m at
home, so I wanted a phone with a (7) (big) memory card.

Matt: Wow, it’s much (8) (nice) mine! The screen is a lot
(9) (large), too. I want one like that!

Lara: Yeah, you need a big screen, because you watch videos on your phone
(10) (frequently) I do.

10 Look at the charts comparing three laptop computers. Then complete the sentences with
the comparative form of the adjectives and adverbs in parentheses.

Product Details T400 XJ7 A- 50

Screen size 15 inches 17 inches 14 inches
Weight 5.5 pounds 6 pounds 6.5 pounds
Amount of time on the market 18 months 3 months 9 months
Cost $565 $650 $499

Customer Ratings T400 XJ7 A- 50

Starts quickly ★★★ ★★ ★★★★
Runs reliably ★★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★
Operates quietly ★★★★ ★★★ ★★★★★
Displays pictures well ★★★ ★★★★★ ★★★★

1. (large / small) The screen of the T400 is larger than the A-50’s, but it is
smaller than the XJ7’s.

2. (light / heavy) The XJ7 is the A-50, but it is

the T400.

3. (new / old) The A-50 is the T400, but it is

the XJ7.

4. (cheap / expensive) The T400 is the XJ7, but it is

the A-50.

5. (quickly / slowly) The T400 starts the XJ7, but

the A-50.


LESSON 3 Superlative Adjectives and Adverbs


1 READ the article about a problem on Mount Everest. Notice the words in

Mount Everest:
The Highest Garbage Dump in the World?
Most people know that Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
However, there is another fact that many people don’t know: it has become one of the
dirtiest mountains in the world.

Mount Everest is one of the toughest and most exciting mountains to climb on
Earth. It is not the coldest or the windiest place on Earth, but it comes close! These
challenges make it one of the most attractive mountains for serious climbers. Since
1952, over 3500 climbers have reached the top. Unfortunately, most of them have left
equipment and trash on the mountain.

In fact, trash is now one of the biggest threats to the environment on Mount Everest.
Local organizations have brought tons of trash down from the mountain. One of the
most interesting projects handed over more than a ton of tin cans, glass bottles, and old
climbing tools to artists in Nepal. The artists used the trash to create works of art. Then,
they sold the art to raise money for local charities.1 The least expensive work of art cost
$17, and the most expensive one cost $2400.

charity: an organization that raises money to help people

The consumer society produces a lot of waste,

even in the Himalayas. Here, a climber collects
trash on Mount Everest.


Future Tense – “will” and “going to”

To speak about the future, you can use the following phrases:

1) Will
2) Going + [infinitive verb]

1) Use “will” when you are volunteering to do something in the future,

or when you are deciding at the time of speaking to do something in
the future.

= a decision is made
now The Future
to do an action in the future.

Example: Okay, if no one else will cook dinner, I will.

In this example, the phrase “will” is used because the speaker is volunteering to cook

Example: Wow, the grass is getting tall. I think I will cut it tomorrow.
In this example, the phrase “will” is used because the decision to cut the grass tomorrow
is being made at the time of speaking.

Example: Will you marry me?

In this example, the phrase “Will” is used because the decision to marry is being made at
the time of speaking.

Directions: Create your own sentences using “will”.

1) _____________________________________________________________________

2) _____________________________________________________________________

2) Use “going + [infinitive verb]” when you have already decided to do

something in the future.
The Future
= a decision is made
to do an action in the future.
A time in now
the past
Example: Todd and I are going to eat at the new restaurant tonight. Do you want to
come with us?

In this example, the phrase “going to” is used because Todd and I have already decided
to go to the beach.

Example: After work, James and Nicollet are going to watch a movie.
In this example, the phrase “going to” is used because James and Nicollet have already
decided to watch a movie after work.

Directions: Create your own sentences using “going + [infinitive verb]”.

1) _____________________________________________________________________

2) _____________________________________________________________________

Directions: Circle the correct future tense phrase in the following sentences.
1. I am feeling energetic. So, I think I (will / am going to) wash my car.

2. It has been decided that we (will / are going to) to climb Mount Everest next week.

3. -Who wants to come with me to the movie tonight?

-Oh that sounds fun. I (will / am going to) come with you.

4. We have already made plans for the vacation. We have decided that we (will / are
going to) visit Uncle Bill in Montana.

5. Tonight seems like a nice night to be outside. I think I (will / am going to) go for a
walk after dinner.

6. -Have you thought about what you want to do after college?

-Yes, I have decided that I (will / am going to) become an engineer.

7. I guess I (will / am going to) help you clean the kitchen if no one else will.

8. My car tires look low on air. I think I (will / am going to) fill them up at the next
gas station.

9. The weather man said that it (will / is going to) rain tomorrow.

10. Okay, I have an idea. After we play the game, we (will / are going to) get some
ice cream!

11. I think my dad said we (will / are going to) go to the beach this weekend.

12. If the bus (will not / is not going to) start, how will we get to school on time?
NAME: ________________________ DATE: ________________________
You You
He He
She will cook. She won’t cook.
It It
We We
They They
Yes, No,
you you you
he he he
Will she cook? she will. she won’t.
it it it
we we we
they they they

 Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences. Use the words in the boxes above.

1. The movie ___________ start soon. Let’s find a seat and sit down.
2. A: ___________ your friend be at the party? B: Yes, she ___________.
3. Hello. Mr. Smith? This is Peter. I ___________ be at work today because I’m sick.
4. Those bags look heavy. Let me help. I ___________ carry the big one for you.
5. My brother ___________ speak to me because he’s very angry!
6. What time ___________ the sun rise tomorrow morning?
7. A: _______ you be twenty years old next month? B: No, I _______.
8. Flight CX793 ___________ depart from Gate 12 in ten minutes.
9. Do you think people ___________ live on the moon in your lifetime?
10. Yes, maybe I ___________ bake some cookies tomorrow.
11. A: Are you ready to order, sir? B: Yes, thank you. I __________ have a hamburger.
12. It ___________ be midnight in a few minutes. It’s time to go to bed!
13. When do you think we ___________ have our next test?
14. Maybe it ___________ rain tomorrow, and maybe it ___________.
15. A: __________ you marry me? B: Yes, I ___________!

Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. ©


Grammar Focus Future: Will

Level Intermediate


1. will 9. will
2. Will / will 10. will (I’ll)
3. won’t 11. will (I’ll)
4. will (I’ll) 12. will (it’ll)
5. won’t 13. will
6. will 14. will / won’t
7. Will / won’t (or: won’t / will)
8. will 15. Will / will

Grades as
15 / 15 = 100%
14 / 15 = 93
13 / 15 = 87
12 / 15 = 80
11 / 15 = 73
10 / 15 = 67
9 / 15 = 60
8 / 15 = 53
7 / 15 = 47
6 / 15 = 40
5 / 15 = 33
4 / 15 = 27
3 / 15 = 20
2 / 15 = 13
1 / 15 = 7
0 / 18 = 0%

Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. ©

NAME: ________________________ DATE: ________________________
I am Am I
You are Are you
He is Is he
She is going to cook. Is she going to cook?
It is Is it
We are Are we
They are Are they

 Listen to your teacher read aloud present simple verbs. Then, use ‘going to’ to make
statements and questions in the spaces below


1. My friends ___________________________________________________________

2. Mr. Smith ____________________________________________________________

3. I ___________________________________________________________________

4. Bob and Cathy _________________________________________________________

5. The movie _____________________________________________________________

6. We ___________________________________________________________________


7. ________ my classmates _________________________________________________

8. ________ John and Steven ________________________________________________

9. ________ the airplane ___________________________________________________

10. ________ I ____________________________________________________________

11. ________ you __________________________________________________________

12. ________ it ____________________________________________________________

Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. ©

Grammar Focus Future: Going to
Level Intermediate

1. see a movie 7. be late
2. travel to Brazil 8. find new jobs
3. go home 9. take off
4. get married 10. pass the exam
5. start soon 11. meet me later
6. study for the test 12. rain this afternoon

1. My friends are going to see a movie.
2. Mr. Smith is going to travel to Brazil.
3. I am going to go home.
4. Bob and Cathy are going to get married.
5. The movie is going to start soon.
6. We are going to study for the test.
7. Are my classmates going to be late?
8. Are John and Steven going to find new jobs?
9. Is the airplane going to take off?
10. Am I going to pass the exam?
11. Are you going to meet me later?
12. Is it going to rain this afternoon?

Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. ©

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