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Masicat, Jhon Loyd S.


The impacts of online learning on the students and teachers during the pandemic.

Student perspective

Background of the study

As we look back on the year 2020 a huge crisis happened that changed our way of living. Just
imagine that everyone is living a harmonious life then suddenly an unexpected crisis comes
that makes everyone worried and scared to go out of their houses. This is due to a transmitted
disease called Corona virus also known as covid-19. The viral respiratory illness known as
COVID-19 was initially discovered in Wuhan, China in December of 2019. It is brought on by a
novel coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2, a member of the coronavirus family. Due to the wide
spread virus everything changed which affects the people's work, lifestyle, communication, and
the education.

During the pandemic there are lots of adjustments that were made to be able to survive and
continue to live a life. And since this research aims to know the impacts of online learning during
the pandemic the researcher will give more focus on the adjustments that were established
during the pandemic. Since students and teachers were not able to come to school, the
department of education implemented a solution which allows the teachers to have a class
without the presence of its students physically. The solution that was implemented by the deped
is the distance learning, online class, modular classes ang blended learning. Those are the new
systems of learning during the pandemic and those implemented ways of teaching have
advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of the online class, modular class and, blender learning are; first, the students
and teacher are safe while teaching and learning. Since the students and teachers are no
longer required to go to school they are safe within their houses. Second, students are able to
learn continuously without going to school. Third, distance learning reduces the expenses since
they no longer have face to face classes. Lastly, online learning allows the students and
teachers to interact with each other even if they are not physically present.

On the other hand, the disadvantages of online class, modular class, and blended learning are:
first is the lack of access to join online classes. We all know that not everyone is capable of
having access to gadgets and the internet. Second, since the classes are no longer face to face
there is a possibility that the school works are really made by the students, we are all aware that
during the pandemic almost all of us are relying on the internet in terms of entertainment,
communication and interaction. It is possible that the work made by the students was from the
internet or made by their parents. Third, since teachers were not able to see their students there
is a possibility that they are not attentive to the discussion. The students are not listening to the
class discussions because they are distracted by many factors including the internet and
gadgets. Lastly, online learning, modular classes, and blended learning effectiveness are
questioned. There are saying that the new learning system is not that effective compared to
face to face classes it is due to the matters that was mentioned earlier.

In conclusion, online learning has an impact on students learning during the pandemic. It might
be positive or negative, on the bright side having these learning systems as alternatives really
help us to adapt to the changing world. Even though it is not a perfect solution in education it
still have the capacity to make the students and teachers motivated and submit school works
through the use of different platforms and learning management systems (LMS).

Statement of the problems:

1. What are the effects of online learning on student outcomes, including academic
performance, retention rates, and graduation rates?

2. What are the challenges faced by educators in transitioning to online instruction,

including professional development needs and barriers?

3. The role of institutional support in facilitating the transition to online learning, including
policies, resources, and infrastructure


1. To know the effects of online learning on student outcomes, including academic

performance, retention rates, and graduation rates.

2. To identify the different challenges faced by educators in transitioning to online

instruction, including professional development needs and barriers.

3. To investigate the role of institutional support in facilitating the transition to online

learning, including policies, resources, and infrastructure.

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